XXVI. Tom Riddle
The One with the Vampire
Tom lets his finger glide along with the back covers of the books, searching one particular book. He's feeling rather frustrated when he is not able to find it.
He strolls through the library, searching if someone has the book in its possession. He notices the risen heartbeats when he passes by, except for one. His eyes landed on a girl with H/C hair. He couldn't quite see the colour because of the darkness, but he did see the long wavy hairs.
Tom decided to sit across her, drawing her attention. You must have felt his presence because you tilted your head to see the person. Your heartbeat increases a little by the sight of the student. Tom was taken back by the bright colour of your eyes.
''Can I help you?'' you ask, arching a brow. Tom quickly surveys the book in front of you and it is the exact book he needs. ''I was searching for a book, the one that lies in front of you,'' he comments smoothly, taking in all your features at the same time.
''But as you can see, I'm using it,'' you comment, ''if we need the same page, we could share the book. Obviously.'' You add. Why do I have such a strange feeling around her?
Tom switches places swiftly and sits next to you before you could say 'Helga Hufflepuff'. "So, which page do you need to be?" you ask. A teeny smirk played across his lips, "you are already there."
"Blood pacts?" It seemed to catch you off guard, which didn't go unnoticed by the Slytherin vampire. Wasn't he a vampire? you thought, but you weren't sure. "Are you alright?" Tom asks, pretending to glance up from the book.
You nodded nervously, "yeah, yeah. I'm fine." He could tell you were lying and decided to ask another question. "Is it because of the vampire next to you?"
You look aside to stare into those brown orbs, "maybe." Tom leans in, near your ear and whispers, "don't worry. I don't bite." Your body stiffens at sudden closeness.
"One says not to trust a vampire," you whisper. "So you don't trust me? Wise choice," he chuckles. Yet, I'll protect you with my life. You remain silent and survey the pages, while Tom pretends to read but watches you. So, it is true?
"I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch your name," Tom exclaims smoothly. You glance up and sigh, "my name's Y/N Grindelwald." You see his eyes widening, but Tom hears your increased heartbeat.
"Lovely to meet you, Ms Grindelwald," Tom says kindly with a little bow with the head. You return the gesture, "Riddle."
You were living in an area where Gellert Grindelwald was the most feared wizard. The most feared wizard had a daughter, named Y/N Grindelwald. He loves her but punishes her when she knows too much of his plans.
You had searched for blood pacts because you knew your father had made one. With the one and only my father fears, Albus Dumbledore.
You also knew, your father had spies within the castle, watching you. You also knew he wasn't very happy with this when he hears the news.
"It's almost curfew," Tom comments, glancing up. You did the same and watched the clock. "Then I'll be off to the common room," you say, not knowing whether to say goodnight or not.
"I'll see you along, Riddle," you say rather awkward. Tom sends her a smirk before saying, "Goodnight miss Grindelwald. Until our next meeting."
You wandered through the school for a short time before returning to the Hufflepuff Common Room. You were wandering on the first floor when you are pulled into a cupboard. You tried to make any sound but a hand had covered your mouth. ''Not a single word,'' a male voice hisses.
You knew this was one of your father's henchmen, which meant your father knew that you knew and thus you knew what was going to happen. You felt a tap with a wand on your head. It felt like a raw egg had been cracked onto your head. The Disillusionment Charm, you thought, very clever.
You were pushed into Dumbledore's office, only to be placed into the fires. Floo network, you thought sadly.
You step out into a dark mansion, which you recognise as your home. ''Ah, my dear daughter.'' Your father's voice filled the room. ''What am I doing here?'' you ask, crossing your arms over your chest. Grindelwald stalks closer until he sees you clearly.
''You did something father didn't like.'' He spoke in a terrifying manner. ''Why would a blood pact be so important to you?'' you ask, hoping he would tell you more about it. ''Why did you read about it? Out of the blue?''
''I don't want to do this, but you know what happens if you stick your nose in my business,'' Grindelwald caresses your cheek. He glances at the boy who has kidnapped you, ''take her to the dungeons. No. Mercy.''
The next day, Tom couldn't find you during breakfast. He had told himself that you were only late and that you would attend your class without breakfast. However, you didn't show up during Potions. It made him worry, for the very first time in his life.
He has been searching for all day, but no sign of you. His vampire's heart started to ache when he didn't succeed to find you. He waited until night and continued his quest.
''Crucio!'' One of the Unforgivable Curses hits you and you yank in pain. You already saw the stars in your vision and clutched your stomach to prevent the bleeding. The pain eases a little, which means they stopped the curse.
You glare at him, coughing blood. Grindelwald squads down and he pulls up your chin with a satisfied smirk. ''Will you keep your nose out of my business?'' You only coughed blood and glared. ''Maybe one last thing,'' he hisses and grabs your wrist.
Your father had pointed his wand to your wrist, causing burning pain. Once he was done, you looked at your wrist. G. ''You stigmatised me!'' you hiss. ''That will happen if you stick your nose into someone's business!'' he hisses, his face very close to yours.
''Bring her back to the Forbidden Forest. Don't torture, she has learned her lesson,'' he says in a sweet voice. You were scooped up and you lost your consciousness.
Tom walks into the Forbidden Forest, he has nothing to fear. He calmly walks through the forest, concentrating for a heartbeat. Then he suddenly stops in his tracks, he hears a low heartbeat. His heartbeat rises as he starts to follow the heartbeat.
There you were, laying near a lake. Tom calls you but you don't respond. He sprints and kneels next to you, getting a hold of your body. His usually pale face had lost the last colour. ''No. No. No. No.'' His voice was trembling, why was he feeling this anxious? ''Please wake up,'' he whispers near your ear.
You came back alive, coughing blood. "I'm alive," you cough, sitting up straight. Yet, Tom stops you with his hand, "hey, hey, hey. Easy." You obey with a small groan.
"How did you get here?" he asks while stopping the blood with Vulnera Sanentur. You shrug, "the thing I remember was my father's manor." Tom raises his brow, "what were you doing at his place?"
"I wasn't there at my own will so that you know," you said, avoiding his eyes. "One of his henchmen kidnapped me and then I was dragged to the dungeon and tortured." In the corner of your eye, you see Tom clenching his jaw.
I swear, I'm going to kill the ones that hurt her.
"Thank you, for healing me," you said in a small voice. Tom's gaze softens, looks you in the eyes and cracks a real smile on his face. "No problem, I'll protect you." He holds your hand, but you wince when he gets too close to the mark.
Tom exposes your wrist and growls. "Did your father do this?" You nod, "he had told me long ago not to stick my nose into his business and guess what I did?" Followed by a weird kind of giggle. Tom rolls his eyes, "you stuck your nose into his business. Good job, Sherlock. You have gotten yourself stigmatised, applause!"
The next day, Tom ensured to walk with you. Everyone was or terrified or romantically in love with the Slytherin. So, it was or googly eyes or terrified looks.
"You don't have to walk me to my classes nor after classes, Tom," you comment shyly. He chuckles and looks down at you, "don't you know?" You look up in confusion. "What do I not know?"
"Gryffindor is switched with Hufflepuff. Gryffindor has their classes with Ravenclaw and the badgers have classes with us." He noticed your elevated heartbeat and the corner of his mouth twitched up. ''Oh.''
After dinner, you were found in the library, again. Tom, of course, had joined you. You both sat in silence when it was Tom who broke the silence. ''Why did your father do this? I mean, you are his daughter,'' Tom said. It still bothers him why someone would do that to his own daughter and his ...
You sigh before answering, ''he says he loves me and all, but if I get too close to his business he gets very aggressive. He's or anxious that I'll tell Dumbledore or he wants to protect me.'' ''And your mother?'' he asks cautiously. You smile, but it drops seconds after it, ''she was murdered. My father's enemies thought they could hurt my father with it. They wanted to kill me too, but my father protected me."
''I'm sorry to hear that,'' he says and he really means it. ''We have quite what if we are talking about our parents,'' Tom chuckles slightly. You tilt your head to look at him and then it hit you. You scowl a little when you examine his features.
''Y/N,'' Tom snaps in front of your face, smirking. You widen your eyes as you snap out of your daydream. ''Yes, I'm right here.'' Tom chuckles before continuing what he was saying. ''Your mother's dead and your father's alive. My parents are dead. My mother died after giving birth to me and the coward of a father had abandoned us.''
''I'm sorry to hear that,'' you say. You realise what you've done when Tom shifts his eyes from yours to your hand, which is laying on top of you. ''I'm sorry,'' you say embarrassed and remove your hand. There goes her heartbeat.
''Your heartbeat,'' Tom comments softly, ''elevated as if lighting struck in the sky.'' Your eyes shot back to his, ''y-you can hear my heartbeat?'' You didn't know whether to be scared or impressed. ''Yes, all the time,'' he replies, but his thoughts continue; it calms me when I hear your heartbeat and I only hear yours.
You shot him a sad smile, ''is that a positive thing?'' ''There isn't a negative thing about you,'' Tom blurts before realising what he has said. His pale cheeks gain a pink colour and he turns his head away. You lay your hand back on his, ''thank you.'' The next thing was quite overwhelming for both of them.
You had pulled him into a hug. Tom automatically inhaled your scent. He pulls back to gaze in your pretty E/C eyes. She is so astonishingly beautiful, smart, and funny.
''What do you feel?'' you ask, interested. Tom knitted his eyebrows together, ''why do you want to know?'' ''Because everyone knows you as the iceman.''
Tom leans in, near her ear, and whispers, "if I tell, there's no turning back." A shiver is sent down your spine and goosebumps appear where his breath touched your skin. You remain silence and fiddle with your fingers.
Six days later, it was time for a trip to Hogsmeade Village. In those six days, you and Tom had drawn a lot of attention. You were a Hufflepuff and Tom was the Slytherin, but you had become a close couple which is a rare relationship.
You sat on a bench in Hogsmeade while reading a book. The sun was shining and was way too hot for a jumper or scarf. So, black shorts and a Hufflepuff t-shirt would do it.
Your attention was drawn by the handsome Slytherin, who took place next to you. Tom looks at you with a tilted head, it looks so cute. ''Hello,'' you smile.
''Do you enjoy the trip to Hogsmeade?'' he asks. You nod and smile, ''yes. I always loved going to Hogsmeade.'' Tom smiles and extends his hand, earning a confused look. ''Do you want to join me for a walk?''
You walk through the village, still holding Tom's hand. It made you smile, but you tried to hide it. Tom surveys you from the corner of his eye, smirking at your 'hidden' smile and your elevated heartbeat. His heart aches by your astonishing beauty and not able to tell how he feels.
You walked past behind the Shrieking Shack, where no students are found. You look around, ''what are we doing here?'' Tom gently pulls you closer and puts his free hand on your back. Your face flushed heavily by his move. ''W-what a-are you d-doing?''
Tom only stares into your eyes and whispers, ''what spell did you put on me?'' He cups your face and closes the distance between your lips. You froze for a short second but snaked your arms around his neck.
You pull back to see the twinkle in his eyes. You smile and capture his lips again.
Months had passed and Tom had kissed you a few times more. You were quite sure of your feelings for him, but you weren't sure of his feelings for you. I mean, he hasn't been with any girl before and he has been shooting daggers at them... So, maybe there is a chance.
During Transfiguration, you received a note. Saying: Meet me at the Dark Lake, 8 pm. You look around to see who sent you this, but couldn't figure out who. You were puzzled for the rest of the day and you decided to tell Tom how you feel the next moment you are alone.
After dinner, you had put on your Hufflepuff hoodie before walking towards the Dark Lake. You and Tom weren't alone that day, so you couldn't tell how you feel - yet. The closer you got, the more adrenaline pumped through your veins.
You walk around the tree to see a tall, handsome, Slytherin. You smiled when you saw Tom. You took a deep breath before saying, ''I love you.'' Tom had heard your elevated heartbeat from far away, but he had been smiling all the way you got here.
''Tell me,'' you say, hope written in your eyes. Tom walks closer and holds up his hand, waiting for you to mimic his gesture. He stares into your orbs before saying, ''from this moment, we will be one.'' Tom intertwines your hands and you begin a smile.
''Y/N, I love you!'' he finally admits his feelings, which makes you the happiest girl alive. The vampire pulls you closer and crashes his lips on yours.
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