𝟎𝟎𝟓 ⸺ gandalf's request
The companion of three travels over land. Iladya and Legolas halt, causing Aragorn to halt as well. He notices them stare into the distance, curious about what their Elven eyes see.
"What do you see?" he questions.
"I see someone approaching our way," Legolas mentions. "If my eyes don't deceive me, it is Gandalf riding his horse," Iladya adds. "He seems to be in a hurry." Aragorn scowls as he begins to think why the Wizard needs to be in a hurry.
The three continue their road, keeping their eye on the Wizard. Perhaps he is just passing by without a message of peril.
Dusk fell and the three settled down for the night as they heard galloping hooves fade into a walking pace. Gandalf approaches them, relieved that he has finally found them. He has set out from Minas Tirith, carrying an urgent message with him. During his travels, he passed by Rivendell and questioned Lord Elrond about the whereabouts of Aragorn. He then learned he was not alone but accompanied by the Elves of the Woodland realm.
Gandalf dismounts his horse as his eyes roam over the three companions.
''It is good to see you, my friend,'' Aragorn greets with a smile. His smile fades as Gandalf's expression tells him he has a message. An urgent message.
"I have been searching for you, Aragorn," Gandalf says urgently. Aragorn's brows furrow, leaning closer to the wizard to hear what he has to say. "I have parted Minas Tirith and I shall need your help," he continues. "The urgency of finding his creature, called a Gollum, is utterly necessary."
"Why is finding him such an urgency?" Aragorn questions, casting his eyes on Iladya for a brief moment. Gandalf's hand caresses the manes of his maeras as his eyes are fixed on the horizon. "He was in possession of the One Ring for over a thousand years," he grumbles. A soft gasp leaves Iladya's lips.
"I need to speak with it," he continues, looking Aragorn in the eyes.
"Seventeen years ago, I did a discovery of a ring. Bilbo has found a disappearance ring in the goblin's tunnels. I kept my eyes on him ever since," he says. "These suspicions only grew after his 111th birthday, so I rode for Minas Tirith and spit through the archives, learning about the One Ring ánd this Gollum." In his last sentence, he gritted through his teeth.
"Are you telling us that Bilbo has the Ring?" Iladya questions. Gandalf shifts his eyes to the Elf and slowly shakes his head. "No, at least not anymore. I made sure that Bilbo left the Ring for Frodo. I'm riding for the Shire to confirm whether this is the One Ring," he says, again shifting his gaze to the horizon. "If it is the Ring, Middle-Earth is to be in grave danger."
The Wizard's eyes shot to Aragorn. "It is why it's so important to find that creature, Aragorn. We must find him before the Enemy does." Aragorn has his arms crossed over his chest, his right hand up to his mouth. Gandalf's eyes shift to the two Elves before looking at Aragorn once more.
"You must do this alone, Aragorn," Gandalf urges. "The three of you will attract far too much attention." Once his words settle into Iladya's mind, she hears her heart crack. She, now, realizes she is to part from Aragorn. Her eyes widen, fixing on nothing. Her heart beats irregularly, not wanting to believe what they need to do.
"Where will we go?" Legolas questions. Gandalf opens his mouth to answer, however, Iladya answers before the Wizard can utter an answer.
"If Frodo is in possession of the Ring, he must leave the Shire in an instant. I need you to be stationed near Bree once your hunt on Gollum has finished," Gandalf instructs, mounting his horse. "You will meet me there, but if the tide turns ... You must lead him to Rivendell." Aragorn nods, understanding his quest.
"I will be going now. You must leave at dawn," he says. "Run, Shadowfax. Show them the meaning of haste." Those are the last words of the Wizard before he rides off into the night. A shaky breath escapes her lips now the Wizard has gone. Her back leans against the back of the tree before she slides down. Neither of them wants to speak, so they remain silent. Aragorn has come to realize that he will need to part from those he has called friends. His heart aches as he thinks of needing to part with Iladya. The Ranger shifts his eyes to the Elf, desperate to meet her eyes.
"We still have one night to spend in each other's company," Legolas says and he is the first one to break the silence. "Let us remember this night in joy, not grievance." Iladya slowly shifts her gaze to her brother, as if it is possible for her to enjoy this night knowing she will leave the man she adores behind. The man she has grown fond of, perhaps even love.
"Legolas is right," Aragorn steps in, waiting for her eyes to cross his. Once her eyes meet his, he continues. "The breaking of dawn is hours away." He is aware of the sadness in her eyes as he silently begs her to enjoy this evening they have left.
"Okay," she whispers.
Aragorn has gone into the forest to hunt, and Legolas has gone to assemble wood while Iladya awaits.
"Your heart is heavy." Iladya turns around to see her brother returning. She sends him a faint smile, hugging her own arms. She lowers to her knees and accepts the wood Legolas gives her.
"I do not want to part from him," Iladya admits in a soft voice. Her attention is fixed on making a fire as if focusing on that will make her problems fade away. "Not when there is something between us," she adds. Legolas scoffs a smile, knowing there is something growing between them. He crouches next to his sister as Iladya stops the process of making a fire. She leans into his brother, letting out a sigh.
"I do not want to say goodbye," she whispers. Legolas gently rubs her upper arm, thinking of what to say.
"This will be no goodbye, Iladya," he replies gently. "Our paths may meet again." He hears silent sniffs. She nods before returning to her task.
"Perhaps," she sniffs. "It must be hard for you as well. He has grown a great friend." Legolas huffs a smile, agreeing with her. Not moments later, the two Elves hear familiar steps approaching. Aragorn returns with a deer for them to eat that night.
The fire roared that night and hours have passed. Iladya volunteered to take the first watch and quickly separated herself from them. She stands further away from the tree, staring at the horizon. The Elf assumed they had gone to sleep until she heard familiar footsteps in her direction. No need to glance over her shoulder as she knows who it is.
Aragorn lays his hands on her shoulders, slowly and gently traveling down to her waist. He feels Iladya's hands on his as he rests his chin on her shoulder.
"What is to become of us?" she questions softly. A sigh leaves his lips, lifting his head from her shoulder. He turns Iladya around without letting go of her. She denies eye contact and stares down his chest. She feels his fingers gently gripping her chin to lift. Aragorn gently forces her to look him in the eyes. His eyes flicker to her lips for a brief moment.
Iladya hardly expects to feel Aragorn's lips on hers. Her first instinct is to push him away and her hands push him away by his chest. She catches her breath as she watches the hurtful and confused look on Aragorn's face. It then settles in her mind what has happened. She walks up to him, grabs him by the collar with both of her hands and presses her lips on his once again. Iladya feels Aragorn's hands slide down to her waist to hold her.
It is Aragorn who pulls away, just a few inches to maintain the intimacy. His eyes find hers.
"I know for certain that our paths will cross," he speaks softly. "Because I, too, saw the halls of Minas Tirith." He notices her pupils dilating. Her lips curl upward as she realizes Aragorn experienced the same dream.
"Doesn't make this any easier," she mutters. A sigh escapes his throat as he pushes her body to his, pressing his lips on her hair.
"I know," he whispers. "I need you to be brave. Can you do that for me?" He distances himself from her to look at her. His eyes roam over her beautiful features since he will go through years without seeing them. His thumb caresses her cheek, wiping away a fallen tear.
"Yes," she whispers. "I can do that." Iladya sends him a faint smile and closes her eyes as she feels his lips on her forehead.
"Go to sleep, I will take over," Aragorn demands gently. Iladya, now, realizes how tired her body feels. Without much complaint, she heads to the tree to fall asleep not minutes later.
"Iladya," Legolas gently wakes his sister. Iladya opens her eyes in an instant and notices dawn has come. Dawn... Has... Come...
Iladya rises to her feet before she notices Aragorn. She eyes him up and down, realizing he is ready to separate. It is time for them to say goodbye.
"This is no goodbye, my friends," Aragorn says, looking at both of them. "Our paths will cross again." His attention focuses on Legolas and embraces him in a firm hug.
"May we meet again," he speaks. "May the odds be in your favor." Aragorn nods before turning his attention to Iladya. He vividly remembers their moment last night. The kiss they shared. The kiss he will savor.
Aragorn sends her a faint smile, seeing no glint of joy in her eyes. Be brave. I will not be afraid. Iladya forces herself to smile. However, it's a smile without joy.
"Be brave," he whispers before pressing a kiss on her knuckles. He does not dare to kiss her, knowing he will miss doing it. And her brother is standing next to her.
"I will not be afraid." Iladya feels his hand slip away from her, his warmth leaving with him. Aragorn fixes his eyes on both his friends before he finally takes his leave. His heart feels heavy, but he needs to set it aside. For the sake of Middle-Earth.
The two Elves watched him disappear at the horizon before setting their journey to Mirkwood.
"I cannot believe we are going home," Iladya breathes. Her heart aches but she pushes it aside. For the sake of Middle-Earth.
"Me neither," Legolas admits. "I do not know what to expect from father." As if her heart didn't already ache, her chest tightened at the thought of it.
"It will take us weeks to reach the borders of our homeland," Iladya mutters. "Let us not worry now." Legolas huffs a smile and agrees. He looks aside at his sister and remains silent. He, however, sees the pain she bears now she is separated from him.
He silently puts an arm around his sister. She doesn't comment and just accepts his comfort.
After weeks of traveling, Iladya and Legolas reach the trees of Mirkwood. The guards greet them and allow them to enter the woods while notifying the King. Iladya cannot deny but feel a slight knot in her stomach, nervous to see her father again.
Iladya and Legolas head to the throne room where Thranduil awaits them with clasped hands behind his back. A calm mask covers his face as his eyes fall on his children.
"Father," they say in unison. Legolas bows at the waist as Iladya drops a curtsy. They look at their father, who stands there in silence.
"Welcome home," he says at last.
— 8 years later
Aragorn has succeeded in catching the creature Gollum. He then made his journey of a month to the Woodland Realm. His heart beat faster at the thought of Woodland Realm, knowing who dwells there.
"What is your purpose here, traveler?" A voice booms from somewhere above him. Aragorn snaps out of his train of thought, failing to recognize the voice. He halts and stands still.
"I have a delivery for the King of the Woodland Realm, a request from Gandalf the Grey," he speaks. Then he sees him dropping out of a tree, landing in front of him. Legolas watches him with a smug smile on his face.
"It is good to see you, my friend," he says and lays a hand on Aragorn's shoulder. The Ranger flashes him a smile before pulling him into a tight embrace.
"It is a relief that our paths meet," Aragorn smiles and pulls away from him.
"How have you been?" Legolas questions as they make their way to the gates.
"I have been searching for this creature," he says, his eyes averting to the creature. Gollum only hisses at the two but remains still. "I was forced to put this quest on hold when the news came of my mother's passing."
"My condolences." Aragorn bows his head in gratitude as he continues:
"After a process of grief, I decided to continue my journey and it led me to him. Gandalf wishes to speak with it."
"Where are you going after this?" he questions, and a bubble of hope erupts in his chest.
"I do not know yet," he says and changes the subject. "How have you and Iladya been?"
"We have been welcomed by my father and ever since we fell into our old positions as Captains of the Guard," Legolas explains. Aragorn strays off into his thoughts, the thought of seeing her again.
Aragorn delivered Gollum to King Thranduil who sent him to the dungeons.
"It needs to be guarded at all costs," Thranduil adds before turning to Aragorn. "The wizard will be here soon but you are free to stay as long as you like." Aragorn bows his head, accepting his offer. He and Legolas leave the throne room to wander around the halls.
"Is Iladya here?" he questions casually, not wanting to come off as desperate. A soft chuckle ripples from the Elf's throat but he shakes his head.
"She is on patrol with Tauriel. I am not sure when she is to return," Legolas speaks. He truly hopes he can catch a glimpse of her. They meet Gandalf on their way to the gate and return to the throne room with the wizard.
"I greet you, Mithrandir," Thranduil walks down the stairs from his throne. Gandalf bows his head. Thranduil guides Gandalf to the dungeons where Gollum is kept. He leaves Gandalf to it and returns to the throne room.
Gandalf joins them for dinner. He takes a seat next to Legolas, across from Aragorn.
"How did it go?" Aragorn questions.
"Stubborn creatures wouldn't tell much," he grunts. "I did learn that he had the Ring and that he met Bilbo in the goblin tunnel."
"You will make way to Frodo?" Iladya questions. Gandalf nods, telling them that he will part after dinner.
"He shall remain in the dungeons and sit out the rest of his miserable life," Thranduil comments with a sly smile on his face. During dinner, Thranduil noticed the connection between Aragorn and Iladya and he disapproved.
After dinner, Aragorn walks Gandalf to the door. "I need to check on Frodo, whether he has the Ring. I will meet you after I have found out," he speaks in a hushed tone.
"What will happen if Frodo does have the Ring?" he questions.
"Then he will need to leave the Shire in an instant. He will make his way to Bree, I need you in close range to Bree," he demands. Aragorn simply nods. "The enemy found him first, Aragorn. I do not know how long they have tortured him but he did let out two words: Shire and Baggings." Gandalf hurries away, leaving Aragorn in the hallway.
"My Lord Aragorn?" Galion calls gently. Aragorn glances over his shoulder before turning to the servant. "King Thranduil wishes to speak with you." A scowl plays on his face as he follows Galion.
He stands before Thranduil who is seated on his throne. Aragorn lays his hand on his heart and bows his head.
"You called for me?" Aragorn questions. Thranduil rises from his throne.
"Yes," he simply answers. "I have noticed Iladya is very fond of you.'' Once his words sink in, Aragorn realizes Thranduil will never approve of this sort of relationship.
''Due all respect, I have grown fond of Lady Iladya as well,'' Aragorn speaks. A nervous feeling erupts in his chest. His eyes are set on Thranduil who walks down the stairs.
''It is only a fool's hope,'' Thranduil calls, descending the stairs. His eyes are fixed on the human. ''My immortal daughter will not bind to a mortal man.'' His sentence leaves his mouth in a snarl. He stalks closer to Aragorn, who refuses to flinch at these harsh words.
''She would,'' Aragorn argues.
''Then she is a fool to do so,'' he snarls. ''Her time is ending here. The Time of the Elves is over, she will sail to the Undying Lands with the rest of her kin after the War. It is only a fool's hope.'' Aragorn watches him with resemblance.
''Let her bear away her love for you to the Undying Lands,'' he advises.
''But never more than a memory,'' Aragorn mutters. Thranduil brings his face close to Aragorn's.
''I will not leave my daughter here to die!''
''It is her life, her choice,'' he argues.
''She will stay for you! She belongs with her people!'' Thranduil shouts. Aragorn shakes his head before he walks away with a heavy heart. He felt delighted the moment he laid his eyes on her. After all these years.
Aragorn contemplates whether to meet Iladya one last time before he leaves or not. The words of Thranduil spook through his mind. He is heading to her chambers but then he changes his mind midway. Aragorn turns around and heads to the gates.
''Is this how you would take your leave? Did you think you could slip away in the shadows of the night?'' Iladya speaks in her Elvish tongue. She steps from behind the pillar.
''I will not be coming back,'' Aragorn speaks in a small voice.
''Why do you mean? Of course, you will return,'' she continues with a confused expression.
''It is not of death in battle that I speak of,'' he says.
''What do you speak of?'' Iladya questions. Her chest tightens as she carefully tries to decipher his expression.
''You have a chance for another life,'' Aragorn continues. His chest tightens and his heart feels heavy. He does wish to do this. ''Another life after the War. I will not allow you to bind yourself to me while you can be with your kin.'' Iladya feels her heart cracking once those words settle.
''Why are you saying this?'' she tries to sound as stable as possible. Aragorn notices the tremble in her voice however, she tries to be brave.
''I am mortal. You are elfkind,'' Aragorn reasons. ''It was a dream Iladya, nothing more.''
''I don't believe you,'' she whispers. Aragorn feels his heart shatter as he turns away.
''I have to go.'' Iladya watches him walk away, out of her life. However, this time it shattered her heart.
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