
"Alright! I'm coming!" Nari's shrill yell echoed through her apartment, the banging on the door persisting regardless of her attempts at stopping it.

Furiously, she stomped towards the door, her fluffy socks slipping against the hardwood floor. She was utterly exhausted, having spent a majority of the night worrying and panicking; losing sleep over the fact that vampires existed and that one apparently was advocating for the role of her best friend, as Alice had said in her morning text. Well, more accurately what she said was:

Alice🔮🧚: Morning bestie! Hope you're doing better. If you're not, you'll definitely feel better later😈

While it was cute, it left Nari anxious. Was this what Alice had seen? Or was her dramatic new friend just trying to shorten her lifespan by causing her so much stress? She didn't know, what she did know was that she no longer felt blasé about it like she did yesterday, now her emotions had caught up with her and she was freaking out. It didn't matter how much weed she smoked, sleep had not been her companion that night.

In an absolutely foul mood, she violently unlocked the door and flung it open, all exhaustion leaving her like cold water had been dropped over her when her eyes fell on the person who'd been trying to hammer her door down.


She didn't hide how unimpressed and disappointed she was to see him, trying not to squirm when his eyes raked disgustingly over her bare legs. Never again would she wear shorts and a vest to bed if there was a chance he'd be on the other side of the door.

Her face screwed up in disgust and she held her breath, stomach twisting when the horrific smell of alcohol rolled off of him. "Wow, uh–are you...drunk, Dean? It's 7:30 in the morning."

Tripping over his own feet, he leant his arm on the doorway so he was towering over her, his glassy eyes staring intensely into hers. "I might have h-had a few drinks."

Growing uncomfortable with the whole situation she gave him a strained smile and opted to get this over with as quick as possible. "Uh-huh, was there something you needed?"

Those unsettling eyes floated around for a moment, looking into her apartment behind her before they met hers, the odd glint of something malignant in them making her want to slam the door shut in his irritating face and bolt it closed. "You know...you...you were really m-mean yesterday." He said, hiccuping and pouting like a child.

'Ah shit.'

Leering down at her he bent so their faces were close, ignoring the way she cringed back. "I was thinking you could make it up to me."

"Yeah, well...I'm thinking no." With that she moved to close the door, but as she pushed against it she found it blocked by something. Breath trembling with anxiety, she slowly looked down and found his foot was what was causing resistance.

Her wide eyes snapped up and connected with his, the malicious grin on his face making dread crawl up her spine. 'Not good.'

"That's not very nice, is it Nari? Where's your hospitality?" He said smugly, sounding a lot more sentient now. Was he...playing the whole drunk act up? He pushed the door back open, but didn't step in. It looked as if he was getting some sick pleasure from basking in her fear.

"I'm actually famously inhospitable towards people, you know? A bit of a coldhearted bitch." She laughed nervously, knuckles turning white as she gripped the door knob.

"Now, I know that's not true. You're a very sweet girl, aren't you?" In her head she gagged, but on the outside she continued to giggle nervously. 'Just laugh and smile and maybe he'll go away.'

"You wanna invite me in for a cup of coffee? It's the polite thing to do, after all." With every word his face drew closer and closer and her mouth opened and closed, her mind going blank as panic took over her. How the fuck was she going to get out of this?

Thankfully, the sound of footsteps drew both of their attentions to the stairwell, the clicking of...heels? Music to her ears.

Her mouth hung open in shock when none other than Alice appeared at the top of the stairs, followed by...woah. 'I think that's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.'

"Nari!" Alice cried gleefully, shoving Dean aggressively out of the way to throw her arms around the stunned, tired girl.

Dean didn't seem to care, he was too busy gawking at them both like an idiot, apparently having 'sobered' up just at the sight of them.

The ethereal blonde goddess who was accompanying Alice; looking every bit like a supermodel with her form fitting sleek black slip dress and matching heels, stood with her arms crossed and sent Dean the filthiest glare when he stared too long.

Self-conscious, he rubbed the back of his neck, cheeks tinted pink. "I'm gonna just..." He pointed to his apartment behind him.

"I guess I'll see you later, Nari." He said, voice low.

He made sure she saw the promise in his eyes and when he was satisfied with her fearful shiver, he was out of there as quickly as possible, the slamming of his door echoing through the hall.

Nari's stiff body unclenched once he was gone and she hugged Alice with just as much might as the little pixie was her. "Thank you so much. I genuinely thought for a second that he was...nevermind, just–thank you." Now that he was gone she felt free to show how shaken up she truly was, the presence of both unearthly women strangely comforting.

"What a vile pig." The goddess muttered to herself, her angular and sleek brows accentuating her disgust as she stared daggers at his closed door. Nari pulled away from Alice, though it was a struggle as the small vampire didn't appear to want to let her go.

Nari couldn't mask her curiosity as her hazel eyes connected with the woman's deep golden ones, framed by long black lashes that had Nari bristling in jealousy. Her curious nature settled when she came to a realisation.

'Vampire! That explains it.'

Shockingly, all hostility left the alluring woman and she offered Nari her perfectly manicured hand with a miniscule smile. "I'm Rosalie Hale, Alice's sister."

'God, she's pretty.'

Overcoming her bi–panic and embarrassment at meeting such a beautiful person in her pajamas, she smiled in return, much less hypnotising than Rosalie's, and placed her hand in the vampires pale one.

Nari failed to hide the shocked tremble of her hand as she felt how cold Rosalie was, how abnormally smooth her freezing skin felt against Nari's own warm flesh ...it almost felt like she was touching marble.

Nari cleared her throat, ashamed at her ogling of the woman. At this point she was no better than Dean.

"Nari Jeong, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Alice's inquisitive voice interrupted their introduction and when Nari looked at her she saw she was peeking over her shoulder to look in her apartment with interest. "Nice place, very–oh! Is that a cat?!"

Without any notice she barged past a stunned Nari, quickly scooping a disgruntled and tired Mim into her arms, cooing sweetly to her and squealing when the usually grumpy feline leaned into her with a purr.

Not offended at Alice's eccentric behavior, Nari chuckled before nodding to Rosalie and stepping to the side. "Please, come in. Sorry the place is such a mess, I'd have tidied up if I knew I was going to have company."

"Uh, I told you we were coming." Alice deadpanned, preoccupied with fussing the cute cat in her arms.

"No, you said 'hope you're doing better, you definitely will be later.' How is that letting me know you were coming over?" Nari queried, beggining to close the door when Rosalie entered. She gave Deans door one last death glare through the crack, just in case he was watching them through the peep hole or something like a freak. She slammed it for good measure, hoping he would get the message this time.

Alice opened her mouth sassily to retort, but paused with a confused purse of her lips, eventually conceding. "Ugh, fine. I guess you're right."

"Okay," Nari sighed through her nose as she crossed her arms and leaned back against the door. "Not that this isn't a nice surprise but, what are you doing here? And how did you know where I lived?"

Placing Mim back onto the ground, Alice and Rosalie grouped together in front of her, the latter not really listening to their conversation as she admired Nari's upscale apartment.

"Well, when I told Rosalie about what happened yesterday and what's going to happen, she wanted to meet you! As for the second part..." Alice trailed off from her excited babbling, tapping the end of her button nose with a wink.

"Great, so you both know and I don't? How is that fair?" Nari complained, walking to the kitchen to make herself a hot drink, putting the kettle on to boil.

"May I point out," Rosalie began, her lilting husky voice making Nari drop the tea bag in her hand, her cheeks and ears mortifyingly growing hot. Is it possible for a voice to sound smoky? If so, that's the word she'd use. "Even though I don't know you, I did try and convince Alice to tell you what was coming when I found out."

When Nari turned an apprehensive and hopeful stare onto both of them, Rosalie shrugged with a strained smile. "She's pretty stubborn, Nari. Sorry."

Nari groaned disappointedly and picked up her favorite mug, Harry Potter themed with a Ravenclaw emblem stamped on the front, placing the chai tea bag inside as she waited for the kettle to finish heating up.

"If we can't talk about the 'elusive incident', what do you want to do?" Nari mumbled, unenthused.

"Actually, we're here with a purpose!" Alice said excitedly, her grin so blinding it nearly made Nari wince. It felt like she was staring directly at the suns harsh beams and she figured, eventually, she would grow used to Alice's terminally happy disposition.

"We thought it would be a good idea for you to meet our family! Who, um...also know, just FYI."

Nari froze, goosebumps rising on the skin of her arms. She poured the water into her mug so her tea could steep before she leant her hip against the counter, trying to appear cool and collected, despite the cloying fear that clouded her rationality. "Um, you mean...m–meet the rest of your vampire family? Isn't that a bit dangerous?"

Alice skipped closer, wrapping a concoling arm around her when the two women noticed her reluctance. "Don't be afraid, silly. We're vegetarians, remember?"

"You actually didn't tell me that yesterday. That's...how can a vampire be a vegetarian? That's ridiculous." Nari supposed in hindsight she should have reigned in her incredulity, but who could really blame her for her reaction? From what she knew, vampires ate people. That was just fact. There was nothing vegetarian about that–unless they just targeted Vegan's?

Rosalie placed her designer Gucci bag on Nari's white marble counter, crossing her arms over her chest with a strange grace. Her movements were almost too elegant, too fluid to appear normal and Nari knew that if she didn't already know what the two women were, Rosalie would be a dead giveaway. She was too...different, too otherworldly.

Rosalie smiled at Nari's skepticism and the way the poor girl couldn't stop her staring. It was endearing rather than annoying and she was discouraged at her own softness, annoyed with herself that she was feeling protective over the damaged human already. She admonished herself for her sentiment—she couldn't grow attached, not when Nari would be thrown into a whirlwind of a situation soon. Very soon.

Keeping her poised and tranquil composure so as not to show her jumbled thoughts, Rosalie allowed her lips to lift into a calming smile to ease Nari's evident nerves. "We only eat animals, that's why we technically class as 'vegetarians'. It might be utterly revolting and perhaps frowned upon among our kind, but I'd rather that than have to steal the life from an innocent human being."

Nari thanked god that the vampire's she had happened across actually had morals. She thought it was safe to assume that the rest of their kind probably weren't so nice. There was even a good chance, had she encountered a vampire who...ate humans, that she wouldn't be stood here right now. It was clear to her she had much to be thankful for. "That's um, honestly kind of a relief." She smiled breathlessly.

Shrugging Alice's arm off her, she bit her lip and hated to spoil their fun, but she had a life to get on with. They'd come to see her at the worst time. "I'm sorry to halt your guys' plans, but I actually have some business to do today."

Alice pouted and Rosalie tilted her head, her hair spilling over her shoulder like a shimmering golden waterfall. She said nothing, silently curious about Nari's independent lifestyle. "What business? Please, can't you come?" Alice whined, grumbling in protest when Roslaie rolled her eyes at her dramatics and slapped her round the back of the head. The corner of Nari's lip twitched, amused at their antics, before she removed her tea bag and nodded towards the sleek gray couch in her open living room.

As they sat, with Alice unsurprisingly perched next to her and Rosalie on the end, she turned so she could see them and took a sip of her tea before she explained. "Not to sound too arrogant, but I have more money than I know what to do with. I don't like how it's always just sat, collecting dust in my account. So, I decided to sponsor a bunch of charity's rather than having it go to waste since there are people who need it more than I do. I have a meeting with the head of the Children's Cancer Association in..." She trailed off, pulling her phone from her short pocket. Her eyes widened and she groaned at her idiocy. "Shit! In an hour. Look, it was really great to see you guys but I've got to get organized."

Nari gulped down the rest of her scalding tea, wincing in pain as the hot liquid burned her throat. She stood hurriedly, trying to get everything sorted out in her disorganized mind. Alice smiled and contrarily to Nari's chaotic stumbling stood calmly, placing a comforting hand on Nari's arm to get her attention. "Don't worry, we'll get you there in no time."

There was underlying mischief in Alice's eyes, the look on her face making Nari frown with worry. "Yeah, sure. How are you going to do that?"


It was only half an hour later that Nari realised she really shouldn't have asked.

"Alice!" She screeched, trying hard to remain in one place as Alice sped down the streets of Portland, twisting seamlessly through the building traffic and somehow managing not to crash. "This is not what I thought you meant!"

Alice simply laughed, the sound like the tinkling of a bell and continued to drive her car, some fancy sports model that Nari would never be able to name, like a maniac. "You wanted to get there, didn't you?"

"In one piece, preferably, yes!"

Rosalie laughed too; the beautiful sound abating some of Nari's nerves. She looked at the blonde vampire in the rear view mirror, calmed even further by her relaxed expression and the striking upturn of her rosy lips. If she wasn't worried then Nari supposed she shouldn't be either. "Trust me, Nari. The last thing on either of our agenda is to hurt you."

"Oh gee, thanks. That's so comforting." Rosalie smirked, another burst of her laughter gracing Nari's ears when the poor girl was choked by her seatbelt as Alice came to a screeching halt.

"Oh, uh...sorry." Alice grinned sheepishly, wincing at Nari's harsh coughing. "But look, we're here–and with time to spare!"

Coughing one last time, Nari glared at her before she pulled down her mirror, fixing her unruly hair so it framed her face and wasn't a frizzy mess; she also took the time to make sure her makeup wasn't smudged, she didn't want to go in there looking like a complete mess.

"Okay," She let out a deep breath, nervously eyeing both of them. "Alright–just, can you both wait here. Until I'm done? Then I promise, I'll come and meet your family."

Alice clapped her hands and squealed, unable to contain her excitement. "Great! Okay, knock em' dead bestie!"

"You'll do great Nari, plus you look amazing." Rosalie added, and Nari grinned at both of their encouragement. She wouldn't admit it, but it felt sort of nice to have people around her again. People who weren't Esther; who were encouraging her and seemed to genuinely like her, even if it was because of some spooky vision that had thrown them together.

Taking a deep breath, she picked up her black tote bag and readied herself to open the door, sending them both one last smile. "Thanks, you guys. I'll see you in a bit." Overcoming her nerves, she stepped out of the car and smoothed out her white blouse and black satin knee length skirt, the only formal things she she owned for such occasions as this.

Her black pumps clicked along the floor as she approached the building, trying not to show how unnatural she felt in the fancy outfit, playing the corporate big shot.

The wind whipped around her and she pulled her buttoned white trench coat tighter around her shivering body, looking back at the car one last time to see Rosalie and Alice giving her a thumbs up. Encouraged, she shook her head and entered, happy to escape the chill.

Alice and Rosalie watched her go, the air now weighed down with tangible tension. When she disappeared into the building Rosalie's plump lips were marred by a taught frown. She looked at her sister, whose face was heavy with anticipation.

"Why won't you tell her, Alice?"

Alice looked down in shame and swallowed, her unbeating heart aching with the burden of what she was doing. "I've told you already. If I was to tell her that by tonight her whole life was going to be turned upside down, do you think she'd stick around? No, she would run. I've seen it. She cannot be told when it will happen, it will ruin everything and we...our family, Rosalie, will pay the price."

There was no lie in her words, it was the painful truth, she had seen it. Nari's situation had many different outcomes, but there were two that recurred the most, two that were the most likely to happen depending on how this was dealt with.

In one, the situation unfolds naturally. Nari, thanks to Alice's warnings and the sudenness of it all, has no choice but to accept what's happening. It didn't mean that she took it all happily, and Alice's heart ached at the fact that Nari would have to endure something like this.

In the other more worrying vision, she is told when it will happen by someone, Alice could never see who–and she runs. Far away, skewing fate's path. The only ones who would be left to face the consequences for that are her family. Alice couldn't let that happen.

There was still the chance something might change. That a new vision would present itself, but Alice was certain that wouldn't happen.

Venom filled her eyes and she looked out of the window to avoid Rosalie's scrutinous gaze. "Do you think I want to take her with us, knowing what's going to happen? Do you think I want to essentially offer her up to them like she's some sort of pawn? Of course I don't, but it's the only option where everyone is safe. If they found out we had her and let her slip through our fingers, we're all done for. This is the only way that everyone gets what they want."

"Apart from Nari." Rosalie said heatedly, anger staining her pretty voice. Her teeth pressed together with a harsh squeak as she ground her jaw to contain her rage. She found herself unable to agree with Alice's decision. Nari was innocent and blind to their true intentions; Rosalie felt sickened by the fact that they were essentially wrapping her up like a neat little gift to be delivered to the ones who would destroy her life, however good they would try and be for her.

"This is wrong, Alice. She–she's a good person, you've seen that. I mean look at what she's doing right now, what she's been through...she won't want this. They will terrify her and frighten her, you know they will. Despite their good intentions, despite how happy they will be. They will only think of themselves–it's just how they are. Their selfishness, their greed...it's destructive. In their efforts to love her as unconditionally as you say they will, they will ruin her. You know I'm right. I can't—this is...it's basically kidnapping."

"There is nothing we can do, Rosalie." Alice was dismissive and her voice, normally light and airy, was a harsh snap that made Rosalie flinch. "They will have her either way. If she does somehow get away, they will find her. If she runs, they will catch her. In every vision, the outcome is still always the same. They will have her... she will always end up with them. Would you rather we all died needlessly for it? Or, do you want to make her last day of freedom a good one before we see this through?"

At Rosalie's stony silence and clear judgement of her, Alice grew irritated. "Do not forget sister, you all agreed to this. Don't change your mind now...it is too late for that."

Alice calmed her ire and tried to reduce her stress, watching the building for any sign of Nari. Her next words were laced with foreboding, nonetheless.

"They will come tonight, to check on Renesmee like they always do every three years. When they do, Nari's fate will be sealed. I—I don't want to do this to her but...in the end no matter which way it happens, it will be good for her. That I do know."

Alice closed her eyes and let her head fall back to thump against the cushioned seat, at war with herself in spite of her confidence. She wanted to be a good person, to save her knew friend. But the painful reality was that she had to come to terms with the fact that someone had to play the villain in this situation, someone had to make sure everyone was safe.

If she had to betray her knew friend, however sick it made her feel, then...she would do it. For her family.

"For all of our sakes, we had better make sure we don't mess it up."

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