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chapter seventeen
Golden Gate Bridge


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THE GROUP REMAINED silent following Jorge on foot. They had no idea where they were going. The man in front of them just told them to follow him without explaining where they were going or how they were going to get there. Everybody was tired. They had no food in their system and no more water left.

The teens watched Jorge pull out a banana out of his backpack before devouring it rather quickly. Their mouths had turned watery for the thought of any food. But no one had dared to ask the older man for a piece of his snack.

     "Hey man, do you even know where we're going?" Frypan asked looking up at the sky to see the sunrise start to peak. "We've been walking for a half hour and the sun's coming up. Anyone can spot usโ€”"

      "Relax, hermano." Jorge spoke striking a nerve in Rosie as he said hermano once again. The man didn't even say hermano correctly, it sounded forced and out of someone who's native tongue was not Spanish. "I know where I'm headed. No one's going to find us."

     A sudden budge in the shoulder interrupted Rosie's thoughts as Newt had come to view walking next to her. A little smile appeared on her lips trying to show Newt that she was fine even though she wasn't. Honestly she really didn't know how she was feeling. Rosie hadn't had time to process her feelings or emotions so she just continued to bottle it up.

     "You think Thomas is okay?" Newt asked the girl who hadn't really bothered thinking much of the greenie. But he was important to Newt. "I'm a tad worried the lad's lost."

      Rosie shrugged her shoulders kicking a pebble on the ground before whispering, "Newt I think we're the lost ones."

      "You think?" Newt chuckled as the pair watched Jorge look around trying to figure out if this was the correct way.

      "If Brenda's sharp like she's coming off as and if Thomas' stupidity is on, then they're probably already where we're suppose to meet them." Rosie explained as she noticed that Thomas just had an immense amount of luck. He didn't know where he was taking them when they were in the scorch. The boy just hoped he was going in the right direction. 

       "Yeah, you're probably right." Newt spoke as Rosie reassured him. The boy glanced to the girl who circled her arm around. Her hand also clenching and unclenching as the pain had started to bother her. Blisters were forming on the hand that one of Jorge's men had stepped on forcing a lot of his weight on. "How's your hand? How's the bicep too?"

      Rosie shot him an annoyed glare before ignoring his question and asking him one, "how's the leg?"

      Newt opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it unclear of what he should say. He could feel the annoyance radiating off the girl once he asked her about her injuries. The pair hadn't been able to hold a decent conversation in days and it was straining their relationship. Rosie was struggling to communicate her problems since she didn't want him to be carrying more of her baggage.

      "Rosie, are you okay?" Newt had realized just now that he hadn't asked her how she was truly doing. "Is it hurting?"

       The girl on the other hand was fighting her intrusive thoughts. She wanted to yell at the innocent boy who hadn't really done much wrong. But, Rosie was annoyed that he hadn't come to her rescue. Back in the glade, he would have made sure she would have had that hand wrapped up and taken care of by now. Recently, the thought didn't even come through Newt's head even when he had bandages in his backpack for occasions like these.

       The girl took a breath looking up at the sunrise before responding to him, "I'm fine, it's nothing I can't handle."

       Newt nodded looking down at the ground as the pair became silent not knowing what to say to one another. It wasn't a comfortable silence either it was more of an awkward uncomfortable one. Without saying anything, Newt took larger steps leaving Rosie behind and walking with Minho.  

       The girl scoffed quietly before rolling her eyes at Newt's back. "Unbelievable." She muttered.

      "Aye, yo, half crank freak," Rosie took a glance behind her wondering if the person was referring to her. "Give me your hand." Mara demanded as she reached Rosie's side.

      "Did you just call me a half crank freak?" Rosie asked not knowing how to feel about that name. "What does that even mean?"

       "You went bat shit crazy a few hours ago trying to choke me and you're a weirdo with a pretty face." Mara explained herself before telling her once again, "give me your hand."

       The girl shrugged her shoulders placing her hand on Mara's who pushed the hand away. "No dimwit. Gimme the hand that's crippled."

       "Oh." Rosie mumbled placing her injured hand on Mara's palm. The Latina watched Mara pull out a white bandage roll and using it to wrap Rosie's hand. Mara's slim fingers made sure to wrap it as delicately as she could. She didn't want to inflict more pain Rosie already had.

Rosie watched Mara who was in deep concentration bandaging her hand. Mara carried her hand with such delicacy that when Mara rubbed the side of her hand with her thumb it caused jolts of energy rush through Rosie's body. The two girls looked at each other at the same time as Mara had felt the same rush. The green eyed girl looked into Rosie's eyes trying to find any sign that she had felt it too.

Mara stepped away dropping Rosie's hand as she cleared her throat before speaking, "you're set."

"Thank you." Rosie thanked the girl

Mara nodded before grabbing a hold of her shoulder and quickly dropping her hand to respond, "I almost forgot. I need to tell you something. It's more of a suspicion but I'd rather tell you in case it's true."

Rosie looked away from the hand that had been on her shoulder and replied, "what is it?"

Mara averted her eyes to the back of Teresa's head before going back to Rosie. "I think Teresa has the walkie talkie." The girl whispered not wanting anyone to hear.

"What walkie talkie?" Rosie asked in confusion.

"Remember back inside the building when the guy Bart wanted to turn us inโ€”he had a walkie talkie talking to Janson." Mara explained continuing to speak in a low tone. "I'm not sure but I had turned around when we were following Brenda and I saw Teresa getting up from the floor. She stashed something in her pocket. It looked like the walkie talkie but I'm not sure."

Rosie's gaze landed on Teresa who was at the front walking with Frypan. She had both her hands inside her pockets. "Okay. Thanks for letting me know." Rosie responded.

Mara nodded wanting to add onto the conversation but was interrupted by Jorge who had stopped walking. "What now?" Minho murmured under his breath.

"We have to make a stop." Jorge stated before searching for something in his backpack. "Meet me back here in a half hour. Roam around but stick together. I'll be back."

"Is he serious?" Teresa asks

"I think he is." Frypan replied

"But we have to find Thomasโ€”"

"Are you kidding me?" Rosie questioned the older man as she walked towards the front to question him herself.

Jorge looked down at the feisty girl in front of him. The man nodded, "I have to run some errands, little one, justโ€”"

"Do not call me that." Rosie's voice sounded threatening as she cut him off and pointed her finger at him. Frypan rubbed the back of his neck as he was one of the few that knew where that nickname came from. He knew the one person who called her that. The boy Rosie wished she would have stayed with instead. "Can't you see that we're starving? We don't have water either! How do you think we're going to survive if we don't have any food in our system? And you want us to wait for youโ€”"

"Catch." Jorge spoke throwing something at Rosie's hands. The girl catched it with ease and realized it was a few dollar bills and coins. "There's a run down liquor store a few blocks away from here. That'll be enough for a few snacks and some water. What you're not going to say thank you?"

Newt rushed up behind Rosie placing his arms around her shoulders, "thank you." Newt responded for her.

Jorge glanced over at Newt and back at Rosie. The man connected the dots when Newt's hand lowered down to Rosie's arm and whispered something in her ear. The two were together romantically, he thought.

"What about Thomas? Aren't we wasting time?" Aris asked quietly not wanting to piss Jorge off.

"We're not going to survive without the supplies I need to get." Jorge explained. "Now be back here in half an hour. Or I'll leave you. Are we clear?"

"Clear." Rosie muttered handing Newt the money as she didn't trust herself with it.

"Oh!" Jorge had started to walk before turning back around to look at the group. "Don't all enter. Maybe two should go in. All of you together look like you're not from here so just stay low."

"Okay?" Newt responded turning behind him to figure out who would be the ones to go into the store.

"Last thing." Jorge muttered walking up to Samadhi who raised her eyebrows in confusion, "fire it only if it's necessary." Jorge handed the girl a pistol with a few bullets loaded.

Jorge walked away heading inside a rundown house and disappearing. The group stood in the middle of the road all glancing down at Samadhi's hands. The girl tucked the pistol in the back of her pants hiding it with her jacket. "Come on, I'm starving." Samadhi muttered heading towards the liquor store.

"Who's going in?" Jessie questioned.

"I think Teresa and Aris should go in." Minho suggested, "they look the least threatening."

"You guys up for it?" Frypan asks the two.

Teresa shifts nervously as she didn't have Thomas to say no for her. If he were here, he wouldn't let her walk in without him. The girl nodded as Aris nodded a few seconds later. "Here, then." Newt handed Aris the money.

The rest of the group waited outside for the pair to get some food. Rosie sat down on a rundown bench that looked like it could break at any moment. The girl observed her surroundings as strangers had watched the group of gladers huddled together. The group did stand out as everyone around them wore filthy clothes and the majority didn't wear shoes. A lot of their clothes didn't even fit them properly.

       There were tents with holes cut in all around the village. Carts full of garbage bags parked next to tents. A few people stood around small fire pits to keep warm. They just looked like people with no future. This was their peak. Living in the streets and hungry the majority of the time not being able to afford a decent meal anymore.

"This is reality?" Frypan asked sitting down next to Rosie while being cautious of the old bench. He observed the homeless like Rosie did. "This is what we've been running away for? This?"

Rosie felt her body go cold as Frypan could be right. What if this was freedom? Tents being homes, leftovers being the only food, dirty clothes to wear. "Rosie what if this is it?" Frypan asked. "Is all of this really worth it if we're gonna end up like them?"

"There's gotta be something better, Fry." Rosie replied running her fingers through her hair. "What is it? I don't know. My life was good before the glade. It wasn't perfect but it was nice. It wasn't anything like this. I had food, clothes, a roof over my head, I had a warm place to sleep."

The boy fiddled with his fingers asking her a question she hadn't thought about before, "what's going to happen to us after?"

"What do you mean?"

Frypan nodded explaining, "I mean what's going to happen when WICKED is done. Where are we suppose to go? Are we hoping the Right Arm will take us somewhere safe? Will you go back to live your old life? What's going to happen?"

Rosie took a deep breath thinking deeply about what to say to the boy. "I don't know. I seriously don't know what I'll do after. Will I stick around with you guys or leave in search for my old life? I don't know. The only thing I know is that I promised Winston I'd give his letter to his mom and I'm not breaking that promise."

"If you decide to leave," Frypan cleared his throat, "please don't forget to say goodbye."

Nodding her head, Rosie wondered how much pain Frypan was in. No one had really asked how he was doing after Winston. The boy bottled his feelings up and kept going. "Don't worry kid, I'll bring you along. We'll take a road trip and see places we've never seen before."

The boy's eyes lit up like a little kid during Christmas opening his presents. "Really?"

"Yeah." Rosie let out a short chuckle.

"Cool! Me and Winston always wanted to see the Golden Gate Bridge!" Frypan responded enjoying the short happiness the idea brought to him. "We can go there!"

Rosie smiled having the inkling that the Golden Gate Bridge had probably been destroyed by now just like the bridge they had passed in the scorch. "Great, we'll do it for Winston then."

Frypan smiled looking up at the sky, "for Winston."

     "Hey." Newt greeted the pair on the old bench. Frypan looked between the couple quickly getting the idea.

     "Leaving." Frypan stated getting up from his seat and walking over to Minho.

     Chuckling, Newt took the seat Frypan had sat on. "Gotta love, Fry." Newt murmured.

     "Yeah." Rosie agreed watching the boy talking to Minho. "Hey, I wanted to let you know something."

     Newt put his cold hands inside his jacket as he nodded, "what is it?"

      "Mara told me that she thinks she saw a walkie talkie in Teresa's sweater." Rosie explained hoping that Newt would be open to the idea.


      "Yeah, you know, the walkie talkie Bart had while talking directly to Janson? Yeah, well Mara says that Teresa might have it." Rosie stated trying to paint Newt a clear picture of the speculation.

       The boy shook his head turning his body towards her, "what are you implying? That Teresa's going to call WICKED? Tell them where we are?"

       Rosie shrugged her shoulders and shaking her head at him, "I don't know, Newt. Why would she need a walkie talkie?"

       "Why would you believe Mara?" He asked

     "Because I trust her." Rosie spoke without any hesitation which stunned the boy.

     "Maybe you shouldn't." Newt shook his head again, "you don't know her."

       Rosie raised her left eyebrow at him, "why are you so against her specifically?"

       Newt let out a quiet scoff, "Rosie this is a low blow even for you. Accusing Teresa when you know damn well she's been with us longer than your lil friend."

       The brunette closed her eyes feeling the anger start to form inside her as she took a breath to control it. "I'm not trying to argue with you, Newt." She muttered. "But every time I speculate something you're always doubting me making me doubt my intuition."

     "That's not my intention, Rosie." Newt explained himself rubbing his jaw, "but, look sweet, I can see the way she looks at you."

     "Excuse me?" Rosie asked confused.

     "She likes you." Newt answered and adding onto it, "romantically."

       Rosie let out a short laugh, "that's a good one."

     "I'm not joking." Newt responded sharply.

     Letting out a sigh, Rosie shook her head, "you can't actually be serious, Newt."

     "Ask her!" The boy raised his voice on accident.

     Rosie rolled her eyes as she didn't want to believe that there was something going on in Mara's part as well. "We've known each other for a few days, Newt."

     "So?" Newt asked as he added, "I knew I liked you the moment I first saw you."

    "Yeah, but that's also because I was the only girl in years. All of you were deprived." Rosie explained as she added to reassure him, "you got nothing to worry about."

     "Maybe. I just, I feel like I have to be competing with everyone over you all the time. First it was the guys in the glade, then at the compound with Riley and now, with Mara." Newt explained himself, "it's a bit exhausting."

      Rosie bit her bottom lip after hearing his last four words. It wasn't a pleasant feeling. "I think you're just letting these thoughts invade your mind for no reason." Rosie replied uncertain of what she really was saying.

     "Would you leave me for a girl?" Newt asked

     The girl let out a laugh, "doubt it."

     Newt furrowed his eyebrows as he realized and pointed at her, "that wasn't a solid no." Rosie laughed again as she stood up walking over to Samadhi and Jess. "Hey! Come back here!"

ENTERING the crowded club, Rosie covered one ear as the music was way too loud for her liking. "Remember do not drink or eat anything!" Jorge reminded the group of friends as they followed him. "Let's split in two groups! It's a big area! We need to cover ground faster!"

The friends quickly formed two groups having Minho, Aris, Mara, Jess, and Samadhi in one and the rest tagging along with Jorge. Frypan and Newt walked behind Rosie and Teresa who walked behind Jorge. The group looked around trying to find a familiar face. A look of disgust showed on Rosie's face as a boy was throwing up in a corner.

Rosie's attention flew to a boy with long blonde hair almost to his shoulders. He stuck out to the girl especially with his choice of clothing and a weapon of choice in his hand. He couldn't be much older than Rosie, maybe he was her age. The boy was in search of something, of someone.

"I found him!" Teresa exclaimed grabbing the attention of the small group. Rosie looked away from the blonde boy and focused on Teresa who rushed to a sleeping boy on the ground.

Teresa pushed her way through as people around her could care less about an unconscious person on the ground. "Move!" Rosie yelled at the people around Teresa. "Can't y'all see there's a kid on the ground?"

The people gave the girl strange looks not bothering to move and trying to resume their partying. "For fuck's sake! Get the fuck out of our way!" Rosie pulled her knife out finally getting a proper reaction as people started moving away from the small group. "Thank you!"

"That's your girl?" Jorge asked Newt

The british boy nodded, "yup."

"But, how? I mean wellโ€”you're you and she's her andโ€”" Jorge was cut off by Frypan who had pushed through them.

"Get him up!" Teresa exclaimed as she didn't have the capacity to lift Thomas up.

Frypan and Newt lift the boy up by his shoulders. "Tommy you weight a lot!" Newt complained.

"Take him outside. We'll meet you guys after we find Brenda." Jorge stated. The two boys agree walking out with a sleeping Thomas on their shoulders.

"Rosie, can we talk?" Teresa grabbed a hold of Rosie's shoulder stopping her from following Jorge.

"About?" Rosie asked watching Jorge get farther away.

Teresa rubbed her neck shifting her weight to one leg and fiddled her fingers. "I don't know who to talk to. I know you don't like me, but I need help."

Rosie glanced once more to Jorge who had now disappeared in the crowd. "What's wrong?"

"I want to apologize about my actions the past few days. I didn't mean to hurt you or hurt your friends." Teresa explains trying to get her message across. "I'm trying to figure out what's right and what's wrong. I know we've never been close and barely like one another but I know you have my back. I knew it the moment you sacrificed yourself to save me and Chuck back in the maze. I don't want you to hate me."

The Latina stayed quiet trying to come up with what to say. "I don't hate you." Rosie explained, "I hate who you used to be before the trials."

Teresa looked down to the ground shaking her head wanting to know as she asked her, "what did I do?"

Rosie shrugged her shoulders at her before letting out a sensitive fact, "you let innocent people die." Teresa's eyes widen as Rosie continued, "I hope you know what's the right thing to do. Not just for you but for all of us too."

Teresa nodded, "thank you. This helped. You have no idea. Thank you."

"Head outside. I'll find Jorge." Rosie replied watching Teresa nod and walk out of the exit.

     Rosie looked around the club trying to figure out where to go. She headed towards where Jorge had disappeared through hoping she'd be able to find him soon. Annoyed by the people who wouldn't move when asked, Rosie started pushing through people letting out curse words.

      The girl bumped into a red headed girl approximately the same age. "Watch where you're going!" The red head spoke in slurs as she pushed Rosie out of her way.

     Tilting her head, Rosie wanted to push her back until in the corner of her eye, a familiar face came to view. The girl's eyes widen once she sees a familiar green eyed girl with a cup in her hands and her hair no longer in a ponytail. Her unoccupied hand ran through her tangled hair while dancing to the god awful music.

"Mara!" Rosie exclaimed reaching the girl

"Rosie!" She greeted in a slur grabbing onto the red head's shoulder for support.

Rosie looked at the pair up and down with a judgmental look on her face, "are you drunk?

"Not nearly enough." Mara muttered taking a sip of her blue cup.

"Have you lost your mind?" Rosie questioned her as Mara shrugged her shoulders continuing to dance to the song. Rosie pulled Mara's hand away from the red headed girl's shoulder somehow causing the cup to fall to the ground.

     "Rosie!" Mara exclaimed as she watched the cup's remains spill on the ground. "Look what you did!" The red headed girl handed Mara her a new cup causing Rosie to take that cup away. "Relax, Rosie! Take a drink! It's fun!"

     Rosie shook her head, "Mara you're not suppose to be drinking! That was the one rule!"

     Mara rolled her eyes turning her body away from her. "Leave me alone! I'm dancing with my friend!"

      Mara held onto the red headed girl as she helped Mara start to dance. Rosie's hand came in between the two girls pulling Mara with her. "Hey!" The red headed girl protested trying to grab Mara's arm back. "Let go of her!"

Rosie pulled Mara behind her not letting her go as she took out her pocket knife pointing it at the red headed girl's face. "I suggest you walk away or I'll slit your neck." Rosie threatened.

     The red headed girl put her arms up and took steps back. "Damn, fine. I'll leave. She's not even that worth it anyway."

Rosie motioned towards the dance floor as the red headed girl put up a middle finger before walking away. Rosie turned around her hand still holding onto Mara's. "What were you thinking?" Rosie exclaimed letting go of her hand as she started to reprimand her. "Do you have any idea what could have happened to you? Do you?!"

A laugh left Mara's lips as she shook her head pointing where the red headed girl disappeared. "She understands me, Rosie! She saw me!" Mara replied. "She cared about me!"

Shaking her head at her, Rosie responded back, "you don't know her! She doesn't care about you! All she wanted was to drug you and see what you were worth!"

"You're wrong!" Mara exclaimed throwing her hands up in stress. "Just because you might not see something good in me doesn't mean other girl don't."

Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, Rosie asked, "what?"

Mara nodded, "if you don't want me, that's fine! But don't stop me from finding someoneโ€”"

"Can you stop!?" Rosie cut Mara off and grabbing her wrist, "you're acting ridiculous! You're drunk! You don't even know what the hell you're saying right now!"

"I know what I'm saying! I know what I'm feeling too! Do you?" Mara questioned the Latina who didn't know what she was feeling. "No one cares about me, okay?"

"Sam and Jess care about you." Rosie stated letting go of her wrist.

Mara looked into Rosie's eyes wanting for her to say something that confirmed her feelings as well. "What about you?"

Rosie knew that what Mara asked wasn't platonic. The girl's heart was beating faster than usual and the warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of her stomach was forming. "I care about you, okay?"

"Tell me that what I'm feeling isn't just me, Rosie." Mara stated as the sentence echoed in Rosie's ears. "Tell me I'm not crazy for thinking that you like me back."

Rosie stayed still not moving and not saying a word. She didn't know what to do because Mara was right. Somehow, someway, Rosie was feeling things she shouldn't be feeling for her. Especially when she was in a relationship.

Mara took steps forward closing the distance. The girls stared at each other's lips for a moment before moving closer as if drawn together by some unseen force. The music blasted around them and people kept dancing not caring about the two girls. Rosie followed Mara's actions as their lips connected.

The two started to explore each other as Mara's hands pulled Rosie closer. Her hands trailed up to the sides of Rosie's face. Rosie's hands hung on Mara's arms forgetting about the boy outside of the club. Mara was tentative but sloppy at the same time. Rosie's hands felt sweaty and she could feel her heat beating a million miles per second. Rosie could feel the heat of her mouth, the shakiness of her hands cradling her face, she felt nice.

But not what she hoped it would be like.

Pulling away, a smile showed up on Mara's lips as she said, "I've been wanting to do that for awhile now."

A little smile formed on Rosie's lips but quickly falling as she started to regret her actions. Rosie pulled Mara's hands away from and taking a step back as she started to shake her head. "This. Never. Happened." Rosie stated motioning to the two of them with her pointed finger.

Mara's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she realized Rosie was regretting the kiss. "No, Rosie. Stop running from your feelings!"

"I am in a relationship, Mara! With someone else!" Rosie exclaimed running her hand through her messy hair. "I love Newt! Why did I do this!?"

The green eyed girl looked slumped as she could feel her own eyes becoming watery. "You're dismissing our love so easily?"

"What? What love? I don't love you!" Rosie informed Mara looking around her surroundings to make sure no one had seen them. "I love Newt! That's who I love! Mara, fuck! Go outside!"

Mara brings her fingers up to her own lips as she nodded. She didn't say anything but did as she was told exiting the club quickly spotting the rest of the group. Rosie stayed in the same spot not knowing what to do. Guilt consumed her so badly.

What was she going to do?

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