โFairy Dustโ๏ธ
HARPER WAS A WITCH, THAT WAS TRUE, HOWEVER SHE WAS NOT A SOCIAL WITCH AND SHE ABSOLUTELY REFUSED TO GO TO COVEN DAY. A day where you were supposed to learn about all the different covens that made witches what they were. So instead, she pretended she was sick and kept herself in her room with a nice book in her hand. What she had missed was that Wade believed himself to be a fairy and Alyssa Chang was being a bitch the entire time. Harper walked out of her room and when Emma had spotted herโ๏ธhaving flown back from Japan just for todayโ๏ธshe immediately gave Harper a look.
"I don't like people, Emma." Harper explained to her. "What do you expect?"
Apparently Harper wasn't the only one that didn't want to be there because as she was sitting in a meditation circle with other witches including Hope, Lizzie came barging in asking to borrow Emma. Emma forced the blonde to join her. Harper looked at Hope who had an annoyed look on her face and it made the girl frown. Hope was acting like Alyssa with the attitude she was carrying around and Harper didn't like it one bit. It was quite annoying actually. Lizzie roughly pulled a chair up beside of her and Harper tried to offer her a smile but Lizzie didn't return it. Why was everyone being so hostile today?
"Eyes closed." Emma instructed. "Focus on the silence." Emma said a spell and a giant sphere appeared in the middle of the circle, a green glow to it. "I've summoned a sphere. It represents your collective thoughts and emotions. Our goal is to keep it a calm green that represents serenity and peace of mind."
A voice broke the silence. "I know you're just using me for crypto zoology homework."
It was the blonde girl that was with one of the covens. Another dark haired girl opened her eyes and looked at her. "Me? I know you're the one that talks behind my back."
"Your negative thoughts are polluting the sphere. Changing it's color. Focus witches."
A voice suddenly entered Harper's ear, a voice that was deep and gravelly. "They blame you for your parents deaths. They think you're a murderer. They don't trust you." Harper's eyes snapped open and tears sprang to her eyes. She wasn't angry, not like the monster wanted her to be. She was upset and hurt.
"I don't know what's worse." Alyssa spoke. "Hope stealing Josie's loser boyfriend or Lizzie getting dumped by Sebastian when she's the only girl he's met since 1509." In unison Hope and Lizzie stood up.
"At least I have a family, unlike you orphan." Lizzie snapped back. The words hit Harper across the face.
Harper stood up and looked at Lizzie. "Ouch."
"Incendia." Alyssa cast the fire spell and Hope blocked it.
All of the witches stood up, yelling and spitting vile words at each other whilst Harper stood there in silence. "That's enough." Emma snapped her fingers and the sphere disappeared. "Everyone, go to your rooms and cool off."
Harper stood there and looked at Lizzie and Hope, her words were broken hearted as she looked at them with tears. "You think I'm a murderer." Hope and Lizzie looked at her with a frown. "I guess you're right." The girl stalked off without giving them a chance to say anything, running up to her room and slamming the door shut with the wave of her hand. Tears fell down her cheeks as she curled on her bed and cried.
A knock came at her door. "Harper!" It was Hope's voice. "Harper, open the door."
"Come on, Harper." This time it was Lizzie's voice.
The two girls looked at each other before Hope pushed out her hands and the door flew open. She frowned when she saw Harper laying there crying. Hope rushed over to her. "Harper." She kneeled down beside of the bed, meeting Harper's eyes. Harper looked away from her. "Harper, look at me." Harper sniffled and did as she asked. "I don't think you're a murderer."
"But you don't trust me." Harper whispered.
"Yes, I do. Of course I do." Hope assured her. "I trust you with my life more than anyone. Harper, there's an invisible monster going around, it's called a Qareen. It makes everyone angry, whispers lies into your ears. But for some reason, it didn't work on you. It only made you upset and run away. Landon and Wade are working on it."
Harper sat up and looked at Lizzie who nodded in confirmation. "Okay."
"Now stop being a crybaby and come on." Lizzie said before pausing. "Sorry."
Harper wiped her tears and Hope stood up. Harper removed herself from the bed and Hope gave her a hug. "Never think that about yourself. I don't think that about you like that at all. You're my bestfriend." Harper nodded and with that the three girls left and went to the library. Landon and Wade were sitting at their desk with a Dungeons and Dragon book sitting in front of them. Hope was looking at another book and Harper was sitting on one of the couches, repeating the words the monster had whispered to her over and over again.
"The Qareen does have an achille's heel." Wade told Landon. "Uh, it's weak to myrrh, Sinbad's scimitar, and fairies." Wade tapped the book with a smile.
"Don't even think about it." Hope spoke up, looking up from her book before looking back down.
"Why don't you believe me?" Wade asked, turning to look at her.
"Can you fly or shoot fairy dust or make other gleeful?" Hope asked. "No, because you're doing the exact same thing that Landon is with his training: you're trying to fit in. It's delusional."
"Hope!" Harper looked at her in disbelief.
Hope quickly turned around. "I-I shouldn't have said that."
"You do know the reason I'm training is to help you with this stuff?"
Hope shrugged. "If I need someone to die a lot, or be picked on, I know who to call."
"Jesus, Hope." Harper looked at her friend.
Wade shook his head and stood up. Hope looked after him with regret. "Wade, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." He was gone. "I didn't mean that."
"Actually, you did." Landon said, turning the book towards her. "The Qareen magnifies insecurities. It doesn't make them." Hope sighed.
Alyssa Chang walked into the room. "Hey, book nerds. There's a monster on campus. Kinda looks like that pimple Hope had last week."
"Are you sure it wasn't your own reflection?" Hope fired back.
Alyssa gave her a look before walking out. Landon turned to look at Hope. "Great. It's strong enough to be on our plane."
"Okay. Well, we need to get you somewhere safe just in case. So you don't go get yourself kidnapped again." Landon cocked his head at her and Hope shook her head. "I'm really not blaming the victim here."
"I actually don't think it's after me." Landon said with the shake of it's head. "Like it actively avoided Wade and me."
Hope frowned. "Then what does it want?"
Suddenly Harper stood up and the both looked at her. "Josie." That was all she said before quickly walking out with Landon and Hope hot on her heels. They made it to the headmasters office to find the door open and Lizzie helping Josie stand up.
"What happened?" Hope asked as Harper moved to stand in front of Josie.
"Uh, Emma put up a barrier spell, so the Qareen's stuck in here with us." Landon informed them.
Josie took a seat, hand on the back of her hand. She looked over at the desk before looking at Hope. "It took the sandclock."
"The Sandclock?" Hope and Harper asked in unison.
"Why?" Hope asked.
"It doesn't matter." Lizzie shook her head. "We just need to get it back. We can take this thing out, okay? We are four badass witches and one moderately competent bird."
"Except, if the sandclock gets damaged, something really bad is going to happen." Josie was panicking, Harper could see it. Suddenly the words they don't trust you echoed in her head.
"We need to exploit a weakness to take it down fast," Hope said. "Except Landon's research into that was about as useful as his fighting skills." Hope quickly turned and looked at him. "Oh my God, sorry. Love you."
"Or maybe my research was fine, but God forbid you use your brain instead of punching every problem." Landon didn't hesitate this time with his words and Harper stood there in silence. His eyes widened. "Oh, crap. I'm infected."
"Join the club," Lizzie smiled. "Maybe the only one that'll have you." Lizzie held up a hand. "Sorry. Monster."
"Why am I being affected now? I wasn't before." Landon's eyebrows drew in confusion. His eyes widened. "Oh. Okay. I might have a plan." Landon left whilst Hope and Lizzie went to gather people.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Harper suddenly asked, turning to look at Josie. "About the sandclock?"
Josie stood up and looked at Harper. "Harp, I didn't want to drag you into it. Hope and I had it handled."
Harper felt betrayal, and suddenly she realized who didn't trust her. "You don't trust me."
"What?" Josie frowned, shaking her head.
"It said. . . it told me that they didn't trust me. Now I realize 'they' actually meant you."
"Harper, I did it to protect you."
"I don't need protection!" Harper snapped. "I'm a hybrid, I'm a powerful being, Josie. While your power only comes from the dark magic that you use." Harper closed her eyes. She didn't mean that, Josie knew it too. Harper took a deep breath. "I want to help you. Why won't you let me help you?"
Josie reached forwards, grabbing her hand. "Because you're the only person that I can't stand to lose." Josie swallowed thickly. "I saw something. Flashes. I don't know what they mean, but I do know that I saw you. Laying on the ground with blood covering you. You were dead, Harper. And I can'tโ๏ธ" Josie choked on her words, a tear falling down her cheek. "I can't lose you."
"Hey," Harper whispered, placing a hand on her cheek and wiping away her tears. "You aren't going to lose me." Josie looked at her and Harper offered her a small smile. "I just want to help you. Please, let me help you." Josie nodded before leaning in and giving Harper a kiss. Harper kissed her back. She pulled away, pressing a kiss to Josie's forehead before interlacing their fingers and leading her out of the room to help Hope and Lizzie gather people.
They stood in the lobby, chanting Wade's name. Students lined the stairs, filled the floor, chanting his name. Wade walked down the steps and Josie stood in front of him. "We gathered everyone we could."
"Let loose the fairy," Hope said, trying to be supportive.
Landon turned to look at him, giving Wade a nod. "You got this, Wade. Just know that everyone believes in you."
A girl let out a scream causing the chants to stop and turn in the direction where the Qareen stood. Harper had to admit, he looked hideous. He threw his hand out towards a set of students and they quickly backed up. The chants for Wade started again and he stood there closing his eyes. Wade let out a sigh.
"What? What's wrong?" Hope quickly asked.
"This isn't giving me any powers." Wade said, shaking his head. "I don't think anyone really believes in me."
"This is why we don't entrust plans to Muppet Babies." Lizzie scoffed. They looked at her. "I'm not sorry."
"I believe." Landon told him. "And I'll prove it." Landon ran straight to the monster and and ducked under a swing from the creature. Harper's eyes widened, looking at him like he was insane. She wasn't the only one that was thinking that.
Hope stepped forwards. "What the hell are you doing?!"
"Trusting in Wade!" Landon grunted, missing another hit and kicking the monster backwards in order to get up off the table he'd been shoved on top of.
Hope prepared herself to use magic but Josie stopped her. "Wait, we can't break the sandclock."
Landon got kicked back into a table, making other students wince. The creature grabbed him, putting him into a headlock. "You're weak," the monster growled. "You can't protect yourself, let alone anyone else."
"Shut up," Landon replied. "You're weak." The monster snapped Landon's neck and he fell to the ground. Hope yelled his name and Harper held her back.
"I got this, Hope." Wade suddenly said, making them turn to look at him. He had a new confidence surrounding him and suddenly wings came from his back. Fairy wings. Harper's mouth fell open. "Landon made sure of it."
Wade stepped forwards, students chanting his name. He straightened his shoulder before moving his shoulders forwards, sending fairy dust flying from his wings in a wave and throwing it at the monster. The monster was defeated and when he disappeared the sandclock fell from his hand. Harper quickly reacted, twisting her hand and sending the clock flying into her own. She grabbed tightly with grace before turning to look at Josie who had a relieved smile on her lips.
Hope ran to Landon as Harper handed Josie the clock. Students surrounded Wade, still chanting his name. Suddenly the sound of glass cracking made everyone turn and the sandclock was the perpetrator. A giant crack ran through the entirety of the clock and for a moment, Harper thought it was going to shatter right there but thankfully it didn't.
As night fell, Josie entered Harper's bedroom. She greeted her with a kiss and Harper smiled at her. Josie held out her hands and Harper knew it was time. Harper grabbed her hands and they walked outside to where all of the other witches were meeting. They were going to place the sandclock in a prison world, that way it could keep Josie safe and be away from everyone.
Josie and Lizzie stood in the middle, all of the witches surrounding them in a circle. Harper held onto Hope's hand who held onto Alyssa's after apologizing to what she had said, Alyssa had simply told her that she deserved it and that she would try to be less of a jerk. Josie and Lizzie exchanged a few words before joining the circle. The witches focused, watching as the pieces of the prison world came together. When the pieces were completed the device that lead to the prison world fell to the ground, landing softly in the grass.
"One spell down." Josie said, stepping forwards. "One to go."
Lizzie and Josie stepped forwards and Alyssa reached down and handed Josie the device. Josie dripped blood onto the device before each twin placed a hand on the clock and all together the witches chanted "Sangiema meam et Nos mundo carcerema." They repeated the phrase over and over again. A bright light shone before disappearing and the sandclock was gone.
"We did it." Josie said with relief. "It's gone."
Harper smiled and leaned onto Hope who wrapped an arm around her, hugging her. Harper removed herself as the two girls walked over to the twins before Hope left to check on Landon. Josie looked at Harper and Harper gave her a big smile before pulling her in for a deep kiss and then giving her a hug. She gave Lizzie a hug as well before the witches began to disperse.
"I'll see you later." Harper softly said, looking at Josie. "You and Lizzie deserve a night of victory." Josie nodded. Harper gave her a kiss on the cheek before walking away, smiling at Lizzie as she left.
"She's the best one." Lizzie said, standing beside her twin as they watched Harper go. "Don't lose her."
Josie shook her head. "I don't plan on it."
"I'm just glad you two finally tied the knot."
Josie rolled her eyes. "You make it sound like we got married."
Lizzie smirked. "You're almost there." Josie just shook her head but smiled at the thought of Harper being her forever.
Harper made her way to her room, pausing for a moment before turning on her heel and walking out and heading towards Josie's room. The door was open and Jose, Lizzie, and Hope all laid there on Lizzie's bed. "Are you guys having a cry pile?" The three girls looked at her. She held up her hands, showing ice cream and four spoons. "Cause I might have a cure."
The three girls shared smiles with each other before moving so that Harper could get on the bed. She gave them all a spoon and opened the ice cream. Hope looked at her with a smile. "You always know how to make everyone feel better."
Harper smiled, shrugging. "What can I say? It's my specialty."
Josie shook her head. "How did I get so lucky?"
"I know, I'm the best. You can all say it." Harper joked, making the three laugh. Harper smiled in accomplishment. Suddenly Lizzie and Josie disappeared. Harper and Hope sat up straighter, both of the girls looking at each other. "What the hell just happened?"
"I. . . I don't know." Hope stuttered, just as confused as she.
"Hope, where the hell did my girlfriend go?"
"I don't know." Hope repeated. "But it can't be anything good." The girls stood up and immediately went looking for Alaric only to find that he too was missing. "Come on." Hope told her as they made their way back to Hope's room. Hope started going through Alyssa's things and before Harper could question it, Hope held up another ascendant.
"She didn't." Harper whispered, shaking her head. Just then Alyssa walked in, looking at Hope who was holding the ascendant and glancing at Harper who had her arms crossed and the most angry look on her face that Alyssa had ever seen on the girl.
Hope didn't hesitate to throw Alyssa into the wall, holding her hand out to keep her there. She stood up from the bed as the two made their way towards the pinned girl. "I think we need to have that chat about boundaries."
Harper looked at Alyssa with complete malice as she growled out, "What the hell did you do?"
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