𝟎𝟏𝟗 ⸺ the battle of helm's deep

Night had fallen over Helm's Deep and at this hour of the night, all its people had fallen asleep. Apart from the guards and Aragorn. The Ranger stared at the ceiling, sleep failing to catch him. His heart feels heavy and broken into pieces. His head spins with countless thoughts and it would spin off his head if he doesn't do anything about it.
Aragorn puts on his boots and clasps his cloak around his shoulders before heading outside. It didn't matter how stealthy he was, Legolas heard him leave.
A breath of fresh air kisses his cheeks. The air blows the clouds in his mind away. He closes his eyes and breathes the cold air. Once he opens his eyes, he notices the cloudy night. The stars are veiled, no light illuminating the earth. He climbs on the crenel, sitting down with his legs over the edge.
"While you are gone to a place I cannot follow, I wait here alone and hollow. A day broken with pain and darkness, my love went unspoken to you who I missed," Aragorn whispers into the night, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"I miss you in ways that not even words can describe," he whispers. His head rests against the merlon, unable to stop his flow of tears. Whilst his eyes were closed, he couldn't help but notice something bright. He doesn't know whether he is imagining this or not.
Aragorn opens his eyes and lifts his head to the sky. He almost started to believe he imagined the light, but then some of the clouds moved away. It is only a little gap in the sky, but the light of the moon and stars find their way to him.
His starlight.
Could he take it as a sign that Iladya is still alive? His heart flutters at the thought of it. A small burst of hope emerges through his body.
His ilmarë could be still alive.
His eyes are fixated on the moon and stars. "Find your way back to me," Aragorn whispers at the moon. "I think it will break the moon's heart when she looks down to see me without you."

Iladya barely keeps herself on Brego as they reach the top of a hill. Her head spins and aches. Her body complains and commands her to rest, but she can't. Not until he held her in his arms again.
Her ears move back and forth, causing her to look around. Iladya hears stomping and at the horizon, she sees a massive army dressed in black advancing towards Helm's Deep.
"Make haste, my friend," she whispers in Brego's ear. The horse neighs before galloping his way to Helm's Deep. Once Helm's Deep is within sight, she smiles and pats Brego's neck.
"Mae carnen, Brego mellon nîn." With the strength she has left, she rides through the gates of Helm's Deep. She draws attention because the people there heard of the fallen Elf. The word must have spread fast because it is Gimli who pushes away the people to get through.
"Let me through!" Gimli grunts. "Where is she? Where is she? I'm going to kill her!" He reaches her and embraces her.
''You are the luckiest, the canniest — Iladya smiles — and the most reckless Elf I ever knew. Bless you, laddie.'' Gimli hugs her.
''Gimli, where are Aragorn and the King?'' Iladya questions, gripping his shoulders. He nods in the direction of the hall. Iladya follows his gaze and nods. She heads to the hall and halts once she hears a familiar voice.
"Le abdollen." Iladya runs up to her brother, although it appears she is stumbling towards her brother. She falls into his arms and embraces him.
"You look terrible." Iladya manages to grin and pushes his shoulder.
"I feel great though," she answers with a hint of sarcasm.
Eowyn overhears them talking and turns to Iladya. She is about to run up to her but changes her mind. Her heart accelerates but contains herself.

Théoden, Aragorn, and Gamling are talking in the Hall but their attention is drawn to the doors. Aragorn furrows his eyebrows, watching the figure push the doors open.
Do my eyes deceive me?
His heart accelerates and he steps away from the table. A sob ripples from his throat once he sees her face.
His starlight.
Has found her way back to him.
He ran up to her and engulfed her in an embrace. He lifted her off her feet and twirled around.
''I thought you had gone where I couldn't follow,'' he sobs. Iladya snuggles her face into his neck, unaware of the tears flowing over her cheeks.
''My mother protected me,'' she whispers. Aragorn puts her back onto her feet, but swiftly catches her when her legs give out.
''Easy,'' Aragorn comments. ''You need to rest, my lady.'' Iladya nods and finds her balance to stay upright.
''First, I bring an urgent message,'' says Iladya and turns to Théoden. ''Isengard is emptied.'' Théoden places his hands on the table, looking at the map.
''How many?''
''Ten thousand,'' she replies. ''It is an army bred for a single purpose which is to destroy the world of Men. They will be here by nightfall.'' Théoden takes one more glance at the map before looking at Aragorn.
''Let them come.''
''I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready for battle by nightfall,'' Théoden orders. Aragorn, Iladya, Legolas, and Gimli follow Théoden to the gate.
''Legolas, take Iladya somewhere to eat and rest,'' Aragorn asks of Legolas. Legolas nods and takes Iladya, who goes without protest, somewhere to rest.
''We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the Deeping Wall,'' Théoden comments. ''Or set foot inside the Hornburg!''
''This is no rabble of mindless Orcs. These are Uruk-hai. Their armour is thick and their shields broad,'' Gimli warns.
''I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own keep.'' Gimli looks disgruntled and as they walk past him, Aragorn puts a hand on his shoulder to calm down.
''They will break upon this fortress like water on rock — they walk around the inner ramparts — Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn,'' Théoden says. ''We've seen it before. Crops can be resown ... Homes rebuilt. Within these walls ... We will outlast them.''
''They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages. They come to destroy its people ... down to the last child,'' Aragorn argues. He understands Théoden's point of view, however, they have come for Men.
Theoden walks back towards Aragorn and takes his arm. ''What would you have me do? Look at my men,'' he hisses. ''Their courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end ... As to be of remembrance.''
''Send out riders, my lord,'' Aragorn suggests. ''You must call for aid.''
''And who will come? Elves? Dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead.''
''Gondor will answer,'' Aragorn replies.
''Gondor?!'' Theoden explodes. ''Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?! Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us?! Where was Gon ... No, my lord Aragorn ... We are alone,'' he paused to speak calmer. ''Get the women and children into the caves,'' he says, walking off back to the hall.

"We need more time to lay provisions.''
''There is no time. War is upon us. Secure the gate,'' Theoden commands. Flocks of crows circle above calling out. Aragorn had left Théoden's side to find Iladya. He has a growing feeling of concern.
''You should not worry for her,'' Galadriel whispered. ''Obstacles will be thrown in your way but you will fight your way through it.'' The words of Lady Galadriel stayed with him, the whole journey.
He had found her wound up in bed. A smile graces his lips because she has returned to him. He sits on the edge of the bed and cautiously strokes her hair. She seems to stir at his touch and opens her eyes. Her eyes find his and a smile graces her lips.
''Hello,'' she smiles.
''Hello, ilmarë nîn,'' he smiles and presses a kiss on her lips.
''My apologies to leave you in such distress,'' she whispers, sitting right up.
''Oh no,'' he replies. ''Do not apologise for something you did not influence on. I admit, I pleaded with the stars for you to find your way back to me.'' Iladya caresses Aragorn's cheek with her hand.
''I did find my way back,'' she smiles. She notices distress in his eyes, even though she is here with him. ''What troubles you?''
''We are to go to war,'' says Aragorn softly. ''I cannot bear the idea of losing you again.'' Iladya nods and feels there is more for him to say.
''What are you asking of me? Are you asking me to join the women in the cave?'' she questions, offended by the suggestion. Before he could utter a word, she continued. ''I am a warrior, Elessar. Captain of the guard as well.'' She removes her hand from his cheek.
''These men are no soldiers, Ilmarë,'' Aragorn sighs.
''So, you get to fight with them but I cannot? No, I will fight tonight and if you cannot find a way to accept it,'' she pauses for a brief moment. ''Then you and I should not happen.'' Her heart protests the choice of her mind. She sees the hurtful look in his eyes, yet she says what she needs to be said.
''I need you by my side,'' he pleas, reaching for her hand.
''Which is why I need to be out there,'' she reasons, caressing his fingers. ''I need to keep an eye on you.'' She chuckles, which causes Aragornt to chuckle along. He rests his forehead against hers.
''You are the light in the darkness,'' he breathes. ''You are everything my heart dreams of.''
''Of all the lives I have ever lived, my favourite is one with you and me,'' she breathes. ''My thoughts of you never end.'' Aragorn pulls away, only to pull her back in for a kiss. Iladya lays a hand on his cheek, caressing his cheek with her thumb. He pulls away and takes the necklace off his neck. Iladya's eyes shift to the necklace and breathes a sigh of relief.
''I feared I lost it,'' she whispers. Aragorn clips the necklace around her neck as he explains how it came to him.
''Legolas found it in the hand of a dying orc,'' he explains. ''The one you were last fighting before falling off the cliff.'' Iladya remains silent and kisses him once more. Aragorn moves his hand up her neck. He could feel her lips curling into a smile, which is one of the uncountable things he loves about her.
''As much as I love this,'' he smirks. ''We have to get to work ... We have a war upcoming, by nightfall to be exact.''
''Fine,'' she groans. ''You do owe me, if we make it out alive.''
''You have my word,'' he laughs.

In Helm's Deep the women and children are being taken into the caves at the back of Helm's Deep.
''Move back! Move to the caves!'' The soldier calls. ''Come on, people! Quickly, now!'' Aragorn, Legolas, and Iladya follow alongside them.
''We'll place the reserves along the wall. They can support the archers from above the gate,'' Iladya mentions.
''Iladya, you must rest. You're no use to us half alive,'' Legolas mentions.
''I have slept, my brother,'' she argues and before Legolas can say another word, he is cut off by the voice that belongs to Eowyn.
''Iladya!'' Eowyn calls and runs towards her. ''I'm to be sent with the women into the caves.''
''That is an honourable charge,'' Iladya replies patiently.
''To mind the children, to find food and bedding when the men return. What renown is there in that?''
''My lady, a time may come for Valar without renown. Who then will your people look to in the last defence?'' Iladya reasons.
''Let me stand at your side,'' she asks.
''It is not in my power to command it,'' she says, turning away.
''Yet, you are the only female to stand between those men,'' Eowyn snaps. ''You are an example for all these women.''
''Eowyn, it is not in my power to give these commands,'' Iladya argues, her voice in a sharper tone. Eowyn seems taken aback as she starts apologising, ''I'm sorry.''

The people in the caves wander around, finding a place to settle down. There are tearful farewells. The men and older boys are led away by the soldiers to fight. The women comfort each other the best they can.

In the armoury, weapons are being handed out. Aragorn takes hold of a sword and puts it down again. He walks through the men towards Gimli who is sitting down.
''Farmers, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers,'' Aragorn comments.
''Most have seen too many winters," Gimli grunts.
"Or too few," Legolas adds. They look around at the men and boys. "Look at them," Legolas says. ''They're frightened. I can see it in their eyes." Everyone stops and turns to look at him, Aragorn included.
"Boe a hyn: neled herain dan caer menig!" Gimli leans towards Iladya for translation. She leans closer to Gimli.
"And they should be," she whispers. ''Three hundred against ten thousand."
"Si beriathar hyn ammaeg na ned Edoras," Aragorn replies, reasoning.
"They have more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras," Iladya whispers.
"Aragorn, nedin dagor hen ú-'erir ortheri. Natha daged dhaer!" Legolas raises his voice.
"Aragorn, they cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!"
"Then I shall die as one of them!" Aragorn raises his voice. He glares at Legolas who glares back, and then walks off. Legolas goes to follow him but Gimli holds his arm.
"Let him go, lad. Let him be."

The men are walking around the battlements of Helms Deep.
"Move! Move to the outer wall!" the soldier yells. Aragorn is sitting on the steps outside the great hall. He looks over to a boy who is talking to another standing by a fire.
"Give me your sword," Aragorn commands gently. The boy walks over to Aragorn and hands it to him.
"What is your name?"
"Haleth, son of Hama, my lord. The men are saying we will not live out the night. They say that it is hopeless," the boy speaks. Aragorn sighs and stands up. He holds the sword out and swings it around.
"This is a good sword — he hands the sword back to him — Haleth, son of Hama." He puts a hand on his shoulder and looks him in the eyes. "There is always hope."

Aragorn is back in the armoury putting on chain mail and redressing himself. He notices Legolas appear next to him holding out his sword.
"We have trusted you this far. You have not led us astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair," Legolas apologises.
"Ú-moe edaved, Legolas," Aragorn smiles and then looks at Iladya, who leans against the doorpost. They smile and pat each other on the shoulder. Gimli appears struggling with his chainmail shirt.
"We had time, I'd get this adjusted — he lets the shirt drop and it falls to the ground obviously far too long — It's a little tight across the chest." Aragorn, Iladya, and Legolas grin at each other.
Suddenly they hear a horn sounding.
"That is no Orc horn," Iladya says and runs out of the room, followed by Aragorn and Legolas. Outside men are looking down over the wall.
"Send for the king! Open the gate!"
"Open the gate!" A large elven army marches through the gates, passing the men who smile happily. Theoden walks down the steps towards them and sees that Haldir is leading them in bright golden armour.
"How is this possible?" he asks astonished.
"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell," Haldir bows. "An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together." Haldir smiles once he notices Aragorn, Legolas, Iladya, and Gimli running down the steps.
"We come to honour that allegiance." Aragorn embraces Haldir, which caught the elf off guard.
"You are most welcome," Aragorn smiles. As Legolas and Iladya hug Haldir the elves swiftly turn towards him and stand to attention.
"We are proud to fight alongside Men once more."

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