03 | not your average vampire
𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘷𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦
Delaney enjoyed the breeze that rushed through the back of the Impala as Dean sped down the empty highway, the trees on either side of the car blurring past and Back in Black by AC/DC blasted from the radio. He had finally finished the Impala after another week of being at Bobby's and they were back on the road together again. Dean seemed a bit happier than he did the week prior and both of her brothers were actually acting like their normal selves again. Maybe it was just the grief affecting them after all.
"Whoo! Listen to her purr. You ever heard anything so sweet?" Dean dreamily sighed as he ran his hands lovingly over the steering wheel in his hands.
Delaney popped her head into the front seat and amusedly stared at her eldest brother. "If you two want to get a room, De, Sammy and I can walk for a bit and meet up with you later."
Dean pushed his sister's face and forced her back into her seat where she belonged. "Don't listen to her, Baby, she doesn't understand us."
"Just glad to see you both in a good mood is all," Delaney defended, holding her hands up in defense.
"Why wouldn't we be?" Sam questioned and looked behind him to Delaney who was making herself comfortable in the seat again.
Delaney shrugged, tucking her feet underneath her. "No reason, Sammy. Just a baby sister that wants to see the two most important boys in her life happy."
"Sammy's right, Della," Dean said and it warmed Delaney's heart to see the big grin on his face. She would kill to keep it there because man did it suck seeing him and Sam walk around depressed for a week and a half. "I got my baby back, we have a case now."
"You hear of a couple of severed heads and a pile of dead cows, and you're Mr. Sunshine," Sam chuckled with a shake of his head.
"Well, he has to wait another three hundred miles before we even get there," Delaney piped in.
Dean smirked and sped the Impala up a little. "Good."
The three siblings sat in the sheriff's office who had salt and pepper hair and a salt and pepper handlebar mustache that Delaney oh so badly wanted to reach out and twirl the ends of. This time they were pretending to be from the newspaper and Delaney sat uncomfortably in her pencil skirt, tugging it back down so it was a few inches above her knees since it seemed to rise up on her thighs whenever she sat down"The murder investigation is ongoing, and that's all I can share with the press at this time."
"Right, we understand that, sir," Sam replied, fiddling with the pen he held in his hand. "Just for the record, you found the first head last week, correct?" The sheriff nodded and gestured for Sam to continue. "And the other, a Christina Flannigan - "
"That was two days ago," the sheriff cut Sam off and froze when his secretary pointed to her watch, signaling it was time for him to go. "Sorry, guys, time is up. We're done here."
Dean smiled charmingly at the sheriff. "One more question, sheriff. What about the cattle?"
"Excuse me?"
"You know, the cows found dead, split open, drained - over a dozen cases?"
Delaney swiftly kicked Dean in the ankle to stop being so weird with his question. He could at least be subtle about it. "What he means is... do you think there's any sort of connection between the two?"
"Connection with..." the sheriff trailed off, waiting for Delaney to finish.
"Between the two murders that immediately followed a whole cattle mutilation. It sounds like ritual stuff, you know?"
"Like satanic ritual stuff," Dean added.
The sheriff burst out laughing as he sat back in his chair, but he slowly died down as the three siblings just stared at him. "You're not kidding."
"No, sir," Delaney replied.
"Those cows aren't being mutilated. You want to know how I know?"
"How?" Sam challenged the sheriff.
The sheriff folded his hands in front of him on the desk and leant on his arms. "Because there is no such thing as cattle mutilation. Cow drops, leave it in the sun, within forty-eight hours the bloat will split it open so clean it's just about surgical. The bodily fluids fall down into the ground, get soaked up, 'cause that's what gravity does. But, hey, it could be Satan. What newspaper did you say you worked for?"
"World Weekly News."
"Weekly World News."
Delaney shot a look to Dean, shocked he even forgot what their lie was. That wasn't like him at all. She quickly turned back to the sheriff with an innocent smile. "We're from Weekly World News. He's just new, please ignore him."
"Get out of my office."
A few hours later, the three Winchesters stepped into the morgue in Candler County Hospital. A man who looked to be around Dean's age or a few years older, snapped his head up when he saw the three step into the room.
"John," Dean called and the man smiled, standing up.
"Jeff," Jeff corrected Dean, shaking his hand.
"Jeff, i know that," Dean quickly covered up with a small chuckle. "Dr. Dorkin needs to see you in his office right away."
Jeff furrowed his eyebrows and glanced to the two younger Winchesters who stood quietly by the door. "But Dr. Dorkin's on vacation."
"He's back, and he's pissed, and he's screaming for you," Dean swiftly lied, stuffing his hands into the pockets on the lab coat.
Delaney stepped to the side and allowed Jeff to rush out of the room before shutting the door behind her.
Dean pointed at Sam as he shifted through a file on the table. "Those satanists in Florida left markings on their victims, didn't they?"
"Yeah, reverse pentacle on the forehead," Sam informed as he and Delaney made their way over to Dean. They both grabbed a pair of gloves from Dean when he held them up for them both to take. "So much f'ed up crap happens in Florida.
Delaney made her way over to the drawer that held Christina Flannigan's body inside and opened it up, pulling out the shelf that Christina was laid on, a white container with a medical tag on the lid was placed in between Christina's open legs. Her head being inside of the container.
"Alright, open it up," Dean instructed, gesturing to the container in between them.
Sam scrunched up his face, looking from his gloved hands to his brother. "Gross. You open it."
"I'm the eldest so what I say goes and I say for you to open it."
"Exactly, you're the eldest so you get to open it."
"Sammy, I - "
"OH MY GOD! I'll open the damn thing," Delaney yelled and hauled the white container off the metal shelf, bringing it over to the table in the middle of the room. She placed it down in the middle and flipped the top off the container, gagging slightly when the pungent smell of death wafted out. "Well, there's no pentagram."
Sam frowned as he walked over to the table with Dean in tow, both standing on either side of Delaney. He scrunched his face up again at the gray head with the eyes half open and the mouth slightly ajar. "Wow. Poor girl."
"Maybe we should look in her mouth," Dean suggested. "See if the whacko stuck anything down her throat, you know, like the Moth in Silence of the Lambs."
"Yeah, go ahead," Sam encouraged as he pushed the container in front of Dean who immediately pushed it back.
"No, no, it's all yours, Sammy."
Delaney huffed and tugged the container in front of her. "I swear, sometimes I wonder if I'm actually the oldest one here." She ignored the glares from both of her brothers and gently opened the mouth wider, sticking her finger in and moving it around, but came up empty. "Nothing. She's clean."
Dean blinked at his sister, wondering how in the Hell she managed to not projectile vomit everywhere when moving her fingers around a dead person's mouth.
"I cut open a dead baby shark before," Delaney explained upon noticing Dean's bewildered look. "Will made me take Biology with him in my second year - his third. Of course we had to dissect dead animals, but the shark was the worst one we ever did. Nothing will ever be worse than that sight or smell. Ever. Honestly would rather fight off a demon that do that again."
"Wait, Delly, open her mouth again," Sam said.
"I think I saw something," Sam gently moved her out of the way and lifted the lip gently. In the upper right hand corner of the mouth there was a tiny hole and the three Winchesters eyed it suspiciously. "That's a hole right?"
Dean reached out and pushed on the gum, a sharp fang popping out of the hole in the gum. "Guys, that's a fang."
Sam let go of the lip and the fang immediately retracted back into the gum, the top lip settling back into place again. "A retractable set of vampire fangs. You gotta be kidding me."
"Well, this changes things, boys."
Later on that night, Dean lead his two siblings into the local bar and waltzed up to the bar where a guy in a jean button up shirt, black undershirt and jeans stood at the bar. "Two beers and a soda for the little one," he said, patting Delaney on the head, who immediately slapped his hand away.
"So, we're looking for some people," Sam said as the man placed the drinks in front of the siblings.
The bartender snorted and leaned his hands on the bar in between him and the siblings. "Sure. It's hard to be lonely."
"Yeah, but... um... not what I meant," Sam responded, glancing to his siblings before pulling out a fifty dollar bill and sliding it over to the bartender. Of course he would have to bribe. Once the bartender snatched the cash, Sam took it as his cue to continue. "So, these people would have moved here about six months ago, probably pretty rowdy, like to drink."
"Real night owls, you know?" Dean tacked on. "Sleep all day, party all night."
The bartender nodded, recognition flashing across his face. "Yeah, Barker Farm got leased out a couple months ago - real winners. They've been in here a lot - drinkers, noisy. I had to eighty-six them once or twice."
The three siblings exchanged glances before thanking the bartender and walking out of the bar and down an alleyway. Halfway down the alleyway Delaney feels a tingling in her back, as if they were being followed. She subtly glances over her shoulder and sees a dark skin male with a beard in jeans and a jacket stalking behind them.
"Guys, we're being followed," Delaney mumbled low enough for only her brothers to hear.
Dean notices the male and quickly guides the younger two around the other side of the building, having them come up behind the male once back around and Sam shoved the male against the side of the brick building.
"Smile," Dean growled as Sam pressed a knife to the male's throat.
"Come on. Show us your pearly whites," Delaney prodded.
"Oh for the love of - " The male cut off as Sam pressed the knife a bit into the male's skin, but still not enough to draw blood. "You want to stick that thing someplace else? I'm not a vampire."
Sam faltered for a second, but immediately caught himself and kept the knife against the male's throat.
"Yeah, that's right. I heard you three in there."
Delaney stepped forward and eyed the male suspiciously. "What do you know about vampires?"
"How to kill them. Now seriously, bro, that knife is making me itch."
When none of the Winchesters moved, the male rolled his eyes and lifted his lip to expose his gums, showing there were no holes in either side of his mouth. "See? No fangs. Happy now?"
Both of the boys backed off the male and Sam repocketed his knife.
"Now, who the Hell are you three?"
"Wow, Sam, Delaney and Dean Winchester," the guy, who they now knew was Gordon, gushed as he pulled out an arsenal from the trunk of his car. "I can't believe it. You know, I met your old man once - hell of a guy, great hunter. Never mentioned that your sister got into the whole mess of things though. I heard he passed away. I'm really sorry."
Delaney narrowed her eyes at Gordon, still not trusting him. Just something about the guy rubbed her the wrong way and she didn't like it. There was something off, but she couldn't figure out what it was.
"It's big shoes to fill," Gordon continued after a long beat of silence. "But, from what I hear, you three fill them - great trackers, good in a tight spot."
"You seem to know a lot about our family," Dean noted suspiciously.
Gordon shrugged and leaned on the arsenal that was currently protruding from the trunk. "Yeah, well, you know how hunters talk."
"No, we don't actually," Delaney replied shortly.
"I guess there is a lot your dad never told you, huh?"
Delaney felt her hand tighten into a fist, but Dean's hand instantly wrapped around it and shot her a glance to cool it.
"So, um..." Sam trailed off, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets. "Those two vampires, they were yours, huh?"
"Yep. Been here two weeks," Gordon answered proudly. "That Barker Farm is a bust, by the way. A bunch of hippie freaks. Though they could kill with that Patchouli smell alone."
"Where's the nest then?" Dean inquired, his hand dropping from Delaney's now relaxed one.
Gordon chuckled softly and pushed the arsenal back into its place. "I got this one covered, guys. Look, don't get me wrong. It's a pleasure meeting you three, but I've been on this thing for over a year. I killed a Fang back in Austin, tracked the nest all the way up here. I'll finish it."
"We could help," Dean offered and Delaney just barely contained the shocked gasp that wanted to escape. Did he seriously not get the bad vibe off this guy like she was? Usually he was just as good at reading people as Delaney was.
Gordon shook his head, thankfully. "Thanks, but, I'm kind of a go-it-alone type of guy."
"I've been itching for a hunt," Dean said.
"Sorry. But, hey, I hear there's a Chupacabra two states over. Knock yourselves out with that one," Gordon declined and hopped in his car, pulling away from the Winchesters.
Delaney crossed her arms as she watched the car disappear in the distance. "I really do not like that guy."
Once again, the Winchesters found themselves in the bar with Gordon, much to Delaney's distaste. Dean had insisted they follow after Gordon so they could help him out on whatever he was setting out to do. They had just go to local saw mill in time to save Gordon's ass from the being sawed by the vampire he was attacking. After, Gordon insisted that he buy them drinks - minus Delaney of course who still had two months until she was twenty-one.
The waitress walked by their table and came to collect their empty beer bottles and Delaney's empty soda glass, placing three shots and three more beers in front of Gordon and the boys. Gordon quickly shot Dean down when he tried to pay and gave the girl a fifty. "Thank you, sweetie." He raised his shot glass and the two boys followed. "Another one bites the dust."
Delaney simply lowered herself more in her seat as the boys shot back the shots of vodka or tequila, she really wasn't sure. Mainly because she didn't care since it involved Gordon. Part of her wanted to ask Dean if she could walk over to the motel, but she knew he would probably make her stay because he didn't want her being alone. As if she had never faced a supernatural creature before and couldn't properly handle herself.
"Dean," Gordon laughed as he slammed his shot glass down on the round wooden table in the middle of the four of them. "You gave that big-ass Fang one Hell of a haircut, my friend. That was beautiful, absolutely beautiful."
Dean glanced to his sister as he took a sip from his beer. "You okay, Della?" he asked, noticing the scowl that was on her face.
"Lighten up a little, Della," Gordon added.
Delaney shot him a death glare that she wished would kill him on the spot. If only looks could kill. "Dean is the only one that can call me that," she gritted through her teeth.
"Delaney..." Dean warned.
"No it's fine," Gordon assured with a smile. "I meant no offense there, kiddo. Just celebrating a little - job well done, you know?"
Delaney scoffed as the image of Dean sawing off the vampire's head flashed through her head. "Yeah, well, sorry if decapitations aren't my idea of a good time."
"Oh come on, Delaney, it's not like it was human. You have to have a little more fun with your job."
"See, that's what I've been trying to tell her!" Dean cut in, gesturing to his baby sister who was now directing her hatred towards him. "You could learn a thing or two from him, kiddo."
Delaney took a steadying breath before standing up, not even caring if she had to fight Dean to let her leave. She was leaving and she didn't care. "I'd rather not, but I'm not going to bring down the fun any longer. I'm just going to go back to the motel."
Dean rubbed his face, clearly agitated that his sister was being a brat. Not that he'd call her a brat out loud because the last time he did that, she ran off and got herself mixed up with a demon. "Delaney, seriously."
"Just give me the keys, Dean," Delaney huffed and snatched the keys from Dean's hand. She hugged Sam from behind before pushing her way towards the exit.
"Delaney," Dean called as Delaney neared the exit and she turned to look at her brother. "Remind me to rid that buzzkill of yours when I get back."
Delaney rolled her eyes and walked out of the bar and over to the Impala, slamming the driver's side closed behind her. She started up the Impala and drove off to the motel that was only about five minutes from the bar thankfully and in no time, Delaney was dropping the keys onto the key holder on the dresser and falling back onto her and Dean's bed in the motel.
After laying in the silence for about five minutes, Delaney sprung up in bed as an idea popped into her head. She fumbled for her phone in her back pocket and dialed Ellen's bar.
"Hey, Ellen, it's Delaney," Delaney greeted as she pushed herself up the bed so she was resting against the headboard comfortably.
"Oh, hi, sweetheart. It's so good to hear from you. You and the boys are okay aren't you, honey?"
"Yeah, everything is fine, Ellen," Delaney assured, picking at the small rips in the motel comforter. "I just have a question. You ever run across a guy named Gordon Walker?"
"I know Gordon. He's a real good hunter. Why you asking, sweetie?"
Delaney sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Um... the boys and I ran into him on a job. The boys are kind of working with him while I just kind of begrudgingly follow."
"Delaney, no. Do not get involved with Gordon."
Delaney's heart picked up at Ellen's stern response. "Wh - I thought you said he was a good hunter?"
Ellen chuckled humorlessly from the other end. "Yeah, and Hannibal Lecter's a good psychiatrist. Look, he is dangerous to everyone and everything around him. If he's working on a job you boys just let him handle it and you move on."
"Ellen - "
"No, Delaney, just listen to what I'm telling you okay?"
Delaney chewed her lip and hung up with Ellen as the bad feeling in the pit of her stomach only grew worse. It was freaky how quickly she was beginning to pick up on bad situations. She wasn't sure if it was from whatever the yellow eyed demon did to her that was making her so attuned to dangerous situations, but this was one side effect she would never complain about. The nightmares she would gladly do without.
Deciding that she needed to get out and get herself a drink from the soda machine, Delaney pushed herself off her bed and walked out of the room. The soda machine wasn't all that far from where the room was and she only had to walk a few feet across the parking lot to get to it. She could still see the door perfectly from where the machine was.
Once she got her soda fell from the machine, Delaney was quick to grab it and began to make her way back to the room. A rustling sound caused her to stop and cautiously look around her, silently cursing herself for leaving both her phone and her gun back in the motel room. God, Dean would be giving her the biggest lecture right now if he knew she had left two of the most important things back in the room, leaving herself completely defenseless.
"Just make it to the room, Delaney," Delaney mumbled to herself and speed walked back over to the motel room, unlocking it quickly and entering the room. She shut the door behind herself and leant against the door, letting out a much needed breath. "Okay, maybe you're just being paranoid."
Shaking her nerves out, Delaney pushed herself off the door and made her way across the room, placing the can on the table so she could place the keys back in its place on the key holder. However, before she could reach the dresser with the key holder on it, someone attacked her from behind. Fighting the guy off, she spun around to see another guy male behind her and punched them hard in the mouth, sending them backwards.
Next thing she knew, pain radiated throughout her skull and she was surrounded by darkness.
The sack that was placed over Delaney's head was pulled off and she blinked her eyes a few times to get them to adjust. When they finally did, they focused on the male bartender that her and her brothers investigated earlier. He exposed his fangs to her and leaned his hands on the arms of the chair that Delaney was tied to, getting close to her face.
"Wait!" A female voice yelled as she walked into the room. "Step back, Eli."
Eli growled and pushed away from Delaney, retracting his fangs as he backed away from her.
The brunette woman that had entered, made her way over to Delaney and gently took off the tape that was over Delaney's mouth. "I'm Lenore and I promise I'm not going to hurt you. We just need to talk."
Lenore's soothing voice did nothing to help ease the tension that Delaney felt, especially being tied up and having Eli make it seem like he was going to rip into her flesh. "Talk? Yeah, okay. I might have tough time paying attention to much besides Eli's teeth."
"He won't hurt you either. You have my word."
Delaney balked at Lenore's assurance and shook her head. "Wow. Your word? Great, thanks. Listen, lady, no offense, but you are not the first vampire I've met. Actually, almost got strangled to death by one if I remember correctly."
"We're not like the others. We don't kill humans, and we don't drink their blood. We haven't for a long time," Lenore explained to Delaney.
Delaney rose her eyebrows as she stared down Lenore and Eli, who still looked like he wanted to rip Delaney's face off. "Is this some sort of sick joke before you rip my throat out with your teeth?"
"What? No. Notice you're still alive."
Delaney licked her lips as she tried to desperately to make sense of everything. "I'm sorry, but shouldn't you be starving to death?"
Lenore glanced to Eli and lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. "We found other ways - cattle blood."
"Wait, you're responsible for all the - "
"It's not ideal," Lenore cut across Delaney's question. "In fact, it's disgusting. It does allow us to get by, though."
"Okay... uh, why?"
"Survival," Lenore responded, crossing her arms across her chest as she slowly paced around the room. "No deaths, no missing locals, no reason for people like you to come looking for people like us, and we blend in. Our kind is practically extinct. It turns out, we weren't as high up the food chain as we imagined."
Eli huffed and turned to Lenore with a low growl. "Why are we explaining ourselves to this killer?"
"Remember that you're alive," Delaney remarked, shooting Eli a dark look.
Lenore fought off the smile at Delaney's sass and clear reuse of Lenore's statement from earlier. "Eli..."
"We choke on cow's blood so that none of them suffer," Eli whispered. "Tonight, they murdered Conrad, and they celebrated."
"Correction, I sat there and pouted because I hate that Gordon guy. I'd rather bang my head against a wall than celebrate with him," Delaney cut in and grimaced slightly at how much of a Dean reaction that was. Gross, she was turning into her brother.
"What's done is done," Lenore said calmly, turning back to Delaney. "We are leaving this town tonight."
Delaney furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. "So... why bring me here? Why are you even talking to me?"
"Believe me, I'd rather not, but I know your kind. Once you have the scent, you'll keep tracking us. It doesn't matter where we go. Hunters will find us."
"So you're asking us not to follow you," Delaney concluded from this whole kidnapping situation.
"We have a right to live. We're not hurting anyone," Lenore gently argued.
Delaney eyed Lenore, not wanting to trust this girl so easily. However, Lenore hasn't given her a reason not to trust her besides kidnapping her. Eli gave Delaney more of a reason not trust them, but Lenore seemed to have a tight leash on him. She also probably would be dead by now if Lenore or Eli drank human blood. "Okay... but give me a reason to believe you."
Lenore smirked and slowly walked back over to Delaney, leaning on the armrests of the chair like Eli had. "Fine. You want to know what I'm going to do? I'm going to let you go." She pushed away from Delaney, who stared at the vampire in shock. "Take her back and not a mark on her, you understand?"
Before Delaney could react, she freed from the chair and a sack was back over her face so she couldn't see where she was going.
Delaney was dropped off right by the motel door and the vampires that dropped her off were gone before she could even turn and thank them for not turning her into a meal. She rubbed her face as she made her way over to the motel room, already hearing the lecture Dean was going to give her for why he never let her be alone. Plus, her phone and gun were still in the room so that would tack on another half hour of why they needed to be on her person at all times.
Entering the room, Delaney's face turned into a scowl when she saw Gordon sat at the table by the door with Dean and Sam. It took every ounce of her being not to attack Gordon then and there for hurting vampires that didn't harm any humans in the first place. Now she knew what Ellen meant.
"Where you been?" Dean's voice cut through Delaney's thoughts and when she glanced to him, he didn't look angry or upset that she was away. More so curious about where she had been the whole time the three men were in the motel room.
"Can I talk to you and Sam outside?" Delaney questioned, her eyes flickering over to Gordon. "Alone?"
Dean told Gordon that they would be back in a few minutes and he followed Delaney outside the room with Sam trailing behind him. They closed the motel room door and walked over to the Impala that wasn't parked too far away so they could have a bit of privacy.
Delaney turned to face her brothers once they reached the Impala and leant against the side of it as the two older boys stood in front of their baby sister. "Guys, I... we need to rethink this hunt, okay?"
"Della, what are you talking about? Where were you? You didn't have your phone or your gun, do you know how dangerous that is?"
Delaney scoffed and slapped her hands to her sides. "Ah, there it is. There's the lecture. If you want to know, I was in the vampire nest."
"You found it?" Sam asked, his eyes widening. "Without your phone or your weapon?"
"Okay, can we stop focusing on the fact that I didn't have my phone or gun please? It's so not important!" Delaney snapped, frustrated that's that what the boys were focusing on. "They found me. Kidnapped me and everything."
"How did you manage to get out?"
Delaney licked her lips as she laughed quietly to herself, still not believing the whole thing herself really. "They let me go, Dean."
"Well, where's the nest?" Sam questioned.
"I was blindfolded. I don't know."
"You have to know something, Delly."
Delaney sighed, crossing her arms. "I mean, we went over that bridge just outside of town, but we can't go after them. They aren't like other vampires. I don't think they are killing people."
Dean reached out and felt his sister's forehead to which she slapped his hand away from her face. "You feeling okay, kiddo? How would they stay alive... or undead... or whatever the hell they are?"
"Those cattle mutilations. They live off animal blood instead of human blood," Delaney informed.
"And you believed them?"
Delaney leant off the Impala and did a full turn for both of her brothers. "Do either of you see a scratch or bite mark on me? Do I look like I want to suck either one of your blood?"
"Wait, so you mean..." Dean trailed off and shook his head, backing away from his sister. "No, kid. No way. I don't know why they let you go. I don't really care. We find 'em, we waste 'em."
Delaney scrambled after her brother as he walked around the front of the Impala and over to the driver's side. "Why?"
"What part of 'vampires' don't you understand, Delaney? If it's supernatural, we kill it, end of story. That's our job," Dean replied sternly.
Delaney looked to Sam for help, but he rolled his lips into his mouth quietly and avoided her gaze. "You guys can't be serious. This is not our job. Our job is to take out anything evil. If these things aren't killing people, they're not evil!"
"Of course they're killing people! That's what they do," Dean countered. "They're all the same, Delaney. They aren't human, okay? We have to extinguish every last one of them."
Delaney rubbed her hands over her face as she let out a small scream in frustration. "No, Dean, I don't think so, all right? Not this time."
Dean gestured over his shoulder towards the motel room where Gordon sat. "Gordon has been on those vamps for a year. He knows."
Delaney froze and her eyes snapped over to him, her eyes narrowing on him. "Gordon? You're going to take his word over your own sister?"
"That's right."
"Ellen said he is bad news," Delaney argued.
Dean blinked in surprise. "Wait.. you called Ellen? I'm supposed to listen to her? We barely even know her. No thanks. I'll go with Gordon."
"Yes because Gordon is such a good old friend that we can trust, Dean! I'll gladly walk into a freakin vampire war with him. I see exactly what this is."
"What's that?"
"Gordon is a substitute for Dad," Delaney snapped and loved the way that Dean flinched. It was very slight, but Delaney caught it and she would be damned if that wasn't answer enough for her. "He's a poor replacement really. I'm actually insulted for Dad."
Sam aggressively shook his head behind Dean for Delaney to stop while she was ahead, but when did Delaney ever listen to Sam during a heated argument with her big brother? Never. "Delly, no..."
"Shut up, Delaney," Dean groaned and turned to walk away from her towards the motel room.
"He's not even a good sub on his best day," Delaney continued as she stalked after Dean.
"I'm not talking about this, Delaney," Dean warned as he continued to walk towards the motel room door.
Delaney grabbed his arm and spun him around so he could face her, not even flinching at the dark look that was in his eyes. It was a sign that he was getting angry, but she ignored it in true Delaney fashion. "You know, you slap on this big fake smile but I can see right through it because I know how you feel, Dean. Dad's dead, and he left a hole, and it hurts so bad you can't take it. However, you can't just fill up that hole with whoever you want to. It's an insult to his memory."
Dean's fists clenched at his side and she could tell he itched to hit something, anything. She was a girl so he couldn't hit her and she also knew Dean would have never dreamed of hitting her to begin with, no matter how badly she got under his skin.
"You can hit whatever you want, Dean, as many times you want. It won't change a thing."
"I'm going to that nest. You don't want to tell Sam and I where it is. Fine," Dean stated. "We can find it without you."
Delaney watched as Dean turned on his heel and began to make his way back over to the motel room.
"You just had to pick that fight with him?" Sam sighed, looking to his baby sister. Exhausted of the constant argument over their father's death at this point.
"Me?" Delaney squeaked incredulously. "Sam, you're joking aren't you?"
"Just... lay off him, Delly, okay?" Sam practically begged. "I'm tired of you two fighting. I just want there to be peace."
"Of course you'd take his side," Delaney grumbled and pushed past Sam towards Dean who had just entered the motel room and she walked in after, freezing when she didn't see Gordon. "Did he go after the vampires?"
Sam rushed in behind Delaney and scanned the room, also coming up empty on Gordon. Not that Delaney was even remotely shocked. "Probably."
Delaney shook her head and began to back up towards the still open motel room door. "No, we have to stop him."
"Really? I say we lend a hand, Delaney," Dean countered.
"Just give me the benefit of the doubt, would you? You owe me that."
"Yeah, we'll see. I'll drive. Give me the keys," Dean ordered, holding his hand out for the keys to the Impala.
Delaney pointed to the key holder, but she should have known the Impala keys would be gone the second Dean glanced over to the holder. "I can't even say I'm shocked that he snaked the keys."
After hotwiring his car, with a full five minute rant from Dean about just fixing Baby up and having to already ruin her, the three Winchesters were arriving at the farmhouse Lenore and Eli had dragged her to earlier. Thankfully, Delaney had been awake on the way back so she was able to somewhat make sense of where they went on the way back to the motel.
The three burst through the farmhouse door to see Gordon stood above Lenore who was bloodied, cuts and scrapes scattered all over her and she looked paler than she was prior.
"Delaney, Sam, Dean, come on in," Gordon greeted.
"Gordon, what's going on?" Dean asked, taking in the scene before him.
Gordon twirled the bloodied knife in his hand and Delaney noticed it was dead man's blood. "Just poisoning Lenore here with some dead man's blood. She is going to tell us where all her friends are, aren't you? Wanna help?"
Dean walked a little closer to Gordon and held his hand up. "Look, man - "
"Grab the knife. I was just about start on the fingers," Gordon told Dean before he focused back on Lenore. He drags the knife across her arm and red veins trickle away from the wound.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, let's all just chill out, huh?" Dean suggested with a nervous chuckle.
"I'm completely chill."
Delaney stepped forward so she and Gordon were only a few feet apart with Dean and Sam stood on the other side of the table. "Gordon, put the knife down."
"Sounds like it's Delaney that needs to be chill," Gordon mused as he took in Delaney's defensive stance in front of him.
"Just step away from her, all right?"
Gordon tossed the knife on the table and looked between the three siblings. "She's right. I'm just wasting my time. This bitch will never talk. Might as well put her out of her misery." He reached out and unsheathed another larger knife that laid on the table. "I just sharpened it, so it's completely humane."
Delaney moved towards Gordon again when he turned to hurt Lenore. "Gordon, I'm letting her go."
Gordon turned back around, the blade poking into Delaney's chest. She could practically hear both of her brothers tense up at the sight. "You're not going to do a damn thing, Delaney."
"Hey, hey, hey, Gordon, let's talk about this," Sam calmly said, barely making a move as if he blinked Gordon would just plunge the knife into Delaney's chest.
"What's there to talk about? It's like I said back at the bar, boys. No shades of gray," Gordon replied, eyeing the two older boys on the other side of the table, challenging them to come to their sister's aid.
"Yeah, I hear you. I know how you feel," Dean said, looking nervously between Gordon and his sister.
"That vampire that killed your sister deserved to die, but this one..."
Gordon laughed and the knife pointed in Delaney's chest, dipped slightly but she didn't dare to move since it could still penetrate her. "Killed my sister? That filthy fang didn't kill my sister. It turned her. It made her one of them. So I hunted her down, and I killed her myself."
"You did what?" Dean perplexedly questioned.
"It wasn't my sister anymore, it wasn't human. I didn't blink and neither would you."
Sam let out a sharp breath through his nose, sounding like a small laugh. "Pretty sure we would, Gordon. That's our sister. Our family."
Delaney's eyes narrowed as realization dawned on her. "So you knew all along. You knew about the vampires, you knew they weren't killing anyone. You knew about the cattle and you just didn't care."
"Care about what?" Gordon rhetorically asked. "A nest of vampires suddenly acting nice? Taking a little time out from sucking innocent people? And we're supposed to buy that? Trust me. Doesn't change what they are, and I can prove it." He grabbed Delaney's arm and slices the knife across it, then lays the knife against her throat, dragging her behind Lenore's char.
The sound Dean's gun being cocked echoes throughout the room. "Let my sister go. Now!"
Delaney struggled against Gordon even though she knew it was useless. She just wanted that damn knife away from her windpipe.
"Relax. If I wanted to kill her she'd already be on the floor. Just making a little point." Gordon held the cut on Delaney's arm over Lenore so the blood drips on the vampire's face. Once the blood hits Lenore's cheek, she hissed, fangs extending.
"Hey!" Sam warned and went to step towards Gordon and his sister, but Dean stopped him, worried that Gordon would just throw Delaney to Lenore if they tried to attack him.
"You think she's so different? Still want to save her? Look at her. They're all the same. Evil, bloodthirsty," Gordon taunted as the four looked down at Lenore who was slowly controlling herself, her fangs retracting.
"No... no... I won't," Lenore weakly whispered, her head drooping to the side.
"You hear that, asshole? She's not going to do it," Delaney pushed the knife away from her throat along with Gordon as she backed away from Lenore and him. "We're done here."
Dean slowly lowered his gun as Sam rushed over to Delaney, hugging her close to him once he made sure she was okay. "Sam, Delaney, get Lenore out of here."
Sam picked Lenore up in his arms as Delaney removed the ropes that were wrapped around the vampire's wrists. Gordon went to take a step towards them, but Dean still has the gun trained on him. "Uh-uh. Uh-uh! Gordon, I think you and I've got some things to talk about."
The two youngest Winchester siblings made sure that Lenore and her clan got away safely before they made their way back to the farmhouse to pick Dean up. Sam had successfully wrapped Delaney's arm in white gauze to stop the the bleeding. She insisted she was fine, but of course Sam wouldn't hear it and cleaned and wrapped it just after Lenore and her clan got out.
Delaney lead the way inside the farmhouse and she burst out laughing when she saw Gordon tied to a chair, looking pretty pissed off. "Why do we always miss the good stuff?"
"Nah, not much," Dean responded, turning to look at his younger siblings. "Lenore get out okay?"
"All of them did actually," Sam answered, still staring at a tied up Gordon in amusement.
"Then I guess our work here is done," Dean concluded before walking over to Gordon and circling his chair. "How you doin', Gordy? Gotta tinkle yet? All right. Well, get comfy. We'll call someone in two or three days, have them come out, untie you." He stabbed Gordon's knife into the table behind Gordon and grinned at his siblings.
Delaney raised her eyebrows at her brother, but nonetheless nods her head towards the door. "Let's go, Dean."
"This is goodbye then, Gordy," Dean said and knocked the chair over as he walked by it. "I'm good now. We can go."
Delaney mockingly wiggled her fingers at Gordon who lifted his head to glare daggers at the three siblings and she backed up towards the door before exiting out after her brothers.
"Della? Clock me one."
Delaney stopped at the bottom of the stairs and stared at her eldest brother oddly. "Are you crazy?"
"Come on. I won't even ground you this time," Dean said, bouncing between his feet.
"I'll do it," Sam offered and immediately backed down when Dean shot him a look. His bruises from the obvious scuffle he got into with Gordon while her and Sam were helping Lenore out, shined in the bright sunlight.
"You look like you just went twelve rounds with a block of cement, Dean. I'll take a raincheck," Delaney replied and began to make her way towards the Impala.
"I wish we never took this job. It's jacked everything up," Dean huffed and leaned his elbows on the roof of the Impala, Sam stood by the passenger door and Delaney stood next to him.
Delaney tilted her head and she hated how Dean's face crumbled slightly. "What are you talking about?"
"Think about all the hunts we've been on," Dean began, running a hand over his hair. "What if we killed things that didn't deserve killing? You know? I mean, the way Dad raised us..."
"You mean the way Dad raised you guys," Delaney corrected. "I only just got into this whole hunting thing recently unless you forgot."
"Plus, after what happened to Mom? Dad did the best he could," Sam added.
"I know he did, but the man wasn't perfect," Dean responded, shocking both of his siblings since the guy only ever held their father on the highest pedestal you could ever hold anything. "And the way he raised us, to hate those things - and boy, I hate 'em. I do. When I killed that vampire at the mill I didn't even think about it - Hell, I even enjoyed it.
Delaney shook her head at her brother, not liking the way he was trying to belittle himself. "No, Dean. You didn't kill Lenore."
"Every instinct told me to kill her. I was going to kill her. I wanted so desperately to kill them all," Dean countered, bowing his head. "At least Sammy had to really think about doing it before he decided to follow Gordon and I."
"Yeah, Dean, but you didn't and that's what matters," Delaney assured him.
Dean snorted and looked over the roof at his baby sister. "Yeah because you're a real pain in my ass."
"I love you too, De," Delaney beamed at her brother, earning a quiet chuckle from both of her brothers. "I guess I might have to stick around and continue to be a pain in both of your asses huh?"
"Thanks, kiddo."
"Don't mention it, big bro."
authors note
Hi hey hello
Does anyone else want to punch Gordon in the throat? Because I want to just hop into the SPN universe and punch him really damn hard. Dean makes great choices in hunter friends huh? It's okay because we still love a literal king. Also Delaney and Dean need to stop fighting because it's hurting my heart and I hate every second of it
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