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A/N : I haven't made a decision where I shouldn't be following the shows. I will be adding something from the show to this book I will be doing something else.
I will let you guys know if I'm planning on doing shows or not.


๐“†ฉโ™ก๐“†ชย  โ”Š IT DIDN'T SURPRISE LORD STARK THAT HE DIDN'T FIND ALLISON IN HER CHAMBER THE NEXT MORNING. He knew he would probably find her in the throne room knowing that the Iron Throne brought her so many bad memories.

Lord Stark enters the throne room where he sees Allison standing five inches away from the Iron Throne. He walked towards the Queen who was standing and staring at the throne. She moved her head to see who was approaching. She knew who it was before turning back to staring at the Throne.

Lord Stark stood behind her as she just kept staring at the Throne. Lord Stark tried to see any emotion from her but he didn't see anything, just nothing. He didn't know how long it was until Allison finally spoke to Lord Stark.

"There were two different styles of the Iron Throne back then," Allison spoke as she turned her head toward Lord Stark before turning back to stare at the throne again.

"I always wonder what it was like during the past, how many Targaryen's Kings felt it was important to sit on it or did they feel the power of a throne made of swords," Ned said.

"But yet hundreds or thousands of innocent people have died for a throne that has cost so many wars and a lot of deaths to people who were trying to make their King or the high lords proud of them that they were willing to sacrifice their lives for a crown," Allison says with a disgusting look on her face.

"Yet it could have been prevented by you as the ruler of the Iron Throne." Lord Stark replied. "I personally think that you would have made a good Queen that makes everyone fear you."

Allison chuckled, "I would have stopped the wars and the lives of innocent people but yet I was betrayed by my own blood. And I just had to watch from the shadows as they burned people by using their dragons as a weapon to make people afraid of them."

"I never imagined to see her speaking about us like she hates us." Princess Alyssa said, looking at the screen as some of them agreed with her.

"She has every right to hate us. We did this to her dynasty, she is the one to build this dynasty only for us to take away from her." King Maegor said.

"If it comes down to me or my son, the last remaining dragon house, who would you pledge your trust to or side with?" Allison questioned.

Allison turned her body to face Lord Stark with a small smile. "If you had to choose between one of us, who would it be, my lord?"

"I think it would be you, Allison. You once said that it doesn't matter whether it was you or anyone but you were willing to sacrifice your life to give the Targaryens a chance to rule." Lord Stark answered. "I think it is time to move on from the past and ensure that the House of the Dragon is a new place and a new era." Allison turned her head toward the throne and just stared at it. Maybe it was time to move on from the past.

"They always say that the Targaryen were closer to the gods than humans but they only say that because of their dragons if it wasn't for their dragons they would be just weak like everybody else," Allison says as she remembers how Viserys was asking Rhaenyra what she saw from the skull of Balerion.

Before Viserys made her the heir to the throne.

Daemon watched the scene as Allison was just staring at the throne. He couldn't help but wonder if she was willing to move on from the past.

"She was right about this, we think we were powerful people who could have everything done in a matter of time. We thought we were gods because of our dragons but now seeing how the future was without dragons it just made us weak. And easier to be defeated by our enemies." King Aegon said.

No one couldn't admit out loud that he was right about it. They destroyed themselves within their dynasty.

Allison just stayed quiet as her mind was given two sides of what was the right thing to do or if it was totally bad. She knows that there is only one way and that is Alexandria. She needed to be Alexandria to move on. And have House Targaryen be a great dynasty once more.

"If I decide to take the throne would the North support me when the time comes to fight for the House of the Dragon again?" Allison says as she was staring at the throne.

"There is only one person that could have the Northern man to fight for her once more." Lord Stark says. "She is like a god to the north men and we both know that's isn't Allison."

She nods and understands what he is trying to go at. She knows the truth, they won't fight for Allison.

They will fight for Alexandria only, not Allison.

She sighs, "Do you think they would agree if I decided to burn down the Iron Throne?" Lord Stark was confused at what she meant by that.

"If the Iron Throne wasn't built then maybe people wouldn't have to die for it. Or people wouldn't try to crave for power and there wouldn't be blood being spilled every time someone was the power of the Iron Throne."

"It is probably one of the greatest mistakes ever made that the Iron Throne was made in the beginning." Lord Stark says. "It's only a matter of time before other wars start for the Iron Throne, your grace." Lord Stark says as he leaves the throne room and leaves her alone

The sense changes as they see a black cloak walking through the trees surrounding them. Someone was following after this person without any knowledge about the person.

The Targaryen's were confused at what they were watching.

Daemon felt like this person knew where they were going but he started to notice the familiar path. Then he realized who was the person in the black cloak, it was only one person that wore a black cloak when she went into the city.

And that is Allison.

Allison stops walking as she pulls her black cloak hoodie from her head showing her face. As she looked around what was left of the infamous Dragon Pit.

Allison takes a deep breath before crouching down and picking some rocks from the dragon pit as her jaw clenches with anger. She looked down at the remains of the pit and felt nothing but anger at one of the main costs of the extinction of dragons.

She grips the rock on her hand tightly as blood flows through her hand and drips onto the ground of the pit. She dropped the rock and opened her hand to see it was healing from the cut.

Allison walked into the remains of the dragon pit to find the one thing she had hidden in case anything bad happened to her.

"One dragon, two dragons, three dragons, four dragons, and five dragons," Allison counted in her mind as she stopped at an empty tunnel, walked into it, and placed her hand on the wall.

As she started to feel the rocks as she moved her hand till she felt a three-headed dragon symbol. She smiled before grabbing her dagger from the one hidden by her rib cage and reopening the cut from her palm and slit the tip of the dagger to open the cut. And splash blood on the wall making a part of the wall sip open.

She walked into the small room to search for a bag of something that she needed to take with her to the north. She managed to hide some valuable items from Targaryen before they could get lost during one of their reigns.

She crouches down to the ground to open one of the chests she managed to hide. In the chest were clinks of dragon eggs. She grabbed the bag and carefully placed it inside of the bag. And did the same thing with the rest of the eggs. She made sure the eggs were safe before leaving the small room.

"How many dragon eggs do you think she has?" Prince Aemond asked his brother Aegon.

King Aegon II shuddered at the question, "She has almost all the dragons we had before we died and now she has more dragon eggs."

"She doesn't have any army of humans when she has an army of dragons on her command." Queen Rhaenys said as she rolled her eyes. Hating on both the King and his annoying brother of one eye.

"Could they be any worse than Maegor?" Queen Rhaenys murmurs to herself. She rubs her forehead against her hand.

The screen turns to Allison walking out of the dragon pit but stops when she sees guards from the Lannister army.

"Shit," Allison murmured to herself as she set the bags of eggs on the floor and left her weapons by the bags quietly kicking them behind some of the rocks so no one could see what she had on her.

She held up her hands to the guards showing them she had nothing on her. "I'm so going to hate this," Allison whispered to herself. She took a step forward when a voice appeared.

"If not the infamous Queenslyer and Kingslayer." Allison sighs and keeps her head high as she hears someone approaching her from behind her where she is standing.

"Don't know what you're talking about?" She says as she feels a point of the sword on her back.

"Don't those names don't belong to Allison Hightower during dances?" Lord Lannister told her as she still felt the pressure of the sword in her back.

"Ahh, you must have heard wrong, I'm not Allison Hightower, she died a long time ago did she?" Allison shook her finger at him.

The unknown person laughed behind her, "You think I'm stupid? I know who you are truly and I just want to make you receive a home welcome from us the Lannisters. We don't forget what you did to us wrong in the past." The Queen of the Seven Kingdoms felt the sword pushing deeper inside of her till it came out from the front.

Allison tried to not scream in pain but fell to her knees. To see Lord Tywin appear in front of her. The Lord smiled down at her, "Welcome to The Seven Kingdoms Queen of Madness," Allison tried to keep her self-control.

Allison watched as the Lord left with his guards leaving her behind the pit. She fell to the ground as she bled to death. This was it for her. She didn't return the house of the dragon to its glorious purpose. She didn't tell Aemon about who he was.

Allison tried to fight the unconsciousness but she couldn't stop it. She felt tired and she needed to sleep.

"Yeah, sleep feels good," she mumbled as she closed her eyes.

"FUCKER LANNISTERS!" Daemon and Maegor shout out at the screen as they throw their cup of wine against the wall.

"Clam down Daemon," Aemma's voice was heard throughout the theater. Daemon turned to see Aemma standing by the table making Daemon walk towards Aemma.

Daemon and Aemma were standing in front of each other. Daemon's eyes met with anger as Aemma was just calm.

"How do you expect me to stay calm when my wife is now dead," Daemon shouts out. "My wife is gone again all because of those damn Lannisters!"

Aemma smirked tilted her head and moved her gaze up to Daemon, "Oh, now she is your wife?"

"What happened to Rhaenyra being your only wife?" She asked as she pushed him away from her.

"You have no idea what I had to see when you're just fucking your niece! When your soulmate was becoming tired of your shit." Aemma says as she keeps pushing Daemon on the chest harshly.

"Do you know how many times I had to watch as she drove herself crazy or when she tried to kill herself after you abandoned her?" She shouted at Daemon.

"You have no right to worry about Allison because once you're going to relive again. She will bring the seven hells to you." Aemma said as she shook her head, "You will be begging for mercy and she won't show no mercy to you, just pain."

Aemma turned her head to the rest of the Targaryen, "She is fine you forget who you are dealing with. She is very hard to kill, she won't let a Lannister kill her so easily."

"She is just making them think she is weak but when the time comes she will use her element of surprise towards them," Aemma said with a smile towards the Targaryen.

"Oh look," Aemma pointed at the screen before disappearing again.

Lord Stark and Cergan Stark were running towards her as they fought her bloody on the floor. Cergan gently taps her cheek to try to wake her up.

Allison slowly opened her eyes and tried to get up but was pushed down to the ground. Allison's gaze was confused as she saw someone who was supposed to be long gone die.

"Daemon," She whispered as she fell back unconscious.

The screen turned black. Leaving the Targaryen to wonder what had happened afterward.

The screen changed to something leaving some confusion on what it was showing.

It showed as someone was walking out of the cave towards the beach. The glimpse of silver hair before changing again shows a three-headed dragon soulmate mark on the back of their shoulders like just Daemon and Alexandria.

"Ohh what is happening?" Princess Daella asked as she was confused by what was happening.

"Visenya is happening." Queen Rhaenys said she could recognize her sister anywhere.

There was a glimpse of someone sitting in the sand as waves of the ocean hit. Asenyra just stared out of the sea and didn't hear who was approaching her.

Visenya sat next to her as Asenyra stared out at the sea. Visenya smiles before gazing toward the sea just like her soulmate did.

The couple stayed quiet till Visenya spoke up, "What are you think about my love?" Visenya turns her head toward Alexandria.

Allison didn't move or anything just kept staring at the sea. "Conquering Westeros will be very difficult to rule over again."

Visenya tilts her head and pulls a string of hair over her ears, "That didn't stop you from conquering before Aegon did." She looks back at the ocean.

Allison takes a deep breath before speaking again, "Back then I was in my original body not being reborn every single time. But this time is different every time I turn they know who I am and what I did."

"Who cares about what you did back then? That didn't stop you from becoming more powerful than before." Visenya said. "You are just afraid of what could happen."

Allison laughs, "I'm not afraid! I just don't know if I have the strength to take back the Seven Kingdoms again."

"What if one of the last remaining Targaryen tries to overthrow me again just like last time?"

Visenya shrugged, "Then maybe try to find your original body before conquering again. You have the remains of the gods and the ability to bring back someone from death. Maybe start from there before you start thinking about a plan to conquer again."

For the first time, Allison turned her head to face Visenya and couldn't help but smile.

The Targaryen could see the love for each other was real when it came to Visenya and Alexandria.

"Would you help me again?" Allison asked.

Visenya smiled and cupped Allison's cheeks as she pulled her lips crushed against Visenya. And pulled away from each other as their foreheads are against each other.

"I will wait for your call my love." Visenya smiled as Allison closed her eyes.

Allison opened her eyes as she looked around the chamber where it was. And then she remembered what had happened in the dragon pit between her and Lannisters. She tried to sit up.

"No sitting up, you need to lay down Allison." Allison was forced to lie down but she saw that Cergan was in the room.

"How loโ€”long was I out for?" Allison asked.

"Four days but we managed to stop the bleeding and you did lose a lot of blood. So drink this, it will make you heal faster." Cergan said as he helped Allison sit up carefully and hand her a cup of blood. Allison takes a sip of the blood. She looked around to see one of the chambers of the red keep.

"Where is Aemon?" She asked Cergan as she held the cup to Cergan.

"He is fine. We were watching him for you to be unconscious. So don't worry about him, you just need to rest before we leave for the north morrow morning." Cergan said.

"Did you get the stuff I had in the pit?" Allison asked.

Cergan nodded as got up from the chair and began to one of the small tables and grabbed the bags and her weapons. Before walking back to the bed and carefully placing them on the bed.

Allison felt relief that the eggs were in the bag and the Lannisters didn't find them. She didn't need them to have their dragons of their own.

"Can you place them by the fire pit please?" She asked if she needed to be warm enough for it to hatch.

"Rest Allison, we have a long day ahead morrow," Cergan says, Allison nods as she lays down and goes back to sleep.

It has been moons since they left King's Landing. Allison could feel the coldest of air as they were almost to Winterfell. She reminded the last she was here when she just came back from the Wall making her way back to King Landing during the dance. She was thinking about what Visenya had said when she was unconscious.

It may be time to get back to her original body. It would only work if has to conquer the seven kingdoms again. She would have to go to the wall to see how things were going there.

"What are you thinking about?" Cergan asked Allison, seeing she was busy thinking about something. They are staying at one of the inns before they continue their way to Winterfell.

Allison looks at the dragon who is sleeping next to Aemon. As who had his tiny fingers wrapped around the dragon's tail. Allison smiles at the site of the rider and his dragon.

"I have been thinking about it. I think it is time for me to send a letter to one of the houses of Ashryver that survived the doom of Valyria." Allison says.

Allison sits down on the other side of the bed as she watches Aemon's chest rise and down as he breathes, something that makes Allison just feel calm as the prince sleeps.

"And how are you planning on doing that?" Cergan asked. "You haven't said anything about your plan to take the Seven Kingdoms from Robert."

Allison gazes away from Aemon to Cergan. Visenya was right for one thing, she would have to stay lower for now till she was ready to take over the Seven Kingdom again. She primed Lyanna that she would raise her son and that is what she is going to do till he is old enough to know who he is.

"Taking the Seven Kingdom would have to wait till I'm ready to take what is mine," Allison said, "As right now I'm going to be a mother to this child and nothing else." Allison looked down at the babe. She has years to come up with a plan so she doesn't need to worry about creating a war against the lords of the seven kingdoms.

"I agree with Allison. I think she should focus on raising Aemon rather than worry about wars or anything." Princess Rhaena says.

The screen changed as a couple of horses were making their way to the snow. One of the horses had a cage on the horse.

Lord Stark had to make some very hard decisions upon returning to Winterfell. And now he, his brother Benjen, Lord Howland Reed, and Allison who knew the truth of what happened in the Tower of Joy with Jon safely within the walls of their home, Allison could not forget the look of shock and shame and fathomless disappointment on Lord Stark's wife's face. They were riding to the Wall. To Castle Black, to the Night's Watch. Ned's brother was going to take the Black and serve as a ranger. To keep watch of the second secret Lyanna had somehow birthed with Valyrian magic.

The dragon was being kept in a makeshift cage, held on the horseback as they rode, and Allison had the idea to try to keep the dragon silent by letting it fly around till they were getting closer to the wall. Allison had to feed it enough to keep its mouth shut. Ned was annoyed by how the dragon was being displayed, unsettling intelligence as he witnessed the creature was freshly hatched, and somehow knew it needed to be quiet.

There was only one person that Lord Stark trusted besides her Grace Allison who also knew about the dragon, and how to handle it.

"I never thought I would be alive to see the wall." Prince Aemon says as he is shocked by the infamous Wall as it appears on the screen.

"It's so beautiful." Princess Viserra says.

"I wonder how cold it is on the top?" Prince Baelon questioned.

"You think this is a good idea, Your Grace," Benjen asked as they saw that they were getting closer to Castle Black.

Allison sighed, "He is the only one we can trust by my side. I need him to raise this hatching as I raised Jon." Allison shrugged. "The hatching won't be alone, he will have my dragon to watch him as I take care of his rider."

Allison heard this infamous Aemon Targaryen who didn't want the crowd or the Iron Throne. And takes his vows to the night watch. She has much respect for him. If Lord Stark trusts him then Allison can too. And now that they have arrived at the Castle, the last stronghold of the Night's Watch with a brief announcement regarding what is going on in the south, they requested to meet with the Maester himself, and Lord Commander Jeor Mormont. The meeting was conducted in secrecy.

Allison and Ned had to tell Aemon Targaryen of the fate of his House in person. Allison would not have the man by allowing him to hear of their House's ruin from a secondhand source. Aemon was old but for the first time in his life, Allison looked into the eyes of a man and saw the infamous dragonfire. The Maester was shaking not from cold but silent rage, so great that Allison feared he was going to wake up the remaining dragon in him. They waited until Aemon had settled some before Allison continued.

"Aerys and Rhaegar paid for their crimes," The Queen said as they were locked in the Lord Commander's office, ensuring no one else could hear them. "But Elia and the children, they didn't deserve their fate. I know Rhaella has fled to Dragonstone with Prince Viserys, but she didn't survive the birth of the child she was carrying. From what I understand, she had a long history of stillbirths and miscarriages. At this point, Aerys has only two surviving children, Viserys and Daenerys."

"I see," Maester Aemon whispered, voice quivering in rage.

Ned swallowed and looked at Allison. "So does Rhaegar," Allison said. Mormont stared at her like crazy and Aemon blinked, confused. Allison took a shaky breath and explained to them what Ned had found in Dorne and how she woke up from death and now it was up to her to take back what once belonged to the dragons. When she was done, they watched her with a mix of shock and disbelief, as Allison pulled up the cage and uncovered it displaying the little hatching.

Mormont stood up in shock. "Seven fucking hells!" The dragon only tilted its head at him, growing quietly. He didn't seem to feel threatened by him.

"Lyanna begged me or made me promise to keep her son and his dragon safe," Allison told them as she stared at Aemon pleading. "The boy I have claimed as my own is my son. His is my blood by right. And I will raise him as my own. But the dragonโ€”"

"He cannot remain south of the Wall," Aemon said immediately. He held a hand up to reach for the cage with his failing vision and when his fingers found the bars, the dragon perked up. He sniffed his hand and nudged what he could reach with his nose, nearly purring at the contact.

Daemon watching the scene of the Maester Aemon in Castle Black was probably one of the hardest moments in his life. He didn't expect a Targaryen to give up his crown or right not to take the throne. Many of the Targaryen would kill to sit on the throne. But he has to admit he has too much respect for him.

Aemon's eyes filled with tears. Oh, oh how I wish I could see you properly, little one."

"What's to become of them?" Mormont asked hesitantly. "The boy and his dragon? Do you mean to put them on the Iron Throne or yourself?"

"As at the moment, I'm not planning on taking on the throne. Just want to see how things will be with the usurper." Allison said. "Just want to keep the promise Iย  made to Lady Lyanna by raising her son, until that's what I'm going to do."

Lord Stak pursed his lips, "We will not start another war, not even if my nephew or her grace were to beg me to do so when he is older. Not even if we had the backing of a full-grown dragon not to mention the ones that her graces had under her protection. We promised Lyanna we would keep them safe, whatever the means. If that means keeping them separate forever, setting the dragon loose, and ensuring that they never meet again, then so be it."

"That isn't going to work you dumbass!" Ever Kings yells at the screen.

Allison shook her head, "It won't work." They stared at Allison, who watched the dragon tender nuzzle and lick at the Target elder as he sensed the Valyrian magic in his blood, Allison was sure of it.

"He bonded with the babe. He will never forget him. One day, he might even come looking for him."

Ned's throat tightened. "He cannot. It would give his identity away."

"Yes.. they must grow until they can fend for themselves." Aemon agreed. "We will free the dragon beyond the Wall. He will have to survive on his own. Her Grace will raise the boy. One day, they will meet again. Whether he sets him free of her bond to him, or if they choose to fly away into exile together, the choice will be theirs."

Benjen looked at Mormont. "I came to take Black. I will become a Ranger and.. watch the dragon, to the best of my ability, wherever we set her loose."

"You will ride with me at first light," He replies. "There are a few places I can think of that might suit him. A cave that is big enough for two dragons. It would take us time to reach them, and it would be dangerous. But the hatching cannot be close enough to the Wall for our spotters to see them when they are flying."

"It will be a harsh life," Allison croaked. "But he won't be alone, he will have my ice dragon with him."

"It's the best we can do," Ned said. "We cannot raise a dragon. His master is an infant, in any case, it could be her Grace but we need her to make the story believable. She could try to command him but she would have to stay here at the Wall."

"NO! MY WIFE IS NOT STAYING THERE," Daemon shouts out. Stand up from his chair and walk away to the tables and sit down in one of them.

"There he goes again." King Aegon II mumbled as rubs his forehead against his cup of wine.

Aemon nodded and looked at Allison with the dragonfire in his weakened, violet eyes, the Targaryen eyes. "The fate of House Targaryen may well rest in your hands now, My Queen. I know you will protect the last great secret of our family. Our only final hope."

Allison smirked as she laid against the wall, moved away from it and stood straight, "I will make sure he becomes a true dragon. We will restore our dynasty." Ned Stark dipped his head, as he feared something like that her grace would say.

Allison, Benjen and the Lord Commander rode out for over a week into the icy wilderness beyond the Wall it was risky and dangerous and also night suicidal.

Allison heard the Wildlings had been getting closer and closer to their territory as of lately. There was nothing that couldn't be done; life beyond the Wall was not for the faint of heart.

They found a gigantic cave in the mountains that Mormont knew might serve as a suitable home for both dragons, who were thus far unimpressed with their surroundings. Allison dragon was pure white dragonfire with increasing frequency to keep herself and the hatching warm. When they reached the cave, Allison opened the cage and set him loose.

The dragon stumbled out on clawed joints of his wings awkwardly, spitting fire at the snow as if annoyed by it. He looked up at Allison who was trying to keep her emotions in check. This is one of the most painful things she had to do but that's the only way she could think of.

Allison turns away from the hatching as she walks towards the dragon waiting in front of the cave. She held up her hand and placed it in front of her ice dragon.

"You must protect this little one," Allison uttered, hoping her dragon understood what she was trying to say. "He is just like you but he breathes fire not ice. His rider is safe. But you have to watch him till his rider is older and then we can fly together again just like old times." Allison tilted her head at her, but she had to listen raptly.

The dragon flicked her tongue out at her rider. She stared at the little dragon for several moments, before taking to the sky as the little dragon followed. Her son's dragon just did his first flight; it was sloppy and he almost nearly crashed as they flew into the caves as the little dragon let out a shriek that heralded his arrival to his new snowy home.

Allison knew she would see them again. But this time with the hatching rider by her side.

Daemon watched the scene from one of the tables. Seeing Allison in sadness makes him want to kill someone to only take the pain away from her.

"This is one of the most saddening scenes ever." Princess Alyssa says as she whips her tears away from her cheeks.

"Having to do that must be so painful for her." Queen Alysanne said, "Having to let go of a dragon is something you can't decide. If I was in her place I would have done the same thing. In order to keep them safe."

Daemon nods agreeing with his grandmother. They all have been in her place before. Daemon takes a sip of his cup of wine. Ignoring the conversation between his family members.

He just wants to see Allison one more time to tell her how sorry he was to her. He is only waiting for her to make her presence to see her alive again.

Daemon looked up at the screen to see her on top of the wall staring out from beyond the north wall.

"Do you know what is out there, your grace?" Allison turns her head as she sees Lord Stark approach her as she is standing on the top of the Wall. Just like years ago when she faked her death.

Allison shrugged as she wanted back, staring out beyond the Wall. "There could be a lot of things out there."

"Do you think they exist?" Lord Stark asked. "The Night King and the others?"

Allison gasped from the air. She hasn't thought about it. Her brother was out there ready to fight and erase the human race for good.

"I only know they build the Wall for a reason to keep out what is out there."

"It is not that the Wildlings are just like us but born on the wrong side of the wall." Lord Stark says.

Lord Stark shook his head, "We must get going to Winterfell your grace." Allison nods as she hears lord stark leaving and she takes one last look beyond the wall.

"See you soon dear brother," Allison says as she leaves. Once she got down to the castle she saw Maester Aemon was waiting for her. She walked towards him and placed her hands on top of his.

"Just wanted to say goodbye before you leave your grace." Maester Aemon said. Allison smiles softly as she pulls him into a hug.

"Kill Allison, it is time for her to rest. It's up for Alexandria to come back again." Aemon whispers to her ear.

Allison pulls away from the hug and nods, "She will return soon." Maester Aemon nods. Allison mounted her horse and took a deep breath before riding out of Castle Black.

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i. หห‹ยฐโ€ข*โ€โžทย ย  โ”Š โ–ฐโ–ฐย  ๐๐Ž๐“๐„๐’ . . . โจŸ

NO COMMENT. . . ๐Ÿซข

We have a lot of surprises and I promise!!

HOW DO WE FEEL ABOUT THIS CHAPTER?? A lot of things happened in this chapter.

Next chapter we are in first episode maybe ๐Ÿค”

ii. หห‹ยฐโ€ข*โ€โžทย ย  โ”Š โ–ฐโ–ฐย  ๐’๐Ž๐‚๐ˆ๐€๐‹ ๐Œ๐„๐ƒ๐ˆ๐€ . . . โจŸ
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Bแบกn ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แปc truyแป‡n trรชn: AzTruyen.Top