XXIII. Cedric Diggory

The One with the Bloodpact

Y/MN = you middle name

You are about to spend your sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Sorting Hat had its doubts whether putting you in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. You are brave, confident, loyal, friendly, clever, and hard-working. Minutes had passed and you were sitting on that stool - all eyes on you.
     ''Ah, yes. I have made my decision. HUFFLEPUFF!''

This sixth year will not be like the other five years. It's a year without Quidditch, but with the biggest event of the century. The Triwizard Tournament.
     The Triwizard Tournament is a magical contest, held between the three largest wizarding schools in Europe. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Durmstrang Institute. Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.
Each school represents two Champions, chosen by an impartial selector - the Goblet of Fire. The chosen Champions have to compete in three tasks, traditionally judged by the Headmasters or Headmistresses of the competing schools, designed to test magical ability, intelligence, and courage.
     Champions compete for the honour and glory of winning the Tournament, only one Champion could win this tournament. Not only do they have to fight the other school Champions, but also their fellow school Champion.

You are old enough to attend this tournament, which you are planning on. You have written your name and school on a piece of parchment. You stepped inside the age line, Dumbledore drew himself and threw the parchment into the Goblet of Fire. Students cheer as you put your name into the fire.
     Cedric Diggory steps inside the line and his paper burns into the blue flames. You are aware of the crush Diggory had on you and you do like him too, but you kept your mouth shut. Diggory passes you and winks at you. He doesn't see the blush on your cheeks, which you are grateful for.

A week later, everyone was curious and excited for the Hogwarts Champions to represent their school. Everyone gathers in the Great Hall for the selecting of the Goblet of Fire.
     The blue fires turned pink and shot two parchments out of the fire. Professor Dumbledore read the two names and school on the parchments. ''Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour and Mathilda Hunter.'' Students clap and two girls in a blue uniform make their way towards Dumbledore.
     The fire turns pink and repeats ritual. Professor Dumbledore called the next two Champions. ''Durmstrang, Viktor Krum and Ares Dunbar!'' The students of Durmstrang clapped loudly for their Champions. Both are welcomed by Dumbledore and an approving nod from their Headmaster, Igor Karkaroff.
     The fire repeated this ritual one more time. All the Hogwarts students are holding their breath, some of them are making a bet to the two Champions. Professor Dumbledore caught the parchments and blew out the little fires. ''Hogwarts!'' he calls, opening the parchments, ''Y/N L/N and Cedric Diggory!'' Cedric jumps onto his feet and grabs your hand. Everyone cheers as they walk towards Dumbledore, receiving a satisfying glimpse.

The six Champions received their outfits and the general information of this Tournament. They also had to shoot some pictures for the Daily Prophet and after that, they were free to go.
     ''Y/N, wait.'' You turn around when somebody calls you name. You crack a small smile on your face when you see it's Cedric. ''Can I talk to you in private?'' he asks, nervously scratching the back of his head. ''Yeah, sure. What's it about?''

''Dumbledore had told that only one Champion could win, right?'' Cedric starts, causing you to nod, ''yeah, he said that.'' ''But what if I have to fight you, I can't fight you. You know why,'' Cedric says, shifting his eyes to the trees and back to you.
     You were silenced for the moment and then sighed. This is probably or the best moment or the worst moment to tell him. ''I-I can't fight you either,'' you sigh, ''not because you are a fellow Hufflepuff, but also I might have taken an interest in you.'' You didn't dare to look at him.
     Cedric tilts his head to see your crimson red cheeks. ''Did you just say you like me?'' He raises an eyebrow in amusement. You turn to him, ''yes. I just did, but remember I know you do too." Cedric's eyes widened, "you knew? How?" You chuckle, "yes, you idiot."

You suddenly feel a hand grabbing yours. "I might have an idea how not to fight each other,'' Cedric says. You tilt your head aside and look at him with a questioned look. ''Feel free to share that idea.''
     ''It's called a blood pact, it's a type of magically binding agreement between two parties who share their blood. It could be made by the parties cutting their hands with their wands and interlacing them and making the desired oath, which means we can make an oath never to fight each other.'' You only blink a few times before saying, ''i-isn't that dangerous?''
     ''Well, no, because we will never fight each other and if we break that promise, one of us dies.'' You shot Cedric an 'are you serious?' look, ''well, that doesn't sound dangerous at all.'' ''Okay, I didn't explain it right, because of this blood pact, we have sworn never to fight each other and that pact is the strongest that has ever existed.''

''I don't know, Cedric,'' you say, not really convinced about his idea. ''Come on, Y/N. I can't bear to fight you, not now I know we like each other.'' ''I need some time to think,'' you say, which he understands. You trusted the idea for eighty per cent, but you wanted the full hundred.
     As one of the brightest witches, Hufflepuff has ever had, you owned a lot of spells. You owned a corporeal Patronus, which is a Phoenix. You had to admit, you couldn't hurt Cedric. Maybe it is a good idea.

During dinner, you faced Cedric, agreeing to the blood pact. Cedric had sent you a smile, "meet me in the Room of Requirements at 8.00 pm."
     You wander through the school, concentrating on finding Cedric. A dark wooden door forms itself into the wall. You enter the room and see Cedric sitting near the fire. You chuckle, "it looks a lot like the common room."

Cedric has been explaining what was going to happen and you are ready for it. You both drew your wand, "ready?" You nod and take a deep breath.
     You made a cut in your hand and intertwined your hands. "I, Y/N M/N L/N, will swear to never fight Cedric Diggory." Your path is made and Cedric speaks up. "I, Cedric Diggory, will swear never to fight Y/N M/N L/N."
     Two glowing drops of blood raises from your palms, mingle into one. The blood pact was sealed when a vial took shape around the drop of blood.
     A powerful vial, which is impossible to destroy. "It's done," Cedric breathes and pulls you close. He swiftly plants his lips on yours, causing you to smile and kiss back. Cedric pulls back with red cheeks, ''I'm sorry, I wanted to do that for a very long time.''

On the day of the first task, you all had to draw a miniature dragon. Cedric had pulled out a Swedish Short-Snout and you had drawn the fiercest of them, the Hungarian Horntail.
     Cedric had turned a rock into a dog to distract the dragon. He was partially successful, the dragon took the bait and Cedric went for the Golden Egg. Halfway through, the dragon turned its attention back to Cedric and burned his face. The Hufflepuff retrieved the Egg, however, and passed the task.
     Fleur had put the dragon asleep, but it let out a breath of flames and set her on fire. However, also she had retrieved the Egg.
     Viktor used the conjunctivitis curse to blind the dragon. However, points got taken away when the dragon stepped on some of the real eggs.
     You had used a summoning charm, which made Flitwick very proud, to summon your broom. You hopped on and flew away with the dragon on your tail. It was quite a hard fly and it almost ended very nastily. Yet, you managed to come back and grabbed the Egg.

Before the second task would take place, the Yule ball was held. The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang joined their Hogwarts hosts in a feast, followed by a formal dance.
     Cedric, obviously, had asked you to the Ball and you had said yes. You had learned how to dance and practised often.

You had appeared in a blue dress. Cedric's mouth fell open by the sight of you. You closed his mouth, ''you'll catch flies.'' Cedric chuckles and takes your arm hooked in his. ''You do look very stunning,'' he whispers. ''You too, Diggory.''
     After the Champions had opened the Ball, everyone else was allowed to dance. You danced all night.

It also happens that you and Cedric were prefects and thus you had access to the prefect bathroom. You decided to take a bath and took your egg with you. You had experienced that it would give a high pitch sound when you opened it, so you had to figure out what to do.
     You sat in the bath when you knock over the Egg and it fell into the water. While taking a deep breath, you dived to grab it. However, the Egg was open and it sang.

"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching, ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour-long you'll have to look,
And recover what we took,
But past an hour — the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."

You gasped but forgot you were underwater. You coughed water once you could breathe. You needed to find something to breathe underwater.

It is already February and the second task is today. You didn't spot your fellow Hufflepuff friend, Peter, in the crowd. Peter was like your best friend and he helped you with how to breathe underwater. So, you were sad he didn't show up.
     ''Good luck,'' Cedric smiles. You return the smile, ''you too.'' You chewed the Gillyweed and swallowed harshly. On the start mark, the Champions dove into the waters.

You swam through the lake for like twenty minutes before seeing a glance of students. You swam towards it and recognised Peter. You were taken aback of two half-sharks swimming up to and released the two students.
     You also spotted one of the Beauxbatons, but Fleur never showed up. You also saw Cedric, tapping to his watch. Cedric used his wand to release his friend and left you. You couldn't bear to leave the little girl alone and tried to rescue her too. However, the mermaids didn't quite like you for that and started attacking you.
     You dropped your grasp on the two, letting them float to the surface. You took out your wand and said, ''Ascendio.'' You shot out of the water and landed on the wooden planks. You immediately got a blanket wrapped around you.

A little afterwards, you received the points. You were way over the time limit and you knew that wasn't a good sign. Besides, you had received more points than Mathilda, Fleur, and Ares. Hogwarts was leading the score, which gave another boost for the last task.

You returned to the common room and took a seat next to Peter, who was studying Transfiguration. ''How you doin'?'' you ask, peeking over to his book. Peter grumbles an answer in return, ''exams, you know. The ones you don't have to do.'' You chuckle, ''but that doesn't mean I can't help you.'' You grab the book and start the study with him.
     ''Do you know what the third task will be?'' Peter asks after an hour study. ''They have turned the Quidditch fields into a giant maze with within the Triwizard Trophy.'' ''That's pretty insane,'' he comments. You laugh, ''it is. You know, maybe I won't even survive.'' Peter's eyes widened, but then slapped you with his book, ''don't do that! You know I can't lose you.''
     You took your friend in an embrace, ''I know, Peter. I'm sorry.''

Mr Diggory stood between you and Cedric and held up your hands, causing the audience to cheer and clap. Both wore the yellow colours of Hufflepuff.
     After Dumbledore had spoken to the champions, he gave the start sign of the last task. You ran into the maze, wand prepared.

You ran into a giant spider, which you were most afraid of. ''Ridikulus!'' The spider turns into something less scary and disappears. You head muffled screams and you followed the sound of it. It led you to Fleur Delacour, who was almost absorbed by the maze. ''Periculum!'' Your wand sends out bursting red sparks into the air.
     You didn't know how long you were in there. You hadn't seen the Champions of Durmstrang nor Beauxbatons nor Cedric. Speaking of the devil.

''Y/N,'' a male voice did you turn around. You spot Cedric, blood all over his face, but you notice something different about him. His eyes weren't grey, they had a milky, glazed layer over it. Imperius Curse. You thought and suddenly feared for your lives.
What if someone forces him to fight you, he'll die. At this very moment, you didn't know what to do. ''Cedric,'' you whisper, but he can't hear you. ''Cedric,'' you say once again.

You take another step closer, pointing your wand at him. ''I love you,'' you cry and raise your wand. ''Stupefy.''
     You felt a sharp pain in your heart as if someone has stabbed you with it. While trouble breathing, Cedric breaks through the Imperius Curse. ''Take. The. Trophy. I. Love. You.'' You fell onto the floor, never moving again.

Extended Scene

''This is all my fault!'' Cedric yells after he has fetched the trophy. He bursts out into tears, which causes Dumbledore running up to him. ''What happened?'' he asks calmly.
     ''Y/N and I. W-we had made a Bloodpact and promised never to fight each other. I-I believed under influence of an Imperius. I-I don't know! She is dead!''

Days later, they found a letter, addressed to Cedric. He didn't dare to open it until now. He takes a deep breath and opens it.

Dear Cedric,

I hope you will never get to see this letter, but if you are reading this. I am not here, anymore. I don't know what is going to happen, but say if I attack you first...

I would never attack you out of own strength, I love you too much for it. Maybe I will do it out of love, to protect you. Don't blame yourself for this. It was my decision to make.

I don't want you to sit here and mourn over me. Look at the sky and say goodbye. I haven't gone for good, I'm always there <3 and I will always be.

I love you Cedric Diggory


This is the moment where Cedric bursts into tears, blaming himself for all of this.

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