𝟎𝟏𝟕 ⸺ the king's decision
Théodred's body is borne from the main city, and taken outside the city gates, to the burial mounds. He is borne by six royal guards and followed by Théoden, Aragorn, Gandalf, Iladya, Legolas and Gimli and the people of Edoras. Eowyn waits with other women at his tomb. At his tomb, his body is passed to the women, and Eowyn starts to sing:
''Bealocwealm hafað fréone frecan forth onsended
giedd sculon singan gléomenn sorgiende
on Meduselde thæt he ma no wære
his dryhtne dyrest and maga deorost''
An evil death has set forth the noble warrior
A song shall sing sorrowing minstrels
in Meduseld that he is no more,
to his lord dearest and kinsmen most belover.
An evil death...
Théodred's body is passed into the tomb and the doors shut behind him. On top of his tomb, a single Simelmyne flower stands on top.
''Simblemyne,'' Théoden breathes. ''Ever has it grown on the tombs of my forbearers.'' He turns to Gandalf. ''Now it shall cover the grave of my son. Alas that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the old linger. That I should live ... To see the last days of my house.''
Théoden took his son's death personal. He was not there when his son needed him. He abandoned his own son. His heart feels heavy with loss and regret.
''Théodred's death was not of your making,'' Gandalf soothes.
''No parent should have to bury their child,'' he comments. Theoden falls to his knees and slowly starts weeping, mourning. His legacy, but most important his son.
''He was strong in life. His spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers. Westu hál. Ferðu, Théodred, Ferðu.''
Gandalf leaves Theoden to mourn in peace. As he walks back up the hill, he turns to see two children riding on a horse. The boy falls off the horse in exhaustion.
In the Golden Hall, the children are eating ravenously, as Eowyn sits with them. She has her arms around the little girl.
''They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the Wild Men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go. Rick, cot and tree,'' Eowyn says, looking at all them, Gandalf, Theoden, Iladya, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli.
''Where is Mama?'' the little girl asks desperately. Eowyn shushes her by wrapping a blanket around her. Gandalf sits beside Théoden, who has his head in his hand.
''This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash — Theoden takes away his hand and listens — All the more potent for he is driven now by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on. Draw him away from your women and children — he places a hand on Theoden's chair — You must fight,'' he urges.
''You have 2000 good men riding north as we speak. Eomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king,'' Aragorn comments. Theoden gets up out of his seat. Aragorn stood near Théoden's throne while Legolas, Iladya, and Gimli are sitting at one of the tables, following the converdation silently.
''They will be 300 leagues from here by now. Eomer cannot help us. I know what it is you want of me ... But I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war,'' he says.
''Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not,'' Aragorn argues calmly.
''When last I looked ... Théoden, not Aragorn, was King of Rohan,'' Théoden replies bitterly. Aragorn suppresses a frustrated grunt and clenches his jaw. Gimli who is eating and drinking burps loudly and looks embarrassed. Iladya shoots a glance at the Dwarf.
''Then what is the king's decision?'' Gandalf asks. Théoden looks around the hall, looking at those children, at his niece, at the two Elves, the Dwarf, and at Aragorn. He has enough of war and it confirms his decision.
Outside the Golden Hall, Hama stands amongst the people of Rohan.
''By the order of the king ... The city must empty. We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep!''
Gandalf walks through the people gathering their belongings followed by Aragorn, Iladya, Legolas and Gimli.
''Do not burden yourself with treasures. Take only what provisions you need,'' Hama urges.
''Helm's Deep,'' Gandalf scoffs.
''They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their king?'' Iladya grunts.
''He's only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helm's Deep has saved them in the past,'' Aragorn reasons. Iladya glances at Legolas, who shares the same thought. They have seen this before, at their own home. Thranduil would close the borders of Mirkwood, keeping his own safe instead of fight. It made Iladya think of Tauriel.
They walk into the stables. ''There is no way out of that ravine. Théoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he's leading them to safety. What they will get is a massacre. Theoden has a strong will, but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan — he turns to face Aragorn — He will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you — Aragorn takes a deep breath, knowing he will need to set aside the Ranger — The defences have to hold,'' Gandalf says. ''They will hold.''
''The Grey Pilgrim. That's what they used to call me,'' Gandalf says, stroking Shadowfax. ''Three hundred lives of Men I've walked this earth, and now I have no time. With luck, my search will not be in vain — he mounts Shadowfax and Aragorn stands aside — Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east,'' he instructs. Gandalf rides off out of the stables.
Iladya is also in the stables and watches two men holding a horse on either side with leashes. The horse is rearing and clearly upset. In the back, Eowyn is tending her horse as Iladya walks up to the distressed horse.
''That horse is half mad, my lady. There's nothing you can do. Leave him,'' the stable master urges. Iladya walks up to the horse.
''Fæste, stille nú, fæste, stille nú. Lac is drefed, gefrægon. Hwæt nemnað ðe?"
Fast, be quiet now, fast, be quiet now. A battle is stirred up, they heard. The horse calms a bit. Iladya takes away one of the leashes and strokes him.
''Hwæt nemnað ðe? Hm? Hwæt nemnað ðe?'' Iladya asks for his name. Eowyn turns to Iladya. What is your name? Hm? What is your name?
''His name is Brego,'' she answers. ''He was my cousin's horse.''
''Brego. Ðin nama is cynglic,'' she whispers, stroking its nose. Brego? Your name is kingly. Eowyn walks towards them. Iladya continues to talk to the horse and calms him down.
''Man le trasta, Brego? Man cenich?'' she asks, wanting to know what troubles him. What troubles you, Brego? What did you see?
''I have heard of the magic of Elves ... But I haven't heard for a long time.'' Iladya turns to Eowyn and sends her a smile.
''May I ask where you are from?'' Eowyn asks. Her tone seems genuine.
''I was raised in the Woodland realm, also called Mirkwood. Turn this fellow free,'' she adds. ''He has seen enough of war.'' She takes her saddle and leaves Eowyn with Brego.
Once she exits the stable, she found Aragorn leaning against the doorpost.
''Impressive skill you did with that horse,'' he mentions as he walks along.
"You think?" she questions, tilting her head at him.
"Hmhm," Aragorn hums. The two walk through the city, seeing the people carrying away chests from the Golden Hall. Aragorn looks down at her hands, noticing his ring isn't around her finger. He frowns as he points it out.
"Where is the ring?" he questions, getting a hold of her hand. Iladya glances at her hand and that same hand moves to her neck where she pulls out the ring on a chain.
"I'm not used to fighting with a ring," she admits, feeling embarrassed. She stares at the ring before she feels two fingers under her chin. Aragorn gently forces her to look at him.
"That is a valid reason, Ilmarë nîn," Aragorn says, wanting to express his affection. Iladya feels her cheeks getting hot once she heard what he said. His starlight. Aragorn witnesses the smile forming on her face, which makes him grin as well.
''Ilmarë?'' Iladya asks. His starlight.
''Can't I show my affection toward the one I love?'' he questions, arching an eyebrow. He uses her words she had spoken to him in Lothlorien.
"Come on," he says. ''People will get suspicious." He winks as they start to walk, which causes her blush to intensify. Her heart skips a beat as she is lost for words.
''You are unbelievable, Elessar,'' Iladya then says. Aragorn spins around and smirks. She adores the smile on his face, seeming like a man with no burden. A man, simply in love.
''And I love you,'' he smirks. Iladya looks away, trying to hide her smile. However, she fails to do so and Aragorn knows it as well.
''You know you love me,'' he teases.
''Do I?'' she questions, tilting her head. ''Yes, yes I do.'' She adds a smile, causing Aragorn to smile as well.
Eowyn opens a chest, lifts out a sword and unsheathes it. She holds it up and runs her hand down the blade. She practices swiping with it, and as she turns around her sword meets Iladya's long knife.
"You have some skill with a blade," she comments, impressed by her skills. Eowyn swings her sword round swiftly, releasing it from Iladya's knife and puts it away.
"Women of this country learned long ago: Those without swords can still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain," she speaks. She feels Iladya's eyes on her as she puts away the sword.
"What do you fear, my lady?" Iladya asks.
"A cage," she mutters. ''To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them. And all chance of Valar has gone beyond recall or desire." Iladya shakes her head,
"You are a daughter of Kings ... a shield maiden of Rohan. I do not think that would be your fate." She turns and walks away.
The people of Edoras are leaving through the city gates led by Théoden and his guards, with Legolas, Iladya, Gimli and Aragorn. Théoden pauses to look back at Edoras, then rides off. He stood for a difficult decision. He looked at what he needed to leave behind. Théoden then looks at his people, bringing them to safety. A long line of people can be seen weaving its way down the hillside. Iladya was mounted on the horse, led by Aragorn.
"You know," she says, leaning forward. "I can walk by myself." Aragorn glances aside, making eye contact with his starlight. Her presence alights the night. She enlightens his darkness.
"Can't I take some burden off your feet?" he muses. Iladya opens her mouth but closes it again.
''You can,'' says Iladya slowly. ''However, I do not agree.'' Iladya is about to swing her leg off Hasufel as Aragorn's hand stops her. Her gaze snaps to his hand laying on her leg.
''I insist, my lady,'' he reasons. Iladya looks him in the eye and nods.
''Alright.'' Aragorn looks ahead with a small smile gracing his lips. He feels her eyes on him with a burning questions on her lips. He glances over his shoulder to catch her eyes and watches a smile grace her lips.
''What?'' Iladya questions with a smile.
''I felt your eyes on me,'' Aragorn replies. ''With a sense of feeling that you have a question.'' Her eyebrow rise in suprise and nods.
''I do have a question,'' Iladya says and Aragorn gestures her to question away. ''I have been wondering for a while. How come you are a Númenorean, yet raised in Imladris, yet being a Ranger?'' Aragorn listens attentively and thinks of her answer.
''I am no true Númenorean, but a descendant of the Númenoreans which are called the Dúnedain,'' he starts. ''Númenoreans are descendants of the Edain. The Edain were noblemen who were gifted the island of Númenor by the Valar because of their assistance during the War of Wrath.''
''Aside from that, my father was murdered by Orcs and my mother feared for me because I was the first in line to the throne of Gondor. She, therefore, sent me to Rivendell where Lord Elrond raised me like his own son. Around the age of twenty, Lord Elrond told me my identity and lineage, thus my real name Aragorn.''
''What name did you go under before Aragorn?'' Iladya questions.
''Estel,'' Iladya whispers, trying the name. ''I like the sound of it.'' Aragorn smiles at her before finishing his story.
''Lord Elrond gave me the Ring of Barahir, the very ring you are wearing.'' Iladya glances at the ring: two serpents intertwined with eyes made of green jewels. The serpents met beneath a crown of golden flowers that one upheld and one devoured.
''I believe you said it was your mother's,'' Iladya comments, causing Aragorn to nod.
''It is my mother's,'' Aragorn confirms. ''She gave it to Lord Elrond to give to me and I want you to have it, as a token that you have my heart.'' Iladya's fingers slide over the ring.
''I left Rivendell and met Gandalf before protecting the borders around the Shire.'' Aragorn glances at his starlight with a smile on his face.
''I would like to hear more stories of Aragorn the Ranger,'' Iladya says. Aragorn chuckles, telling her he will.
''At what age are you?'' Iladya questions. It is known to her that the Númenoreans are immortal and since the Dúnedain are descendants from the Númenoreans... Which means they are semi-immortal.
''Eighty-seven,'' Aragorn answers, watching Iladya's eyes widen which makes Aragorn snort. ''Don't you be surprised. You are at least two thousand years old.'' Iladya nods, forgetting for a brief moment that she is immortal.
''I forgot that I was immortal,'' she replies.
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