𝟎𝟎𝟔 ⸺ the reunion
''Father,'' Legolas and Iladya greet in unison. Legolas bows at the waist while Iladya drops a curtsy.
''I have received word from Lord Elrond,'' Thranduil says. ''He has summoned a secret council. They say the One Ring has been found.'' Iladya masks her expression as she realises Frodo is in grave danger. Legolas steals a glance from his sister. They have never told their father what they knew about the Ring.
''I will need you to go on our behalf,'' he says. The two Captains bow at the waist, just as the Elves standing behind them. The two turn around to leave, but their father calls them back.
''I need you to be careful,'' he speaks from the bottom of his heart. ''I do not know what will follow. I need you to look after each other, jsut like like past three thousand years. The time of the Elves is over and I wish for us to sail to the Undying Lands together.'' A shiver runs down Iladya's spine. She hasn't intended to sail to the Undying Lands after she met Aragorn, however... She is not sure.
"We will look out for each other," Legolas speaks. The corners of Thranduil's mouth curl upward as he closes his eyes while bowing his head.
"Very well," he says. "May our paths cross." The Elves standing before him now their heads before leaving the throne room. Besides her romantically broken heart, her heart aches for leaving Mirkwood to the evil of Dol Guldur.
"He will manage," Legolas comforts. "He has been ruling these lands for ages. He knows how to keep his people safe." Iladya sends him a faint and she knows her father is capable of great defending... It is still her father though.
While the Elves prepare to leave Mirkwood, Aragorn has found himself accompanied by four Hobbits chased by the Ringwraiths. Frodo has been stabbed with a Morgul blade by the Witch King of Angmar. He tasked Sam and himself to search for the Kingsfoil plant to slow down the poison in Frodo's blood.
While he presses the plant on Frodo's wound, Glorfindel of Rivendell finds him and rides for Rivendell. Aragorn and the three Hobbits made their four-day journey to Rivendell.
With the days, people from Middle-Earth arrive in Rivendell to answer the call of Lord Elrond. Legolas and Iladya enter the familiar grounds of Imladris. A trail of memories shot through her mind, memories of her and Aragorn. She shakes her head, refusing to believe what he said in Mirkwood. She refuses.
After they took care of their horses, Iladya disappears in the Valley. The sounds, the view, the smell... It recalls memories. She finds her favourite spot, hidden away. Iladya could see them standing there, holding hands. But now... It is only her who stands there. A faint smile graces her lips before she decides to leave this place as it is.
Lord Elrond has invited her to dinner. She enters the open where dinner is served, only for her eyes to fall upon Aragorn. Her heartbeat accelerates at the sight of him. He turns his head to meet her gaze. Iladya averts her gaze to the person who is rising to its feet.
"Lady Iladya," Elrohir bows at the waist. Iladya drops a curtsy.
"My Lord Elrohir." He extends his hand to her, making Iladya hesitate for a brief moment. From the corner of her eyes, she notices Aragorn's gaze upon them. She sends him a warm smile and accepts his hand. His hand feels warm around hers as he leads her to his seat at the table. Only for her to notice that she is seated across from Aragorn who has his eyes on her. A wave of jealousy flares in Aragorn's chest.
"It is my pleasure to see you once again," he speaks. "Since I will be leaving after dinner." Iladya pretends to be surprised, ignoring Aragorn's preying eyes,
"You are not joining your Father's council?" she questions. Elrohir shakes his head.
"My brother and I are sent out to check the lands," he says, purposely leaving out the part of the Fellowship. Iladya nods before taking a bite. She feels his heavy gaze on her, averting her eyes to meet his gaze. The Elf sees the jealousy flaring in his eyes. The corner of her mouth curves into a devious smirk before turning to Elrohir.
"Well, let me see you out then," she says, casually touching his hand. Both Aragorn's and Elrohir's eyes shot to her hand. The man's knuckles turn white from gripping the cutlery. Elrohir flashes her a smile and nods.
"It does me well, my lady."
Iladya certainly does see Elrohir and Elladan out and watch them leave Rivendell. She leans on the balcony, watching the Elves growing smaller and smaller as they head into the distance.
The night breeze tickles her exposed skin, closing her eyes to enjoy. Her moment of joy is disturbed by a presence, just behind her. The corners of her mouth curl into a smirk, knowing he would seek her out. Despite the satisfaction, her heart aches for him. Yearns for him, even after what he said.
"It was a dream, nothing more," she speaks to the night sky, however, it makes Aragorn halt in his steps. "Yet, here he is... Driven by whatever feeling he was feeling when I said goodbye to Lord Elrond's sons." Iladya turns around on her heels, her back leaning against the rail of the balcony. Aragorn closes his eyes for a brief moment, knowing he did it to protect but his own desire got the better hand of him. The sight of her being so close to Elrohir, it made his blood boil.
"Your Father called for me after dinner," he says, deciding to tell her what happened that night. "He had noticed your attention toward me and I had told him my perspective." He takes slow steps toward Iladya, who simply listens but watches him like a hawk. Her heartbeat is pounding in her ears, also telling her to forgive him already.
"He told me it was a fool's hope... That you wouldn't bind to me and I told him otherwise," Aragorn explains. "He snapped, telling how unwise of you to do so. He had said that he would be sailing to the Undying Lands with you and Legolas after the War." Aragorn halts a meter away from Iladya.
"I said it was your choice but he refused," he whispers. "I walked away, pondering his words. I made myself believe you would be better off without me." Tears form in the corners of Iladya's eyes but she will not cry.
"Your words have had me suffering," Iladya speaks. Her mind keeps retelling this memory. Hurt flashes their eyes. "I refused to believe them but what else could I have done?"
"I apologize, my Lady Iladya," Aragorn whispers, not daring to take the final step. "What can I do?"
"You could have told me," she finally says, her voice slightly trembling. Aragorn knows she is right. His next move is rather different than Iladya expects. Aragorn steps forward and kneels in front of her.
"Let me bear you away to my chambers to tell you how agonising it was for me to spend those years apart," Aragorn speaks. Iladya sinks to her knees and gently grips his chin to make him look at her. Finally, her heart wins the battle to her mind.
"You are as handsome as the day I met you," she whispers, her thumb softly caressing his chin. Relief flashes through his eyes. "I accept your offer to apologize." With her hand gripping his chin, they rise to their feet. Aragorn closes his hand around hers to lead her to his chambers.
Iladya and Aragorn lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Both don't know what to do. The Elf casts a look aside and meets Aragorn's eyes the moment he noticed her stare.
''The morning I parted from you and Legolas was a difficult moment, as for you and Legolas. It was fear that took the heart out of me, not knowing when I would ever see you again. As the day passed, my thoughts of you never end. You haunted my mind and sometimes I would even think you are next to me, while you weren't," he speaks softly. His gaze had shifted to the ceiling, not knowing whether he could bear her expressions.
"My quest was set on hold due the passing of my mother — "My condolences." — and after my time of grief... I restarted my journey to find Gollum," he speaks, not allowing the grief over his mother grasp his heart. "I had caught it and brought it to Mirkwood and honestly, I couldn't wait to see your face again. Finally at dinner and there you were."
Iladya huffs a chuckle, remembering what feeling she felt when she met his gaze after those years.
"It was a blessing to see your face again," Iladya speaks softly. The corners of his lips curve into a smile.
"It was only for your father to mingle with my thoughts and feelings," he continues. "I thought you were better off without me, not being shackled to me when you have a chance of a new life." Iladya snuggles closer to Aragorn, giving in that she has missed him even though she was mad. She needed his comfort. Aragorn wraps his arm around her waist to pull her closer. The Elf lays her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"It was folly of me to speak those words out loud and thinking what I did, was right. Your expression haunted my mind, the expression of something I shattered," he says. Iladya remains silent because he did break her heart that night.
"I waited for Frodo in the Prancing Pony and I couldn't forgive myself for what I had done to you. It was to push you away from me, for you to hate me so that you have never wanted anything to do with me. My thoughts of you interrupted by the use of the Ring by Frodo and I had to act fast," Aragorn speaks.
"I took him upstairs, followed by his companions because the Ringwraiths had caught up to their scent. The following days I led them to Rivendell, but—" "The Ringwraiths caught up on you on Weathertop," Iladya finishes. "And stabbed Frodo with a Morgul Blade." Aragorn reaches for Iladya's hand and gently wraps his hand around hers.
"Glorfindel found us in time and took Frodo to Rivendell while I traveled the others to Rivendell," he says. "I hadn't realised you would be there as well, during dinner. The moment Elrohir walked up to you and requested your hand, I knew I was betrayed by my own feelings. I knew that I wouldn't have wanted to let you go, but the damage was done nonetheless."
Iladya shifts her head to look at him. "You're telling me that those words in Mirkwood mean nothing?" she questions quietly. A soft sigh escapes his lips.
"They were intended to push you away from me, but I simply cannot stay away from you," he whispers. He glances at her calm expression, enlightened by the moon. He pushes a strand of hair behind her ear. "And I think you cannot stay away from me," he whispers. Aragorn hears his pulse pounding in his ears.
"You are lucky I am a stubborn Elf," Iladya whispers. She lays her hand on his chest, only to push herself up to his lips. Aragorn feels her lips on his once more and it feels like falling in love with her all over again. He grips her waist, pulling her closer to him.
"I refused to believe your words," Iladya speaks, pulling away. She sits on the bed, staring into his eyes. "Everything you said, after what we have gone through... I couldn't believe it and I didn't want to believe it." Aragorn watches her with remorse.
"I deeply apologise," he says. She couldn't find it in her heart to stay angry with him.
"I accept your apology," she states, before lying down against him.
"I thank you," he replies, pressing a kiss on her hair. Iladya stares into the distance, wondering if he really was jealous of Elrohir. As if he could read her thoughts, he said:
"I felt threatened by Elrohir, how he gracefully moved you to his side as if he had taken interest in you. It made me envy him." Iladya couldn't help but smirk, she was right.
"Perhaps that was your punishment for saying those awful words to me," Iladya says quietly. Aragorn exhales through his nose, knowing she is right.
"I accept that punishment," he speaks, nuzzling his nose in her hair. "If it means you'll forgive me." Iladya tilts her head, looking him in the eyes.
"I forgive you, Aragorn," she whispers. Aragorn's heart flutters and dips his head to kiss her. He knows for sure, he will never let her go.
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