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During the Robert Rebellion time
๐ฉโก๐ช โ THE DAY THE TARGARYEN'S MEMBERS ATE BREAKFAST and sat down at the comfort couches and chairs to watch a few scenes from the film.
That night Daemon didn't get any sleep at all. Instead, he was thinking about his ex-wife being alive and now an immortal and also hell-powerful person.
In some ways, he knew that Allison was somehow powerful to be around with it. But he never expected to have her as his soulmate and then later on betrayed her by marrying Rhaenyra. Only to have war above their heads and have nothing but surrender to make the Hightower think they have won.
Only to find out that the Realm's were fighting with the Hightower but they were fighting against them and the Hightower. To avenge their true Queen, that's Allison. Allison might not be the same person he once knew. But the only thing he wants is for her to find some happiness in that life.
The screen turned on, making evening Targaryen stop their conversations with each other and turn their attention back to the screen.
Lavinia was sitting on the floor with candles around her as she had her eyes closed and her hands on her lap. As Azariah and Severine were standing in front of Lavinia as she did her spell.
While Allison and Nesmyra were making their way through the top of caves to see if the dragons made it out alive. The two goddesses didn't speak as they were approaching the top of the mountain.
They knew one of them had to speak about something. But Lavinia was the first one to break the silence, "I know what you are going through with everything that happened to you. I'm here if you ever need to talk about something." Allison stops by the staircase and turns her head towards Lavinia.
Allison smiles towards her and she sighs, "What the Targaryens did to me was something I will never forget. A part of me doesn't want to save the dynasty from the ruins. And the other part just wants to make things right with my family and myself. And I know I won't forget myself for leaving the dynasty in ruins, all that hard work for nothing."
There was nothing but silence again. Allison was right there was nothing that she could do without being caused by pain or suffering. And she just wants to go back to her normal life. They didn't say anything, just kept taking the staircase to the top. Allison was the first one to make it to the top and see the most beautiful gorgeous creatures resting on the top of the mountain as other ones were flying around in the sky. Allison couldn't help but laugh as tears filled her eyes. She takes a step forward as Nesmyra stays behind with Allison's direwolves.
The Targaryens watched the scene where their dragons were very much alive. They couldn't believe that their dragons were alive. It somehow brought them some peace that they were fine and not in pain but all the fighting they had during the Dances.
Allison walks up to Sunfyre who left up his head from the ground. Allison holds up her hand in front of her to show Sunfyre that she is going to approach him. Sunfyre lowers his head where Allison's hand is and leans forward as his nose touches Allison's hand. Sunfyre purrs as he closes his eyes and leans in for more. Allison rested her head against Sunfyre's nose as used her hands to rub his scales. They stayed for a couple of moments before she moved to check on Sunfyre's injuries if they had healed or not.
King Aegon the second looked at the screen to see his companion was alive; he didn't know what to feel to see his dragon or his part of his heart was alive. He hopes that Sunfyre will protect her with his life. But he knows that Sunfyre would be very taken care of. He is just happy to see him again.
She checked on Sunfyre and saw that his injuries were all healed. She moved to the next dragon and that was Meleys, The Red Queen. As she did the same thing with Sunfyre she did with Meleys and even single dragons that were in the mountain. She didn't know how long they were gone till they went back into the cave where the rest of the gods were waiting for them.
"How are they?" Severine asked, knowing it wasn't probably easier for Allison to check on all the dragons in one day.
Allison smiles and sighs, "Some of them are fine and I haven't gotten to the rest of them yet. It will take me more days to see the rest of them. Do we know anything new about Westeros?"
Lavinia, Azariah, and Severine looked at each other before one of them shrugged. Lavinia looked at Allison as she smiled, "We found Lyanna Stark but you aren't going to like where she is at. And we manage to see that things in King's Landing aren't the best things at the moment."
"Lyanna is in Dorne with four king guards that are guarding her at the moment by the order of Prince Rhaegar. But we are going to need you to do the same thing you did earlier with Rhaegar death. But with the King tho." Allison looks at them to understand what they are trying to say.
She sighed and closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. She was confused by what they were trying to say but she felt like she needed to see it for herself.
"What do you think they are referring to?" Prince Aenys questioned. His father King Aegon I shrug has no idea what they are referring to.
"Maybe it has to do something with the King and his death?" King Viserys I said trying to put the pieces together about what is happening.
Each Targaryen was very confused about what the gods were referring to. But one thing is for sure it must be very important to understand what was happening to the dynasty and the bloodlines.
The screen turned black before switching back to Allison sitting in one of the chairs by the fire. Her eyes were closed as she cleared her mind and focused on going to King's Landing.
The Targaryen watched as the screen changed from Old Valyria to King's Landing looking at a whole different kingdom they once ruled over thousands of years ago. The Red Keep caught many of their attention. Seeing it for the first time in the future was something they didn't expect. Seeing it like it was a whole different world they once lived in. But others caught their attention seeing the army of the Lannisters were waiting outside Kings Landing. And others saw burning marks next to the red keep. They were all wondering what the heck happened.
The panic shouts of men filled Allison's ears as she opened her eyes and looked around seeing she was in Red Keep. She followed the voices of men shouting at each other she realized the voices were coming from the Throne Room. She slowly moved into the throne room where she saw one body lying on the ground.
Everybody gasped loudly seeing the screen at what was happening in the throne room. No one wanted to speak a single word at what they just saw in the throne room. They just couldn't understand or believe in all of this happening.
There it was for Allison, Aenys was dead on the floor, drowned in his blood as his own King's guard sat upon the iron throne with a bloody sword in his hands and the King lay by the King guard's feet.
Robert Baratheon walked in not shortly looking so proud on his face as he noticed the dead King at the king's guard feet. A murderous twisted look formed on his face, his comely feature dripped with blood spilling down his face and a patched cover left eye.
Allison smirked as she saw the patch on the usurper's left eye was covered. Karma is a real bitch for him.
Allison watched as the usurper ascended to the throne. Even now his shimmering blue eyes stared back at Lord Stark with concern. She could sense the murmur's intent coming off of him in waves, his eye fell to the corpse of the mad king bleeding out and long dead.
Robert Baratheon took his throne and all movements stopped. Allison felt she needed to stop breathing as she finally felt she needed to scream what she had felt over the years.
When two people walked into the throne room with a baby's body and the other little girl's body in crimson cloaks to hide the blood.
At that moment Allison couldn't help but just scream so loud that from away it was like a dragon had woken up.
No one could speak as they watched the scene. It was true that what Allison had said the dynasty was now nothing but ashes. And there was nothing she could do. Each Targaryen felt angry in their veins; the flames they had were now just burning.
"They were just innocent children. They didn't deserve to be killed like animals." Queen Rhaenys said as she whipped her tears away from her face.
"None of them deserve this. I just hoped Allison would make them pay for what they did." Princess Alyssa said angrily.
"She has to carry all of this on her shoulders for years. When would she get a break from all of this? Poor girl," Queen Alysanne sighs as she closes her eyes.
No one could expect Allison to avenge them or anything.
Allison opened her eyes and looked around to see she was still sitting on a chair. She took a deep breath, got up from the chair, and walked outside to find where Azariah was sharpening his sword by a nearby tree.
Azariah must have heard her coming cause he stopped sharpening his sword and got up to the spot he was at. And turned his body around to face her.
He shot her a smile and nodded, "Is it time?" He asked her, Allison nodded it was finally time to go over the plan.
Allison holds up her hands to stop him from walking away. She sighs and looks down at her fingers before looking up.
"I need you to do me a favor. I need you to go somewhere that is very far away." Allison asked.
"Where to?" Azariah raises an eyebrow and looks confused as to what Allison is asking.
Allison looked away from Azariah as she started to blush from her cheeks. Azarish looked at her as to why she started to blush all sudden. Azariah looked at her again, and that is when he finally realized what she meant by going somewhere far.
Azariah starts to laugh only to make Allison blush hard, having her turn away from him. Only making him laugh harder. Allison turned to face him with an annoying look and pushed Azarish hard in the chest. Azariah throws his head back still laughing.
Once Azariah calmed down from laughing. Azariah once more looked at Allison who was very annoyed by him laughing at her. "Are you done laughing at me?" Allison asked Azariah who nodded.
"So what do you want me to do again?" Azariah asked as he put his sword by a tree.
Allison sighed and rolled her eyes, "I need you to go to a place called Kattegat where two important people that you're going to meet." Azariah looked at Allison with a smirk.
"Fine, I will do it." Azariah turned back and went to grab his sword.
"Look I know it's too much to ask butโ" Allison stopped talking and looked at Azariah with a confused look.
Allison tilted her head slightly to the side and looked at Azariah. "Wait, what?" She asked in confusion what was happening.
Azariah shrugged as he started to walk towards the cave. As Allison was following him behind to the cave.
"Yeah, I wouldn't mind going to Kattegat," Azariah said as he crossed his arms in his chest. "Plus I know I couldn't do anything here to help or cause some trouble for fun."
She raises her eyebrows slightly and just stares at Azariah. She shook her head, "You are telling me that you're willing to go to Kattegat without having any problem?"
Azariah nods, "What the fuck is wrong with you!" Allison asked.
"Nothing is wrong with me. Just want to see the person who makes you feel human again that's all." Azariah smiles.
"Hey! She doesn't make me feel human." Allison says as she rolls her eyes.
"In case you forget I happened to have a..." Allison turns her around showing her backside and pulls off the straps of the dress off her shoulder.
"Soulmate that I'm stuck with forever." Allison points her soulmate mark on the back of her shoulder. The soulmate mark was a three-headed dragon.
Everybody turned to Daemon who was trying to hide his face from everybody. They know he was the infamous soulmate ofย Alexandria or Allison. But they didn't think he would be the one.
Princess Alyssa shook her head got up from her seat and walked towards her son. "Wait, you mean to tell me that you're the infamous soulmate that she... has been waiting for centuries before she even arrived in Old Valyria?" Princess Alyssa questioned.
Daemon just nods toward his mother. Everybody groans at him. Daemon doesn't understand what is going on and why is everybody so shocked about him being Allison. He knew that he was her soulmate but never got around to finding out why he was her soulmate.
Princess Alyssa smiled and turned around to face her father who looked like he had lost something.
"Will it seem like I will win the bets, Father!" Alyssa laughed in King Jaehaerys' face. Jaehaerys shook his head and groaned and turned to his grandson. "Look what you cost dear child."
"Can someone please explain why this is a big deal?" Queen Alysanne questioned her daughter and husband. Once Princess Alyssa calmed down and caught her breath.
"It is important because it goes way beyond Old Valyria before Allison's arrival here." Alyssa started and that got their attention. "We all know about Alexandria right?" Everybody nods their heads, Alyssa takes a deep breath before starting again.
"Alexandria is originally from a world called, Ravka where she is originally born. Ravka is a place where some people were born with powers and some discovered them later on in their lives. They are called Grisha they are different from the people. Human people will always be hunted and burned alive cause of their powers." Alyssa said, "There are different kinda Grisha like, the first group is called Corporalki, and in the group, there are Healers, Tailors, Heartrenders, the second group is Etherealki, in the group are Squallers, Inferni, Tidemakers, and Summoners which will get in later, the late group is Materialki, Durasts, and Alkemi." She finished.
Alyssa looks at her son before starting again, "The Summoners is a whole different level of power,"
"This is where Alexandria comes in, from what history told us she is very powerful when she is in her original body or in anybody she wants,"
"Alexandria was born to be a very powerful person, she is a summoner," Princess Alyssa said.
"She is a Shadow Summoner and Sun Summoner and lately a Dragon Summoner, but she is also a Heartrender, Healer. She is way more powerful than you think." She said, "We do not know how she managed to get here in Old Valyria. Only that the gods of Valyria but she did."
"The gods loved her and made her part of the gods, that's why she is known to be Goddes of death and more."
"What does this have to do with my father," Prince Maekar asked. Alyssa smacked her hand on her forehead and sighed. "It has to do with everything."
"We all know that Alexandria created the bloodline of the Targaryens right?" Some of the Targaryen's eyes went wide at the realization of where this going. And others were still trying to figure out what she meant.
"Rumors haven't it that when she was creating the dynasty the gods wanted her to have a soulmate that shared the something she has or devesr some happier in her life." Alyssa finished.
"But Daemon betrayed her by marrying Rhaenyra?" Viserys said.
"And what happened when Daemon betrayed her?" Alyssa asked.
"The Dace of the Dragon happened," Vaemon whispers, Alyssa nods at her grandchildren.
"It's one thing going against Kin," Jaehaerys spoke, "But it another going against the Gods is a punishment." Everybody stays silent trying to get the information into their brains.
"But what happened to her original body?" Prince Jace asked, Princess Alyssa just shrugged, "We don't know what happened to her body."
Princess Alyssa turned to her son Daemon, "She is the god of Old Valyria that makes you a part of the gods because of her."
"She could have brought you back from the dead when she wants back your soulmate. That's what drives her to start a war against you son,"
"But guess we will never know the cold truth," Daemon says sadly.
No one spoke and watched the screen again. It breaks Princess Alyssa's heart to see her son in so much pain. She knows deep down he regrets hurting Allison and betrayed her.
"Yeah a soulmate that betrayed you and made you fake your death to save yourself," Azariah says.
Allison rolled her eyes and shook her head, "He is still my soulmate even in death. That's doesn't change anything."
"I could still bring him back from the dead but part of me wants him to suffer any till he begs for mercy," Allison said with anger, she knew Daemon didn't mean to do anything bad towards her.
Allison loved Daemon so much that it made her sad and mad at some time. For Allison Daemon made her feel human again. He makes her feel free and not to worry about anything in the world. But that also made her realize what kinda of person he is truly.
"It's a good thing he is not here, I would have beat the shit out of him," Allison laughed and nods her head.
"I will bring your Queen back and your nephew back too,"
Allison stopped laughing, and turned to face Azariah, "I need you to tell her what has happened here over the years since she left," Azariah nodded and understood. Allison looked up at the sky to see some of the dragons flying around which made her smile again. It was a good feeling to see the dragons back in the sky again.
She and Azariah stayed outside watching the dragonfly. They stayed silent just joining each other's company. Till Lavinia came outside and told me it was time to start working on the plan.
Allison sighed and followed behind Azariah, she was very nervous about this plan and she hoped it worked cause she couldn't think of anything else. She saw everybody was waiting for her to enter the cave.
Allison takes a deep breath before going over the plan she has made and hopes that it works out cause it would make her so mad if it doesn't.
"Cergan, Alina, Lavinia, Severine, and Nesmyra would go to Dragonstone to get Prince Viserys and the Queen before she gives birth but if she gives birth to the child and doesn't survive then get the prince the child and leave to Essos where I have a place to for you guys stay till I have an actual plan to take over Seven Kingdoms," Allison says.
"Once Cergan you will get on a ship that will take you to the north where I will be until I'm ready to take what is mine." Cergan nods.
"I will be going to Dorne to Lady Lyanna and take her back to the north. Azariah here will be going on a different trip." She placed her hand on Azariah's shoulder.
"We will only be communicating with each other through high Valyria in case anyone is spying on us," Allison says.
Everybody nods understanding what they know to do for this plan to work, "Then we have a kingdom to rule over." Allison watched as everybody was getting prepared to leave.
Allison felt she was messing something but she couldn't pin where. She turns to see her weapons are there waiting for her. Allison grabbed her quiver where her swords were in along with her arrows.
She looked at them to see if they were still in good shape. Allison grabbed Dark Sister from the holder and pulled it out to look at and she started to fipped around. She did the same thing with the other swords till she knew she was ready for everything.
She grabbed them and put them back in the quiver. She walked to where everybody was standing waiting for her. She smiled at them. No one spoke because they didn't want to say goodbye to each other.
Allison nods and smiles as she walks past them going upstairs to the top of the cave. Once she got there she needed to figure out which dragon would take with her to Dorne.
She walks up to Dreamfyre and holds up her hand for Dreamfyre to sniff it before allowing her to climb up her back.
She carefully climbs Dreamfyre's shoulder up to her back, "Sลvฤs," For the first time in centuries there was a first riding her dragon after centuries.
Allison closed her eyes feeling the wind blowing towards her face. Making me so happy to be riding her dragon once more. It was so hard to describe how she felt but she just couldn't help but laugh as tears were running down her cheeks.
She felt her freedom had returned.
Allison knew she was already in Dorne by the heat of the sun. Before she knew she had arrived at her destination. She landed far away from the tower and walked towards the tower of joy. Where she can hear screaming coming from the tower.
The four Kingsguards were standing outside the tower. As she approached them, she stopped by one of them.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Ser Arthur asked.
"My name is Allison. I'm here to help the princess," she replied.
One of them was about to speak when she heard the hovering of horses with their riders with the flag of House Stak, and the dire wolf could be seen. She knew it was Lord Stark who was one of them. They ignored Allison as they saw riders approaching allowing her to run inside the tower to find Lyanna.
Allison knows the feeling of being sick having to watch your loved ones that you loved die before you and slowly, it was very painful to realize that there would always be nothing you could do at least.
Allison Hightower knows the first of hand death, having to see Lyanna Stark in dying shape. The young wolf was covered in sweat, every breath seemed to pain her, and her abdomen and the space between her legs were soaked in too much blood to survive losing. She'd always been small in stature.
Her body hadn't been able to withstand what must have been a difficult birth. A wet nurse brought the babe to Allison, and she held an infant a babe boy close in his arms for him to see him before she died.
Lyanna lifted a weak hand to touch the babe's cheek with a single, shanking finger. She swallowed her hand and her voice, hoarse and scratchy from screaming in pain during her labor, was barely audible to Allison, who also knew what it felt like to give birth to a human. "Your Grace, you have to protect them."
She looked back at the nurse, but there was only one child. Lord Stark's sister had not conceived twins, so what was she...
Allison heard a familiar cracking sound, that she hadn't heard in years, but she knew it very well, sharp and intense, and was instantly alert. She clutched the babe close and the sound came again from the fireplace. Was that why it was so hot here?
A third crack was heard, followed by a thin screech, and a smile was raised on her lips.
The first dragon was born after centuries of instinct.
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i. หหยฐโข*โโท โ โฐโฐ ๐๐๐๐๐ . . . โจ
HOW DO WE FEEL ABOUT THIS CHAPTER?? A lot of things happened in this chapter.
Next chapter we are in the first episode.
And also this will be the last update till I finish one of the stories I have published. So if you haven't read the Red Queen story please read it!!
ii. หหยฐโข*โโท โ โฐโฐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐ . . . โจ
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