It's been about a month and a half since the situation in Miami happened and since then I've been completely nonchalant towards Demetrius. After I got back to Atlanta pictures of him and Tia at the club and at some hotel hit the internet which didn't help my feelings at all. I blocked him on all of my social media pages but I still had to occasionally text him when it came down to discussing the baby and updates.
The past month has been really weird especially since we were still engaged, which I've thought long and hard about. I believe Demetrius when he said he didn't sleep with Tia but he was missing the bigger picture. He completely disregarded my feelings and trust.
Summer's Office| 5:30Pm
"You should let me have this" Nikole asked while looking through one of my clothing racks. I was near the end of my pregnancy and spent most of my days either here or anywhere else but home. I wanted to be as active as I can so that my baby boy could come on time hopefully sooner.
"Nikole you can't even fit that" I laughed as she held up a size large Chrome Hearts shirt.
"Who can't fit this? You see what your nephew did to my body?" She was exaggerating. Her body was the exact same size it was before the pregnancy.
"Whatever girl just take it" I waved her off getting up from my desk and going over to the couch in my office, getting comfortable under my throw blanket.
"I was going to take it regardless I just wanted to be nice about it. Anyways weren't you supposed to be using that exercise ball?" she pointed to the ball in the corner of the office that I've had yet to use only because I didn't think it had any real effect.
I shook my head "Umm I'll try another day besides I look funny just sitting there bouncing on a exercise ball"
"Nahh don't get all shy now. You've obviously done a lot of bouncing in your lifetime hence the second child on his way" She threw her head back in laughter dramatically.
I faked laughed and flipped her off "Girl shut up and it wasn't even that funny" The studio doorbell rang which caught our attention and I looked up at her with pleading eyes. "Could you go see who it is please. It might be Markeyvius and Kayla he said he would drop her off today or tomorrow morning"
"I'm only letting my niece in, her dad can stay outside" She rolled her eyes and left out of the office.
"Be nice!" I yelled out after her. A few minutes past before she finally appeared again. "Who was it?" I asked while glancing up from my phone.
"It's your second baby daddy" she smiled as Demetrius walked in shortly after her.
"Damn that's how you addressing me now? I thought we was cool" He sat on the couch grabbing my feet so he could massage them, which was very much needed especially because they were swollen.
"We are cool" she shrugged while picking up her purse. "Well I'll leave you two alone you know to catch up" she came over to hug me and whispered in my ear "That's a good man Summer, just hear him out"
I looked at her like she was crazy "Goodbye Nikole" before turning my attention back to my phone not acknowledging Meech.
"So you still not talking to me?"
I continued looking at my phone "nah it's nothing we really need to talk about right now"
"You hungry?"
I slowly lowered my phone and looked at him "I'm listening" I smirked giving him my full attention.
"Of Course" He laughed and got up extending his arm out to help me get off of the couch "Come on"
He knew damn well I wasn't going to turn down a meal. I cut off my office and studio lights and went to lock up. I looked confused as Meech handed me a Mercedes remote key. "You want me to drive today?" I tilted my head.
"Yeah" he grabbed my hand as we walked to the Studio Parking lot.
"Damn how many cars do you need Demetrius?" I asked looking at the new AMG G-class which was a matte grey, my favorite color on any car. Demetrius smiled opening the driver's side door for me and helped me in. When we first met he asked me what my dream car is and listed two cars. A matte grey G-class or a matte grey range rover. "You look good in this car not gonna lie" He smiled before closing my door and coming around to the passenger side getting in.
"Yes this is beautiful I literally can see myself in this car" I admired the velvet red interior. Looking behind me something caught my attention the abbreviation 'SWF' was sewn into the headrests of the truck. I squinted my eyes at him "Wait" I started to put two and two together. "Is this for me?"
He nodded "Took you long enough to notice"
"Ouuu Thank You!!" I did a little dance in my seat before turning back to him with a straight face "I hope you don't think this fixes everything between us Demetrius" I pointed my index finger at him.
He shook his head "Nah this has nothing to do with us. This is a push gift it's a little early but I couldn't wait"
I wanted to make it very clear to him that I wasn't ready to move on with our relationship until I seen a change in him. I was very serious on sticking to my word no matter how many things he bought, how many times he apologized or how many times he popped up, which was damn near everyday.
"You good?" He asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I nodded "Yes, however I need you to drive for me. I get irritated with my stomach being in the way" I smiled and we both got out switching seats. Once he pulled off I kicked my shoes off getting comfortable. I enjoyed being a passenger princess even in my own car I would often let Nikole drive me around.
"What are you doing for your birthday?" I asked since it was coming up next weekend.
He shrugged "Probably nothing" Demetrius wasn't too big on celebrating his Birthday. Last year I had to practically drag him out the house to go do something and he wouldn't let me spend my money to get him a gift although I still did.
"I might get you a gift or two" I actually had something planned for his birthday. Since he went all out for mine.
"You don't have to get me anything" he put his hand on my exposed thigh since I had on shorts. If he keep touching me I'm about to tell him to reroute and let's go to the house.
Nope, Nope, Nope stand up Summer! Don't give in.
We ended up going to Bar Peri Rooftop Lounge, which was one of the many rooftop places I loved to go to in Atlanta. I was a sucker for a good view and nice restaurant aesthetic. Also this place had one of the best flatbreads ever.
"You ready to talk now" Demetrius sat back giving me his full attention. For some reason I hated when he stared at me because it either made me horny or nervous and right now it was both.
I took a sip from my glass of water and cleared my throat "What do you mean? We've been talking all day"
"You know what I mean Summer. Talk about us"
"I was always ready to talk about us. I just needed you to be ready to actually listen to what Im saying" I looked over admiring the view of the sunsetting.
"Okay I'm listening"
I looked back over at him "Well... Let's start with how you act with 'other' people" I said while using air quotations. "You don't know how to set boundaries"
"Whaaat?" I looked confused.
I shushed him "Let me finish.. You don't know how to set boundaries with the people in your life. I have no problem at all with you having female friends but I want to create a scenario with you just so you can understand exactly what I mean" I moved my hair out of my face and sat up "So let's say for example I'm out of town in a club and I see one of my old boyfriends. I engage in a conversation with him, which is fine but then I get his number and we start texting or whatever right after. Keep in mind we are together at the time" I said pointing in between the both of us
I shook my head correcting myself "I'm sorry I have a fiancé at the time and yet I'm entertaining this person without even telling you who this person is. This guy randomly starts following you on Instagram and you notice he would also slightly throw flirty comments and shit under my post"
He frowned "Dude would be dead playing them type of games"
I shushed him again "Just listen Demetrius... Anyways after all of that let's say for instance I see him again in my hometown and there's pictures of him and I leaving the club together and then pictures of us entering a hotel..Hold On" I stopped talking for a second to calm down as I felt my self getting worked up again.
"Okay back to what I was saying now all of this has happened and I still haven't told you too much about him besides he's an 'old friend' knowing that I dated this guy. Then you randomly find out that we did in fact date before and I just mysteriously want you to meet him because he's a friend and I want him to be around... Now take in all of that information and look me dead in my face and tell me you wouldn't be mad"
"Take as much time as you need to answer that" I sat back in my seat drinking from my glass of water again.
"I hear you..I promise I do" he said as he facial expression softened.
I shook my head "No I need you to understand what I mean not just hear me... To add more to the situation you basically did all of that while I'm at home pregnant so it's like you basically said forget Summer, her feelings, and the family I got at home. That brings a different type of pain to me especially when were very deep into the relationship." I pointed at my stomach as a reference "Also the fact that my child is so used to you she asks are you coming home everyday. She already has one inconsistent person in her life and I won't allow a second one not saying that she's your responsibility but I definitely know how she adores you as a father figure and I don't want her to see you not being around because you continue to do dumb shit" I got teary eyed, which is something I usually do whenever I had really serious conversations.
"Nah I would never say that or try to intentionally make yall feel like that." He got out of his seat and sat next to me wiping my tears
"But that's exactly what it seems like and I get it. I get that you're still young, shit we both are fairly young I'm only older than you by a few months. You have a career that involves other women fantasizing about you, camera's constantly in your face and you bring in a great amount of money at your age that other people will probably never see in their entire lifetime. But you have to realize I had to mature as soon as I had my first child. After the shit I've been through with the last person I don't have the mentality to just be sleeping around with other people and just doing whatever I want to. Now if I really want to I could be with any other nigga however I don't. I'm about to have my second child I'm focused on other things like leveling up my career, making sure my children are forever straight, coming home to the same person every day"
I looked down at the engagement ring "..and the only reason why I haven't took this ring off is because I really love you Demetrius and I honestly feel like you love me too but you have a lot to work on before we can even finalize a wedding date"
"You're right Summer and I'm willing to work on myself. Whatever I need to do"
As we continued our conversation I made it clear that I wasn't just going to officially jump back into acting like everything was normal. I wanted him to earn my trust again. Demetrius paid the bill and I had to beg him to let me leave a tip since he never let me spend my own money.
"I'll be right back" He headed towards the bathroom and I sat back in my seat looking at my phone until I heard a familiar voice.
"Yo Summer what's up"
Taking my attention off of my phone I looked up a little shocked at the familiar face to match the voice "Hey DJ! where have you been?"
I like the fact that I'm making it known that Demetrius has to fully earn her trust back.
I wanna see what drama Dj is about to cause.(keep in mind his last interaction with meech)
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