Once upon a time in a land known as Fairy Tale Island, there existed a team of heroes known as the Fearless Seven. All talented, strong and handsome in their own right, the seven princes were known throughout the land for the numerous exploits of rescuing damsels and princess, defeating beasts of terror, and saving entire kingdoms.
That is until they seemingly dropped off the face of the planet.
It has since been a year since the F7 were last seen, and however important they are to the story at hand,(one of them especially)none of them are the true hero of this tale.
No, the true hero of this story is one not a single soul would have thought capable of saving the whole of the White Kingdom. This is the story of how a young girl, a scullery maid to a princess, thwarted an evil queen in her tracks, gained a pair of glass shoes, befriended seven little men, fell in love, and became a princess and heroine of the highest order.
This is the story of Cinderella and The Seven Dwarfs.
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