𓆩:*¨༺✧ ♛ ✧༻¨*:𓆪Chapter 22: Rigging the system for gain
Moonchild you shine
When you rise, it's your time
Vicky pov
You were sitting in your private chambers with a sobbing Tala in your arms. You never imagined Tala and Prince Jin-Goo would become soulmates. She was distraught at the prospect of being tied to a man who had never wanted her in his life. How will she survive?
"Oh my goodness! Vicky! I...I can't be with him. He told Princess Fransesca that I was not his type. It hurt so much, Vicky. What should I do? I genuinely love him, and I will never be able to leave for a different soulmate." She started to cry.
"Oh, Tala... Prince Jerk is an idiot. Carry on with your life. You do not need to activate the bond right now. You still have six months, after which I can get you the serum to help your heart "You console her.
Just then, your special ladies arrived to call Tala. You both looked up as Tala quickly wiped her eyes. You both got up as the maids bowed low in front of you.
Tala is looking at you with curiosity. You cast a suspicious glance at the two ladies. The Duchess, Jin Goo's mother, wanted to see Tala.
"You are free to go, Tala." I'll see you at the rehearsals. Your grandparents will arrive tomorrow for the special "dedication". Maybe they wanted to talk about your family's arrival." You led her to the ladies, who grinned sheepishly, and Tala looked a little concerned as she followed the two out.
You decided to stay in your room and relax, lying cross-legged on your bed, playing online games, and texting your American friends.
You, Tyrella, and Sheniqua are always texting in your private chat group. They were excited about the upcoming BTS The Love yourself, speak yourself concert in Los Angeles. They booked tickets for both you and Tala. You instructed them to obtain tickets for your "parents," who will accompany you and Tala. You just told them your parents love BTS. They recognize you from a high-ranking Billionaire legacy club, so being around people will not be unusual.
Tala is very excited to meet your US friends who looked after you so well during your four years at Harvard.
When the girls told you that Namjoon is actually dating Jia, they sent you images of him and Jia in Chile, on the beach with his family. Seeing Namjoon so happy and carefree made you realize that Jia could be his secret soulmate disguised as his best friend.
You jumped up after a few minutes of chatting with your friends and made a secret call to your secret guard, whom you befriended a while ago without Jin-Goo's knowledge.
"Alfredo... is Amaris" you say as you take a seat on one of your lounge sofas.
"Oh, Your Majesty...princess Amaris. How can I be of service, my princess?"He formally greeted you.
"Er... Alfredo, do you have any contact from the Spanish Soulmate Head Quarters here in Madrid...the administration and soulmark appearance?"You sweetly inquire.
"Your majesty...that is classified information only your father, the King, can publicly disclose," he exhaled deeply. "However, I have human contact at the offices. We can only work in the system's administration, data handling, and moral departments, but the actual administration of the marks is handled by a very high-level secret society, not from this galaxy... As a result, obtaining information about soul marks and the like will be nearly impossible. You know, they appear out of nowhere...we have no idea what the system is or what those creatures are."
"Erm...I understand Alfredo...but you must know someone up there. Could you please use your royal guard/secret service connections to find out something for me? It's very private, and I don't want Prince Jin to find out." you softly state.
"You know I can do anything for you my princess, what do you need to know?" he asks hesitantly, hoping to avoid major trouble.
You triumphantly smile, "Oh, not much. Just a name and whether or not the individual is already bonded with someone. Alfredo, please. I need to know before I marry the count...please assist me."
"OK, your Majesty," Alfredo states." I'll do my best to remain undetected. Who do you want me to look into for you?"
"Kim Namjoon from Seoul," you said softly.
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Tala came in a few minutes later with huge eyes. She appeared surprised and nervous. Her entire demeanor suggests that she has just received the worst news imaginable.
You ran up to her and hugged her, sensing that she was about to cry.
"What is it, Tala?" you rushed to ask. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears. What happened? You're certain it's Jin-goo.
"I...I don't know what to do...Jin-Goo didn't even bat an eye or disagree with his parents when they told him that we would be obligated to complete the bond today. I don't want to activate our bond because I know what will happen, princess. What if we are Yellow or even Blue? If he rejects me, I will never be able to get over him. And if he's red...he'll secretly despise me because he'll be forced to love me even though he doesn't want to... I'd rather he marry Princess Francesca and leave me alone," she uttered, her voice cracking with sobs.
You were caught off guard, "What... Jin wants to activate and complete the bond...he knows he will not be able to survive FATES wrath if the bond is not activated. He is such a self-centered jerk, he only wanted to do it to save himself." YoIn the royal family dynasties, it is difficult to reject your destined soulmate. What a great shame.
"Not only that princess...from tonight on, we had to share a room. All of my belongings had already been taken to his royal chambers in the south wing by the royal ladies-in-waiting. Hwannie will stay with us in our chambers in the linked bedroom after we bond. We must be a close-knit family. Oh my goodness! Your father gave us a new suite away from everyone else. How on earth am I going to survive in his cold presence Vicky? !" She was now sobbing uncontrollably.
"This is massive, Tala. You understand what it means. You were accepted as his soulmate by the royal family.h There will be no engagement with Fransesca, and his relationship with his girlfriend must come to an end. You must be together now...but if you activate the bond and it turns yellow, you are still safe. Nobody can compel you to stay. You will be freed, so take courage and activate the bond, hoping it is the yellow platonic string. I am extremely sorry, my friend. This trip has given you a lot of anxiety "You embraced her again as you felt her tiny body shiver. You love your friend, and the agony she endured during her journey with Jin Goo caused her a great deal of inner turmoil.
Tala sighed and wiped her eyes with the back of her palm. "I suppose so. In any case, my life is a disaster. Because a yellow friendship string will not dispel my strong feelings for him." She sighs despondently, her face deflated. You could just nod.
Then a lady arrived to inform Tala that Prince Jin-Goo was waiting in their suite. The royal staff was overjoyed that Jin-Goo had bonded with Tala. She will undoubtedly become a Lady or even a Princess if Jin-Goo accepts her. But because she will be his soulmate regardless of the strings. Their union will legally elevate her to the status of a Lady.
Tala nodded at the lady and hugged you one last time before exiting your suite with slumped shoulders as if she were carrying the weight of the world. You feel terrible for her.
Because Jin-Goo and Tala were not present, dinner was held in silence. You and Count Eduardo were exploring the maze garden. He was so charming that you began to consider him as your future fiance. You were just waiting for Alfred to find out what you needed to know. If you know Namjoon is not yet taken. You'll set up a meeting with him and put an end to your crush once and for all.
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Meanwhile ... in Prince Jin-Goo's royal chambers
Tala and Jin-Goo sat stunned on opposite sides of the sofas, pondering what had just happened. To their surprise, they decided to activate and complete the bonding process. Fate has bestowed the protective blue string upon them.
Jin-Goo was stunned into silence as he realized the string would bind him to the girl he didn't want as a life partner for the rest of his life. Tala was disheartened when Jin-Goo revealed the interpretation of their strings. They are destined to be together forever. How is she going to survive without Prince Jerk? With his protective nature, he will become a pain in her buttocks. How much more so with his soulmate and his child if he is so protective of the royal princess? Gosh.
When they stood with their backs together, the invirso binding on Jin-Goo revealed his image as the sun, and Talas'was the moon tattoo. The meaning behind them will stand the test of time He as the sun is associated with strength, rebirth, and power while the moon is representative of the feminine the form of a goddess. The sun and the moon go hand in hand and they fit with each other. Where there is darkness, there is light. They knew that they cannot be without each other. They cannot exist without each other.
Jin Goo looked at Tala with calculating eyes, "Tala...I..."
"Look, your majesty...I know what the strings entail," she said to his wary eyes. "We are blue string it has the power of the red gold string but without the death penalty. I'm not going to force you to be with me. Carry on with your life, but I'd like us to get together at least twice a month to reinvigorate our bond and keep us energized and healthy. We can work out the visitation rights with Hwannie and do it then..."
Jin-Goo exhaled deeply, "Tala...I'm not sure if we can handle this arrangement. We need to talk to our parents about it. Your grandparents will be present to handle this arrangement. We need to talk about it with our parents. Your grandparents will be here tomorrow morning. "
Tala felt a weariness in her body and stood up, uttering in a pained voice, "We can talk about it with our parents. But I'm giving you permission to marry Princess Francesca. We can try not to activate the bond for a month and then register for Tarnished status if we survive. I promise not to disrupt your progress—-"
Jin-Goo jumped up from the white leather sofa and narrowed his eyes at her "Tala, are you serious? You are now making decisions for me!"
Tala looked at Jin-Goo in disbelief, throwing her hands in the air, "Your Majesty. What else do you expect me to do? I'll show you a way out. I'm granting you the legal power to live your life. Hwannie and I are going to make it. I raised her for four years and she grew into a wonderful, unspoiled child. We go back to the way things were—-"
Jin-Goo is enraged "Tala, I'm never going to be apart from Hwannie again—- she's my life, and you're a part of it. Whether you like it or not,"
Tala nodded, "Jin-Goo. I won't keep Hwannie from you. You can see her whenever you want. I don't need you to take care of me; I can take care of myself. I'll just have to keep loving you forever, but maybe when we applied for Tarnished status...Maybe we can... I can have another chance at love. I'll be dating someone else who loves me. You already love your idol girlfriend. Speak to your parents—-"
Tala appeared perplexed because they both knew obtaining Tarnished status would be difficult. After all, by the end of the month, Jin-Goo will be hopelessly in love with her. He might be saved from forcefully loving her if she stays away from him. They can meet through a lawyer without ever meeting. So, what is bothering the jerk? She has given him his freedom. He should be jumping for joy right about now.
Jin-Goo furrowed his brows, unable to comprehend the escape she provided him. But why does he feel apprehensive or not that exuberantly delighted?
Tala gazed at the luxurious and comfy bed, and fatigue set in, "I know it's your chambers. Jin-Goo, but I'm taking the bed. I'm tired. I'll just rest and sleep. My body hurts, and I need to rest. We can have a further discussion by tomorrow. You have the entire palace at your disposal. Select a room and relax—-"
"It's fine, Tala...go freshen up," Jin-Goo said, nodding quietly." I'll take the sofa. It's suitable."
Tala simply shrugged, "OK, suit yourself—-see you later.
You can go to Hwannie. She was looking for you."
Jin-Goo smiled softly, "I'll do that...I'll have the ladies bring you dinner."
Tala thanked him and went to the luxurious bathroom after removing her silk pjs and matching dressing gown. After a relaxing bath with all of the sweet-smelling soaps and salts. She brushed her hair into a high ponytail, and when she returned to the suite, two ladies stood there with wide smiles, ready to serve her scrumptious dinner. She expresses gratitude as they allow her to sit at the small dinette and serve her a three-course meal for the evening...
Jin-Goo spent thirty minutes in the art room with his daughter, but when he noticed her sleepy eyes, Lucia took her back to bed. Jin-Goo returned to his chambers a few hours later, reinvigorated by the sight of Tala sleeping soundly.
After a few minutes of uncomfortable sleep on the sofa, he decides to crawl under the covers with Tala. He was indeed exhausted, and his body aches. Tala felt a presence next to her and a deep sense of fulfillment seeped through her tired and sleepy body as she unconsciously snuggled up to a warm, strong body...unaware of the hitched breathe that was uttered in her ear...smelling the allure of her fragrant body.
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A/n: Our second leads activate and completed the bond.
Thank you for all your support.
Shout out to aubrey_jule jiminie_mochie123 nikunike sush_9 midnight_Ros3 dfennelly KimAR56
1. Do you believe Vicky should look into Namjoon supposed bonding?
2. Will Jin-Goo become an obnoxious soulmate after the bonding?
3. Will he let Tala go for Tarnished status?
4. Do you believe Namjoon will want to meet Vicky after learning the shocking news about his unborn child?
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