

"Okay So I know for sure these four looks are final" I shared my screen with Myah. "Now I need your final pieces too, I know you will be finishing up finals for the semester soon so I really don't mean to rush you but I just want us to have this out of the way"

I was preparing our finalized looks for Fashion Week and although it was a few months away. The preparation would be crucial had I waited till the last minute.

"No you're absolutely right I will have my looks finished and sent to you by the end of the week. Is that fine?" Myah spoke into the camera of FaceTime while look at her calendar

"Sounds good. I'll be looking forward to it. I love you and good luck on your finals"
Once we said our goodbyes I looked over at Dylan as he chilled in his bouncer watching my every move.

"Hi my chunky baby" I picked him up and kissed over his face. Hearing the office doorbell I continued talking to Dylan in a soft voice before opening the door. I figured Ma was going to show up to my office early since she was going to watch Dylan  today while I go out later.

My smile slowly faded when I seen Dj's face when I opened the door. "Uh Hey?" I uttered with confusion filling my tone.

The last time I seen Dj was at Bar Peri and he said some allegations about Demetrius that definitely rubbed me the wrong way.

"Hey I just wanted to drop some gifts off since I haven't heard from you and couldn't properly say Congratulations when you had the baby" he had a weird demeanor to him that wasn't normal.

Analyzing his facial expressions while he talked and then slightly looking past his figure I could tell someone came in the car with him. I couldn't make out the face but it was definitely a male.

"Summer you okay? You heard me?" He moved his face so our eyes met.

I cleared my throat and decided to play it cool. "Uhh yeah my bad" I gave him a fake smile "Thank you so much for the gifts. We really appreciate it" I reached out to grab the bag he was holding.

He mysteriously looked back at the car and then back at me after he handed me the bag. Which raised my senses. "I will be sure to hit you up soon. I have to get back inside I'm working on something with Meech right now" I lied, I just knew better than to say that I was here alone especially while my suspicion was at a all time high.

Dj's body tensed up at the sound of Meech's name and clenched his jaw before nodded "iight cool" he grinned. "See you soon lil man" he said smiling at Dylan who had his body against my chest.

I waved at him as he walked away to his car and pulled off.
I went back into the office making sure to lock the door and stored all of my work away before locking up and leaving out to go drop Dylan off. Once I got to her house I regretted even agreeing to going out tonight because this would be my first night away from him.

"Girl if you don't get out of here" Ma complained as I explained to her his routine. "I raised multiple kids I know what I'm doing"

"you're right, let me go get ready. I love you" I kissed Dylan's cheeks multiple times before leaving out the door heading to my truck. Now it was time to check on baby #1 I started a FaceTime call to Markeyvius and he answered on the last ring. "Wassup?" I could hear music playing in the background meaning he was in the studio

"Where's my daughter?" I kept my attention on the road.

"She's with Karin at the aquarium. Don't even start because my momma with them too" he said quickly 

Now to be honest I didn't have a problem with Karin. However I did feel some type of way because I only met her once and it was brief. She would occasionally speak on FaceTime while Kayla was over there. I just would like to know whenever my baby was with her for obvious reasons . I didn't have time to argue today especially because I knew Markeyvius's mom didn't play when it came down to Kayla so I kept it cool. "Okay next time can you let me know when she's going to be with her. Matter of fact  just send me her number because you know I don't play those type of games" I looked down at the camera as my phone sat in my lap, seeing him frown at the camera.

"Why are you looking like that?" I smiled and looked back up.

"Where you going?" He squinted his eyes at the camera.

"Umm to go be grown and mind my business" I smirked "you worried about the wrong stuff make sure you add that picture of you performing in that Celine outfit for promotion since them checks cleared" I pulled into my driveway. I finished up our conversation with mentioning what the next few promotion posts would be before saying my goodbyes.

Heading into the house I exhaled and went into my room so I could look for something to wear tonight. While connecting my phone to the house surround system I let the sound of Drake's voice fill the house as 'Jaded' played.

After showering I went into the closet pulling out a two piece set from a boutique that was sent to me a while ago. What better way than to look cute and get paid while doing it.

It's obvious I'm in a way better mood than I was a few weeks ago however my emotions were still all over the place and I rarely wanted to do anything outside of being with my kids or working. Taina came over a few days ago and tried to have a 'depression' talk with me but I completely shut the conversation down. I didn't need or want to talk to anyone about any of my problems. I know it's selfish but I didn't care. I was fine for now.

After moisturizing my body and doing  hair and makeup I was completely ready. I needed this night out. I haven't been out with my girls since before I had Dylan shit I haven't even been on a date night with Demetrius since then as well.

I locked the front door and slowly went down my front steps due to me having heels on. "Hello Summer how are you" Quinton, the personal driver greeted me.

I smiled and got in "I'm fine. It's good to see you it's been a while"

We chopped it up and held a decent conversation catching up before picking up Nikole and Taina.

Later that evening

"Okay so the rules for the girls night includes. No phones unless it's an emergency, the first person to say they miss their man 'has' to pay for everything and more importantly let's have fun" Nikole said at the table grabbing our attention.

"Okay well I'm just going to give you guys my card now because I know I'll be the first to give in" Taina smiled while reaching into her purse.

I was responding to a few emails so my head was down but I was still listening.

"That includes you too" Taina snatched my phone and put it in her purse.

"Stop T, I'm replying to a client" I replied.

she shook her head "Nope we're not working tonight"

Our waiter came over into our section bringing our drinks.

"So take this wine old lady and have a good time" Taina slid the glass of wine over to me. "And hurry up because we will be outside allnighttt" she dragged the 'T '.

The rest of the night we stayed in this lounge talking about our past weeks. The good and the bad. I was always grateful to have my girls to vent to. I never really was the type to have a big ass friend group. I know some big friend groups usually don't end well. Some girls are envious of eachother, start to act weird, click up with other girls and the everything goes downhill from there.

"Okay I need to get out here real quick" Taina semi-yelled as we pulled up to a familiar block.

"Uh uhn why the hell are we over here." Nikole scrunched her face up looking at everybody that was chilling outside obviously shooting a music video.

"I need to go get something from Herb real quick. I'll be right back" Taina waited for the driver to come open the door before leaving out the car.

Usually I wouldn't have a problem with being out here since I've been out here with Meech multiple times. It was something about this time though. I had a weird feeling it was hard to explain so I just decided to pay close attention to everyone while we were here.

I rolled my window down squinting my eyes since it was tinted. "Harold!" I yelled catching his attention as he nodded while walking up to the truck.

"You acting real federal out here yellin out my government name" He shook his head and opened the car door to give me and Nikole hugs.

"Yall wanna smoke?" he looked between the both of us.

I shook my head "Now you know I don't smoke"

"My bad, I forgot you was the good sister." He laughed looking at Nikole as she flipped him off before getting out of the car. "Come on ima roll up in my car" I watched as they walked away before rolling the window back up.

Not even a second later I heard someone tapping on the window.


"Why you out here?" I asked Summer.

"You're so rude not even a 'Hello'  or anything" she pouted before getting out of the car.

I pulled her closer to me and pecked her lips. "My bad. How was your day" I moved my hands down to her ass squeezing it. I looked over my shoulder following Summer's eyes.

"You see somebody you know or something?"

She looked back up at me shaking her head and laughing. "No I thought I did" she was fidgeting hard as hell I don't even think she noticed it. "I guess I'm just tripping" she started looking around again.

"Naw that's a lie. What's wrong?" I grabbed her hands so she would stop moving so much.

She finally stopped looking around. "I seen Dj today and it was... weird.. I don't know how to explain it. Especially because the last time I seen him a few months ago he was literally saying how he hasn't been around because of you" She shrugged.

"So what happened today?"

"He just randomly popped up at my office and dropped some stuff off for Dylan. But he had someone in the car with him and the way he was talking and moving around wasn't normal. It was like as if he wanted to ask something but wouldn't.. I could also be overthinking you know?"

"What type of car was he in?"

She looked up as she thought about it "A gray Hyundai"

I nodded because I knew exactly who's car he was in.

Nikole and Harold walked back up to the car. I dapped him up and gave Nikole a hug

"Ohh look who finally decided to show back up. I thought you left us" Nikole pointed at Taina who was walking up with Herb's arm over her shoulder.

"Whatever, whatever" she laughed as they started getting back into the car.

"Where yall going?" I asked Summer while I still had my arms around her body.

"Umm" she pulled out her phone showing me a club. "I think to this club" I nodded and kissed her forehead.

"Cool, You don't have a jacket in the car or nothing?" I said looking down at her outfit.

"Why? You don't like my outfit?"

"Naw it look good, but you only need to wear that when you with me. Here take my jacket" I smiled at her but I was deadass serious

She rolled her eyes "Boy Bye. It's hot as hell I'm not wearing a jacket"

Harold came closer to us after hanging up with whoever was on the other end. "Yo Meech, we need to go take care of that stuff" He nodded to the side as a hint.

"Fasho" I looked at Summer again who was now frowning. I kissed her lips "Don't look like that. I love you, I promise ima see you later" I opened the door for her so she could get back in.

"I love you more"

Omniscient P.O.V

Dj attempted to muffle his scream of pain as low as he could as the excruciating pain shot through his right shoulder . Looking down at his now stained shirt  he noticed that his blood dripping was leaving a trail. Looking down the dark street he could see where the car was slowly approaching.

The neighborhood was quiet so he didn't want to make too much noise.

Once the car pulled up enough he quickly got in and sunk his body into the seat.

"What happened? I thought you said it was supposed to be about money." The female voice filled the car.

"Just fucking drive" he held his shoulder and directed her to somewhere to drop him off at.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to a hospital" She continued to panic looking at his blood that was now all over the seat

"No hospitals, it's this house right here"

The female got out and ran to the passenger side to help him out of the car and to the front door. Frantically ringing the doorbell. The porch light came on and  the door swung open.

"What the hell happened!?" Tia rubbed her eyes letting them in, checking to make sure no one saw them before closing the front door and turning her attention back to them "Yall are seriously fucking up the plan"


Yall know what they say "The enemy is always closer than you think"

Who's your favorite person from this book? For me it's Nikole or Amirah.

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