12. Backfired, Bitch!


-Backfired, Bitch!-



- V A R I A N -

Varian had experienced a lot of scary things, throughout his life. He had lost his mother when he was very young. He had even lost his father for a terrifying couple of months - which, oh yeah, caused him to go bananas on the royal kingdom. He had been kidnapped by one of his best friends, Cassandra when she possessed the moon-stone. Heck, he has even been in another dimension.

And now, he could add another thing to the list - being held captive in the top criminal's , Argo's, dungeon.

Or well, he wasn't really being held captive to be fair. The door wasn't locked, nor were there any guards around. Theoretically, he could escape, just like that. But that would be suspicious, and if there was something Varian had learned in the past few hours, it was not to be. Besides, Argo had made it pretty clear that he expected him and you to be here in the morning - to help him with something apparently. And of course, Varian had not dared to ask what. In fact, he had barely spoken a word, ever since Argo unexpectedly showed up at the bar, taking you and him by surprise.

Varian recalled the tension in the air when Argo and you have had a staring contest. Argo won, and Varian still got goosebumps when he thought of the smirk Argo had sent you afterward.

Argo had asked what you were doing here, to which you had coldly replied that it was none of his business. Varian still couldn't believe how you had kept your poker-face so well when speaking to the most intimidating man Varian had ever seen.

Because Argo really was something else. In many ways, he reminded Varian a lot of Andrew by his looks. He had a pretty face and long black hair - but unlike Andrew's, Argo's wasn't tied up in a bun. It hung loosely by his shoulders, matching his dark eyes and clothes. But it was the look on his face, and the energy he emitted that pulled the strings. Never before had Varian met someone who looked so ominous and sly. It was like everyone held their breath when he was nearby like the tiniest sound could trigger him. No one dares to speak, or even move a muscle. No one, except you.

But Varian could tell that even you were anxious in his presence. He could tell it by your faster breathing, and the way you clenched your jaw. But you didn't break eye contact from the criminal. You didn't flicker, not once.

"I see you brought Varian with you. I knew you'd join us sooner or later." Argo had said, looking at him. Varian's world had stopped. How did he know his name? And what did he mean by 'join us sooner or later'? Did he know about Varian's past?

But Varian later realized that those were some stupid questions. Argo seemed to know everything. Every little detail about everyone.

Varian saw for himself, how you had walked protectively in front of him, asking what Argo wanted. And so Argo began saying stuff like how the two of you probably didn't have a place to crash, and that he gladly would offer you a room at his place.

Varian remembered something he once read about the top villain - that he liked to play mind games with people. And right now, Varian could easily be a part of one. In other words, Varian knew that there was way more to the offer than what Argo said. He had the feeling that Argo knew why you were here, and that he was leading you right into his trap. But there was no denying Argo.

And so, the walk had started to Argo's "secret hideout" which in fact, weren't so secretive at all. It was a large, white mansion, placed against the back wall. (Of course, this guy was rich). Varian had to admit that it was indeed breathtaking and stylish, but something did seem off.

There weren't any windows. Not even one. And Varian could only imagine how dark it must be in there. How many dead bodies would Varian find in there? 10? 20?

As the four of you - Argo and you upfront, and himself and Hans closely behind - had walked past many trees, water fountains, statues of people that Varian didn't know, Varian wondered if you had a house somewhere in the village as well. But you probably hadn't. You preferred life on the run.

You had finally gotten inside, and once again Varian had been shocked. There were no dead bodies. No blood. No spider-web, no creepy furniture - Well what had Varian imagined? Argo being the top criminal didn't mean he had to either a human-Dracula or a bad architect.

But this was straight-up crazy.

Everything was lit up by chandeliers, so Varian's theory about it being dark in here was clearly way off. There wasn't much furniture, but what there was, were stylish, and look like it would cost more than Varian's house. Golden curtains hung against the walls (which was a little weird, considering how there weren't any windows. There were also lots of plants and flowers. It there hadn't been weapons and armor almost everywhere Varian looked, it would look like a normal rich home, way ahead of its time. Varian had felt old looking at it.

Argo had lead Varian and you down some stairs, into the stylish dungeons that completely matched the first floors. There had been lots of rooms, but Argo opened the first one to the left. Argo had talked a bit with you before he left, but honestly, Varian couldn't remember what it had been about. He had been too stunned.

And so now, here he was, sitting on the bed (the only furniture in this room), watching you with wide eyes. He knew you were a down-to-earth person, but actually leaning up against the door with a satisfied smirk on your face, was maybe a little too much, considering how your plan had just completely crumbled.

Varian himself felt really bad because he knew some of this was his fault - because it was on his expense that you hadn't taken your original route, through the secret entrance in the wall, but had taken the hard way instead - which apparently turned out to be a 1-way ticket to Argo's house. But you, however, didn't seem to be concerned at all. Ever since Argo had left the room your concern and tension had disappeared into thin air, been replaced by your smug grin.

"(Y/n)?" He asked carefully, as you could explode at any moment. "What's happening?"

You looked at him. "Argo is always one step ahead of me." You explained, smirking. "But this time I had a backup plan. And thank the gods for that, cause otherwise we would be screwed."

Varian waited for you to continue. You did. "As I had mentioned some time ago, I thought that Argo was on a trip this time around. But some little part of me had its suspicion, and so I made a deal with Willow and Jack. If we weren't back by midnight, which we won't be, they will do something to lure Argo out of the house at 6-am exactly. And that will be out time to shine." Your face got a little more serious. "I don't know how Argo knew we were coming. I don't know how he knew that we were looking for something he possessed. But I know for a fact, that he doesn't know, that we know about his plan - and therefore he doesn't completely know about ours. He just suspects us for being on to something, and I bet that this very room." You pointed around. "Is a test. He's going to see if we will sneak out at night. But we won't. We'll be fast asleep - until our back-up plan starts, that is."

Varian was equally impressed as he was relieved. "That's actually really smart" He admitted.

You laughed. "Well, that is what I'm known for."

Varian watched you as you yawned and stretched. Sometimes you looked so innocent, so normal, that he sometimes had to remind himself that you were one of the bad guys. Or, at least, you used to be. And even though Varian was beginning to like you, he couldn't help but sometimes expect that you would just turn around with a wicked laugh and grin, saying that he walked right into yours and Argo's trap. But you didn't. And Varian slapped himself for questioning your loyalty when you had risked so much to help Corona.

You sat down on the bed across from him, taking your shoes off. And that was when Varian realized. There was only one bed. And it wasn't even a big one.

"Uh, I, uh." Varian began, completely flustered. "I can sleep on the floor."

To Varian's surprise, you rose your brows. "What, you think I bite or something? Relax pretty boy, it's cool. As long as you don't move onto my side during the night, I will kill you." You spoke the last sentence with such seriousness that Varian flinched.

But when you laughed it off, he couldn't help but laugh too. He had a strange feeling whenever you laughed. It was like everything else disappeared around him and he was only able to hear you. See just you. You had that impact on him sometimes, and it was scary. He hadn't experienced anything like it before.

Varian was clever. He sought knowledge, and he hated when the was something he didn't know, or couldn't figure out. Varian told himself that, that was one of the reasons why he was so interested in you. You were like an unsolved puzzle to him. You were mysterious, and he didn't really know much about you - and therefore couldn't figure you out. You were clarity, and yet confusion to him. You had this bad and sassy facade up, but Varian knew that there was so much more to you underneath.

He got snapped back into reality when you waved your hand in front of him. He noticed how fast his heart was pounding. He told it to slow down, but it just wouldn't listen.

"We need to rest if we want to succeed tomorrow. We want to find something that tells us anything about Argo's plans before he comes back. We can't afford to fail." You spoke, yawning once again. You slid under the bed-covers, still wearing all of your clothes, and your dagger was still in its sheath. Varian normally slept with his shirt off, but he made an exception this time. He didn't want things to be weird.

He turned the light off and laid down in the bed as well. This bed really was small. He didn't directly touch you, but he could feel your body-warmth. That's how close the two of you were.

He had never been this close to a girl before. Well, a girl at his age. And you were this girl. When Varian thought about that, he completely forgot the circumstances the two of you were in. He was currently in Argo's dungeon, far away from home, and in the middle of the villains secret hideout. He should be freaking out. He really should. But he didn't.

And he had no clue why.

He waited for the heat to leave his face when he heard your soft voice. "Varian?"


"Do you have nightmares?"

The question was so unexpected, that Varian had to maintain himself from not sitting up in the bed. The most badass girl he knew, was asking him a vulnerable question, such as nightmares?

"Yeah. I do." He answered truthfully. He had. Plenty of them, in fact. Some of them were about him losing his dad again. Others were about himself, as the manic he once was, trying to get revenge on Rapunzel. Some were even about his mom. All of them were equally as bad.

"I do too." You spoke slowly. Varian knew that, but he didn't say anything. He heard you the first night when you slept at the castle. They sounded bad. "I'm sorry if I wake you up."

"What are they about?" Varian spoke carefully.

At first, you didn't answer, and one second Varian thought he crossed the line. That he was invading your personal space too much. But he had to take the chance because he knew that it helped to talk about it - Rapunzel had taught him that. And since you seemed to let your walls fall a bit at night, he saw it as a great opportunity to get to know you better.

"My past. My family." You finally admitted. You paused, knowing Varian's silence meant for you to continue. Your voice trembled. "My mom."

Varian had the audacity to turn around, facing you. He rested hid head on his arm, looking at where he thought you're eyes were. It was so dark, he couldn't tell for sure. But as his eyes adjusted to the dark, he saw you staring at the ceiling. You laid on your back, hands folded on our stomach.

"What happened?" He asked, surprised how soft his voice sounded.

"I don't-" You started, but then sighed. I don't want to talk about it ,Varian finished your sentence in his head. But just as he had done so, he felt you moving. Then you sat up, finding Varian's hand. At first, he thought you were going to intertwine your fingers with his, and his heart completely stopped, but then he felt you putting an object into them. He was pretty sure it was your lighter.

He saw you wing your legs over the edge of the bed, your back facing him. Then you pulled up your shirt.

Varian closed his eyes automatically. But when he didn't hear any further movements, he slowly opened them again. At first, he didn't know what on earth he was supposed to do, but then it clicked.

He sat up in the bed himself, fiddling with the lighter until a tiny blue flame appeared, It didn't bring much light, but now he was able to see your back properly. And he held in a gasp at the sight.

Countless scars were planted on your skin, covering a very large area. Burning marks. Very bad ones. He could tell they were made years ago, but they were still red.

"Y-Your mom did this?" Varian spoke in pure horror. He didn't even hesitate to run his cold hand across your skin over the scarred area. Your shoulders lifted a bit.

You nodded. So much made sense to Varian know. Or, well at least some of it.

He could tell you that he was sorry. He could say, what probably every other person have said to you when you had told them even a tiny bit about your past. But he didn't.

"Your scars doesn't define you. You know that, right?" He spoke.

You pulled your shirt down, laying down again. "I guess I tend to forget that sometimes."

Varian laid down as well now. The two of you faced each other. Varian could feel your breath.

"I'll tell you about mine someday," Varian said determinedly.

You didn't say anything, but he could tell you smiled.

Then, you both fell asleep.


A/N: HAhaha, I got so sleepy while writing this chapter. I really need to go to bed now.

But before I do so, I would like to recommend y'all another great, great Varian x Reader story!

Now, I usually don't do this, but after reading this one, I felt like I had to. I love it :') And I really wanted to help this beautiful soul out, since it's always pretty hard getting discovered on Wattpad as a writer.

The story's name is 'Good enough' and it's written by @Scarlett_schuyler

So please guys, do your thing! Check it out! Show it some love! <3 And in the meantime, I can write the next chapter. BUT FIRST, I'll get some sleep.

Goodnight, I love you all.

~BuT seRioUslY thOugh, what if I say our two lovebirds get in the mood for some chOcolAte in the next chapter-

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