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The Grill
(A/N the most unoriginal name for an establishment on the damn planet.)ย
"Okay so tell us about this big witchy plan you've been cooking up." Caroline directed towards Bonnie with her chin under her hands. "Ouuu yeah." I said intriguingly while digging into my nachos. "We still don't know the extent of what Elijah's up to." Bonnie responded while leaning into the table. "Oh yes let's not forget the dashing original in a suit." I said jokingly before sipping on my lemonade.
They both looked at me with smiles on there faces with there eyebrows raised. "What? He's hot and you both know it. I've got a thing for brunettes, but then again I don't discriminate." I said playfully while smiling brightly. They both started laughing and I joined in soon after. "Ok but Bonnie's right we don't." I stated after we all calmed down. "Right. So I'm gonna ask Luka to tell me what he knows." Bonnie said.
Caroline and I looked at each other then back at Bonnie. "He's not gonna tell you anything." We told her simultaneously. "I didn't say he was gonna have a choice." She remarked while smiling. I smirked at her and nodded my head. Matt was coming around the corner to walk past our table and he and Caroline made eye contact.
She waved at him and gave him a small smile but he didn't return it and instead gave her the cold shoulder. I'm gonna punch this dick in the face. "Want me to jump him?" I said at the same time Bonnie asked what that was about. "No." Caroline replied to me. "Buzzkill." I sighed before shoving a another nacho in my mouth.
"Uh, I don't know. I thought that we were.." Caroline dragged towards the end while sighing. "I don't know." She continued somberly. "Well screw him I'll date you. Your hot." I said before licking my top lip. I wanted to cheer her up and with everything that's going on she could use the cheering up.
Bonnie and I looked at her with sad expressions making there way onto our faces. "I'm gonna go talk to him." Caroline said before gathering her stuff and chasing after Matt. Bonnie and I looked at each other and sighed. "I've got to head out and get going on the plan about getting Luka to fess up." Bonnie said. "He's not gonna go for it Bon." I stated before sipping on my lemonade.
"He will." She dragged before walking away. I sighed and threw my trash away. I knew in the back of my mind that shit was gonna hit the fan, but if she thinks she can do it, I have faith in her.
I had left the grill and got home to watch The Walking Dead and snack on junk food. I was enjoying my time gawking at Andrew Lincoln when the doorbell rang. I paused the show and got one of my daggers off the counter. I looked through the peep hole and sighed.
I opened the door and waited expectingly. "Hey witchy." Damon said snarkily. "We're you gonna stab me? That's not very nice of you." He continued. I sighed frustratedly, "What do you want?"
"I need you to come with me to the Lockwoods." He stated. "Why would I go with you anywhere?" I asked. "Because of my charm." He responded with a smirk plastered on his face. I grabbed the door handle about to close the door in his face until he stopped it with his hand. "Elijah's gonna be there and I need back up." He said.
"And out of everyone you picked me because?" I asked quizzically. "Can't I just miss my witchy partner in crime?" He asked jokingly. "We're not partners in crime, as far as I'm concerned we don't even know each other." I stated. "There'll be food." He hummed with his eyebrows raised. "Food you said?" I asked quizzically. He nodded with a smirk on his face.
The Lockwood Residence
Damon and I walked through the door and were met by Jenna coming up to us. "Damon, Amira, what are you doing here?" She asked. Before we could answer Andie came up beside Damon and greeted him. They kissed and I looked at Jenna and gagged and she laughed. "Thanks for introducing us Jenna." He said then looked over at me and patted me on the shoulder and ushered us toward Mrs. Lockwood and Elijah.
I looked at his hand on my shoulder then back at him with my eyebrows telling him to get his nasty ass salvawhore hands off of me. He removed his hand from my shoulder as we made it towards Mrs. Lockwood and Elijah.
"Damon, Amira." She said while smiling brightly at us. "Carol. Mrs. Lockwood." Damon and I said in unison. She hugged Damon and said hi to him then moved towards me and repeated the action. I patted her on the back before she pulled away from me.
"Elijah. I want you to meet Damon Salvatore and Amira James. Damon's family is one of Mystic Falls founding families." Carol stated while looking between the three of us. "Mm-hmm." Damon hummed in agreement. Oh my gosh kill me now.
Elijah had a blank expression on his face looking back at Damon who had a condescending demeanor. "Such a pleasure to meet you." Damon said with a hint of sarcasm. He stuck out his hand for Elijah to shake and he shook it. I held out my hand for him to shake as well but he brought my hand up to his lips and placed a tender and soft kiss too my knuckle.
I gave him a polite smile when his unsettlingly deep chestnut eyes rested on mine. "Let's talk Amira and let them have their men talk." Carol said before whisking me away from them against my will. I turned my head around and when I made eye contact with Damon I mouthed, 'You owe me.' He only smirked at nodded in response before him and Elijah walked into another room.
"So how are you doing Amira?" She asked me. Starting up a conversation. "I'm doing okay how about you?" I asked politely. "Oh sweetheart I'm doing fine. How are your parents doing? I haven't seen them at an event in a while." She asked. "They're fine, they've just been super busy with stuff. I'll make sure to tell them about the next event so they can attend." I told her. She was about to respond until she heard a glass break.
"Oh I'm sorry excuse me Amira." She excused before hurriedly walking in the opposite direction. I grabbed a chocolate croissant off the table before walking over to the room Elijah and Damon were in. Then I heard grunting coming from the room so I barged in and closed the door behind me. Damon was on the floor with a pencil stuck in his neck and Elijah standing there. What the hell did he do now?! Can't take Damon anywhere.
Elijah pulled out a handkerchief before speaking. "I'm an original. Show a little respect." He said. He sounds so reserved for someone who just stabbed someone. I'm liking this original. Elijah wiped the blood off his hands with the handkerchief before handing it to Damon who had yanked it out of his hand.
"The moment you cease to be of use to me, you're dead, so you should do what I say. Keep Elena safe." Elijah told him before walking towards where I was standing and giving me a nod before walking out. "You were supposed to be my backup." Damon groaned from on the floor. "I am backing you up, from right here." I smiled. He sighed audibly before placing his forehead on the floor.
I whipped out my hand for him to grab onto to get the hell up. He took it before Damon, Ric, and I walked out of there without being seen. Well, Damon being seen because he's bloody and gross.
Ric, Damon, and I made our way back to the boarding house to talk about what the hell was going to happen with Elijah being in town. Ric, Damon and I were sitting on different couches they were drinking bourbon while I was throwing a ball up in the air and catching it. "Today was a bust." Damon said. "Yeah. How's the throat?" Ric asked.
"Sore. Mainly because my backup didn't do any backing up." Damon responded. "I'm a teenage witch and he's an 1000+ year old original vampire. What did you want me to do." I retorted. "I don't know use one of your mystical magical gadgets or your huntress skills." He responded sassily. I just sighed and continued throwing the ball in the air.
"Yeah. That Elijah's one scary dude, but with nice hair." Ric said. He wasn't wrong, the original did have some nice brunette hair. "Hey. You want another one?" Ric asked Damon offering to get him another drink as he get up to get another glass of bourbon. "I want some." I sighed. "No none for you witchy." Damon said shutting me down. "Buzzkill." I whined.
"He's gonna be hard to kill." Damon stated. "Yeah. I'd think twice before I'd trust that dagger and some ashes to do the job. Your gonna need more info." Ric said while pouring the bourbon into the glasses. "I'm out of sources." Damon complained. "What's up with you and this news chick?" Ric then asked referring to Andi.
"Oh god." I groaned holding the bridge of my nose. Thanks a lot Ric for the great conversation starter. "She's got spunk, huh?" Damon smirked. "Just don't kill her, please." Ric begged calmly. "He's gonna kill her now just because you said not to. He's an asshole." I told Ric. "If I did, who would report her death?" Damon said with an underlying tone of sarcasm.
"Just don't do it, all right?" Ric persisted. "Your wasting your breath Ric." I sighed. "She's friends with Jenna, and it's bad enough that I'm lying to her about everything else. I hate the lies." Ric continued. Yeah sorry Ric can't relate. I don't have to lie to anybody because my friends are supernatural beings and so are my parents.
Ric then checked his phone and let out a grunt. "Oh, god. I got to go. I got to pick Jenna up. Don't worry. I'll, uh, show myself out." Ric announced before getting up in a standing position and heading out. "I'm coming too. Don't wanna be left alone with a serial killer." I stated getting up myself. "I'm reformed." He stated countering my previous statement. "Like hell you are." I retorted before we both heard a crash.
We both looked at each other with uneasiness in our eyes. I grabbed the stake out of my jacket, while Damon walked in front of me towards the source of the sound. We walked out of the dining room to see Ric groaning and clutching his stomach as a makeshift stake protruded out of his stomach. Ric then fell on the floor holding onto his stomach in pain. I went to aid him until Damon and I heard a whooshing sound from behind us. Causing us to turn around and be met with a werewolf. He sped towards Damon and they began to brawl with each other.
I looked over at Alaric and bent down to help him really quick. At least if I could conjure up some type of spell to ease his pain until he inevitably "died" and came back to life with the ring. I heard a bunch of commotion behind me between Damon and the other guy but wasn't paying attention. I had my eyes closed and was uttering a spell until I was knocked upside the head and met with darkness.
I groggily opened my eyes and felt the immense throbbing of my head. I felt a hot liquid trickling down my forehead and as I went to reach for it I realized my hands were bound, quite tightly now that I think about it. I heard groaning from beside me and slowly turned my head to be met with Damon. He had a collar with sharp wooden nails jabbed into his neck. Blood had dripped down his neck as if it had been sweat. I may not particularly favor Damon but I wasn't not concerned for his safety.
"There she is." I heard some guy say. I looked over in his direction to see him smiling mischievously at me. I sighed and took notice of Alaric still on the floor lying unconscious. I looked him over and then spotted his ring adorning his ring finger and mentally sighed in relief. "Morning sunshine. Finally your awake, she woke up before you did." The guy said but directed towards Damon this time.
Damon glanced over at me and sighed. I should've just went home. "I saw this movie once,ย some torture porn flick. Anyway, they had this collar device that was really cool, so I just modified it some with some wooden nails, and when I pull.." He said before tugging on the collar and making him groan loudly. "Leave him alone." I said lowly. "So I hear you have the moonstone." Jules announced from the walkway into the living room.
Damon started laughing weakly before saying, "If only you knew the irony of this moment right now. Let me tell you how this is gonna go, your gonna torture me, I don't talk, someone loses a heart. Last time, it was your boy Mason." If I could strangle Damon at this moment in time I would. He is going to get us killed. "This time it will be her and then you." Jules directed at me before turning towards the blonde guy who pulled on Damon's collar yet again.
Great, now I'm going to die before I get to have my first girlfriend or boyfriend. This is such a boring way to die, and all because of Damon Salvatore...again. "You know what the great thing about buckshot is?" Jules asked. "It scatters through the body, maximum damage." She continued.
"You know if your gonna kill us just do it and get it over with." I let out glaring at Jules. "Don't worry sweetheart we will." She said sarcastically before going back to her monologue. "Where's the moonstone?" She asked before aiming the gun at Damon. "Get over it, honey. You're never gonna get it." Damon responded with an underlying tone of cynicism. "You looking for this?" Elijah asked calmly from the doorway while holding none other than the moonstone.
Oh thank god, I actually like Elijah. Elijah then walked further in the room and placed the moonstone on the counter before taking a step back. "Go ahead. Take it." Elijah told them. One werewolf sped towards Elijah but didn't make it to the table before Elijah plunged his hand in the guys chest and pulled his heart out. He's not getting that back. Maybe Elijah could teach me how to take hearts so effortlessly and gracefully. Two more sped over to him to take him on but they didn't make it either.
Jules then sped away and the guy that was torturing Damon, covered his head with his shirt trying to make an attempt to hide from Elijah. Pussies. "What about you, sweetheart, hmm? You want to take a shot?" Elijah asked holding the guy by the shirt. "No? yes? no?" Elijah taunted while the guy shook his head fearfully. "Where's the girl?" Elijah looked towards us. "She ran after you took the third guys heart out like a little bitch." I answered.
"It doesn't really matter." Elijah said before looking back over at the guy and hitting him hard enough that his neck was snapped and he died. "Oh you've gotta teach me how to do that." I praised while smiling. He looked over at me and smiled before untying me first and then Damon. I stood up a little too fast and felt that prominent pounding in my head make its presence known once again. He ripped off Damon's chain with his barehand and took a step back while Damon smirked up at him. "So you realize this is the third time I've saved your life now?" Elijah asked him. Damon just looked at him with a look I couldn't quite decipher. Elijah then turned away and walked back over to the doorway but not before picking up the moonstone and taking it with him.
"Well I'm gonna go home and shower and take some pills for this killer headache that you practically caused. Tell me if Ric wakes up and is actually breathing and functioning like a human." I told Damon. "See ya later witchy it's been a pleasure as always." He said. "Yeah if you call getting tortured pleasure." I remarked. "Only sometimes." He replied while smirking. "Gross." I grimaced before getting the hell out of there.
I had made it home surprisingly safe. I still felt super disoriented and took some pills before I took a shower. My hair had been dripping down my back as I grabbed a towel to dry it. My phone had started to ring. I walked over to my bed and looked at the caller ID to see Jackass on it. "What do you want?" I asked when I answered the phone. "Amira." Stefan announced himself on the phone. "Stefan. What's going on?" I asked wearily.
Damon then went on to explain to us that Elijah was planning to kill Elena all along during the ritual and that Bonnie told him. Well that's unfortunate. "You should probably just keep her away a little longer." Damon suggested. "Yeah might be the best idea considering you don't want her to die." I agreed. "Just be careful. Try not to get yourselves killed or kill each other." Stefan advised. "Oh the irony." I muttered under my breath. "Yeah. It's been a day for that." Damon said. "Way too sugar coat it Damon. See you later guys." I said before hanging up first.
I plopped on my bed and let out a long breath. Today felt unbearably long. I just want to sleep all day tomorrow and not know about anything supernatural. But, then again, who am I kidding it's Mystic Falls. This place might as well be a magnet for the supernatural.
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Oofff jeez guys it's been forever since I've updated this book, but when I tell you I've been busy. Like I have so much stuff to do as far as acting, JROTC, drivers Ed, and school work. Ya girl is tired. The weekends aren't even weekends anymore there is no time for relaxation or to write so I haven't had the time. I try to fit in writing every now and again but it's pretty rare these days. Anywho that was another chapter of irreplaceable love, we've got a long way to go to finish this book and two of my other ones before we officially publish other books๐. This was about 3k words and all that. Make sure to vote and comment. I love you guys 3000.
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