Dustins girlfriend that's also your cousin
All Mavis ever thought about was El. She thought about her recently grown shoulder link hair, she thought about how she's grown pretty tall, how she'd started to fill out more, how she often wore plaid, but most importantly how her lips felt again hers. It resulted in Mav being at Hoppers cabin nearly everyday, just to kiss, much like how they were doing now.
"Hungry eyes! One look at you and I can't disguise!" Mavis yelled the lyrics as she pulled away from El for a moment.
"Mav." El said to try and get her to stop, only making Mavis sing louder.
"I feel the magic between you and I!" Mavis yelled as El laughed and tried to get her to stop again.
"What? You don't like my singing?" she asked her with fake shock as El laughed and shook her head again, leaning down to kiss Mav once more.
"Hey!" Hopper yelled from the living room, causing the two to jump apart and El to quickly use her powers to slam the door shut.
"Three inch minim! Leave the door open three inch! El, open this door. Open the-" Hopper began before he crashed into the room, seeing both the girls on opposite sides of the bed with comic books in hand.
"What's wrong, Hop? Looks as if you saw a ghost." Mavis said to him with a smirk as his eyes narrowed slightly, turning to walk out.
"Okay, i've gotta go. Lucas will freak out if i'm late." Mavis said as she hopped off the bed.
"Mav." El said as the pink haired girl turned to her, El laughed and quickly used her hand to wipe the smudged lipstick of her face, making Mavis blush.
"See you soon." Mavis grinned while leaning over to kiss El once again before heading out the door, yelling a quick goodbye to Hopper.
"Where's Mike and Carrie?" Mavis asked with frowned eyebrows as she go to the Star Court.
"Late again." Max rolled her eyes as Mavis adjusted the leather jacket on her shoulders, due to the small summer breeze she felt that night.
"Finally, you guys are late." Lucas said as he saw the couple pull up.
"I'm sorry." Mike quickly said while climbing off the bike and helping Carrie.
"We're gonna miss the opening." Will said with a pout.
"Yeah if you guys keep whining about it." Mike said as the six ran into the mall.
"You owe me twenty bucks, you said you'd keep your word about being on time. Where were you guys anyway? In Australia?" Mavis said as Carrie gave her a look.
"I don't even have twenty bucks." the taller girl said while throwing a arm around her as they ran into the mall with their friends.
"Let me guess, you guys were busy-" Lucas began, cutting himself off as he made kissing noises.
"Oh yeah real matter, Lucas." Mike rolled his eyes as Mavis teased Carrie by trying to kiss at her cheek.
"Oh Carrie, I wish we could make out forever and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas mocked as Mavis laughed from behind him.
"Lucas stop." Max scolded him as Lucas giggled slightly.
"Will and Mav thinks it's funny." he said as the two nodded.
"Because it is." they said at the same time as Carrie huffed loudly and followed after her best friend and brother.
"Yeah it's so funny that I wanna spend romantic time with my girlfriend." Mike said annoyed while putting a arm around the short haired girl.
"I spend romantic time with my girlfriend and i'm still on time." Mavis spoke up with a point.
"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend right now." Lucas added in, throwing a arm around the redhead.
"Watch it!" a girl scolded the group as they pushed through her and a few other people.
"Yeah watch if nerds." Erica said from a few feet away, surrounded by friends with ice cream cones.
"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Lucas asked her with a knowing look.
"Isn't it time you died?" she asked back as Mavis rolled her eyes.
"Shouldn't you be forcing your dolls to make out?" the third Sinclair sibling added in as Erica gave her a eyebrow raise.
"Shouldn't you be getting arrested?" she asked as Mavis gave a look.
"Fair game." she said while putting her arms up.
"Mall rat!"
"Fart face!" Erica got the last word, Lucas making a fart sound with his mouth as Mavis slapped him upside the head.
"Now that was mature." Max said to her boyfriend as they came up to the Scoops Ahoy ice cream shop.
"Robby! My best girl!" Mavis grinned while jumping up on the counter to hug the girl.
"Mav! How's it hanging?" she older teen asked while they finished their hug with a quick fist pump.
"Hey dingus! Your children are here." Robin called out to the boy behind the window, becoming annoyed with Mikes endless taping on the bell.
"Again?" Steve asked them annoyed while Mavis quickly left Robins side.
"Catch!" the blue eyes girl called out as Mavis turned and caught the box of Razzles.
"Razzles? You shouldn't have." Mavis said with a fake cry before ending it with a salute and running to catch up with her friends.
"I swear if anyone hears about this- Steve began after the teens ran down the hallway.
"We're dead." they all said back while hurrying to walk into the theatre, mumbling sorry to everyone until they found their seats.
"See Lucas, we made it." Mike said while Carrie passed Mavis the cherry cola from the backpack.
"Missed the previews." Lucas said as Max sat next to Mav and gave the boy a grin.
"Still made it, fart face." she teased while Mavis bumped her shoulder with a grin. Watching as the movie came on, they all watch intensely before the movie projector suddenly went off.
"Are you kidding?" Mavis asked annoyed while throwing a few of the candies at the screen. After a few minutes it came back on, making everyone cheer while Day Of The Dead continued to play for the remaining time.
"Hey, you okay?" Mavis asked as she noticed the odd look on Will and Carries face. Her voice caught Mikes attention as he looked over.
"What's wrong?" he now asked while looked at the two, sharing a look with Mavis quickly.
"Nothing, we're okay." Carrie quickly said, looking to her boyfriend then to her best friend.
"Are you sure?" Mike asked them as Will nodded.
"Of course." he reassured him while Mike looked to Mavis, who gave a hesitated nod before the four looked back to the projector screen.
"Stop breathing so loud, Mav." Mike scolded her the next day as they hid in Dustins house, El controlling his old toys in his room.
"It's just a dream, you're dreaming." they could hear Dustins voice say as Mavis quickly wiped the blood dripping from El's nose.
"Now." Lucas whispered as they snuck up behind the curly haired boy.
"Surprise!" they all yelled, getting a scream as Dustin turned and sprayed the hair spray Steve gave him into Lucas face, causing him to scream as well.
"Oh my god! Move! I have the go drown him now!" Mavis yelled while grabbing Lucas shoulders and hurrying him to the sink.
"Mav! Sister, I can't breath!" Lucas explained as she held his head under the sink.
"You wanna go blind?" Mavis asked him annoyed while yanking him again and wiping his face with the towel.
"Mavis knows what she's doing, man." Max added in as she entered the kitchen, Lucas looked to her before he squinted his eyes.
"Is that a new zit?" he asked as her face fell before grabbing his head and holding him under the sink again.
"Mav come on!" El said as it caught their attention.
"Where are we going?" the pink haired girl asked as she hurried to take her girlfriends hand.
"To meet Dustins girlfriend from Utah that's also your cousin." Will said as Mavis she's widened.
"What? Suzie?" Mavis yelled out as Dustin nodded.
"Yup, Suzie with a Z. She kinda looks like you in a less creepy way." Dustin said while they pushed through the door.
"Girls go to science camp?" Will asked confused.
"Suzie does, she's a genius." Dustin smiled as they hurried out.
"Is she cute?" Mike asked as Carrie scoffed.
"Really Mike?" Carrie asked him.
"Said she looks like Mav, that's cute." El said as she looked back at Mike, getting a giggle from Mavis as she squeezed her hand and they stood closer.
"Think Phoebe Kate's and Mav mixed, only hotter." Dustin said as Mavis put a hand over her heart.
"Ouch." Mavis said as Dustins gave her a wink over his shoulder.
suzie and mavis being related is my new favorite thing.
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