I had eaten, and I had rested as much as I wanted to. Once the time had come for muzan to run, that woman walked back into my room, a kimono in her hand, she looked back towards the door and two other girls walked in with jewelry and accessories in there hands. They immediately started to dress me up, the kimono was beautiful.. the jewelry was too. But somehow I didn't really care, I just wanted to go back home to my family.. even though they would want me here.

I sighed to myself, as they put my obi around my waist. I put my accessories into my hair, and my jewelry on. Before the woman led me out to where I was supposed to wait for muzan. I sat down, staring at the floor, already home sick.. this was new to me. This city.. the people around me. I sat there waiting for a bit, before someone stepped in. It was muzan, he was wearing a suit, so I assumed he had been at work.. or at an event of some sort. Little did it know, I was about to be at one. He stared at me for a moment, and I stared back before I stood, bowing slightly. I remembered my mothers words 'don't speak until spoken to.'

"We're going somewhere, I expect you to be polite. You already are, I will answer questions for you, let us go,"

i nodded as he spoke, following him as he walked out, we walked back outside into another car. I sat first, and muzan sat beside me, commanding the driver to start the car and drive. I was quiet, thinking about back home.. thinking about people who would probably ask about me, if I hadn't been to the market that day. Muzan noticed the silence, and turned to look at me.

"Is something wrong?"

He spoke, looking back at his pocket watch. It didn't seem as if he cared, he only asked to break the silence.

"It's nothing.."

I look at him, smiling slightly. I gazed out the window afterward, falling into thought. Snapping out as soon as we arrived. Muzan stepped out of the car before me, I stepped out soon after. It was a manor just as large as the house I had just left before. I walked at muzans side, glancing around. It seemed rather quiet. We walked into the manor, the corridor was large, and it was already filled with people. Mostly men, and some with their women.

I glanced at muzan, then someone approached us. It was a man, slightly short, a bit fat. He looked at me, before he smiled, he shook muzans hand.

"I didn't know you were married, I thought you were a bachelor!"

The man laughed heartily, patting muzans shoulder. Muzan chuckled along with him. I bowed, with a smile, greeting the man, muzan introduced us, before the topic changed and they went in to talk about a different topic. I kept to myself, letting muzan talk with the man, as I glanced around. I noticed all eyes were on us. And people were looking, and talking.

I didn't quite care. I knew no one here, but it seemed as if everyone knew me already. I looked back to muzan who was already done talking with the short fat man. Another man approached us, he was with his wife.. or I assumed this woman was his wife. I bowed, greeting the both of them. Muzan introduced me to them, and they seemed quite happy to get to know me.

"What is your name?"

The woman asked with a smile, I smiled lightly, glancing at muzan for a moment, before I answered her, telling her my name. I realized some questions, were to be answered by myself.

"Oh, y/n! What a beautiful name, your very pretty, where are you from?"

This time muzan answered, in a calm voice. He never seemed too enthusiastic, even his smile was calm and collected.

"She's from Okutama, her family is from there as well. I remember you mentioning that you were from okutama, Hana-kun?"

The woman smiled, looking back at me. She nodded before she spoke again

"Oh yes I am! It is very nice to meet you y/n,"

I smiled back, slightly bowing. I didn't say much, because I didn't want to say something rude on accident. These people seemed important.. they soon let us be. And as time went on, more people approached us. Soon enough, all the men were told it was time for a meeting of some sort. Muzan directed me to some seats at the side, and I sat there with a few geisha and some women. While the rest of the men and women walked into a large room at the top of the staircase.

I sighed to myself, listening to the women and geisha speak. Normally the geisha were here to entertain the men, but there were women here as well. It didn't matter, this wasn't a tea house. I didn't focus on that, I wondered what they were talking about in that room, when something caught my attention. Some of the women that sat slightly far away from me spoke.

"Didn't you hear? She's not from the city.. shes from a village, in okutama." Another woman spoke; "Really? She's so pretty, I would have never guessed."

I glanced at them for a moment, wondering if they were taking about me.. it seemed obvious.

"And she's married to him too.. he married a girl from the village? A man like him?" Some of them laughed at that. I wondered why.. what was wrong with being from a village.. everyone was from a village right?.. grandparents.. parents, everyone had a village they must have been from..

"No wonder she's so quiet.. she doesn't know what to say to anyone here. She doesn't know anything about what's going on here.."

They were right about that. I didn't know what this event was for, and I didn't quiet care. I just wanted to be with my family.. but I couldn't. This place made me feel overwhelmed, and overstimulated, but I held onto my thoughts so I wouldn't embarrass muzan by reacting to all the comments made when people had approached us earlier.

I felt homesick, I felt horrible because my family did this to me, and I had no one to comfort me. I tried not to focus on their words, but I couldn't help it. I listened, and they went on, until the large door at the top of the stair case opened. My eyes had already become tear stricken, by the time I saw muzan walk out, looking at his pocket watch. He slowly walked down the grand staircase. He looked right at me before I stood.

I walked towards him, and it seemed we were leaving. I didn't wipe my eyes because I knew people would notice that I was about to start crying. Muzan seemed to noticed too, but he didn't ask. He walked out with me by his side, and we ran into a few people outside, before we got into the car again.

After we did, was when I burst out, covering my face. I didn't understand why my family would do this to me. Was I a burden?.. muzan told the driver to start the car and drive, he didn't ask about my plight, nor did he face me. Instead he stared ahead, constantly checking his watch. When I had collected myself, he spoke.

"You said, that it was nothing, it is your fault that you are crying now.."

He paused, looking at his pocket watch one last time before he looked towards me. I stared, in surprise.. I didn't think he'd say anything at all, I didn't think he'd say something like that. I wasn't offended, I was only wondering if he was right.. I refused to talk about it before.. he looked ahead, taking my hand in his. His hand was almost ice cold, but as time passed, it was comforting.

I didn't quite mind it. We were 'married' after all, and it meant nothing to me.. I only felt sadness at this moment, so I feel silent, my hand still in his.

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