V | Adamantium Body


five. Adamantium Body


"NOW LAY BACK AND RELAX," Ximena pushed down on Logan's bare shoulders to lay him on the examination table. Her hands were warm against this body and both people tried to ignore the electricity zipping between the skin to skin contact.

"Wouldn't be the first time I've heard that, but none sounded that good saying it," Logan joked suggestively, to which she good-naturedly rolled her eyes.

That's what she had been doing anytime she was in his presence, after giving him a tour of the place, she brought him back down to the lab to finish documentation. Since, last time they were rudely interrupted by his outburst. Jean wasn't here this time, leaving the two alone in the room together.

Which somewhat made her nervous for reasons not necessarily connected to her own personal well-being.

"Keep on trying, Logan. Maybe it'll work the 100th time." She smirked to herself before starting towards the monitoring machine. Logan caught her wrist before she could leave, stalling her breath, capturing her attention.

"You forgave me, right?"

She furrowed her eyebrows, pursing her lips curiously. "For what, exactly?"

He gestured to his neck in a choking motion, pulling his lips tight. "For hurting you. It was a bad reflex."

Laying a hand on his chest, Ximena had to draw her thoughts from sinful things. The music playing through the speakers was a nice deterrent, but Logan had a certain magnetism about him. The pure muscles in his pecks giving her the evil eye. Meeting his knowing gaze, her cheeks warmed a beautiful tangerine shade. "You don't have to worry about me. We are similar in a way, I've been through far worse and still -- my body remains unaffected."

He made a dubious expression, eyeing her body from toe to head like he could see through her clothes with x-ray vision. "That didn't answer my question."

Pausing, she licked her bottom lip in thought. "Yes, idioso. I forgive you. Now lay back -- don't -- say anything," She warned with a scathing look as he laid back down obediently.

"You just couldn't wait to get my shirt off again, huh?"

Sighing because she was just about over his flirtatious ways, she pressed a few buttons and sent him abruptly into the MRI scan. He was surprised by its swiftness, stiffening as he was sealed inside. "Try not to move, Mr. Howlett and it'll be over before you know it."

Glancing over the screen, she followed the bones throughout his body. All readings had her incredibly intrigued. Causing her to print pictures and write down the new information in delicate, cursive pen.

"Everything alright over there, Doc?" She grimaced at the screen one last time before pressing lightly on the button to draw him out.

Logan looked suspicious of her, rising from the table to stand over her shoulder. His thick brows furrowed and he pointed over her arm at the screen, somehow not understanding personal space all of a sudden. "What does that mean?"

He flicked his pointer finger towards the distorted scan. The slightly brightened areas running the length of his entire skeletal system. "Well, this is what a magnetic resonance imaging looks like when you have metal in your body. Say, a hip replacement or a stabilizing agent in your spinal cord."

Glancing at the Doctor in a short moment of confusion, he grunted and acted like he understood what she meant. Ximena could feel his breath on her neck, brushing her exposed baby hairs wistfully. She bit her lip to remain concentrated.

Raising her own hand, she slapped his out of her way, pointing along the same highlighted lines throughout his body. "Usually, metal distorts the scan far more than this. See the mesh and hatching between the outline of your muscle and your bones. This is where all the metal is in your body, but I will have to look into it further to decipher and be sure. Possibly ask Jean for help..."

Logan couldn't help but find himself incredibly attracted to Ximena right now. She obviously knew what she was talking about and there was nothing more attractive than someone operating in their full potential.

"So to put it plainly," He allowed his claws to lengthen and Ximena turned around in the small space he allowed her. She observed his mutation, narrowing her eyes in fascination. "It has something to do with these."

Reaching a finger out hesitantly, she glance up to gauge his reaction. He didn't make any objections, eyeing her intensely. Sliding her finger against the sharp claw, she became even more intrigued. Her eyes widened adorably, in his opinion, like an aspiring kid scientist, making their first mixture of mouth wash. She was giddy and Logan had never seen anyone react to his claws -- his mutation -- this way.

"Amazing," She whispered in awe, quickly taking her hand away when he shivered from her touch.

Ximena flickered her gaze at him from under her lashes because he towered over her. She'd only reach his chest without her heels and that in itself was intimidating. Her body warmed all over with the way he was looking at her. He dared to take a step closer threatening her with his dominance alone.

She swallowed shallowly, "Do they hurt?"

He shook his head in denial, "No."

Narrowing her eyes, somehow she could see that he was lying. However, she didn't say anything further on it. Grabbing his hand, she pushed it away from her vicinity, clearing her throat sagely. "I should get these to my colleague. Try not to get into any trouble while I'm gone."


THE SIMPLE, WHITE, ACOUSTIC TILE ceiling with soft fluorescent lights was the room they moved to. Ximena was happy to see Hank or Beast, as some call him. He was fully blue and covered in wild hair from head to toe. She knew he once had a problem with his appearance but she absolutely loved it. There was nothing like seeing a mutant being unafraid of their born nature. She admired it.

Everyone: Scott, Ororo, Logan, Hank and Professor Xavier sat in the stark room with a large table centered down the middle. It was usually their mission assignment room. A place for planning and investigation, but Jean and Ximena were using it for other purposes at the moment.

The lights were slightly dimmed, giving perfect view of the MRI scan showing up on the projector. It glowed to life on the screen as Jean and Ximena stood at the front to speak on the matter.

The Doctor amusedly spotted Logan sneaking glances at Hank in disbelief. She briefly covered her mouth to hide her humorous sighs.  

Jean clicked her laser pointer towards the wall, outlining Logan's skeletal system. "The metal is an alloy called Adamantium. Supposedly indestructible, and an enhanced element of Vibranium from the African continent of Wakanda."

"It's been surgically grafted to his entire skeleton. This didn't come upon him naturally. Frankly, Logan I don't know how you survived a procedure of that magnitude." Ximena hugged her torso for some unconscious comfort, just thinking about it gave her chills.

 "I can't die," He answered gruffly. The only reason he was okay with all this was because, well he didn't remember any of it. The so called surgical experiment had been completely wiped from his mind. Though, speaking on something he didn't recall was a little unsettling. 

Storm glanced over with intrigue, "Really?

"It's his mutation, much like Ximena here. He has uncharted regenerative capability, which enables him to heal rapidly. This also makes his age impossible to determine."

"Old man, Logan." Ximena joked, smiling amusedly to lighten the mood. "You could very well be older than me, older than you, Professor."

Hank sighed in distress, obvious empathetic pain in his eyes as he met a glance with the Professor. "Experimentation on mutants --"

"Not exactly unheard of," Xavier echoed. "But I've never seen anything like this before."

"What do you think Magneto wants with you," Scott gestured to Logan with his shoulder, not wanting to speak like he wasn't in the room. The Wolverine was in fact, included in the conversation, though he remained quieter than usual.

"Are we sure he wants me?"

A silence fell over the room, all thinking of possibly scenarios. All before Professor spoke everyone's thoughts. "I'm not entirely sure it's Logan that Magneto wants. I want everyone looking up information of Magento's whereabouts. We need to be one step ahead of him."

Ximena turned off the projector as soon as Hank flicked on the lights. Everyone moving to fulfill their orders. She wrapped her long hair around her fist, making a messy bun before tugging a hair tie with her teeth and securing it tightly.

Grabbing her paper work from the desk, she paused in attention when Professor called out to her. "Dr. Dominguez, I want you to seek out any visions surrounding Magneto in the coming future. We'll need your help in this as well."

Ximena knew when he called her by such a title, he was serious or stressed out. She smiled at him gently, gathering her folders into her arm. "Yes, Professor."

With a nod, he rolled out of the room, but not before speaking into her mind. "And do show Logan to his room, he's in a bit of a state."

"Right," She sighed to herself, walking to Logan as he was still sitting at the table with a look of frustration. "Tinman, follow me." Logan arched a brow at another ridiculous nickname she had given him and reluctantly stood to his feet.


AFTER DROPPING LOGAN OFF at his assigned bedroom and attached bath, she left to go retrieve him something to wear for the next couple of days. Because, she wasn't going to allow him to wear dirty clothes. She wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

Raising her hand to knock on the door, she waited a minute and heard his muted reply. Pushing on the door handle to let herself in, she was pleasantly surprised to be met with his bare, dripping chest.

"I--" She stuttered, getting lost in the collection of steaming water where a section of dark hair meandered down his chest. "Wet," Ximena announced numbly.

"You're late. The water was getting cold, so I showered without you this time." He smirked, taking the clothes from her hands as she frowned at his face.

"You don't understand just how much you do my head in," She growled at him under her breath, cheeks heating that beautiful tangerine hue again. Logan could see she was flustered, bordering on her shyness and overcompensating with blatant insults.

A towel hung loosely on his hips, looking to come undone with any sudden movements. He was hairy -- just about everywhere. From his muscled arms, to his defined chest, down -- down -- down to the length of his legs. Ximena swallowed averting her eyes to the ceiling. Finding the squared off tiles less than interesting, but it kept her forced attention nonetheless.

"So you think about me. Good to know." Dropping the towel, knowing she wasn't looking -- or was, he didn't care -- he threw on the pajama bottoms she brought him, throwing the spare shirt to a nearby desk chair.

For a moment, Ximena blacked out. Her vision seeing the future instead of the present. She felt her eyes glaze over and Logan say her name like buzzing in her ear, but she didn't have time to hear what he was saying. She needed to pay attention to her vision, it could be important.

She was in a darkened room, barely any light to illuminate the people within it. A cave of sorts, she could roughly make out the outline of sharp rocks and stalagmites.

As she turned a circle of light outside of the room showed her silhouettes of some familiar faces. Mystic, Sabertooth, and then, a man circling another within a strapped down metal chair.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she strained to hear what he was saying. A glimpse of his face was all she needed. Following him around, he ominously -- proudly uttered a speech, his back to her. "Mankind has always feared what it doesn't understand. Well, don't fear God, Senator, and certainly... don't fear me."

"Not anymore." He looked over his shoulder and then, Ximena knew. She was seeing Magneto and Senator Kelly.

Gasping lowly, Ximena felt her sight return. She blinked and found Logan shaking her. Inches away from her face, his expression was panicked, searching for signs of life on her face. "Doc, Ximena -- can you hear me?"

She gripped his large hands in her own, smiling reassuringly. "Relax, Logan. That is normal for me. It's apart of my mutation... you don't need to worry."

His chest heaved as he suddenly shocked himself with how much he cared. He dropped his hands, running one through his hair to calm himself down. "You weren't having a seizure of something?"

Ximena made a face, shaking her head in amusement. "No, no. I was having a vision. It doesn't hurt me unless it goes on for too long. I'll get a migraine, possible nose bleed." She tapped her head with a small fist, shrugging. "But nothing serious."

He didn't look like he believed her, but he nodded his head anyway, leaning against the dark wood dresser. Picking up the extra towels and sheets she also brought with her off the ground because she dropped them whilst having her vision, she set them on the desk beside her.

There was weird atmosphere between them now. Mena had the idea it was because of his freak out over her blackout. She supposed many people had the same reaction if she didn't explain herself. For a moment or two, she's practically brain dead -- unresponsive; yet, breathing. 

She took his silence as a que to leave. "You should be comfortable here. Let me know if you need anything."

Heading for the doorway, she paused when he spoke up. "Where's your room?"

His flirtatious banter offered her a peace of mind. He was coming back to earth. Releasing all that pent up adrenaline. Smirking at him, she leaned against the door jam and Logan instantly got a feeling of Deja Vu. "Wouldn't you like to know."

Pointing across the hall, her voice became soft. "Down the corridor, make a right. First door on your left. But if you're in need of immediate help, I suggest Jean and Scott across from your door. They'll get here quicker."

He made a scowl, displeased with her suggestion. "Right, then left. Got it." That sight made her hid a smile.

"Sweet dreams, Logan."


Unedited. 6/3/21

What did you think of this chapter? Honestly, Ximena is hot as hell when she's all scientific.

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