Was it a coward's way out to leave? I couldn't answer that question if I tried. But judging from the sympathetic look on my step-mom's face as tears gathered in her eyes, I knew she understood perfectly the heartbreak I was going through.
After all, it wasn't goodbye for good. It was only goodbye for now. And I needed the time away. Seeing baby Chris day in and day out was just too much for me, he brought back bittersweet memories of the man I'd fallen in love with - memories I couldn't deal with at the moment.
Paige, Piper, and Phoebe hugged me tightly before letting me go, before my steps took me away from the Manor I had called home for so long.
Admittedly, I learned a lot in my travels over the next five years. I went to the clerical offices downtown and discovered more on my father's past, about who he was before. Apparently, my great-grandmother's name had been Grace, hence my own moniker. I even was able to track down some very distantly-related Turner family members. Surprisingly enough, it seemed as if a family of witches had married in some decades ago. That was how I met my second cousin (albeit 3 times removed) and best friend, Tinka.
Tinka made me forget everything for a time, she helped me to feel alive again - to not dwell on the loss of Chris in my life. And I truly did live as we traveled all over the globe. Every now and then, a Whitelighter would even orb in to check up on us (as per Leo's request, of course).
Keeping my mind busy, my thoughts off of my own heartbreak and pain, I was finally able to free myself. Through the following ten years, I learned different languages, tried new hobbies, and put more time and effort into a career to better myself. Through a great recommendation by my loving mama and a lot of perseverance on my own part, before I knew it I had become the editor at a well-known magazine in New York. It was exactly what I'd always wanted. Even if I did have to use a few spells to make people forget that at 46, I had stopped aging long, long ago. In fact, I still looked the same age as I did when I left home. But truly, I loved my job.
Or at least...I thought I did.
"I just...I don't know. I can't put it into words, mom. Its just...I feel like I should be home again," I sighed through the line, the cool touch-screen from my cell-phone resting against my cheek.
"Well, honey, why don't you do that then? Just take some time off, take a vacation - focus on you for once. Stress gets to us all, sweetie. Working the advice column years back, I had to deal with stress on a daily basis. And not just because of all the witchy stuff we used to have going on but the job itself," she assured me through her end.
"No, mom, not this home. I mean home home," I explained, hoping she would understand.
Phoebe was silent a moment, clearly stunned by my bombshell. She quickly recovered though, clearing her throat before speaking. I could practically see that familiar surprised look on her face. It had been a long time since I'd been back to San Francisco.
"Mattie, you know you're always welcome here. I've always wanted you back here, honey, but...are you sure you're ready for that?"
Her words were apprehensive, a motherly worry bleeding into her tone. I knew, of course, the reasons why she was so worried about me. I had nearly spiraled when I lost him. It had been 15 years since I'd left the Manor that day. Was I really ready to see the Halliwells again? But as the thought rolled around in my mind, I couldn't help but be brought back to happier, simpler times - laughing with the girls, teasing Leo, all of the adventures we'd had as the Charmed Ones + Plus One. And I couldn't help but believe that it was time. It was time to go home.
"Yeah...yeah, I think so, mom. It just...it feels like I should come back now. It's time,"
I could almost see her smiling through the phone at my words and it made my heart happy at the next words that left her lips.
"In that case, I know that P.J., Parker, and Peyton are just dying to see their big sis again. Besides...you've never really met Melinda yet. Or even any of Paige's children. I know they'll be excited to meet their new auntie."
With those words sending my heart soaring with happiness inside my chest, I booked a flight home. And I never looked back.
As soon as I stepped inside the Manor, it all came rushing back to me in a tide of memories that left me speechless. Tight hugs were given, tears were shed all around as endless chatter filled ever corner of the house.
"Welcome home, baby." Phoebe whispered in my ear, holding onto me with a fierceness of a mama bear despite her very swollen belly as she was pregnant with my newest little sibling.
I smiled warmly, hugging her back before I was being enveloped by Paige, Piper, and Leo as well. This was my family, my home. I was truly where I belonged once again.
My little step-cousins and sisters all huddled around my legs as I stood in the doorway, all talking at once in loud, excited voices. A grin was plastered to my face, seeming to be there permanently, when I so happened to glance up. My brown eyes met emerald green then and the breath seemed to leave my lungs all at once.
Standing apart from the others, a very much older Wyatt beside him, was Chris. Not quite my Chris, though. No, this man was younger - only a teenager really. But his eyes still burned with a green-hued smolder that left me breathless. No matter who he was now, he was on his way to being the man I fell in love with.
I knew my life had changed that day and for the better. The next seven years I spent getting to know the family I had left behind so long ago. As well as becoming one of the best witches in all of San Francisco - that according to Phoebe although I told her she was just being biased as always. But it felt like coming back to my roots and I knew it was where I had belonged all the while.
Later on, I even got myself a job at Magic School alongside Paige teaching the younger generation of witches and witch-mixes. It was actually how I got closer to Chris as he grew up. Melinda, who followed my every move I'd make, was in my class and apparently had a big mouth when it come to telling all about her teacher. Chris, of course, eagerly learned all he could about me and before I knew it, we had become fast friends.
It was an unlikely thing - our love story. I couldn't tell you when it happened for him or just what the exact moment was when he realized he was in love with me. But whatever the case may be, it was there hidden in his eyes all along.
My hand was clutched tightly in his, our fingers intertwined as we walked down the pier. Seagulls cawed from overhead and I relished in the warm feeling of the sun beaming down on us. It had been the perfect summer already.
It was only then did I realize where he was taking me - the one spot in San Francisco that was especially ours. Or at least Chris claimed it to be.
In retrospect, maybe I should have seen it coming. But it didn't really hit me until gently, he slid the diamond ring on my finger. I beamed over at Chris, tears in my eyes as I gazed back at him in shock.
"Will you marry me?" he asked me finally, his words soft as they hung in the air between us.
I let out a half-laugh through the blur of my tears, "You're asking me now?"
Chris only hummed in response and I couldn't help but smile slightly, "Here?"
"This has always been our spot... Marry me, Mattie Grace Garcia," he said and I could sense he was trying to keep the pleading tone out of his voice.
Pushing back strands of hair from my face with a gentleness I had always loved, I couldn't help but reply skeptically, "But Piper and Leo. What will they think?"
A grin split Chris' face then and a silent laugh escaped his mouth, shaking his head at my apprehension.
His laughter subsided after a moment, softening into something more serious, more loving, "Who do you think gave me the courage to ask?"
Suddenly, I reached out for him and he pulled me closer, leaving no room between us. Our lips collided in a spark of passion, the sensation hungry, urgent. Chris' hands found my waist, fingers digging into the material at the bottom of my shirt. I let out a tiny whimper as my own fingers wove into the strands of his brown hair.
Never in my life did I believe this would be our story. But being held in his arms like this felt so right. Chris began to deepen the kiss, desire taking over both of us before he pulled away. His forehead rested gently against my own and I breathed out a sigh, a grin splitting my face.
I knew in my heart as the words left my lips that this was right. We would be together - this time without fear of losing the other.
Chris had been and always would be the love of my life.
A laugh erupted from his lips as he sprung up out of his seat, embracing me before spinning the both of us around. Giggles escaped my mouth as I held onto my fiancee, knowing that things in my life were finally perfect. Finally everything was falling into place.
He pulled back then, smiling down at me with those beautiful green eyes of his full of light and love.
"Are you ready to tell them?" he asked, referring to the whole Halliwell bunch who was likely already awaiting our return.
Slowly, I nodded, grinning, "Absolutely."
Chris held onto me tighter then, our foreheads pressed together as he began to orb us away, our bodies melting into a sea of blue-and-white orbs.
And as always, I was lost in his illumination.
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