𝗶. 𝘄𝗼𝗹𝗳-𝗯𝗼𝘆

chapter six

wolf boy


- 3 months ago.

"I HATE YOU," Jordanna told the hybrid blankly as they got in the SUV before leaving the warehouse. 

"Do you?" He mocked with fake hurt, holding his hand against his heart. "I'm wounded, truly."

"If I'm stuck with you for too long I'll poison every-single-fucking-thing you drink," she told him. Her main goal here was simple: annoy him into letting her leave. 

Weirdly enough, she had been told on more than one occasion that she was annoying.

She didn't see it. 

He merely leaned closer to her face. "Piss me off and I think I might just drink it," he smirked widely, with a click of his teeth. "No hesitation," he whispered to her, causing her to narrow her eyes as his hot breath fanned her face. Asshole.

Stefan rolled his eyes from the backseat, throwing his head against the head-rest he inhaled deeply as the Mikaelson began to drive. 

The urge to throw himself out of the moving car was strong.

Jordanna looked out the window, already bored of the trip, inwardly praying that she suddenly got hit by a car or magically dropped dead orohh! That her father came back from the dead and killed her.

Surely that'd be better than spending however long with the Original.

- just under 3 months ago

Bar after bar after bar.

It was fucking tiring.

Jordanna never thought that she'd get sick of being in a bar, but here she was! 

Turns out that most werewolves liked to drink . . . a lot, which meant every few days they'd end up in ayou guessed it. A fucking bar. It was okay, in a way though, it meant that she got to drink her sorrows away—a shot ( or two . . . six ) of tequila a day kept the reality away.

That was her new saying. It merely meant that the drunker she got, the easier it was to get through her day, and her day consisted of getting answers out of people who presumably knew where to find some werewolves.

Stefan sat besides Klaus at the dirty, grimy table—his arms crossed over his chest as he boredly stared ahead of him—he was in his own little world when Klaus' voice pulled him from his thoughts. "Go on then, love, put a smile on that pretty face of yours and go get me my werewolves," Klaus smirked in Jordanna's direction, gesturing towards the lone man that sat at the bar.

The witch narrowed her eyes at him. "You know, using me for my looks isn't right-" hypocrite, she used her looks to get what she wanted all the time. "Besides, he could be into dudes, maybe you should try," she offered him a fake smile, leaning back in her seat.

Klaus scoffed, rolling his eyes, "don't be absurd."

It's not like it'd work anyway, the lone man at the bar had a wandering eye any time one of the waitresses walked by, he never spared a glance at any of the men that brushed passed him. And if anything? He'd send Stefan. What? He was the chattier of the two—it'd make more sense.

"What?" Jordanna inquired innocently, lifting her shoulders. "He may be into blonde's with pretty blue eyes."

"You think my eyes are pretty?" He taunted, tone sarcastic. "I'm flattered. Go."

"I hope you choke on a dick," Jordanna spat, picking up her glass before downing the contents.

"And while that is lovely and all, we're wasting precious time here, sweetheart," he rose his brows, ushering her away with a wave of his hand.

"You sure you don't wanna' try?" Jordanna asked again, coming to a stand, a fake smile plastered on her glossy lips as she placed her hands on the table, leaning down slightly. "Then again, I doubt he'd be into stuck up assholes like you."

"That hurt," he hummed mockingly as she straightened her back. "Chop chop. Precious time is being wasted."

"Prick," she shot back, swiping her hand—his glass of whiskey slid across the table and hit the floor with a loud clatter, smashing against the floor.

Klaus clenched his jaw as she sent him a smug look before turning and approached one of the bartender's who stood beside the bar—the woman's head shot up at the loud clatter and her eyes fell on Jordanna as she approached her—the Jones' face held a false look of apology.

"Sorry about him," Jordanna muttered lowly, leaning closer to the bartender. "He's got really bad anger issues. Me and my friend, his boyfriend," she gestured to Stefan who's head shot up at the words that left her mouth—his what now? "We tried meds but it just made him—" she gestured to her head, insinuating that he was losing it or something. Klaus narrowed his eyes at her. "Would you mind?" Jordanna let out an exaggerated, tired, sigh.

The bartender smiled sadly at the Jones and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "of course, darlin'. It's no problem, we get guys like him in here all the time."

"Thank you," Jordanna muttered before a smirk met her lips as the bartender strode off into the backrooms—presumably to get something to clean the glass up—as she caught Klaus' gaze. 

The witch sent him a false smile before moving to go talk to the man at the bar.

- 2 months ago

Jordanna pursed her lips as she sat in the seat beside Klaus, the pair were bunched up in the corner of a small bar the three had stumbled their way into, finding a small, round table to sit at.

She exhaled deeply, annoyance written all over her face as she turned to him with a scowl, "can you not?"

Klaus clenched his jaw, mirroring the annoyance she held on her own face as he turned to face her, "what are you going on about now?"

"You! You can't keep your fucking leg still and it's pissing me off," she smacked her hand on his leg, stopping it from bouncing up and down. "Stop getting so anxious, Jesus Christ. He'll be back in a second."

Klaus ran his tongue across his teeth, shooting her a look, "I'm not quite sure I believe that."

Jordanna rolled her eyes, "he's not gonna' leave me here with you, so better believe it Wolf-Boy."

Klaus' lips curved upwards, "what's so wrong with being left with me, sweetheart?" His eyes flickered down to the hand that was rested on his leg, she immediately pulled away with a grimace.

"Literally everything," she mumbled with a huff, crossing her arms over her chest, leaning back in her seat as she suddenly avoided his eye, looking for Stefan—who was, unfortunately for her, nowhere to be found. 

"Oh, don't be like that," he tutted playfully, tilting his head aside as he sent her a lopsided grin. Cute, real cute. "I know you love my company."

"I really don't," she denied.

"You're lying," Klaus hummed, leaning back in his chair with a victorious smile on his face as he scrutinised her with his eyes.

"Oh, really?" She rolled her own, sparing him a quick glance.

"Hm," he nodded in answer. "Your eye squints slightly, you can't really tell unless you're looking."

She gave him a weirded look, "okay, creep. Do you look for everyone's lying tells or just mine?"

"Only those I don't trust," he gave her a sardonic smile.

She placed her hand on her heart in mock offense, "you don't trust me? Ouch."

Klaus merely sent her a false smile, "you don't trust me either, love."

"Yeah, 'cause you're you," she muttered. "You just killed my friend, her aunt and now you're running off with her boyfriend on some weird bromance quest killing spree thing and dragged me along with you for fuck knows why."

"Well, if we're playing that game, I've been waiting for the Doppelganger for centuries, her aunt was merely pure amusement and her boyfriend, who albeit isn't really her boyfriend anymore seeing as she is, well, dead—" she gave him a look. "—Is here for the same reason you are, sweetheart, because I saved Damon's life, hence your presence. You owe me."

"I don't owe you shit," she grumbled.

"We'll see," he hummed.

She narrowed her eyes at him, mouth agape as she stared at him, before shaking her head, "so fucking annoying."

- 1 month ago.

Jordanna groaned as a loud bang on her door jolted her awake, the witch rolled out of bed with a huff, moving to the hotel room door she pulled it open with a scowl.

"Can I help you?" She asked groggily, looking up at The Original with narrowed eyes.

"Hello to you too," Klaus grumbled, rolling his eyes as he pushed passed her, into her room. He spun on his feet, turning to face her, a smirk fixated on his features, "remember that favour you owe me?"

"No, I remember you saying I owed you," she corrected. "Like I said, I don't owe you shit. I'm paying my debt to you by being here. What do you want?"

Klaus pointed at her with a clenched jaw, "do you know how many people have died merely for talking to me how you do? You should consider yourself lucky, sweetheart."

"I'm honoured," she spoke sarcastically. "What do you want? I'm tired."

"It's three," he told her.

"Exactly, it's early."


She pursed her lips. "Oh," she paused before shrugging. "Doesn't matter, what is it?"

"I need you to do a locator spell for me," he told her with a dazzling smile.

She crossed her arms over her chest, leaning on the, now, shut door, "I'm sorry that sounded more like a demand . . ."

Klaus clicked his tongue, clasping his hands behind his back, "could you . . . would you mind . . ."

"Go on," Jordanna encouraged with an amused look on her face.

"Can you do a locator spell for me?"

Jordanna clicked her tongue, inhaling sharply as she thought for a moment, "no."

Klaus sped to her before she could even blink, her back pressed against the door as he glowered down at her, "I don't know what game you're playing but I'd be careful if I were you. I could kill you within a second without even thinking about it."

"So do it," she urged.

Klaus stared down at her, their chests heaved up and down as none of them budged—too stubborn for their own good. "Jordanna."

"Klaus," she mocked.

"Do the spell."


"You are pushing your luck," he snapped.

"If you were gonna' kill me, you would've done it already."

"Perhaps I'm waiting," Klaus hummed, tilting his head lightly as he glared down at her. "Waiting for you to trust me and when you're vulnerable enough I'll end your miserable life."

Jordanna narrowed her eyes. "How sweet," she deadpanned.

"Do the bloody spell."

present day.

"I'm bored," Jordanna whined from her seat.

Klaus was too busy fantasizing about his hybrids and Stefan was quiet in the backseat of the car—brooding over Elena's death.

All summer it'd been like that, although she and Klaus had gotten weirdly closer. 

After a while the Jones and Original began to tolerate one another and eventually they became somewhat friends. 

Klaus always made sure he and Jordanna got the same room—claiming that he didn't want to be stuck with the younger vampire any longer then he already had to, but that wasn't necessarily the case. When the two were alone they'd talk about their lives, Jordanna's life in Mystic Falls, Klaus' life over the centuries. They also spoke about their families, Klaus' life before he turned and Jordanna's childhood with her mother.

Klaus didn't talk about Mikael; Jordan didn't talk about Howard.

They both had questions about each other's relationships with their father's but out of respect to one another, they never asked. 

They talked to each other, they trusted each other. Kind of. Weird, I know.

She and Stefan were still very close, however after the recent death of doppelicious he'd been very quiet.

Klaus tutted at her, "so impatient."

Jordanna scoffed, looking toward the hybrid. "I'm not impatient, Klaus," she told him, all she got was an eyeroll in response. "You however, that is a whole other story," she huffed before turning around to face the younger vampire. "And all you do is sit and brood in silence!" 

"Jords. Don't start," Stefan groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, he speaks," she exclaimed, gasping dramatically. "And here I thought you were going mute," she clicked her tongue.

"Relax, sweetheart. We're nearly there," Klaus interrupted. 

"Where's there?" Jordanna questioned him.

"Tennessee," he smirked in answer, climbing out of the car after putting it in park.


Klaus sped over to Jordanna's side of the car, pulling the door open for her. He took her hand in his, helping her climb out. "Come on sweetheart, I need you to help me with this," he told her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

They'd been like this for the past month, after they had left Jordanna swore she hated him, but then one day she just gave up hating him—after all he kept trying to woo her, after threatening her life, that was ) the littlest gestures, God.

She preferred the attention if she was honest.

Now she understood why Dana liked the attention on herself twenty-four-seven.

It was much better this way.

The two walked towards a house, where a woman was stood outside, calling out for her dog.

"Rudy! Rudy! Come on! It's too hot to make me come looking for you!" She yelled, bending down to pick up a dog toy, jumping slightly as she noticed Jordanna and Klaus in front of her, causing her to cautiously back up.

"I am so sorry. We didn't mean to scare you," Klaus said in the worst American accent.

"What the fuck, Klaus?" Jordanna muttered under her breath, giving him a side eye as he sent her a glare, tightening his arm around her neck he pulled her closer to him, a silent warning.

Jordanna, in return, rubbed her thumb and pointer fingers together—eliciting in Klaus' body to tense as a wave of pain hit his skull.

"Can I help you?" The woman asked with an arched brow.

"Yeah. Our car ran out of gas a couple miles back," the hybrid responded smoothly, hiding a pained expression as he discreetly, yet harshly, pinched the Jones witch on the shoulder.

Jordanna squirmed, grimacing before she spoke up. "We've been walking, like, forever," Jordanna added with an exaggerated groan, earning the woman's attention. "Could we please use your phone?" She asked with a heart warming grin, one that always got her what she wanted.

"Don't you have a cell phone?" The woman asked dubiously.

"Well I did, until Nikky here decided to throw it out the window," she told the woman, patting Klaus' chest mockingly. She wasn't lying, he really did throw her phone out the car window.

Klaus glared down at the witch, before turning his gaze to the woman standing in front of him—he plastered a false smile on his face, "look, I promise we aren't serial killers." 


"We just wanna' use your phone," he insisted. Jordanna cringed at his voice, she was bound to have nightmares about it now.

"Sure," the woman sighed in defeat after a moment of hesitation.

"So we can come in?" Klaus smirked.

"No, I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you," the woman told him sternly.

"I thought you country folk were supposed to be more trusting," Klaus said at a snap, dropping the accent. He removed his arm from around the witch causing her to pout slightly and made his way over to the unknown woman.

"I'm from Florida," the woman snapped back.

"Well, that explains it," Klaus responded snidely, grabbing the woman roughly by her neck he began compelling her. "Now show us a little Southern hospitality. Sweet pea."

"Sweet pea? Seriously?" Jordanna snorted as she, Klaus and the woman trailed off inside. 

Klaus looked back at her with a grin, "hush, now."

Jordanna rolled her eyes and flipped him off as they walked around the house, only to find another woman, busying herself around the kitchen. "I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning."

"Let's hope so," Jordanna told the woman, the unknown woman jumped at the sound of her voice, turning around she found Klaus holding her friend by the back of the neck and Jordanna stood next to them, checking her newly manicured nails.

"What's going on?" Her voice grew shaky as she looked over at the two in alarm.

"Don't be alarmed. I was told Ray Sutton lives here," Klaus said, tilting his head.

"He's almost never here. He's on the road mostly," she defensively replied.

"But I expect he makes it home, once a month," Klaus grinned as her face fell. "That's what I thought. Where is he now?"

Jordanna looked up due to the silence and smirked knowing that if Klaus didn't get his answers it would get fun.

Jordanna loved a bit of fun, especially if it involved murder!

God, she had goosebumps already!

"If I have to make you tell me it's going to be infinitely more painful for you," he hummed but his face soon slipped into a smile as the woman tried to escape through the front door, only to run into Stefan causing a scream to erupt from her lips. 

"Damn she left you!" Jordanna chuckled turning to face the woman in Klaus' arms .

"I love it when they run!" Klaus exclaimed happily looking at Jordanna with a toothy smile.

"Okay! He's in Toll. It's near the border. A bar called Southern Comfort. It's on highway 41," the second woman cried in defeat.

"Thank you, my love, now may my friend come in?" 

"Yes!" She cried out, tears streaming down her face.

Klaus pushed the first woman towards Stefan, no remorse in his eyes. "Kill this one quickly," he ordered before his eyes fell onto the other woman. "And make this one suffer. We'll be in the car."

Klaus grabbed Jordanna's forearm and pulled her out of the house. "Why does Stefan get all the fun?" Jordanna asked as she pushed Klaus away while they walked to the car.

"I need him at his best sweetheart, hence the more kills; therefore I get my ripper," he told her.

"You're an ass," Jordanna muttered to Klaus as Stefan exited the house, blood smeared across his face.

"Perhaps," Klaus' lips tugged upwards into a mischievous smirk.

Jordanna, Klaus and Stefan were gathered outside of the bar, Southern Comfort, the two men disagreeing on ways to go about the situation and how to approach Ray.

However, Jordanna had an idea in mind.

She took off her jacket and shoved it into Klaus' arms, earning his attention. He glanced down at her in confusion, eyebrows raised as she began to ruffle her hair and flipped it over her shoulder.

Turning around to Klaus she smirked, "never give a man a woman's job." 

While she entered the bar she adjusted her top slightly, showing a little more cleavage than necessary. Wolf whistles coming from the men in the bar which she ignored as she held her head high.

She walked up to the bar, spotting the man she was looking for. "Hi," she hummed, giving him an dazzling smile.

"Well hello," he said, looking her up and down.


"Are you Ray Sutton?" Her features were still laced with the same fake smile.

"Who wants to know?" Ray smirked, accent thick. 

"I'm Jordanna," she held her hand out to him which he immediately took—holding it tight in his grip, a little longer than necessary.

She yanked her hand out of his grip with a strained smile when he shouted out to the bartender. "Hey Red, get me a beer," he told the bartender—Red—before winking at Jordanna. "And whatever the lady's drinking."

"Vodka—leave the bottle," she nodded at the bartender.

Suddenly Klaus appeared next to the two, narrowing his eyes intimidatingly at the werewolf. "Is this him sweetheart?" He asked, placing his hands on her hips.

"Yep," she told him as she twisted the cap off the vodka bottle, bringing it up to her lips before taking a long sip.

Klaus smirked down at her before looking back at Ray. "We've been looking everywhere for you," he told the werewolf. "We started in Florida, Pensacola. I met a young chap there who you used to work with before you moved to Memphis, now he directed me to two lovely young women. And they led me here . . . to you."

"I-I think I'll be going," Ray stuttered, getting up to leave.

Klaus stood in front of him, stopping him from moving, "not so fast, mate. You've only just got here. Now, your type are very hard to come by."

Ray tried to leave again only to be stopped by Stefan. "I wouldn't do that," the Salvatore warned, lightly pushing Ray back by his chest.

"Vampires," Ray muttered in realization, causing Jordanna to gasp holding her hand over her heart. 

"You think I'm a vampire?" She scrunched her face up. "Ew, no."

Klaus rolled his eyes at the girl before continuing, "yes! My friend here is a vampire. He compelled everybody in the bar, so don't look to them for any help. My girl over here is a witch, a very good one. I however, I'm something else, a different kind of monster. I've got some vampire, I've got some wolf."

"My girl," Jordanna snorted, platting his shoulder patronizingly. "You're funny, Klaus."

"You what?" Ray fearfully asked, referring to what Klaus had told him.

"A hybrid, Ray," Klaus deadpanned with a light eyeroll. "I'm both. You see, I want to create more of me. Now, you being the first werewolf that I've come across in many a moon, pun intended Ray! I need you to direct me to your pack. So, where can I find them?" Klaus hummed, questioning the werewolf.

"You can't compel me, it won't work," Ray told Klaus smugly, faking confidence.

"Wrong answer," Klaus told him, looking at Jordanna with a smile as she grinned at the ordeal.

Stefan and Klaus exchanged a look. "Can you bring out the darts, please?" The youngest Salvatore asked the bartender. He looked back at Ray, a tight smile on his face, "tell you what Ray. We're gonna' play a little drinking game, something I like to call truth or wolfsbane." Stefan pulled out a packet of wolfsbane and crushed it in his palm.

"This is gonna' be fun, don't you think, Ray?"

Ray was chained to the wall, darts covering majority of his body. Small wounds scattered across his skin, crimson red surrounding the marks.

Stefan threw another dart at the werewolf, hitting him in the chest, eliciting a groan to spill from his lips, "Ray, you can end this now. Just tell me where your pack gathers for the full moon."

"I can't," he gritted his teeth as Jordanna got out of her seat, walking towards the two.

"I know, I know," Stefan mocked. "You live by a code and all that but you see, he's . . ." he gestured to Klaus. "Not gonna' let me stop until you tell me and I do whatever he says so . . . that's the way it goes around here." 

Jordanna could tell Stefan didn't want do this, he was putting on a great show for Klaus, but she knew him all too well. He hated that part of himself—the part that hurt people, the only way Stefan would harm another was if someone he cared about was in danger—he didn't dare defy Klaus' wishes, worrying that the Original would retaliate and hurt Jordanna.

"Here . . ." she held her hand out towards the vampire. "Let me do it, " she gave him a look he seemed to understand—the vampire nodded his head in appreciation, breifly placing a hand on her shoulder as he moved out of her way.

As Jordanna was using her magic to torture the werewolf, who was now screaming to the point his voice might break, Stefan listened to Klaus' conversation with a waitress he had compelled—about Damon.

Stefan walked over towards the hybrid, "my brother still on our trail?" 

"He's getting closer, I'm gonna' have to deal with that," Klaus told the younger vampire who immediately looked panicked.

"No, no, no," Stefan denied, rapidly shaking his head. "Let me handle it."

"And why should I let you leave?" Klaus asked him with an arched brow.

"'Cause you know I'll come back."

"Do I?" Klaus raised his eyebrows.

"You saved my brother's life and I'm not gonna' leave Jordanna with you."

Jordanna heard that and snorted as she threw an arrow right on Ray's precious cargo

"Bingo!" She screamed happily, arms up in the air.

Klaus looked back at the girl with a chuckle, "I'd say she's doing just fine with me, Stefan."

Stefan rolled his eyes at this, "Jordanna's happy whenever she can inflict pain on someone."

"Hey!-" She screamed in offence, aiming another arrow at Ray's forehead but the distraction caused it to end up in the werewolf's eyeball earning a blood curdling scream. "Rude!" 

"Aren't you having the least bit of fun?" Klaus asked, gesturing to Ray with a bright smile on his face.

"I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us anymore," Stefan firmly said, walking away.

Stefan's talk about his brother made Jordanna's mind drift to Caroline. 

They hadn't spoken since the day of the sacrifice. Caroline called Jordanna when she was on her way to visit Mrs. Lockwood in the hospital—before Klaus had gotten his witch to take her and Tyler. Klaus only allowed her one phone call and she chose Damon, sorta'. She knew if she chose Caroline they'd both be crying messes and she couldn't say goodbye to her best friend.

Her sister.

"He's all yours," Jordanna gestured to Ray as she walked to the bar, leaving Klaus to sort the werewolf alone. Klaus noticed her sudden change in attitude but didn't question it. Spending three long months with the girl he realized, just like himself, she didn't like talking about her feelings.

"Okay, it's a three step process, Ray. This is step one: I want you to drink from my wrist."

"I already told you where to find my pack. What more do you want from me?" Ray grunted out, shooting the Original a look of distaste.

Curtsy of Jordanna of course, her skills of torture were impeccable.

"Haven't you been listening to a word I've been saying, Ray?" Klaus huffed out in annoyance, rubbing his temples. "I have great plans for you," he bit into his wrist and shoved it roughly into the werewolf's mouth. He looked towards Jordanna with a grin as she stood behind the bar, mixing different liquors together to make herself a strong cocktail. She raised her eyebrows at the hybrid in amusement as he announced, "he'll thank me for it later! There we go, attaboy!"

Jordanna smiled in amusement at his playfulness and brought her attention back to the cocktail as she squeezed a lemon into her drink. "What are you going to do now?" Ray panted out.

"It's time for step two Ray," Klaus smirked, going to snap the werewolf's neck but was stopped short when Ray dropped dead in front of him. He looked back at the witch who was approaching him with a smug look on her face.

"Oh! I'm sorry did you want to do that?" She smirked, taking a sip of her drink.

"That was my intention, sweetheart," Klaus smiled tightly at her and she laughed at him. She took another sip of her drink before taking a seat on top of the pool-table where the dead, soon to be, hybrid was laid.

Klaus walked to Jordanna and placed his hands either side of her thighs, resting on the pool table his fingers brushed against her legs at a skim. "You're back," he announced and the two turned their heads in the direction of Stefan.

"Did you doubt me?" Stefan questioned the hybrid.

"Not for a second. I knew you'd pass the test," Klaus replied, moving away from the witch before he advanced towards the Salvatore. "You still care for your brother, for your old life."

"Nah," Stefan denied with a shake of his head. "I don't care about anything anymore."

"You put on a good show, Stefan. I almost believe you. Let's hope for your brother's sake he does. You never stop caring about your family, do you? But every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go."


Jordanna shot up with a gasp, hand flying to her heart as small drops of sweat glided down her forehead. What the fuck?

The sound of her heart racing caused Klaus to stir awake. "Jordanna?" He muttered in a raspy, tired voice.

She ignored him for a moment as she tried to swallow down whatever the hell just happened. She was going insane, surely. Maybe she drank too much—then again when she usually drank she never dreamt of herself with freakish white eyes.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" Klaus asked, shifting slightly in bed as he pushed himself up—the bedsheet riding down his torso revealing his defined abs. God.

"I'm fine," she breathed out, tearing her gaze away from his body as she wiped a hand across her forehead. "I just need some water, I'll be okay," she told him with a strained smile, pushing her body up from her bed.

Klaus nodded, though he was not convinced. He silently watched as she grabbed a bottle of water from the small fridge that sat opposite their beds. 

She took a small sip, her head all over the place as she thought back to her dream. Whatever.

She placed the water bottle on top of one of the cabinets and made her way into the bathroom, her feet padded against the cold tiles as she pushed her hair from her face. Turning the tap on she collected some water in her hands and ran it down her face.

With a sigh she turned the tap off—suddenly feeling cooler—she needed a fucking cigarette.

(edited 06/05/22)

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