𝘃. 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻
chapter ten
lovers reunion
JORDANNA SAT SILENTLY in the passenger seat of the van. Rebekah was in the back with Stefan and by the numerous grunts coming from the Salvatore, Jordanna could only guess that the blonde original was not happy with the younger vampire. The Jones witch could tell Klaus wasn't jumping with joy at Stefan's betrayal either as his grip on her thigh was extremely tight.
Who knew he liked it rough?
Jordanna glanced over at the hybrid whose face held a stoic expression, his cold eyes set on the road ahead. He didn't pull his gaze from the road once, even though he could feel her eyes piercing into the side of his face. With a small eyeroll Jordanna shrugged off his temper tantrum and turned back to staring out of the window.
Driving over the Wickery Bridge Jordanna's head snapped towards Klaus in a questioning manner. "Welcome back to Mystic Falls, sweetheart," Klaus turned to her with a small smirk briefly before his eyes fell back onto the road.
Klaus dropped Jordanna off at the Mystic Grill and told her to stay there, but of course she didn't listen. Who did he think she was? She remembered from Caroline's incessant nagging about 'Prank Night,' and how it was happening as we speak. Plus, she found a pay phone and rang Liz, asking for Caroline's whereabouts—and guess where she was? Her favourite place in the whole-wide-fucking-world, school.
Yay! Just where she wanted to be after being on the road with a homicidal psychopath.
Being too far from her house, and too lazy to walk to the High School she decided to steal a car, as one does.
Besides, it's nothing she hasn't done before.
Easy as pie.
Driving to the High School was . . . something. Jordanna wasn't a bad driver per say, but she could only drive her own car, if that made sense. Once she pulled into the parking lot, tires skidding against the concrete, she noticed the large, familiar van parked outside. She let out a deep sigh as she abruptly pressed down on the breaks, sending her body shooting forward with a grunt leaving her lips.
"Mother-fucker." The Jones cursed under her breath, hastily pulling the mirror down so that she could fix her hair properly—she didn't want to look like an idiot!
The witch pushed the car door open once she had sorted her hair and swung her legs over so that the bottom of her heels touched the concrete, she took one last drag from the cigarette that nimbly sat between her fingers and dropped the cigarette butt to the ground, crushing it between her heel as she came to a stand, one manicured hand bracing the top of the car door as she pushed herself up.
The raven-haired witch sauntered over to the entrance, heels clicking incessantly at the quickened pace, roughly pushing the doors open she was greeted by Dana, who wore an annoyed expression on her face.
"Where the hell have you been?" Her grating voice echoed through the hallway as she followed after Jordanna.
"Not now, Dana," Jordanna snapped, continuing to saunter through the halls. "Where's Caroline and Bonnie?"
"Uh, hello?" Dana's voice sang out. "That's all you're concerned about? You are totally not student body president material. God, Jordanna."
"Piss off, Dana."
Yet, Dana still followed her around like a lost puppy.
Jordanna rolled her eyes and finally snapped all of her attention towards the brunette girl.
"If you don't stop following me like some fuckin' freak, I'll kick you from the cheerleading squad, I'll give Lauren Reynolds your spot and then I'll rip your dead, dried up hair from your scalp. Now, I know you'd prefer it if none of that happened, so, please, I won't ask again, quit following me."
Dana immediately stopped trailing after the raven haired girl, she merely rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest in impatient compliance. She just simply couldn't allow Lauren Reynolds to take her spot . . . her form was awful!
"Where's Caroline?" Jordanna questioned her with raised eyebrows, spinning on her heels to face her.
Dana clenched her jaw as she replied, "I don't know. She'll most likely be in the gym; some guy named Klaus told me to come find you. Said he knew you'd show up eventually."
Jordanna let out a loud, distasteful groan. "Where is he?"
"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Dana snapped. "I'm not his PA, Jordanna."
"Thank you, you've been ever so helpful," Jordanna muttered under her breath, a sarcastic tone to her voice. Klaus had compelled Dana, great, now she was more insufferable than ever!
Running her tongue along her teeth, Jordanna let out an irritated sigh. She turned in place and made her way over to Dana, her fingertips dug into the brunette's forearm as she roughly wrapped a manicured hand around her, dragging her towards the gym.
"Jordanna, what the hell? Get off of me!" Dana exclaimed, wriggling around to get out of the witch's tight grip, but alas, she came to no avail.
"Shut up, Dana." The Jones could only scoff.
Jordanna swung open the gym doors with a simple raise of her hand. Her eyes skimmed across the gymnasium, freezing as she caught sight of . . . Elena.
What . . . the . . . fuck?
"Elena?" Jordanna questioned, eyes widened as she carelessly threw Dana aside. "You're alive?"
"Jordanna, oh my god," Elena gasped in shock upon her arrival.
". . . Huh." The witch muttered quietly under her breath, nodding to herself as she slowly took it all in. If she was being totally honest, she wasn't that surprised. I mean, sure, yeah, it was a shock, but where Elena's concerned, everyone would risk their own life to ensure that she could live her own, so it wasn't that surprising, Jordanna was only dazed at the fact that Stefan-I tell my best friend everything-Salvatore managed to keep it all from her, he told her everything!
( Sometimes a little too much of everything! )
"Ah, finally. I knew you'd come to join the party sooner or later, sweetheart," Klaus commented with a smirk on his plump lips. Jordanna's brows shot up as she waited for an explanation, Klaus could only watch her in amusement as she stared at him expectantly, arms crossed, heel impatiently tapping against the floor. Making his way towards brunette on the floor, Klaus crouched down to her level, tilting his head at her before he spoke up once again. "Good girl, Dana. I'm sure you did everything I told of you?"
Dana numbly nodded in reply.
"Good. Now you go ahead and join Chad over there, and while you're at it, do that other thing I told you to do," Klaus waved Dana off as she pushed herself up from the ground and made a bee-line to said boy.
"Did you compel her to annoy the shit out of me too?" Jordanna scoffed in annoyance, pulling her eyes from Dana's retreating figure to Klaus.
"No—however, I'm intrigued . . ." Klaus spoke teasingly, making Jordanna roll her eyes at his antics. "What did she say to you? Besides the obvious, that being you are definitely not student-body president material."
"Fuck off, Klaus," Jordanna snapped, narrowing her eyes at him, eliciting in nothing but a wide grin from the dirty-blond at her clear irritation.
Elena's eyes shifted between Klaus and Jordanna in confusion—why the hell was Klaus allowing her to talk to him like that?
"Jordanna are you okay?" Elena asked worriedly as Klaus settled back in the bleachers, watching the two girls converse.
"Peachy, who the hell organised this?" The witch said, taking in half-assed decorations.
"What? I-I don't know," Elena stammered, in confusion.
Jordanna had been forced to spend three months with a psychotic original, only to come home to find out that her friend was alive, but all she was bothered about was what the gym looked like. Typical.
"God! This is terrible!" Jordanna mumbled under her breath as she looked around the gym—eyes on the god-awful streamers. They were yellow! "Yellow." Jordanna mouthed over to the Mikaelson as she caught his stare, eyes widened in disgust. "Fucking yellow." She continued.
Klaus stifled a laugh at the witch's behaviour, just as Elena opened her mouth to reply the doors swung open revealing the youngest Salvatore brother.
"Stefan." Elena muttered, mouth falling agape as shock painted across her face.
Jordanna internally groaned, "I need to sit down." Here comes the lovers reunion.
"Come to save your damsel, mate?" Klaus questioned, standing up from the bleachers whilst Jordanna took a seat on them, crossing one leg over the other.
"I came to ask for your forgiveness and pledge my loyalty," Stefan declared, clearing his throat nervously as he avoided the Mikaelson's eye.
"Well, you broke that pledge once already," Klaus replied, arching a brow at the Salvatore.
"Elena means nothing to me anymore. Whatever you ask of me . . . I will do," Stefan told him.
"Fair enough," Klaus shrugged, eyeing him. "Let's drink on it—" He gestured towards Dana and Chad. "Kill them."
Stefan hesitated.
"Klaus . . ." Jordanna warned in worry for her best friend, slowly coming to a stand. "Don't make him kill them."
"You know that's my favourite part, sweetheart" Klaus smirked teasingly in her direction.
"Fucking ass-wipe," the raven-haired witch muttered, pulling her eyes from the dirty-blond and onto Stefan.
"What are you waiting for? Kill them," Klaus demanded.
"No! Stefan, don't," Elena shook her head rapidly. "He's not gonna hurt me. He already said-"
Elena was cut off as Klaus slapped her across the face.
Wow, he really bitch slapped her.
Jordanna held a hand over her face, to others she might look worried but really she was covering a laugh that was threatening to escape her lips.
Don't laugh.
Don't laugh.
Don't laugh.
It's not nice.
"She means nothing to you? Your lies keep piling up," Klaus growled, pointing an accusatory finger in Stefan's direction.
"Let her go!" Stefan pleaded. "I'll do whatever you want—you have my word."
"Your word doesn't mean much, I lived by your word all summer, during which time I never had to resort to this . . ." Klaus began compelling Stefan, roughly holding onto his shoulders. "Stop fighting."
"Don't do this," Stefan pleaded with teary eyes. "Don't do this."
"All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm going to have to take it."
"Klaus," Jordanna murmured lowly, standing from the bleachers, heels clicking as she slowly walked down to the other three.
Klaus ignored her, knowing he'd either give in if he looked at the witch, she was that person you just couldn't say no to or he'd snap at her—he didn't wanna snap at her. "You will do exactly as I say, when I say it. You will not run, you will not hide . . . you will simply just obey."
"No," Elena gasped in shock, covering her mouth.
"Now kill them, ripper," Klaus smirked, gesturing to the shaking Dana and Chad.
The Jones' eyes flickered between Stefan and her two classmates, the former looked hesitant yet starved whilst Chad and Dana were frozen with fear. The raven-haired witch's hand shot out just as Stefan's eyes darkened and he moved forward to attack Dana, alas, he was stuck in place, an invisible force held him still. Jordanna hadn't a care in the world if Chad and Dana died, she wouldn't give a fuck if they got run over by a truck fifty gazillion times—bottom line, she couldn't give a rat's ass about them, so why did she try to stop it? Because of Stefan. He knew he didn't wanna' do this, she knew he didn't want to do this—so, she deemed him not to do it.
The guilt would eat Stefan alive, because that's who he is, he cares. What kind of best friend would she be if she just stood aside and let him kill those two, knowing the pain he'd be in after? A pretty shitty one, that is.
Though, she never got to spare Stefan that pain when suddenly she felt a presence behind her, his presence. The man huffed as though he was disappointed, hand moving up to the back of her head. His fingers ran through her hair momentarily before they slivered up and around the back of her neck.
"Jordanna, sweetheart, stop whatever nonsense you are doing or I will be forced into doing something I'd rather not do," Klaus moved his lips toward her ear, lowering his voice.
"Undo your compulsion and I'll think about it," Jordanna gritted out with a strained breath.
"Yeah, you see, I'm afraid I can't do that," Klaus tutted mockingly, shaking his head. "However, I can snap your neck if you continue with these games."
At the light pressure she felt around her neck as the words left his lips, she nearly caved, but Jordanna was as stubborn as the Mikaelson.
"And I could've snapped yours too, I think you forget just how powerful magic can be, Klaus," Jordanna spoke lowly, each word leaving her mouth slowly as though there was a meaning behind it.
And there was.
Klaus fidgeted uncomfortably, yet his grip on her never faltered, he felt the blood in his veins heat up and dry out. A drop of sweat formed on his forehead as he let out a noise of discomfort, "Jordanna."
"Is there a problem?"
"Do you value your life?" He muttered, using his grip on her to turn to her face him.
Jordanna pursed her lips, "It depends, if we're talkin-"
"Stop the spell and I'll undo the compulsion," Klaus lowered his voice, not allowing the confused and worried Elena to hear his words.
Jordanna sent him a look, "You promise?"
Klaus let out a small eyeroll, "Yeah, I promise."
"And," she interrupted, feeling his grip on her grow lighter. "You can't snap my neck or anything once I do. Oh, and by the way, thanks for that! I thought we we're supposed to be friends now, ass-hat?!" She whispered shouted over to him.
"I wasn't going to do it, Jordanna," Klaus told her, a crease forming between his brows. "I had to show them that I'm in charge, I had to give them a reason to be scared."
"Right . . . but aren't I technically the one in charge right now?"
"Undo the spell, Jordanna."
But what Jordanna failed to ensure was that when she dropped the spell on Klaus she didn't drop the spell on Stefan . . . she totally and accidentally dropped the spell on Stefan! The Salvatore couldn't help himself, he had been zoned out for the last few minutes just staring at them, drool practically filled his mouth as he looked upon his classmates.
Once again his eyes darkened, purple, bulging veins appearing. The mousy brown haired Salvatore sped towards Dana, quickly draining her of her blood before carelessly throwing her body aside. He then sped towards Chad, killing him almost as ruthlessly within seconds.
Jordanna's mouth was agape as she inhaled deeply, you're telling me that she just got Klaus sized finger marks on her neck for nothing?!
Klaus on the other hand, was ecstatic. "It's nice to see a vampire in his true element." The original mused from behind the witch, a grin sitting on his lips.
Jordanna quietly stood beside Elena, the shaking Gilbert slowly made her way over to the pair. Klaus placed a hand on Jordanna's shoulder and leant down, lips brushing her ear as he whispered, "the species have become such a broody lot, and apparently the witches are becoming a pain in the arse too, oh, I wonder who."
Jordanna rolled her eyes at the teasing tone to his voice and sent her elbow flying back into his ribs.
"You did this to him!" Elena spat angrily, turning to glare at the hybrid once she heard the words that left his mouth.
"I invited him to the party, love. He's the one dancing on the table."
Jordanna watched mindlessly as Rebekah stormed into the gym, walking towards the three with an angry expression painted across her face. "Where is it!? Where's my necklace?"
"What are you talking about?" Klaus asked her in frustration, moving away from Jordanna as he brought his hand to rub across his forehead.
"She has my necklace, look," Rebekah told her brother, shoving Caroline's phone in his hands.
"Well, well," Klaus spoke, looking up to a guilty looking Stefan. "More lies."
"Where is it?" Rebekah demanded, looking towards the doppelganger with an expectant look on her face and an anger in her eyes.
"I don't have it anymore . . ." Elena said shakily.
"You're lying!" Rebekah seethed, speeding towards the brunette she roughly bit into her neck.
Klaus grabbed his sister and dragged her away from the girl. "Knock it off!"
"Make her tell me where it is, Nik!" Rebekah yelled back, shoving him off of her.
Klaus sighed before kneeling down so that he was eye level with the bleeding doppelganger, "where's the necklace, sweetheart? Be honest."
"I'm telling the truth. Katherine stole it," she told him with a tremble, hand grasping at her bloodied neck.
"Katerina," Klaus hummed. "Of course. Well, that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch, but since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?"
Storming over to the gym clock, he set the timer before speeding back to Stefan, compelling him again. "Twenty minutes. If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to," he sang upon seeing the fearful expression on the Salvatore's face.
"Seriously Klaus?" Jordanna groaned, sighing as he merely smirked at her.
"No one leaves," he announced sternly, pointing his finger at the vampire. "If she tries to run fracture her spine."
Rebekah glared at the couple one last time before looping her arm with Jordanna's and pulled her out of the gym.
Entering the classroom Rebekah dragged her into, Jordanna pulled her arm out of the original's almost immediately after seeing her blonde best friend mindlessly staring at Tyler Lockwood's body.
"Caroline!" Jordanna sighed in relief, grabbing the blonde's attention. The Forbes vampire spun around on her heals at the voice that called out to her and a gleeful smile tugged at her lips. The blonde vamp sped over to the witch, promptly throwing her arms around the Jones, sending her stumbling backwards slightly.
"JJ," Caroline muttered in a daze, pulling away as she cupped the witch's face in her hands, a soft smile sat on her lips. "Oh my god, you're here," she breathed out at a whisper before wrapping her arms around the girl again.
"I'm here," Jordanna mumbled, nodding against the blonde's head.
Rebekah watched the two with a sad smile, she had always dreamed of having a friendship like that. She hoped one day she can have that with someone.
The moment was ever so rudely interrupted as Tyler shot up with a gasp, startling the three girls who jumped as the sombre silence was cut off.
"Where am I?" Tyler spoke with a staggered breath, hand clutching his chest. "What happened?"
"Shh. Tyler . . ." Caroline pulled away from Jordanna and placed her hand on her boyfriend's back, soothingly rubbing up and down as she thought of the right words to say to him.
"Don't be shy about it," Rebekah taunted with a bitter smile, earning a nudge in the ribs from the witch.
"What's going on?" Tyler glanced around the room, his eyes falling on Jordanna. "Jords?"
Giving him a small, awkward wave, Jordanna watched as Caroline hesitantly tried to explain the situation to him, "Klaus is turning you into a vampire. A hybrid . . . you're in transition."
"Don't leave out the hard part, sweets," Rebekah smiled falsely in Caroline's direction, eliciting in a glare from the blonde. "You'll only survive if your witch is successful, if not you're pretty much dead."
"Bekah," Jordanna warned.
"You're going to be okay," Caroline told her boyfriend in a reassuring manner. "Okay? It's going to be okay."
Jordanna grimaced as she watched the two. Was it going to be okay?
"I wonder how she's doing," Rebekah mused, turning Caroline's phone around to show the three teenagers. "Tick-tock goes the gym clock."
Klaus entered the classroom with a grin on his face, "well the verdicts in, the original witch says the doppelganger should be dead."
Rebekah excitedly hopped off the desk she was seated on, "does that mean we can kill her?"
"No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite," the hybrid replied.
"What?" Rebekah exclaimed, grabbing Caroline from behind and holding her back as Klaus pulled out a vial of blood. Jordanna rolled her eyes at the original's actions and grabbed Caroline's forearm, pulling her away from Rebekah.
"Call it a hunch . . ." he trailed off. "Elena's blood. Drink it."
Jordanna watched from besides Caroline, slightly disgusted as Tyler began aggressively coughing before rolling onto the floor—groaning in pain as his hands grasped at his head. He panted, looking up to reveal his golden, amber eyes and fangs.
"Well, that's a good sign," Klaus said, turning to Jordanna with a smirk.
"Fucking fantastic," she deadpanned with a scoff.
Jordanna sighed as she fell into the soft sheets of her bed.
Just as she was about to close her eyes for the first time in what felt like forever, her phone rang.
"What?" She snapped with a groan.
"Hello to you too, love."
"Klaus?" She asked, suddenly straightening up, confused as to how the original already had her new phone number. Then again, it's Klaus. "Uh, what's up?" Her face scrunched up into one of a grimace at her words. What's up, seriously?
Klaus paused, a light smile on his face at her rambled words. "I, uh, I apologise if I hurt you earlier," Klaus told her quietly, awkwardly clearing his throat. "I know-"
Before the Mikaelson could get more into the apology, Jordanna spoke up, "It's fine, you didn't hurt me."
"Are you sure, I'm sure I saw a bruise-"
"No bruise, no pain, I'm fine," Jordanna dismissed before an amused smile pulled at her lips. "I get why you did it, don't worry, it's an ego thing. Or is it a man thing . . . ?"
Klaus rolled his eyes, mood slightly lifted as his teasing tone came back to surface, "It implies dominance, sweetheart."
"Oh yeah? Is that what you was doing? 'Implying dominance?'," Jordanna mocked, staring up at the ceiling of her bedroom.
"Yes, did it not work?"
Jordanna thought for a moment, "Yes and no. Anyway, enough about your boring egotistical shit, why'd you call me, Klaus?"
"Can I not talk to my darling friend?" Klaus shot back sarcastically. "Am I not allowed to apologise and have a nice talk with you?"
"You're actually a freak," Jordanna scoffed. "C'mon spill the beans, what did you really ring me for?"
"Take a guess."
Jordanna sighed deeply, "Oh, I don't know, either to profess your undying love for me, or something's happened."
"Right on the money," he grumbled. "It appears your friends may have found my father."
One night in Chicago when the two found themselves sharing a room, yet again, he had told the witch about Mikael and how he treated him. To say the least Jordanna already hated Mikael. The two then sat in each others company for the rest of the night, keeping them content in the comfortable silence that consumed them.
"Well, what are you gonna' do?"
"I'm not quite sure yet sweetheart," Klaus responded, smiling at the sound of her voice, he could hear the concern in her tone making his dead heart flutter.
"Well, you're Klaus Mikaelson, I'm sure you'll figure something out," Jordanna said with a small smirk as the hybrid huffed out a laugh.
yeh idk what to say so
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adios xo oo actually does anyone watch supernatural?
(edited 15/02/22)
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