1. Reunion with the fam'!
Have you ever pictured that really good, badass and OVERLY-AWESOME opening scene to a story?
Like, where the main character who's, of course, a criminal (the criminal part is very important, considering the fact that anything else would be boring, and we do not want the reader to stop reading, now do we? Take notes, kids) just come out of the blue and kills everyone, and then runs off into the sunset?
Like that really epic moment, where you build up the suspense to such a point, where the reader can do nothing but to continue reading? THAT kind of an awesome opening scene?
Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you're not getting one.
My name is (Y/n) (L/n), but you might know me as the second most wanted criminal in all of the seven kingdoms... Cool title I had back then, right? I've worked really for it, so you better-
Varian: (Y/n), focus!
Fine, fine. Anyway, so exactly one month ago, is where the story begins - and where I met my personal pain in the ass for the very first time, Varian, this is for you-
*Get's hit by a book*
OKAY!.. GOD, men, am I right? But this is the story of how I, the great, great (Y/n), saved the world. With a little help from my friends, that is. Like, of course, It was mostly me, but I decided to give them some of the credit because sharing is caring, you know what I'm saying?
GoSH, Varian, why do you have to be such a party pooper?...Β Okay, they did help me. Equally, as much as I helped them, but that's not the point here; I want to tell you about the beginning! It all started with my non-epic opening scene... It was a peaceful and sunny day in Corona...
*Music starts playing*
*Music stops*
-BuT liKe, seriously Varian, why do you always have to ruin my intro's? You know how much they mean to me...-
*Music continues*
______four weeks earlier...______
-Reunion with the fam'!-
As said, it was a happy day in Corona. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, the villager's moods couldn't be any better. Everyone lived their life to their fullest, not having a single worry. It was over 10 months ago, that the kingdom was last under attack - and that was a record. But their peaceful everyday life wouldn't last much longer. It was actually kind of sad, how they all were completely unaware of what threat, Corona was about to face. And unaware of who was coming closer and closer to the castle step by step.
"Who", the special someone, yours truly, the person everyone loved to hate, was of course yourself. (Y/n) (L/n). A well-known name amongst everyone in Corona, and - not to brag - every other kingdom as well. A feared name.Β
And as the second most wanted criminal, there was only one name that was feared more - and that is what this is about. That's the reason behind what you were about to do. But you'll get into that later.Β
You were walking quickly down the streets. A lot of people were smiling, even waving at you, as you walked. Not because they knew you, but because this was simply who they were. Despise your reputation, you smiled back, even though they couldn't see it, because of the large hood you were wearing. A hood that was pulled well up over your head, only leaving a shadow of your face, for them to see.Β Β Β
They didn't suspect a thing. Everyone in this kingdom was way too gullible. Too naive. You chuckled. That's what you loved about them. It made your job way easier.
You took a turn to the castle, with a determined look on your face. You were not even the slightest bit conflicted about what you were about to do. You had it all planned out, after all. And this was the first step of your plan, as crazy as it probably seemed.
You saw a mom and her 5-year old son, coming towards you. The boy had a lollipop in his hands and looked very happy. But when he saw you, he rose his little brows.
"Why are you wearing a hood? It's summer!" He spoke when he got closer.
You laughed. Kids had no filter.
"Ethan!" His mother scolded, before smiling at you, apologizing. "I'm sorry"
She clearly wasn't. It was her manners speaking, but deep down she thought her little boy was adorable when he let out random comments, and others would too.
You were an exception.
You didn't answer, and as they walked past you, the boy, who was incredibly short, looked under your hood. He frowned when he saw your face. You winked at him, mouthing a 'shhh'.
You kept going, a little bit faster than before. The boy had recognized you and had probably revealed your identity to his mother, and even though she wouldn't believe him, she would send a worried look in your direction. She would probably tell someone about it, the weird assumption her son had made, and the rumor would slowly spread - even though none of them would actually believe it. And you would be long gone by then.
People were so easy to read.
And in case you were wrong, which you rarely were, and the mother would believe her son, there was no need to take risks. You weren't particularly popular amongst mothers.
But don't get me wrong, you were usually a huge sucker for taking risks and chances. (You liked to live life dangerously) But not today. It was such a lovely day to take the kingdom by surprise. Nope, no risking.
You reached the gates to the castle in no time.Β As always, they were open, allowing people to walk right in. Even people like you. You sent the two guards a piece sign, before walking in. They didn't think twice about it. After all, you were a sixteen-year-old girl. You didn't look like a threat at all.
You continued your path through the royal outdoor vestibule. More and more guards were now in sight. As a closer, you came to the front doors, as more guards appeared. And you had gained their attention.
Surprisingly, you made it all the way to the front doors. They too were open, but you had to have permission to get in. And even though the royal guards were stupid, they weren't stupid enough to let a hooded person inside their castle.
You watched the eight guards stand in front of you, with a confused look. They were waiting for you to speak. They were all armed.
"I wish to speak with Queen Rapunzel." You smiled at them but made sure that they couldn't see your eyes.
"Do you have an appointment?" One of the guards spoke. You believed him to be Pete, if you remembered correctly. Oh, how much fun you and these guys have had, while they have chased you down the streets in the past. Good times. It was good to see them again.
You wondered if they'd be dumb enough to let you in if you said yes, but you just shook your head, still smiling - but not politely. It was a confident smile.
"Well then, eh... Who are you, little lady?" Another one of the guards asked.
You laughed. "Are you sure, you want me to tell you?"
Most of the guards just stood there, waiting. But two of them slowly grabbed their sword. One of them was even smart enough to call assistance. You heard more guards coming from behind.
You took a few steps backward. When you had found a good spot to set a mark in history on, you slowly pulled your hood down. But you kept looking down at the ground, still making sure they couldn't see your face yet. No need to kill the suspense too early, right?
You slowly kneeled down, putting your hands up in the air, because you knew what would happen next. You knew what would happen once they recognized you.
"Stop playing around kid. Who are you?" A guard demanded. Stan.
You smirked, as you heard the guards behind you had finally come close enough. They made it just in time for the big show.
"Oh stan, I'm honestly kind of hurt." You chuckled, still looking down. "After all we've been through, you don't recognize me?" You looked up, revealing your smirking face.
Stan's eyes went wide. "(Y/n)!". Then the surprise turned into anger. "It's (Y/n) (L/n)! Get her!"
The guards acted surprisingly quickly. One of them must have pressed some sort of button, because suddenly a loud siren echoed throughout the castle grounds, and some fireworks got sent straight up in the air, basically screaming: Evacuate the castle immediately! Danger on the property!
You didn't resist when a bunch of them grabbed you, taking your hands behind your back. One forced you to stand up, as another searched your body for weapons.Β
"Ah, what a reunion, guys! I've missed you too!" You smirked, as your gaze shifted between Pete and Stan. They were the only guards who stood still. The rest had either run up to warn the Queen, or they were occupied making sure you didn't move.
"Search her again, guys! There's no way she walked right into the castle without any weapons."
The guards did as told, but they weren't gonna find anything.
"What are you doing here?" Pete narrowed his eyes.Β
You shrugged. "You'll see."
You felt cold iron brush against your hands, as they put you in handcuffs. Then, when they had declared that you did not have any weapons on you, they began forcing you into the castle, heading down for the dungeons.
The smirk never left your face.
In case you've not read the summary, this story takes place after season 3. Rapunzel is now the Queen of Corona, Varian has become the royal engineer, Euegene is Captain and so on.
Hope you'll enjoy this story <3
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