"YOU LOOK AMAZING IN THAT SHIRT." Roxy smirked as she wrapped her arms around reggie's shoulders, her voice was raspy, her eyes were bloodshot, something was wrong. "Then again, you look amazing in literally anything." She tried to cover it up.
A small chuckle left his lips as he kissed her hand, he noticed it but wasn't sure what was wrong "Thanks, it's on of my favorites, besides the flannel of course." He felt a sudden wetness on his shoulder as he turned around to see small tears dripping down Roxy face. "Woah, woah, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, it's nothing, just..having a bad day." Roxy shrugged it off as she wiped the tears from her face, but it was no use, more kept coming.
"Roxy, tell me, I know you're not fine." Reggie cupped her face, she tried so hard to hold back, she but her lips hard trying to prevent a whimper to slip out. She felt a copper like taste when blood spilled from her lip since she had bitten it so hard. Reggie had pleading eyes, she couldn't do it, she broke down into a sob before she could say any words. Reggie quickly took her into his arms as tears stained his shirt, she sniffled slightly and swallowed back the lump in her throat.
"It's his birthday." She managed to whisper, though it was barley audible with her head snuggled into his chest.
"Who's birthday?" Reggie softly asked.
"Lorenzo." Her shivered at the name, silent tears continued to fall from her eyes as Reggie's eyes went wide, he pulled away and looked at her. A small smile from him was all she needed, "C-can we go visit him?"
"Of course." The boy nodded as he took her her hand, "We'll go right now." They both flashed out and appeared in a familiar neighborhood with old houses all along the road.
It was much different then the one Reggie lived in, he lived by a beach, and his family was very wealthy, they always used that to their advantage. Whenever they would argue, more specifically the ones loud ones that Reggie had to listen and/or experience, they would use the large amount of money in their back account to buy him things so he would forget. But Roxy knew, he never did.
It was the exact opposite for Roxy's life, her father used the last of his own money on drugs, cigarettes, and booze. Roxy had to exhaust herself so she could pay rent for crappy home, Alex always worried that she would grow grey hairs before she was twenty. She was the one who took the blame for things, she wanted to keep Lorenzo out of it, so when her father need to yell and unleash his frustrations he would to it to Roxy. It of course worried the band but their wasn't much they could since Roxy begged them not to get involved.
The house she stood in front of wasn't nothing like the one she grew up in, it looked freshly painted, the lawn was mowed, a clean car stood in the driveway, and a welcome mat stood in front of the wooden door. A window was left open a crack, Roxy slowly approached but furrowed her brows at the toys that scattered the grassy front yard.
She walked towards the house and peeked inside the window, she saw a tall man feeding a baby, the man had a silly face trying to make the baby laugh as he fed it some food. Then a woman came walking in, her stomach was large and she had a tired but kind face, she gave the man a peck on the cheek and that's when she noticed it was her father. The same man who screamed at her when he was drunk, who call her names, and neglected both of his kids, he was happy and smiling with a child in front of him. He had a family, his eyes glistened with hope, something they never had in their family, and the smile he held was one that could light up a room. Roxy hadn't seen him smile in years, there was no sign of Lorenzo or even a single picture of either of them, nothing.
He had moved on
Reggie watched with sympathetic eyes as Roxy completely broke down again while watching the family live happily. Something she begged for was now being shoved in her face, Roxy stepped back and turned away, she walked past Reggie without a word. She walked down a road that she had memorized, she continued till her eyes met the silver letters indented into the stone.
She sighed as she walked the same route as she did before, making sure she didn't step on any other grave, she arrived at an old tombstone. It hadn't been cleaned in years, the flowers hadn't been replaced at all that slid in the hold vase was brown roses that dissolved as soon as the wind blew. Roxy singers and grazed her fingers over the name of her mother, as she stood up she felt an arm wrap around her shoulder. She relaxed into the embrace as she leaned back, "I miss her, I miss Lorenzo, even if he was an ass."
"I'm sorry." He whispered and lightly kissed her jawline
"You don't have to apologize for anything, he's happy, he deserves it, and mom has been dead for years, nothing new." She mumbled and turned around she she could give him one last hug "We only have a each other now Reg."
"Should we tell them?" Roxy asked as she fiddled with Reggie's hair "About is, since ya know, we're kinda dating."
"Sure, it was bound to happen at some point. Besides we're gonna die soon, so it's now or never." Reggie replied as a small chuckled left his lips "Now or never, ha, that's a name to one of our songs."
"Can't you be serious for once." Roxy laughed as she leaned down to give him a small kiss, that small kiss ended up becoming a mini make out session. Reggie fully sat up from his laying position with both hands on Roxy's waist.
"On my fucking couch!" A sudden voice yelled as Roxy looked up to see Luke with wide eyes. Alex appeared beside him, he looked a bit confused as he stared at Luke's surprised face.
"What's going on?" He questioned as Luke expression contorted into one of anger.
"They were gonna fuck! On my couch!" He spat as Alex furrowed his brows in confusion and glanced over at Reggie and Roxy, they both wore flustered expressions.
"Oh shit!" He yelled as the realization hit him, "Its happening! Reggie and Roxy are happening!"
"Yes!" Luke laughed as Alex joined in. "And on my damn couch!"
"We we're gonna tell literally today, I swear." Roxy spoke up as she scrambled off the couch so Luke would kill her on the spot.
"Right, was that after you guys were done making out on my couch or.." Luke questioned as Roxy groaned.
"No, after you came back." Reggie explained and wrapped and arm around Roxy's shoulder, she put her face in her hands trying to hide the redness of her cheeks.
"Well, I'm glad I walked in, otherwise who knows what you 2 would've done." Luke shivered at the though "And on my couch too."
"Lucas Patterson can you shut the hell up about the couch!" Roxy screamed and threw a pillow at him, it landed on his face as he groaned.
"She used the full name dude, might wanna run." Reggie laughed Luke slowly backed towards the piano.
"I was just joking Rox, you know how we always joke, you guys can have sex on my couch if you want." He mumbled with a forced grin, though his calming tactics didn't seem to work.
"I swear to god I'm gonna punch you so fucking hard your gonna forgot your own name." She sneered as she ran towards him, the only thing she heard was a small scream as she landed on top of him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Luke mumbled as Alex tried to pull the angry girl away from him, "Get her off me!"
"Okay Roxy, that's enough, let's go." Alex said nonchalantly as he pulled the girl off of Luke, she huffed and crossed her arms. "Let's go take a walk."
"Fine." She muttered as she slightly calmed down, Alex kept her close as they walked outside the garage. "Luke gets on my nerves, why is he even in this band."
"Because he writes half the songs, and plays guitar." Alex replied.
"Well I play guitar, and I write songs, I'll even make a petition to kick him out of Julie and the Phantoms if I have to." Roxy laughed as Alex just shook his head in disapproval
"I know that he gets on your nerves but as soon as we kick him out you'll complain that you miss him. He was more of a brother to you then Lorenzo." Alex said as the girl frowned at looked down at the floor, Alex paused slightly when she went quiet. "What's wrong?"
"It was his birthday, my baby Enzo, he was 13." Roxy smiled at the nickname he hated so much but she never stopped calling him that, "Never thought I'd say this but, I miss him, a lot."
"That little shit was annoying, but I agree." Alex chuckled which caused a small smile to grow on Roxy's lips "Well, now that you've calm down, let's go back in."
The 2 friends appeared in the middle of the garage and saw Luke laying on the floor while Reggie sat on a chair with his fingers lightly strumming on the strings of his base. "Hello boy." Roxy spoke which caused Luke to flinch and shoot in from his laying position, "After a few moments of contemplating, I decided not to murder Luke." She grinned and sat beside him, for a second his just stared at her with a terrified expression, Roxy laughed and grabbed his hand.
He finally seemed to ease up and rested his head on her shoulder, quietness consumed the room till another shock of pain bolted through their bodies. They all quietly groaned but went back to being silent since they had gotten use to the feeling, it was just silence, usually they would be practicing, or messing around but the past few days had gotten them so scared. They would've stayed that way if it weren't for the loud shout that came from the dark-skinned girls mouth.
"Snap out of it!" The sudden noise caused Alex to fall of the couch and on top of Luke and Roxy, he drumsticks flew across the room as he stared up at Julie with a scared expression.
"Jeez, I think you broke Alex." Reggie joked
"Do you guys want to cross over or what?" Julie questioned as Roxy pushed Alex of her lap, the band stayed silent for a moment as they just stared at the girl., they didn't answer, they just stayed quiet. "Get it together!" She clapped loudly.
"They're never gonna let us play the Orpheum." Luke mumbled.
"We're nobody."
"Less then nobody." Reggie added "We have no bodies."
"We're ghost and we're literally invisible." Roxy muttered, "We are the definition of nobody."
"Someone once told me that you don't ask for permission, you book gigs by doing." Julie directed her gaze towards Roxy who lightly smiled at the memory.
"That was me." Reggie chuckled lightly as Roxy turned to face him.
"No it wasn't." Julie shook her head.
"It was me dumbass."
"No need to be rude." Reggie mumbled lowly.
"This isn't over, we were brought together for a reason: to help each other." Julie tried to encourage but the band stayed seated on floor with tired faces, they shocks had completely drained them.
"Yeah, but like Luke said, please don't just play the Orpheum because they want to." Alex explained as Julie simply shrugged.
"People don't," she began "but ghost do." She smirked and grossed her arms as the band glanced at each other for a moment. Something had clicked.
"You sure this is gonna work?" Reggie questioned as they stared up at the sign.
"It has to." Luke replied as another shock of pain blasted into there chest, it was getting worse.
"Hey, you guys okay?" Willie asked as he approached the group, they held there chest in pain but brush it off.
"Yeah, yeah, it's nothing we haven't felt before," Alex forcefully chuckled as he looked towards Willie "Well how'd it go?"
"Well, when the opening band wakes up, they're gonna find their bus 200 miles outside of Vegas," He mischievously grinned and turned around to reveal a jacket he stole "With no chance of getting back in time."!
"And that means there's probably a promoter upstairs right about now freakin out." Luke chuckled.
"Nah, this is Hollywood man, I'm sure he's being very professional." He teased as the group giggled at the thought, Alex suddenly stoped up and glanced at his bandmates, this caused Roxy and the boys ti turned around. They heard Alex's voice quietly speaking as they admired something else, Roxy couldn't help but peek behind her shoulder.
She saw Alex Ailey leaned in and give Willie a peck on the lips, when he pulled back Willie grinned widely and pulled him back in. She turned back around and held back a smile "They're doing it." She whispered to the boys as a giran came from Reggie's lips.
"5 bucks." Luke put his hand out as Reggie handed him a five dollar bill, "Victory smells amazing Reggie."
"Shut the hell up Lucas." Reggie muttered and crossed his arms as Roxy held back a laugh.
"Where did you even get that money from?" Roxy raised a brow.
"Stole it from Carlos's piggy bank." Reggie replied as the sound of wheels rolling on the pavement signaled the exit of Willie. They turned around and walked to Alex's side, though he had a frown, his cheeks were scarlet red "Alex, you all right man?"
He turned towards his friends and nodded "Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." He replied as Roxy bit her lips to prevent a giggle from slipping out.
"Thanks to Willie, Panic! At the Disco needs an opening band," Roxy smirked and up towards the office above the Orpheum "And someone up there needs to know we're available."
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