

"So based on our opening conversation I'm going to just throw a few important tips out for the both of you to know before we continue the session" Raven, The therapist spoke looking up at both Herb and I. This was our first couples therapy session and I was extremely nervous to see how this goes.

"This is a safe space for you two. The main goal is to walk out of these sessions with the intentions to improve and strengthen this relationship. I ask that we all carry the same respect when listening to one another and to be mindful of what we will discuss today and in our future sessions please"

"Absolutely" I agreed.

"Please get comfortable" she chuckled I guess sensing the tension between us. "First I would like to understand the emotional background from the beginning of the relationship up until now from both perspectives. Whoever wants to start"

Herb nodded at me "You can go first"

I cleared my throat "Umm well we met five years and of course everything is all bubbly and nice when you first start dating. I grew up in a household where my stepfather was a musician so I was very aware of busy schedules. I was also very aware of how men in that industry step out and cheat while on tour or even in general. This was something that haunted me for a long time watching my mom act like everything was okay or trying to cover up her pain with money. I was a little worried that I would go through the same thing with Herbert but within the first year together I felt like he would never put in a situation whereas I would ever think he would cheat on me."

"So I found out I was pregnant with our first child and I was the happiest I could ever be. I was creating my own little family and with this person I loved so much. I felt like nothing could come between us. After having our second child, I did experience some post-partum depression, however Herbert was there every step of the way to support me. It seems as if directly after I overcame PPD is when he started to really stay out more and that is when the cheating rumors started. I felt like my world was crashing down on me. I didn't really reach out to anyone other than my Bestfriends and I only kept the topic minimal because I refused to believe that he would do this to me" I grabbed a kleenex that sat on the small table in front of us.

"And...Once those rumors got out shit hit the fan and it's just been downhill for us since then" I sat up looking at Raven "To spare myself the tears that's probably the best I can explain everything"

Raven nodded "It's Okay" she nodded at Herb "Mr.Wright?"

"Can I say something Ms.Therapist?"

"You can call me Raven" she smiled

"My bad. Raven before I even start I just wanna say that everything she just said was all Cap well some of it"

I shot my head in his direction quickly "What do you mean? Everything I just said is exactly how it all went down. We were fine until you started that cheating shit"

"You forgot to mention how you was already accusing me of cheating way before due to your own insecurities" He turned towards me

I gasped. "My Insecurities?? Wow okay"

"You painted this picture of me based on the shit you seen happen to your mom. I'm nothing like your stepdad Taina"

"Well I can't tell the difference because everything you've done is the same shit he put her through"

we both turned away from each other facing Raven.

"Well" she pushed her glasses up further on her face. "I see there's a lot that needs to be broken down here"

Herb sighed "Yeah it is. My bad I didn't mean it like that but Taina you know it's more to the story. Like how you kept using your past experiences and trauma as a way to blame me for everything or to shut me out. Especially when you just up and left with the kids for New York instead of trying to work it out. What's the point of trying to move forward if you will just dwell on the past shit every time"

"I mean it takes time to rekindle relationships Herb. You want me to just sit here and say oh it's fine that you cheated. Let's continue to be a family, everything will be okay? Also what I won't do is sit here and let you say that my suspicion is the reason why you cheated. You're a grown ass man you need to have more self control"

"Let me just put a quick pause to this really quick because it seems as if there's a lot of misunderstanding and some accountability that needs to be addressed. Am I right?" Raven looked up from her notes.

"Yes!" we said in unison.


"You think you slick huh? Thank You again" I asked Summer while pulling her onto my lap and kissed on her neck.

I told Summer I didn't really want to do anything for my Birthday and she still somehow managed to get everybody together for a surprise party. I was already satisfied with the gift she gave me this morning, a 14k two toned thorn Cuban Link from Eliantte. Without a pendant it's priced as one of his most expensive Cuban links roughly around $45,000 before customization. I remember talking about it a few months ago but been so busy going to city to city that I haven't had time to go get it, I guess she had it in her mind since then.

I was hesitant to even take the gift because she hasn't said a word to me since we left from bar Peri last week. I thought we was cool but once I came out of the bathroom it's like her mood completely changed. I didn't think too much about it I was just glad she hit me up today.

She smiled "Oh You're Welcome Mr.Flenory" She looked down at her stomach before making a weird face.

"What's wrong?"

"Just a little pain, maybe because I've been up all day. Don't worry I just need some rest" She stood up "I'm going to head to the bathroom"

"Hold on I'm coming with you" Taina grabbed her purse and walked with Summer to the bathroom.

"Damn yall getting old. Everybody having kids and shit I can't even get a woman to act right" Harold laughed shaking his head.

"You older than all of us what the fuck" Herb said making everybody laugh.

"You right but yall better enjoy yall prime years. Because once you get married shit gets real gotta stay with one woman for the rest of your life"

"How would you know?" I asked and he laughed waving me off.

"Regardless ima enj.." I looked over at Nikole who had her eyebrow raised and Myles who was shaking his head 'no' on the side of her. "I mean ima enjoy my prime years I'm still young"

"Mhm" Nikole looked down at her phone that was ringing "Hey whats u..Wait what?" she stood up.

"what's wrong" Myles stood up looking at her crazy

"Summer's in labor" she ran away from the table quickly heading to the bathroom. I followed right behind her.

"Help me get her to a chair. I called the paramedics already" Taina looked at me.

Summer shook her head "No I can't wait I need to go now, the pain is not normal"

"Come on I got you" I put her arm around my neck so she could put all of her weight on me. By the time we got to the front of the venue a crowd was formed behind us and the paramedics were already at the door. That's because we was in this nice ass neighborhood they came quick as hell.

"We will be right behind you" Nikole and Myles got in their car while I got in the back of the ambulance with Summer. I let the EMT's talk to her as I held her hand. She was barely able to talk and every few minutes she would experience pain and when she experienced it, I did as well since she was squeezing my hand.

After arriving at the hospital I wasn't able to go straight to the back with her which had my nerves all over the place. Until one of the nurses came out to get me and briefly explain what's going on. Summer was going to have a an emergency c-section. I didn't know anything about it but I was going to be next to her every step of the way.

The best Birthday I've ever had no lie.


1 week later

Holding the towel around my body I quickly peaked out of the room at Demetrius who was walking around holding a sleeping Dylan. I must say he's been such a great help, I was very grateful for it. I never wanted to have a c-section but my doctor was worried that the level of oxygen for the baby was low. Due to my health problems earlier in the pregnancy he just went the safest route. Although I was in a lot of pain I would do it all again because my baby is so perfect.

Both my family and Demetrius's family called all day long to see Dylan. Nobody has seen him in person except My mom and Demetrius's mom while at the hospital. They both offered to stay with us and help but we both declined, respectfully. We wanted to have the first few weeks to ourselves.

It was midday so I decided to slip into something comfortable. I was relieved that I felt minimum pain now and could move around as I needed to, making sure to take caution of course.

"You need anything? I'm about to head out real quick" He handed me Dylan and went into the closet grabbing one of his hoodies. Although everything was 'cool' between us Demetrius hasn't moved back into the house.

"Nah Im good but I do want you to do something for me" Using my free hand I unlocked my phone and went to my DM's scrolling to the conversation between Tia and I. I tossed the phone to the edge of the bed so he could get it. "And before you say anything I'm not trying to start an argument with you. I'm simply letting you know that if she doesn't learn her place I'm going to whoop her ass and then I'm going to double back and whoop your ass. Or I might switch the order and start with you first. Okay?" I smiled.

"Damn why am I in it? But i'll talk to her" he looked through the messages.

"Yeah you do that go talk to your friend. Because you're the reason she's too comfortable in the first place. But go ahead and go enjoy your day, I'm going to take a nap"

"You got a smart ass mouth you know that?" He came over to my side of the bed and locked the phone setting it on my night stand.

"Yeah whatever, can you turn the light off when you leave out, Thank You"

This Tia girl was getting weirder by the day. I guess she took offense to how I greeted her back in Miami and wanted to apologize if she caused any problems between Demetrius and I. The apology was not accepted and I left the message on read. After I gave birth I didn't acknowledge her 'congratulations' because I noticed she was also being messy on Markeyvius's page. The comments under his pictures were just screaming how thirsty she was. Like girl  if you want my baby daddy that's fine but just be prepared for the hell he's about to put you through.

I found myself not being able to take a nap as I spent most of my time admiring Dylan while he slept and when I finally did close my eyes for a few minutes I got a call from Nikole. I looked over at the bedside bassinet making sure the ringer didn't wake him before answering the call.

"What's going on stranger?" She smiled into the camera

"I'm good the pain level is about a three now" I got up and headed in the kitchen propping the phone up so I could start on dinner especially since Kayla would be here in a few hours.

"The body is giving, let me see do a 360"

I laughed "That is a lie, But once this baby weight is gone I'll be back to my old self"

"Wait Taina said add her to the call, give me one minute"

"Okay" I scanned my fridge pulling out a few ingredients. Since I spent most of my time resting I've been addicted to watching food videos on Tik Tok and now that I was able to move freely I planned on cooking the meals that I've seen.

"Uhh Summer you didn't see me text you?" Taina joined the call with a question not even a 'Hello'

"No I'm sorry I was about to take a nap. What happened?" I walked over to the camera

"The blogs are literally coming at you for getting back with Key. Is it true? Because if so I'm literally going to strangle you"

I couldn't do anything but laugh because never in  a million years would I get back with that man. But I know exactly what she was referring to.

"What's so funny? I'm serious?" She asked looking concerned as she shared her screen showing us the post everyone was reading too deep into. 

KeyGlock: Prada Campaign 23' all thanks to @SummerTimeFine. Glad to have you back 🖤

Likedby TheShaderoom, Glorillapimp, and 173,641 others

TheShadeRoom: Ohhhhh....

lilmeechfp: You one messy ass nigga. She don't want you 😑

MichaelRaineyJr: @ lilmeechbmf damn bro you fumbled her that bad? It should've been me 🙃

Celinaapowellxo: I was supposed to have you next 😒


They didn't even let Summer's stitches heal before insinuating that she's for the streets

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