XXI. Tom Riddle
The One with the Patronus
''This is officially not in the education,'' Professor Dumbledore starts, ''yet, that doesn't mean we can't try.'' You tilt your head to survey the person, you share a desk with, Tom Marvolo Riddle. He returns the look and then directs his attention to the Professor.
''Only because we are far ahead of the schedule,'' he says, getting to the point. ''Sir, what is your point?'' you ask. Dumbledore sends you a soft smile, ''clear question, Miss L/N. We will be learning how to cast a Patronus.''
Everyone's eyes widen because everyone knows what a Patronus is and thus how hard it is to cast a corporeal one. You eye Tom with widening eyes, ''interesting.'' Your voice was only audible for Tom. When you shift your gaze at the Professor, Tom shot you a small smirk.
''A corporeal Patronus is one of the most difficult charms ever cast. One's happiest memory is the most important thing for the charm, without it, you won't be able to cast one.'' You already started to think of your happiest memory. Getting into Hogwarts? Outstanding on all of your OWL's?
''Does somebody know what spell you need to pronounce for the charm?'' Dumbledore asks. Your hand shoot into the air, just as the Tom's. ''Miss L/N?'' ''Expecto Patronum,'' you say with a warm smile. Dumbledore smiles warmly, ''awesome. 5 points for Slytherin.''
You turn to Tom to smirk at him. ''I also knew it, don't worry,'' he whispers, not allowing you to win. ''Let's see who cast the best and fastest Patronus, shall we?''
Professor Dumbledore has been explaining further before shoving the tables aside. ''Give it try, don't be shy.'' Even though you were sixth years, it felt like you were only first-years - trying a brand new spell.
''Expecto Patronum.'' Everyone tried their best, which led to a small silver burst out of the tip of their wand. ''You are on the right way, think of a happy memory and the right wand movement.''
''Expecto Patronum,'' you say, waving your wand for the tenth time. A silver vapour burst out of the tip of your wand. It was nothing more than some sort of smoke, incorporeal Patronus. ''Almost, Miss L/N!'' Dumbledore calls and gives another hint.
You glance at Tom, who is clearly struggling to cast one. You knew he was into the dark magic. Maybe that's is why he can't cast the spell or he hasn't a happy memory. You knew he was an orphan, that's why you had offered to spend the holidays with you.
Anyways, you had thought of better memory. ''Expecto Patronum.'' The same silver vapour burst out but it took an animal form. The Dragon was flying around and disappeared through the window. Dumbledore's eyes widened in amazement and then clapped. ''Well, done Miss L/N! 15 points for Slytherin.''
You smirked towards Tom and mouthed, ''I won.'' He rolls his eyes in annoyment and tries to cast the spell. When it didn't succeed, he got frustrated. You lay your hand on his arm and he steadies his breath. You hid your smile at the effect you had on him. ''You will be casting a Patronus, don't worry.''
''What was your happiest memory?'' Tom whispers, glancing over his shoulder. It was Christmas. Fifth-year. Tom had accepted your offer and went home. He met your parents and received your parent's love. In those two weeks, you had grown very close. Almost relationship close. Something that made you really happy, that you've grown to like him.
''I'll tell you when you are able to cast a Patronus," you tease. He groans but continues to try the charm. His memories weren't happy enough, you thought. Maybe the memory of Christmas wasn't strong enough or he didn't like it at all.
After Transfiguration, you walked towards your class Potions. You suddenly felt a presence next to you, which made you glance up. Tom tilts his head and smirks at you.
"Why are you smirking?" you ask suspiciously. You examine his face and then it clicks, causing you to roll his eyes. Tom chuckles when you notice why.
"Only because you a just this little better in Potions, doesn't make you better in general." You stick out your tongue. Tom scrunched his nose in response.
After another failed class of Transfiguration, Tom had asked you to help him. You had replied with you would do anything you could, but he needed a happier memory.
"Then help me make one!" He had blurted without realising what he had said. Your eyes widened, not knowing how to take that. A flush had crept up her face.
Later that night, you were on your prefect duties. You are patrolling on the seventh floor, walking past a tapestry. A garnish wooden door was formed in front of your eyes. "The Room of Requirements."
"I need to tell Tom." Yet, you couldn't tell him until this morning. Luckily it is Saturday and thus Hogsmeade weekend. It was the choice of Tom whether to go or not.
Your duty was over and entered the common room. You walked straight to your dorm when a voice had stopped you. "Y/N."
You glance over your shoulder to see a pale face over the sofa. "Oh, hey Tom. What are you doing up this late?" you ask, sitting next to him. "I-I thought maybe you would like to join me to the trip to Hogsmeade,'' he stutters.
"Are you asking me out?" you ask with kitted eyebrows. Tom scratches nervously the back of his neck, "yes? Only if you want.'' A smile graces your lips, but reply in a formal way. ''I'll accept your offer.'' Luckily, it made him laugh.
''Now, you are right here,'' you say, drawing his attention once again, ''I wanted to show you something.'' You rise onto your feet and hold your hand out to him. He doesn't hesitate and takes your hand.
You made your way out of the common room. Thanks to your prefect duties, you weren't able to get caught. ''Where are we going?'' Tom asks suspiciously when you are walking onto the fifth floor. ''Just wait,'' you say chuckling, directing towards the seventh floor.
Once on the seventh floor, you walked to the tapestry. You sighed deeply and closed your eyes. Tom's eyes widened in amazement when he saw what you had discovered. ''The Room of Requirements.''
You two enter the room and both eyes widened. It was a cosy room with a fireplace, sofa and a library part. Also, space to cast spells. ''This is perfect,'' you say, surveying the room. ''It is,'' he breathes.
''Do you want to practise?'' you ask, rubbing your arm. Tom watches you and decides to agree. Not that he persé wants to practise, but more to spend time with you.
After half an hour, he was too frustrated to continue. He had thrown his wand through the room and you sprinted to catch it. Tom had thrown himself on the sofa. You felt compassion for him, he was an excellent student.
You sit in front of him so that he has to confront you. You sat on the floor, cross-legged so that you were on the same eye height. You lay your hand on his cheek, ''you'll be okay. You'll succeed.'' Tom stares into your eyes and remains silent. You send him a sad smile.
''Come sit next to me, not on the floor,'' Tom comments and sits up straight. You nod gratefully because your ass hurt. You sit next to him, but completely freeze when you feel his arm around your shoulder.
''W-what are you doing?'' you ask nervously. ''It is comfortable,'' he whispers, near your ear. A shiver is sent down your spine, ''comfortable for you or me?'' You glance over your shoulder to see his smirk. It causes you to smile.
''The choice is yours.'' You chuckle at his answer, ''I think it is comfortable for both you and me.'' His smirk grew broadway and observed you.
You started to doze off and wanted to return to the common room. As you wanted to rise on your feet, an arm tightened his grip around your waist. ''No. Don't go,'' Tom mumbles softly. You glance at Tom, who is asleep. You smile at the sight and lay back into his arms.
You fell asleep, with your head on his chest, due to his calm heartbeat.
The next day, you jolted awake and felt arms tightly wrapped around you. Memories of last night shot through your mind. You smiled when you remembered falling asleep on Tom and that you were going on a date with him.
Tom jolted awake and his eyes landed on you. Being confused for the first five seconds, but then he remembered what happened last night. "Goodmorning," he whispers. "Goodmorning, I'm afraid I have to leave or I won't be ready for our trip." "I'll pick you up," he smiles.
You had left the room and Tom grabbed his wand. He took a deep breath, "Expecto Patronum." A silver vapour burst out of the tip of his wand. It wasn't big nor had it an animal form, but it has had its progress.
Tom smirked satisfied with the progress and the memory he had used.
Tom waited down the stairs near the Great Hall. His eyes often flickered to the top.
The one time he glanced up, you were standing there. Dressed in black jeans, a plain white shirt with a tie and the Slytherin sweater as the buttercream on a cupcake. ''Hi,'' you smile. Tom had been smiling since the moment he saw you up there. ''Hello.''
''Shall we?'' He extends his arm, waiting for you to take. You nod and hook your arm in his.
You had spent the day in the Village and both had enjoined each other's presence. ''Shall we head back after Honeydukes?'' Tom suggests. You nod, ''head to the Room of Requirements?'' Tom nods and gets a hold of your hand.
Once in the Room of Requirements, Tom had done the same thing he did on Christmas day. You felt him snuggling closer and giggled, ''what are you doing?'' ''Something we shouldn't hide since Christmas,'' he whispers softly. You spin around and rest your hands on his chest.
''So, what do you think?'' he whispers and teases your nose with his nose. ''I would say, where are you waiting for?'' Tom smirks and captures your lips with his. He felt this unknown feeling, but it made him happy. You pull back and smirk, ''try the Patronus charm.''
''Clever girl,'' he says and draws his wand. ''Expecto Patronum.'' A silvery vapour burst out of the tip of his wand. A white bright snake moves on the floor and circles around you two. Tom watches you in awe when the snake moves around your bodies.
''You did it!'' You screech and throw yourself around his neck. ''Shall we do it together?'' You nod and draw your wand. ''Expecto Patronum.'' Both your Patronus' played together and vanished through the fire.
''So, now I've managed the Patronus, you promised to tell me your happiest memory,'' Tom smirks and boops your nose. ''You tell yours and I tell mine.''
''Fair enough.''
Extended Scene
"Hello, darling," your mother hugs you when you step off the train. After releasing you, she turns to Tom and sends him a warm smile. "You must be Tom, Y/N had told me all about you." A blush crept up your face and you turn your head away.
"It is an honour to meet you, miss L/N," he says politely and shakes her hands. "No need to call me miss, Tom. Athena would be just fine."
The snow was everywhere and the Christmas lights gave a warm feeling. "Come on," you smile at Tom, grabbing his hand. He lets himself guiding to the house by you.
Tom is met by your father, older brother, and younger sister. "Ah, you must be Tom. I'm Faramir, Y/N's brother," a tall boy with brown curls says and shakes Tom's hand. He had also met your sister and father.
At the end of the day, Tom was a little overwhelmed by the love he had received that day. He wasn't used to it, but he liked it. You walk into the room, "well, my parents allow us to sleep in one room. Only sleeping, they said." That made Tom laugh, "aye, captain."
You had a kingsize bed, big enough for five people. You had turned your back to him and got dressed in shorts and a Slytherin tank top. Tom had surveyed you and blushed, catching himself staring.
"How did you experience this day?" you say, sitting on your bed with crossed legs. Tom loosened his tie, "it was a little overwhelming, but they were so nice. Is this what a normal family should be?"
He started to unbutton his shirt and you turned around. Tom smirked but didn't say anything. "Yes, this is what a normal child should be treated." You lay underneath the sheets, facing Tom.
''It'll be a great day tomorrow,'' you say. Tom watches you with question marks around his head. ''Presents, family games, Christmas Dinner.'' He nods and smiles, ''I'm quite curious then.''
''Goodnight Tom,'' you say after hours of talking. You lean a little closer and kiss him on the cheek. ''G-goodnight,'' he stutters, grateful for the darkened room. You had turned your back to him and drifted off to sleep. At least, Tom thought you were asleep. He had been tracing your back with his finger. It took you a little while to figure out he was tracing a heart shape on your back and blushed deeply.
You had already left the room before Tom had woken up. You had pecked his cheek before leaving. Tom opened his left eye to see you leaving and touched his cheek.
Tom meets you in the kitchen, deciding to wrap his arms around your waist and nuzzles his head in your neck. ''Someone's awake,'' you whisper, tilting your head. From the corner of his eye, he sees something he read about. He spins you around and holds you close.
''Look up,'' he says softly. You glance up and gasp, but smile afterwards. ''What mistletoe can do,'' you say, leaning in. Tom captures your lips and pulls you closer. Faramir spots them and leans against the sink.
Tom notices a presence and pulls back. You both turn around and blush heavily. ''Moooorning,'' he says amusingly. ''Not a word, Faramir,'' you warn, laughing nervously. He nods, ''fine, but no snogging around us!''
''Y/N, this one is for you,'' your brother says, handing over a present. You frown and curiously open the present, only to pull out a serpent necklace. You took notice of a little piece of paper. I hope you like it. T. M. R.
You turned towards Tom and smiled. You wrap your arms around his neck, ''thank you.'' Tom had wrapped his arms around your back. You decide to kiss him, in front of your parents. ''Eehww,'' your sister screeches and closes her eyes. You pull away from Tom, laughing.
''Are we still allowed to sleep in one room?'' you ask cautiously, laughing nervously.
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