16. The perks of being the fifth-wheel

We're getting to the point, where stuff gets a little weird. But let's just remember, that this is in the Tangled universe, where demons and dimensions are "NORMAL", so I'm not crazy.

The perks of being the fifth-wheel


Varian had isolated himself. He would lock himself in his room, cut himself from everyone's schedule. He did not eat or sleep properly anymore - he had completely messed up his circadian rhythm (Not that it wasn't pretty bad already, but this was far worse)

Sometimes he would go out. But it wasn't to socialize. It wasn't to eat or take a walk. No, whenever he dared to walk out of his room, it was because he wanted to check up on you. He wanted so badly to be there when you woke up - because you were going to wake up - but he knew he couldn't do so, if he also wanted to solve the riddle. To translate the weird words on the paper, that would hopefully tell him everything he needed to know about Argo's plans. He knew, that was what you would want him to do.

"Get your lazy ass to work. You can't save the world by missing me." He heard your voice in his head. Lately, it was the only thing he heard. All he heard, all he thought of, it was always you. He was a walking mess, and it was because of you.

It was weird. He didn't even know how much you had meant to him, before he had lost you.

Sometimes Rapunzel, Lance, or Eugene would knock on his door. He guessed they tried to talk to him, through it. Jokes on them, Varian had made his whole room sound-proof, ever since he got it. It was quite necessary when he was working all night. But his friends would leave food outside his door, which he would sometimes pick up.

Varians room was beginning to look like a caveman's. Empty plates, empty coffee cups, and lots and lots of books would lie around everywhere, filling every flat surface. But honestly, he didn't even realize.

He couldn't think straight. No, scratch that, he couldn't even think. It was like his whole body was on auto-pilot, trying to solve the damn riddle. He didn't do anything else.

It had been two days now, and he hadn't even translated one word. He worked his ass out of his pants non-stop, and yet nothing. He felt like he had tried everything. He had gone through every translating book he could find, trying to match the words on the paper. He had turned the paper upwards and down and to both of the sides. He had tried to collate with numbers, runes, everything. But still a big fat nothing.

And it was frustrating. Sometimes he would get so angry, that he threw his books across the room. Other times he would just break down completely. But not much time after, he would alway be straight back at work.

It wasn't like Rapunzel and Eugene didn't know what was going on. At some point, he had met them on his way to check up on you, and they had forced some answers out of him. They knew that he was their best bet at figuring out what was written on the paper, and they also knew that he worked best by himself. Therefore they left him alone, while they, themselves were looking for Monty. The old candy-man had completely vanished, ever since...

Yeah, he was nowhere to find.

Varian wasn't furious at them anymore, by the way. He was still angry, but he was now able to maintain it, after Eugene and Rapunzel had forced him to hear them out. And he must admit that their explanation made a little bit of sense, even though he absolutely hated it.

Of course, they had been skeptical about him going on a two-man's trip with a highly wanted criminal. They had just tried to protect him.

But their decision still hadn't been fair to you. And therefore, a part of him still wanted to shove them off a bridge.


Varian had also convinced them, not to act out about now knowing the location of the Villain base. He knew it was a big favor to ask them, since it was a pretty big deal, but honestly, they owed him that. And so, they promised, they wouldn't do anything about it - not until you woke up, that is.

Varian ran a hand through his hair and breathed out. He was reading through a page about Latin translations, as fast as his eyes allowed him to - and as fast as his brain could keep up. (which wasn't very fast, taken his lack of sleep into consideration.)

He read the words on the paper once again. Collating.

Για να πετύχετε αυτό που επιθυμείτε, να αναβιώσετε αυτούς που έχουν ξεχαστεί - πρέπει να είστε στην άκρη του θανάτου μόνοι σας

Τα πιο σημαντικά αντικείμενα των βασιλείων θα είναι το κλειδί για την πτώση τους.

μια θυσία, και ένας νέος κόσμος θα ανέβει στις στάχτες του.

He let out a frustrated sigh, and closed the book. There was no similarity at all.

Gosh, wasn't he supposed to be smart!? Why the hell was this so difficult!?

He looked at the weird drawing on the paper. There was drawn a crown, a knife, and a figure, that Varian cut out to be a demon. Then there was this hill with some weird rocks on it. Varian couldn't really analyze it so much, because it was still out of context. But he had considered if the picture of a crown, had anything to do with Corona's crown getting stolen not so long ago. It could be a part of a ritual or something.

He kicked to some books on the floor, on his way over to his shelf, to pick up another book. But when that one didn't make any sense either, he decided he would head for a walk.

Not for his own sake, but because he needed to get to the library. Maybe there were some good translation books down there...

He walked out of his room, leaving the door open. (His room could really use some fresh air while he was gone)

He didn't even notice he was walking straight towards the medical room, when he had already passed the doors that lead outside. His unconsciousness apparently really wanted to see you, before going.

The halls were empty, much to his delight. He was not in the mood for talking to anyone. He stopped in front of the door to the room and listened. There was no one else in there.

He opened the door and walked over to you. You were exactly in the same position as last time he visited you. He let out a shaky sigh.

He rose his hand, to gently touch your cheek, when he noticed something on it. He narrowed his eyes and got closer. Blood. Running, new blood.

How could that be possible? The wound was fresh. And you couldn't have made it yourself.

He wiped it away with furrowed eyebrows, before taking your hand, forgetting everything about the blood.

"Please wake up (Y/n). I really want to get to know you better."

And with one last glance at your unconscious self, he left the room quietly.


There were almost no people in the village either. It must be early in the morning. Or late at night. He had lost so much track of time, that he couldn't even tell.

Anyhow, the fresh air and the cold wind felt amazing to breathe in. It had only been two days, but oh, how he had missed being outside.

And just one second later, after finishing that thought, he felt extremely guilty. He shouldn't be out here, enjoying the fresh air, complaining about how he had been stuck inside his room, when you were battling for your life.

He reminded himself of the purpose, of why he was even out here. He was going to the library, and he should hurry. There was no time to waste.


He hadn't even thought about asking Xavier, until he saw him. He had been so determined to solve the riddle alone, that he hadn't asked anyone else for help. But as much as he wouldn't admit it, it started to seem like a good idea. It wasn't like he was getting anywhere on his own.

Xavier knew every myth had ever been told. Maybe if Varian showed the paper, there would ring a bell. It was worth giving a try, at least.

The old man was currently occupied, placing books inside an empty shelf. Varian made his way over, and cleared his throat.

Apparently Varian had been so light on his feet, that Xavier hadn't noticed him coming up. The librarian dropped the book he was holding, in pure shock. He turned to Varian, with a hand placed on his racing heart.

"Oh, Varian. It's just you."

"Yeah, uh, sorry about that." Varian tried to smile, but it was like he had forgotten how to. He picked up the book Xavier had dropped. Ironically enough, it was the tale of Flynn Rider. Varian had read that book so many times. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay, boy." Xavier assured, looking at Varian. "You don't look so good. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Varian let out a dry laugh at his first comment. He looked like actual shit. But who cares? It wasn't like you were actually there to notice how he looked. If that had been the case, he would've definitely have done something about his appearance.

He rushed the paper out of his pocket, and almost threw it at Xavier. "Uh, this paper. I-I've been trying to translate it the past two days, but I just can't figure it out. Do you perhaps know what language it is, or maybe have a book that can help, or-"

"These drawings." Xavier mumbled, shutting Varian's mouth. "I've seen them before. But I..." He closed his eyes in thought. It was like the whole library fell silent, and Varian held his breath.

"I don't remember where..."

Varian blinked. "you don't..." He couldn't understand. Xavier always remembered everything.

"But it's not good." He said. "The words written on the paper, however, I believe to be ancient Greek."

Varian furrowed his eyebrows. "Ancient greek? That doesn't make any sense..."

Xavier shrugged, walking over to a shelf, picking up a book. He handed it to Varian, who had followed him. "This book will help you."

Varian felt like something heavy had just been lifted from his shoulders. "Thank you, Xavier."

He turned around and was about to run when Xavier spoke up. "Varian, this looks serious. Can you tell me what it's for?"

Varian hesitated.

"No. I can't."

Then he ran.


Varian nearly bumped into Eugene, Lance, and Rapunzel in the castle halls. He was so eager to get back to his room, that he would've just run past them if Lance hadn't stopped him.

"Wow there kiddo. We were just looking for you. Are there any updates?" Lance asked.

Varian hated them for slowing him down. He wanted to solve the riddle now. "No, but I might have one now. This is the translation book I need." He held up the book.

"That's amazing Varian!" Rapunzel exclaimed, clapping her hands. The three adults followed Varian into his room and stood there waiting, while Varian was working on the written words.

His room was completely dark, only lit up by some candles. The mood was completely right, to translate some words, that could mean the end of the world.

It felt like Varian's brain was overheating. His fingers couldn't keep up with his eyes. He was working, as he had never worked before. It was indeed greek written on the paper, and he was translating it word for word.

Rapunzel was halfway through cleaning his room, when Varian was done. The three immediately gathered around him, as he read out loud.

"To achieve what you want, to revive those who have been forgotten - you must be on the verge of death yourself." He spoke. "The kingdom's most valuable objects shall be the key to their downfall. One sacrifice and a new world will rise in its ashes."

There was silence for a whole moment. Varian read the whole thing again.

"That, uh. That doesn't sound fun." Lance said. Eugene shook his head.

"It's a revival." Varian declared. "To revive those who have been forgotten - Its talking about the demons."

"And to achieve that" Rapunzel continued. "You have to be on the verge of death yourself. What does it mean by that?"

Everyone looked at Varian as if they assumed he knew. "The kingdom's most valuable objects shall be the key to their downfall. The crowns. That's why they've all been stolen." Varian muttered.

"Okay, so Argo already has the key to our doom. That's nice to know." Eugene spoke, and Rapunzel shot him a glare. Then she once again looked patiently at Varian.

He closed his eyes, his brain working at full throttle. He went through everything that could possible explain the first and last line.

And then it hit him.

He reached after something in his pocket and got a grab of that piece of chocolate, Argo so kindly had saved for him in Monty's backroom. He found the belonging note. "It's signed Argo." he spoke, in a dramatic voice, as if he really leaked some useful information.

There was a silence in the room.


"If the chocolate was from Argo, then the two first pieces must've been too. It was just made by Monty! They were working together!" Varian thought out loud.

The three still looked at him, like he was crazy. Lance blinked.


"There were names on the chocolate. One was specifically made for me, the other one for (Y/n). And (Y/n) nearly died after eating hers. It was all planned out! Argo was the mastermind behind it! (Y/n) was the sacrifice!"

Rapunzel's eyes winded as she finally kept up. "And now she's on the verge of death! Xavier once told me a story about a place you go, when you're in such a poor state in life, that you're almost dead. But just almost. It's a place somewhere in between heaven and hell. And it's where all the demons are kept."

"She's in another dimension!?" Eugene asked skeptically. "But she's just inside of the medical room."

"A part of her is." Varian explained. "I saw her bleed from her chin just earlier. It might've been a wound she got inside of the dimension!"

Varian turned to everybody. Everything made sense now. "She needs our help! She walked right into Argo's trap, by eating that stupid chocolate. The chocolate that I gave her! We've got to help her!"

They were all in deep thought. "But we can't just save her. There's a whole world that needs saving. Downfall. A new world will rise in its ashes. That sounds pretty serious." Eugene said, and Varian almost got angry for a second. The world didn't matter. At that very moment, all he wanted was to save you.

"By saving (Y/n), you'll save the world too." A voice sounded from the door. Varian turned his head, and saw Xavier walking inside. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to just burst in like that. I was looking for Varian, and happened to hear your whole conversation."

"Xavier!" Rapunzel exclaimed happily, but quickly snapped back into being serious. "What do you mean?"

"You are indeed right about the dimension (Y/n) is currently stuck in. But in order to revive any demons, there needs to be opened a portal from both sides. Argo has everything ready to open the dimension on this side. The crowns, the sacrifice. Now all he needs is to open the portal from the other."

"How are you so sure?" Eugene asked.

"I've been reading many myths about this." He told as if it would surprise anyone. He looked at Varian, pointing at the paper - more specifically the drawing of some strange rocks on a hill. "I remember what seemed so familiar now, Varian. This is a spiritual and haunted place, surrounded my mysterious rocks. It's here the ritual will take place. In this world."

Varian let the new information sink in before he again spoke up. "Then (Y/n) is doing Argo's dirty work for him, and she doesn't even know it! That, or Argo is in the dimension as well, and finish the ritual himself."

Silence once again. Varian looked at Rapunzel. It was a rare sight to see her this serious.

"We need to stop him," She said. "We need to get into that dimension, and save (Y/n), and stop those demons from being revived. We barely took down Zhan Tiri last year. It would be the world's destruction if we were to fight a whole army of demons."

"Plus, now we don't have the power of the sun drop to help us out." Eugene agreed.

"But how do we get down there... Or, in there?" Lance asked.

Eugene shook his head. "Not we. Us." He pointed at himself, Rapunzel and Varian. Lance threw his arms up in the air. "And what about me?"

Eugene sighed. "Varian needs to come. You know, because he wants to save his girlfriend and all."

"She's not my-"

"Whatever." Eugene shrugged, continuing. "And as King and Queen, it's Rapunzel's and I's duty to save Corona. Besides, if she's going, I am too!" Eugene took Rapunzel's hand.

"Oh, right, so you're going to have a double-date in another dimension, and you just don't want me to tag along?"

Rapunzel placed her hands on his shoulders. "Lance, we need you to lead the guards over to the place, the ritual will take place. With Xavier's help. In case anything goes wrong"

Lance just sighed and nodded. Varian had become speechless. He needed to process that he and his friends had just planned how they would save the world withing the last 5 minutes.

"But how can we get into that... Uh, dimension?" Eugene asked Xavier. Xavier was about to answer, but Varian snapped out of it and answered. "With this."

He took the chocolate in his hands and cracked it into three pieces. He handed it to Eugene and Rapunzel, who looked suspiciously at it. "You might wanna lie down before eating."


Hey guys, wanna see some pictures of an upcoming something?


Also; Guys, the perks of being a fifth-wheel, is that you won't ever have to eat deadly chocolate. Keep that in mind the next time you feel left out <3

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