XXIV. Minerva McGonagall
The One with the St. Mungo's
The moment You-Know-Who returned, Albus Dumbledore had gathered all the members of the Order of the Phoenix.
Sirius Black had offered Grimmauld Place because it has been empty for ages. Mr Black had put every security measure to prevent Muggles to peek around. Albus Dumbledore had also added his protection, making it the safest headquarters for the Order.
You and Minerva travelled to Grimmauld Place and took place in the house. After them, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, the Weasley's, Severus Snape, Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, and Hagrid, joined.
You, Nymphadora, and Kingsley were the spies of Albus within the Ministry while Severus worked as a double agent. You had grown a close friendship with Cornelius Fudge and Dolores Umbridge, you absolutely hate them but you had to act on it.
You had informed Minerva, Severus, and Albus that Cornelius is transferring Dolores to Hogwarts, as the newest Defence teacher. ''He wants us not to be ready or something, Dolores spoke to me about how she is going to teach. It's horrible. If You-Know-Who pops out of nowhere, we have no students to defend themselves!''
Albus asks if he could speak to you, in private. ''If things go horribly wrong. If Dolores becomes Headmistress,'' he starts, earning widening eyes from you. ''Try to convince Cornelius or Dolores that you want to teach Defence, to take away their stress. They trust you. I want you to teach them real Defence.'' You nodded, ''I will do my best, Albus.''
You could spend your holiday with your sister before she would be off to Hogwarts, again. ''Will you be alright?'' you ask cautiously. Minerva's thin lips form a warm smile, ''of course I will. I've been doing this for ages.'' ''Yeah, I know but with Dolores watching your neck. It doesn't feel right,'' you say.
Minerva wraps her arms around her younger sister, ''I'll be fine. I'll beat her ass.'' She succeeds to make you laugh through some tears. ''Just don't get kicked out, okay.'' ''I will do my best,'' she chuckles.
While Minerva teaches Transfiguration, you travel up and down the Ministry and Grimmauld Place. Minerva had sent you owls with observations and notes. She had written she and Severus already hate her.
During your breaks, you often had a chat with Cornelius. You casually asked how Dolores was doing at Hogwarts and Cornelius would happily talk with you about it. He had told you that Dolores appointed as High Inquisitor of Hogwarts by himself. ''What does that mean?'' you ask interested.
''Now, she has the power to remove teachers if they do not fulfil their job. I did that because I took notice of Dumbledore, slipping in keeping order.'' No, you are a coward who is afraid that Albus will take your place. You had faked your smile, ''that will do Hogwarts great.''
Since Dolores had become High Inquisitor, Minerva wasn't able to send letters because they were all checked and read by Dolores herself. They couldn't take the risk and decided to break off the contact for a while.
At the end of the day, you were heading towards the exit of the Ministry when Cornelius called for you. With a confused look, you made your way towards his office. Before entering his office, you took a deep breath.
''Cornelius, you wanted to talk to me?'' you ask with a warm smile. He glances up from his paperwork and smiles broadway, ''ah, Y/N. Come sit down.'' He points to the chair in front of his desk.
''I tracked down your file again,'' he starts, fetching it. You swallow but stay cool. ''I've noticed you are excellence in Defence Against the Dark Arts,'' he continues. ''Yes, I am. I always had Outstanding on my Defence, which is an important characteristic of an Auror,'' you comment. ''Yes, yes it is,'' he mumbles.
''Is everything alright? Can I offer my help to support Dolores at Hogwarts?'' you ask, pretending to ramble things up. Cornelius bites on the end of his spectacles, ''yes. I think you will fit.''
''With Dolores as Headmistress of Hogwarts, she has quite a full schedule,'' Cornelius comments. ''She was teaching Defence, right? With your approval, of course, I can take her place so that she has time to breathe,'' you suggest. As if you had given him his first wand, he smiled widely. ''That is a lovely idea, Miss McGonagall! Always willing to help another!''
''So, you will let me teach? What about the Aurors here?'' you pretend to be concerned about them. Cornelius only waves it away, ''we have enough of them. They can manage it without you.'' His eyes widened and added the following, 'n-not that you are a b-bad Auror, I just mean that they w-will manage without your help.'' You gave him a smile, ''don't worry about it, Cornelius.''
''When do I start?'' you ask curiously. ''In two days, so go and pack your trunk,'' he smiles. You rise onto your feet and bow your head a little, ''thank you for the opportunity. I will not disappoint you.''
After two days, you were warmly welcomed by Dolores herself. Every student in Hogwarts saw that and already judged you. However, when your surname fell, they started to glance both you and Minerva, back and forth.
Dolores has introduced you as her replacement for Defence Against the Dark Arts. One did not know whether to be relieved or feared.
After dinner, you visited your sister. "What are you doing here?" Minerva whispers concerned. "Silencio," you cast the spell to prevent people eavesdropping. "Dumbledore had set up a plan with me when he wanted to talk in private. He had told me if Dolores had made it to Headmistress, I had to try to be her replacement for Defence."
''The new teacher seems familiar,'' Harry comments while doing their homework. Hermione glances up, ''I thought I saw her at Grimmauld Place. She was with Professor McGonagall.'' ''Oh yeah, she really looks like her,'' Ron adds. ''The real question is, what is she doing here?''
The next day, you walked into a class full of students. You closed the door with a wave of your hand and walked towards the desk.
You turn around and glance at all the students. "This what we are gonna do!" You wave with your hand and the chalk started to write on the board. "I have two sorts of classes. One which is practical and the other is theoretical. As Professor Umbridge marches into one of our lessons, I wouldn't dare to talk about the practical classes." Your voice sounded almost like Minerva's.
"Understand?" you ask and the students nod. "Are there any questions?" you ask on a sweet tone. "Yes?" you say while a student lowers his hand.
"Is it true that you are a McGonagall?" You smile as you look down and raise your head again. "Yes, Mr Potter. I'm related to the Transfiguration Professor. I wish you not to speak about this outside class!"
"Alright, we have a lot to learn. The exams are coming straight up." You had started with a simple disarming charm. "It's is a short, but sharp movement. Like this." You showed them the movement and after that, you told them to pair up and try.
This is how everyone spends their day. The Professors are teaching with preying eyes of the Headmistress. The students are nicely learning their education and studying for their upcoming exams.
You were sitting at your bureau in the Defence class when someone knocked onto the open door. You glance up to see Harry, ''good afternoon, Potter. What can I do for you?'' He carefully walks into the room, not sure if he stands behind his own statement. ''I-I just wanted to ask,'' he says and turns around towards the door to check nobody's there, ''how's Padfoot doing?''
It took you a brief moment to realise, Padfoot is Sirius' Marauder name. Your facial expression had hardened, ''you know it is dangerous to talk about it.'' He surveys the wooden planks, mentally slapping himself. Of course, this was a hopeless idea.
''Perhaps, you and I could drink a cup of tea in my office,'' you say, rising onto your feet. Harry understood what you meant and kindly accepted the offer. You had closed both doors as a small security system. One opens, you know someone's in your classroom.
You point Harry a seat and with a flick of your hand, the tea was poured into the cups. ''How are the preparations for the exams?'' you ask, genuinely interested. He nodded, ''yeah, fine. I think.'' You shot him a small smile, putting your cup down. ''I know you are a very extraordinarily student in Defence. Learning how to cast a corporeal Patronus in year 3? Blimey,'' you chuckle.
''Uh, thank you. I guess.'' ''Anyways, it is bored. Snuffles.'' Harry only nods and doesn't know what to speak about.
''I guess you saw me,'' you say, drawing back the attention, ''with Profesor McGonagall. At the Burrow.'' You had winked to prevent eavesdroppers track down the original place. Harry nods, ''both are very much alike.''
''My dearest sister,'' you sigh, ''the one who was always there for me.'' You glance at your clock, earning widening eyes. ''Blimey, Harry. It's already past curfew. Let me escort you to Gryffindor Tower.''
You had pushed Harry in his back towards the Tower. ''Hum Hum,'' a female cough causes the two to turn around. ''Good evening, Dolores,'' you smile, ''I was escorting Mr Potter to the Gryffindor Common Room because he had detention with me.''
Dolores smirks evilly at Harry and smirks satisfied at you. ''Wonderful work, Y/N,'' she smiles, ''please continue.'' You nod and push Harry to get him moving. ''She seems to like you. Did you work together or something?'' Harry asks confused when it is only audible for you. You chuckle darkly, ''Yes, we work at the ministry and I would rather die than live with her.'' Harry smirks at your answer but doesn't say anything.
The students are almost done with their exams. Fifth years only had to accomplish Astronomy. The test started at 10 pm sharp. The surveillants were old teachers, who weren't working at Hogwarts anymore.
You locked the door of the Defence class and decided to pay Hagrid a visit. You hadn't seen him for a while and you were curious how he was doing.
You wrap your cloak around your shoulders and you put your hood over your head. You hide your wand inside your sleeve and take off.
The closer you came, the more sound you heard. You quickened your pace. You see in the open light Hagrid's enormous figure surrounded by six people. You changed into running towards Hagrid.
"How dare you!" you shout as you ran, "how dare you! Leave him alone! Alone, I say!" Your voice was heard through the darkness.
"On what grounds are you attacking him? He has done nothing, nothing to warrant such-" The figures around the cabin had shot no fewer than four Stunners at you. Halfway between the cabin and castle the red beams collided with you.
For a moment, you looked luminous and glowed an eerie red, then you lifted right off her feet, landed hard on her back, and moved no more.
"COWARDS!" bellowed Hagrid; his voice carried clearly to the top of the tower, where the fifth-years were taking their last exam. "RUDDY COWARDS! HAVE SOME O' THAT - AN' THAT,-"
Hagrid wasn't the only one who was enraged, Umbridge shouted at the ones who shot the stun spell as well.
"Somebody, get Professor McGonagall!" Hermione shrieks. Speaking of the devil, a terrible scream echoed through the air. The students watch Professor McGonagall sprint towards your numb body.
Minerva scoops up your body and looks at you with tears in her eyes. She feels so much anger that she can't bring anything out.
She hurries towards the Hospital Wing, but she has a feeling you need to be transferred. Four stun spells right into the chest.
"Poppy!" Minerva's voice was full of angst and concern. Poppy rushed into the hall and pointed Minerva a bed. She laid you on the bed and Poppy examines you while Minerva told her what happened.
"Minerva, I don't think I can do this. I could do it with one spell, but four? She must go to the St. Mungo's," Poppy apologises. Minerva's expression was already sad, but she felt her heart sink.
"I'll arrange the transport to St. Mungo's," Poppy comments, her voice showed compassion towards Minerva. She nods and sits down next to you. She gets a hold if your hand and cries silently.
Poppy came back five minutes later, telling Minerva she can transfer you to the St. Mungo's.
Minerva transported you and they took you immediately. Minerva had to wait in the main hall before she could visit you. She sat on a bench like a lost puppy, she didn't know what to do if she loses you. No, she isn't going to die. She is the strongest person I know, she speaks to herself in a stern manner.
It felt like forever before the healers allowed Minerva to be with you. She had been at St. Mungo's for days. She rushes into the room and is able to calm down when she sees you breathing. The healer next to your bed turns towards Minerva. ''She is asleep, unstunned. It took us quite an effort to heal her, but thanks to her strong spirit, it fastened the healing process.''
Minerva cracked a smile on her face, ''thank you for saving her. You don't know how much this means to me.'' The healer returns the smile, ''no problem, miss. That's what we do.''
You slowly open your eyes, not fully realising what happened and where you are. You tilt your head to see a familiar face and it makes you smile. ''I know your face,'' you whisper. The whispering sounded more like a dying cat. Minerva smiles and gets a hold of your hand, ''don't ever scare me like that.''
You chuckled, followed by a cough. ''I wasn't expecting to receive stuns out of the blue, though.'' It caused your sister to let out a small chuckle. You sit up straight, observing the room. ''This isn't the Hospital Wing,'' you say - confused and concerned at the same time.
''No, we are in St. Mungo's.''
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