5. A flowering partnership. And bacon

A flowering partnership. And Bacon

Just like any other night, you had nightmares about your past. So when you woke up that next morning, to the delightful sound of guards running around the castle screaming "The crown! It's gone!" and "Check over here!", you were covered in sweat, and your voice was husk, probably due to all the screaming. You sat up, and the first thought that ran through your mind, was how incredibly hungry you were. Like, to the point, where it wasn't even funny. Lats night, the guards had just straight-up thrown you into your cell, and forgotten to give you dinner. What was wrong with that?

Maybe that's why there wasn't anyone down here. Because they had all starved to death. And you were next.

You smiled, shaking your head. You looked out of the bar-covered window, seeing the sun rising. It was early in the morning, and the crown had been stolen. Just like you had said.

It wasn't because you were a psychic or anything. Even though that would be awesome. No, see in the criminal, eh, industry, people were surprisingly open-minded. They told each other their plans, just to brag. Every skilled criminal knew, that in order for Argo's plan to work, Argo needed the crowns of every seven kingdoms. He has already gotten three, and now Corona was the fourth. Three more to go, and he would be able to make some... Ritual of a kind, you guessed? But what for?

You didn't really think too much of it. You and Varian were going to find out eventually, when the two of you went out on your little journey, to Argo's secret layer - which again, weren't so secret amongst criminals. You were like one big family. You had each other's backs, and if someone were to divulge something to the enemy, there would be war. That's why what you were doing, was so damn dangerous. If the criminals found out that you helped the royal staff of Corona, there would be some serious trouble. You would be as good as dead.

That's also why you so specifically needed Varian to accompany you on the task. The criminals wouldn't recognize him as easily, as they would recognize Eugene for example. (Eugene especially, because he has already turned his back on criminals, to marry a princess even, and the family wasn't happy. They weren't too good at goodbyes. Almost everyone wanted him dead.) - And yeah, if you had Rapunzel to tag along, things wouldn't be much easier.

Besides, you needed to keep your promise. The one you made to her. Her very last words to you. Her very last words ever. You needed to keep Varian close.

You tapped your food against the cold floor. The guards didn't cuff you again when they threw you in here, so you could freely use your arms.

You clapped, looking out of the little window again. The sun had risen a little further into the sky. It could not be long now. But you were still impatient.

And Hungry. I want bacon. Your stomach added, complaining.

"Shut up." You quietly mumbled, walking around you little cell.

And eggs! It spoke again.

You were just about to have an argument with your stomach when you heard footsteps coming closer.

You stepped over to the iron bars, awaiting the visitor with a smile. You got caught a little off guard when you saw a short figure coming closer. It eventually revealed Rapunzel. Alone. No guards around. Or frying pans.

"Good morning, your highness." You spoke politely. "I see you didn't take my advice?"

"How did you know?" Rapunzel asked, placing her hands on the bars. "That my crown was going to be stolen? Why didn't you do anything?"

You took a few steps back, starting walking around the cell again. "You know, I couldn't really do much from inside a cell. But I do remember warning you."

"How did you know?" The queen repeated calmly, yet with traces of aggression. It was a rare sight to see her like that.

"Well, I am a criminal. I know things. I already told you. I know many things you don't, and if you truly want to stop Argo, you need me." You nodded to the top of her head, where the crown was supposed to be. "You know I'm not bluffing, now."

Rapunzel narrowed her eyes at you, searching for any signs that you didn't speak the truth. When she didn't find any, she let out a sigh. "Fine, (Y/n)... I've discussed this with the others, and I've come to a conclusion. As a queen, I must set my kingdom first. If what you're saying is true, then we're in danger. And I choose to believe you. But before agreeing on your terms, we need to discuss something first."

You smiled, nodding. Everything had gone as planned. The unlucky situation with the crown had made them realize that they needed you. "That's fair."

"You must promise me..." The woman began, looking you deeply in the eyes. She had this look on her face that almost made you promise her anything in the whole world, right then and there. "That you will do nothing to harm Corona. I believe that there's good in you, since you want to help us out. I believe we can work together because we have the same goal. As one big team. But I need you to promise me, that you won't turn your back on us."

You considered it for a moment. Turning your back on them wasn't something you planned to do, unless if necessary. You knew that Rapunzel took promises very seriously, but so did you. You almost never promised anyone anything. You made a promise many years ago, and you would rather die than to break it.

You nodded. "I promise."

She looked somewhat relieved. "Good. And then, in order for me to accept those terms you've made, especially the last one... I need to know that you won't hurt him. Varian. I don't even know what kind of mission you two will go on, what you will achieve with it, or why you even chose Varian, but I need to know you'll keep him safe."

"I will. Don't worry." You assured her. And you truly meant it. "The first step is to get a map and some information, Rapunzel. In order for us, to know how we all stop Argo together. To even know what his plans are. It's not that dangerous."

You didn't know why you told her the last part. You didn't need to. But something about her concerned look just made you.

"Okay." She nodded, holding out her hand. "Then, (Y/n) (L/n). We will accept your partnership and your terms."

You shook her hand, smiling. Genuinely. "Deal."

She smiled back, taking a pair of keys out from her pocket in her purple dress. She hesitated a bit, before opening your cell door.

She eyed you very closely, as if she thought you would suddenly start running. But you didn't. And you weren't going to.

You stepped out of your cell, inhaling. "Well then."You looked at the Queen. "Are you going to invite me for breakfast or what? I could really use some bacon."


The breakfast took place at the pavilion today, because the guards were busy searching the castle for the thief. But it didn't really bother you, because it was very warm outside, despite it being so early in the morning. There was an oblong table, with five persons around it, and two empty chairs. Lance, Varian, Eugene, and then two little girls, you hadn't seen before. But you had heard that Lance was their father. Each of them had different colors of hair - red and black. They both looked incredibly tired. They must have been waked up by the siren, that once again went off, when the crown was stolen. Everyone awaited you and Rapunzel, as you walked through the royal garden, towards them.

If it hadn't been for the food, you would have heard Eugene's and Lances' objections as in to 'why the hell you didn't have handcuffs on'. But you didn't. The food was way too attention-seeking. There was bacon. Lots of it. And eggs, pancakes, bread, fruit, everything!

"Is that her?" One of the girls asked excitedly, as you and Rapunzel had gotten closer, jumping off her seat. It was the one with black hair, and before Lance and the red-haired one could stop her, she ran towards you.

"Kiera!" Lance called, but the girl was already right in front of you. She looked at you in awe, jumping up and down. "You're (Y/n), right? The (Y/n)? You're so awesome! I used to look up to you, so much when I was younger, and-"

"Okay, that's enough, Kiera," Rapunzel laughed awkwardly, taking her hand, leading her back to the table. She turned her head to look at you, and you sent her a wink. Aw, it was always nice to have a fan, and it really did warm your heart.

You followed the two girls and sat down at the only empty chair left, at the end of the table. There was an awkward silence for a moment, and everyone looked at you. You made a piece-sign with your hands, before starting filling your plate with food.

"Okay! Soo." Rapunzel broke the silence. "I know this is a very... Strange situation for us. But... We'll just have to accept that (Y/n) is a part of our group now, and uhm... Yeah, now we'll just have to save to world together, I think. Right, (Y/n)?"

Everyone looked at you - Kiera with amazement in her eyes. "Yeah, totally." You agreed, reaching for the eggs. Everyone kept a close eye on you. You really couldn't blame them. You were their enemy just yesterday, and now you sat on the royal pavilion, eating breakfast with them. This was weird for you too.

You looked around the table, yourself, while eating. Lance and the two girls sat to your right, And Rapunzel, Eugene and Varian to your left. They all had morning hair (Even Eugene), and the two girls were still in their nightgowns. You gained eye contact with Varian, and for a moment, the two of you just stared blankly at each other. No smiles, no eye-narrowing. You just observed each other. You even stopped chewing your bacon.

Then Eugene broke the tension. "So (Y/n)!" He clapped his hands, looking at you. "I guess that, now we're a team, you might as well tell us everything you know. About Argo, where his layer is, what the plan is, everything."

When you didn't say anything at first, Eugene impatiently waved his hand. "Go on~"

Rapunzel looked at you, smiling. So did Kiera. Even Varian seemed to smile a little bit too. The rest, including the little red-one, just awaited your answer with suspicious faces.

You swallowed a nice mix of bacon and scrambled eggs. "Yeah, uh... Now that the crown of Corona is stolen, there's only three kingdoms remaining, with theirs intact. I would believe it would take 3-4 days, for that to change. We'll be leaving tomorrow. Varian and I."

Everyone rose their brows in confusion.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Kiera made some wild hand-movements. "Varian and I? What about me? I thought we all going on one big adventure together!"

You chuckled. You liked this one. "Oh sweetie, we are, the alchemist and I are just going out on a little trip first, in order to gather enough information. And then we'll go out on one big adventure. You look badass, I'm sure Lance will allow you to tag along." You tipped her nose. The girl giggled, but her sister laid a protective arm around her, narrowing her eyes at you. Lance sent you a death-glare.

"Holp up. How has the stolen crown anything to do this? And what exactly do you mean by there's only three kingdoms, with their crown intact." Eugene wanted to know.

You glipped your eyes. Og that's right, they didn't know. It was hard to keep track of what you had told them. "I really don't know what Argo is up to, but whatever it is, he needs the crowns of the seven kingdoms. If it's because it will be some kind of ritual, or if it's simply to make a statement, I have no clue, but I do know that his big plan will begin when he has all seven. He has already gotten four."

"But that's impossible." Varian blurted. "The exposed kingdoms would've seen the connection immediately. They would've sent us a warning of some sort. A letter or a personal-"

"You're smart, Varian." You interrupted, smiling. "But criminals are too. Well, some of them, that is." You looked at Lance and Eugene, who immediately caught on, before you could continue.

"WHAT? Are you saying, little lady, that we're not smart?! For your information, we were incredibly smart when we were thieves! GOSH, I've never been so insulted!" Eugene declared, and Lance nodded firmly.

"You don't listen much to people, do you?" You asked, and before they processed what you said, you looked at Varian again, continuing. "As I was saying, criminals are smart too -, especially Argo. He has probably sabotaged any attempt to let the other kingdoms know what's happening."

Varian stared at you, and once again, you gained eye-contact, neither of you saying a word. Then he just nodded, looking away.

"Where are you going? Tomorrow? You and Varian?" The red-haired girl asked you. You looked down at her. It was the first time she had talked throughout this whole breakfast. She wasn't like her sister, she was way more quiet. And since she wasn't a fan of you like Kiera, more prudent.

On your way over here, Rapunzel had told you, that the others had talked about the whole situation, and what was going to happen. So since she asked you, it was out of pure concern for her older brother-figure, and she wanted to hear what would happen, directly from you; That it'll be safe.

And it would be. Maybe. A little. Okay, maybe not. But you decided to tell the little girl what she needed to hear. "What's your name?"


"Catalina." You repeated, smiling. " Varian and I are going to pay Argo's secrete layer a little visit. Luckily it's close to Corona. And don't worry, Argo won't be there, or anyone else for that matter. It'll be completely safe." You spoke, getting a little surprised at how assuring and kind you actually sounded. Wow, what were Corona and its peeps doing to you?

She managed to smile a little. Then the smile vanished, and she once again furrowed her brows. "What if someone attacks you?"

"Then I'll do this." You spoke, throwing your butter-knife in Eugene's direction, in such a quick movement, that no one saw it coming. No one got to react, and luckily for Eugene, he didn't have time to jump, before the knife hammered into the Woodend chair, right above his head. Kiera and Catalina let out a 'wow', and everyone else gasped.

You laughed, your hands on your stomach. "I'm sorry, I just wanted an excuse to do that." You wiped an imaginary tear away. Rapunzel, Varian, and Lance chuckled a little, much to your delight, while Eugene was completely hysterical.

"But for real now: If someone tries to hurt your big bro..." You gestured for the girls to come closer. They leaned towards you, and you whispered in their ear: "I'll just set fire to their pants."

Both of them began laughing loudly, and across from the table, Varian stared at you in awe. He couldn't believe that you were that good with kids. And those weren't just any kids, they were Kiera and Catalina, the most stubborn kids he knew.

Varian crossed his arms, thinking. Whether he liked it or not, he was going out on a mission with you tomorrow. Somehow that had been your third term, if you were going to help Corona, and Varian had no clue of why. But he had assured Rapunzel that it was okay.

Did he trust you, though? He trusted what you said about how the world could be ending and all of that if you didn't do something about it, but did he trust you?

The boy sighed and shook the thoughts off. He was doing this for Corona. Trusting you or not, he needed to do this for the others, after everything they'd done for him.

The time would show if you were being genuine or not. And for the sake of whole Corona, he really, really hoped so.

"Come, (Y/n)," Rapunzel spoke. "I'll lead you to your new room."

Varian watched you as you stood up from the table, sending a wink to the girls. Then you looked at him, and once again his heart skipped a beat. He didn't exactly know why. He didn't really know you, only your reputation. But he felt like you knew him. Well, kind of. Why else would you so specifically have chosen him for being your partner in tomorrow's mission?

And deep, deep down he did feel a sense of recognition. But that's impossible. That was just because your face was practically on every second poster in Corona. Right?

You smiled at him too, before walking away with Rapunzel. Varian couldn't declare whether it was a genuine smile or a sneaky one. He couldn't read you at all, and it irritated him.

Maybe he should try and talk to you later? Try and get some answers out of you under four eyes? Would that even be safe?

He sighed frustrated, looking at the plate in front of him, which was still filled with food. This was one of the rare moments in his life, where he was very conflicted about what to do. Or think.

And he really didn't like it.

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