V-live || 04

jimin smiles, nodding his head when his eyes caught a few comments suggesting him to change the hair color to various shades as he had asked for the fans' opinion. he takes a sip of water, gulping down the food in his mouth and clears his throat, "this room?" he looks up, pausing for a moment on spotting a comment, asking if he was in the company right now.

"no, i'm at home," he says, "actually jungkookie got an extra guest room renovated and turned it into this. it's almost like a mini studio, where there used to be a closet, he's made a recording unit. it's nice," he nods with a smile, "do you like it? the lighting is awesome here."

he talks for a few more minutes eating his lunch and fun conversations with the fans as they frequently asked what new he did recently and he would tell how they were actually having fun during lockdown thanks to their baby sister, while the rest of the world felt stuck and bored. 

while jimin is still in the middle of the live and talking to the armys, the door opens slowly and a faint whimper fills in, making jimin turn his chair around, glancing at the little girl, rubbing her eyes as she makes her way to the brother, "hey, you didn't sleep?" he asks, pushing himself a little out of the frame and opens his arms for his sister.

"oppa icky..." aera mumbles with a pout, sitting on his lap while he's rubbing her back and carries her up, letting her rest her head on his shoulder.

"your tummy or head?" he asks, earning a subtle nod from the girl s she points at her head, making him sigh softly and kiss her head. "my baby, it'll get better."

"jungkook-ah!" jimin calls, getting a response in a second, followed by the door opening again and jungkook peeking in, arching his brows at the elder for him to continue, "feed her with her, then i'll come and give some medicine."

the boy nods, entering in the room, spotting the camera and the comments rolling down in the ipad, "you're live?" he asks, halting on his place and gulps, glancing down at his half naked self, only wearing a pair of joggers for he was just doing the laundry.

"yeah, and you just..." jimin sighs, while jungkook gasps, stepping back and apologizes over and over again, meanwhile the elder brother watches the comment section about to explode from the fans who were going crazy on witnessing jungkook's heavenly built body.

he clears his throat, putting aera down on her feet and nods towards the embarrassed jungkook, "go with kookie hm?" jimin, pats her back, getting a cranky whine in return as aera tries to stay close to him. "you don't wanna go?"

"i' feeling icky..." she mumbles with a pout and eyes holding tears, making jimin sigh softly.

he adjusts her on his lap, making her sit properly and glances at aera, then at the camera, "oppa's talking to armys right now. do you wanna say something to them?"

aera looks at the camera, rubbing her eyes and leans forward with the pout still persisting on her lips, "riri is no' feeling no' good..." she mumbles, making the brothers chuckle.

"riri's not feeling good?" jimin translates for the fans and the girl nods, glancing at him. "what's wrong?"

"fever" aera says, followed by a cough.

"ah then why is riri not wearing her jacket?"

"because... riri don't wike jaket,"

"but we need to wear it to stay warm, right?" jimin says and aera pouts at him, letting out a whine for him to not make her wear a jacket and let her sit like this, dressed in a peach colored sleevless t-shirt and a similar cotton shorts. "alright, do wanna tell army anything else?"

aera stops for a moment and nods, "koo said i- i will getting 'jection... tell koo no 'jection for riri."

"ah i see," jimin chuckles, glancing at jungkook who grins, shrugging his shoulders. "my princess, we're not giving riri injections. kookie was joking with you,"

"no, he said we get 'jection when we become sick," aera looks at him, still having difficulty believing the brother's words for jungkook had very conveniently convinced her in the morning that when kids get set sick and are not eating, they need to be taken to a doctor and there they get needles.

"aera, if you come with me and eat, then you won't get injections." jungkook says, "let's go?"

aera nods instantly, slipping down from jimin's lap and walks towards jungkook who smiles at her, holding out his hand for her. the girl shakes her head, extending her arms up and the brother sighs softly, carrying her in his arms and kisses her cheek.

"say bye to army," he makes her wave at the camera as aera mumbles out a bye, before leaving the room, letting jimin to carry on with his v-live without any hindrance.

"ah, okay the kids are gone." jimin chuckles, scrolling through the comments with his finger, amused on how still some people weren't able to move on from jungkook flashing his body like that for the first time, even if it was an accident.

"yeah," jimin laughs a little, answering one of the comments about his brother, "ah you should've seen him, he was freaking out more than you guys. but yeah, he doesn't like wearing shirts at home, and seeing him, even aera doesn't like wearing clothes. getting her dressed is one of the toughest task, especially if there's jungkook around not wearing his clothes."

"anyways they- oh, about aera?" he nods, spotting another comment about his sister's health making him smile, "yeah, she's having a fever since day before yesterday. and going to the hospital right now isn't really a great thing, especially with such a young kid. so i just talked to our pediatrician, and he said there's nothing serious, just normal flu."

"don't worry guys, she'll get well soon. her temperature has gone down from morning, she's on meds right now though. but there's nothing to worry about." jimin nods with a smile.

he leans forward, reading more comments as they ask about aera, and some about jungkook when jimin asked what they wanted to talk about since he's running out of topics now, and it's getting boring to tell his daily routines and small details of his day to the camera. so when someone asked if aera, too, throws a tantrum while eating because their kid does, jimin instantly nodded, his expression turning into a tired one as he speaks,

"a lot," he exasperates, "especially when she's sick these days, she just wouldn't eat! i can totally understand your concern, madam, i'm sorry i missed your username, it was something related to me..."

"but anyways, really kids not eating is a different level of struggle. kook often tells her weird stories to get her to eat, either about tickle monster eating bad kids, or like the needles one that she said today. if i have to feed her without scaring her, it would take me around a whole hour of sitting and making stories. it's a lot of work, i'm not even exag-"

he stops, breaking into a fit of laughter when another person's comment catches his eye, "ah you guys, yeah fine make fun of me. but it is what it is. so what i'm not a father yet? i feel no less than that with aera." he grins, shrugging his shoulders.

"oh someone's asking is aera goes to school," jimin nods, "yeah, she started last year. but that wasn't proper school, like it was three days a week for three or so hours, so that she would learn to stay away from home. now she's actually going to school."


"-and a'my like my oppa," aera glances at jungkook who chuckles, shrugging his shoulders, "oppa like a'my too?"

"of course," he smiles, "don't you like army?"

"mm-hmm," she nods, opening her mouth as he feeds her again and wipes her chin as she kept moving, making a mess earlier, "an-and a'my like me?"

"yes, and they want our riri to be a good girl." he says, feeding her another bite and smiles, "that's why riri needs to eat and get well soon, then you can see army again."

"i wan' see a'my," she nods, munching her food and gulps it down, then shakes her head and pushes his hand away, "i'm full,"

"are you sure?" jungkook says, earning a nod from aera as she sits facing him and takes his free hand to her stomach, making him chuckle as he presses a little, feeling her tummy and hums, "i think there's a little bit of space left in there. we can eat one more sandwich?"

"no," aera shakes her head, standing up and wipes her mouth on jungkook's hand which makes him scrunch his face while the little girl giggles. she steps on the edge of the table, leaning forward and carefully climbs on his lap. once she's sitting there comfortably, her head tilts up to glance at jungkook and smiles cutely.

"i see you're feeling okay now," jungkook says, standing up, carrying her in his one arm and holding the dirty dish in the other. "will you help me do the dishes?"

"no, i' sick,"

"you bad girl," jungkook huffs, "i won't take bad babies. get down."


"oppa doesn't like bad babies, and he won't carry them." he says, earning a hesitant stare from aera, enough to let him know that she's falling for it. "get down, or i'm calling the tickle monster now."

"no..." aera mumbles, hugging him tightly, "koo, no tickle monster..."

"will you help me or not?" he presses his lips together, and aera shakes her head, "okay, then tickle monster will eat you when he arrives."

"nooo!" she whines, tears pooling her eyes as she lets out a cry now. "oppa..."

"yeah, what's going on?" jimin's voice enters the kitchen, holding the phone in which the live is going on. "look- wait! jeon jungkook get away." he sighs, noticing the boy still isn't dressed properly.

jungkook stares at him, slowly nodding his head as he realises the live is ongoing. so he quietly shifts out of the frame, leaving aera which makes her whine, reaching out for jungkook again. the boy chuckles silently, nodding at her that he's not going anywhere. but aera doesn't seem to listen to that, for she lets out a whiny cry, standing up on the counter and moves to the edge towards jungkook.

"what happened, sweetheart? why are you crying?" jimin asks, standing near the sister and shows her the phone, "look, armys are asking about you."

"no... koo," she pouts, stepping forward but jimin holds her steady to keep her from falling.

"he's right here, baby."

"koo... taking riri up."

jimin presses his lips together to prevent himself from laughing while jungkook is trying to console aera that she can come to him later. although nothing works and the child just cries louder, leaving the brothers with no other option than to have jungkook wearing his t-shirt so he can take aera while she's in the live on demand from armys.

she sits quietly on jungkook's lap, while the boys are busy talking to the fans. their attention gradually shifts to aera who has grabbed a pen and a notepad, scribbling on it the same set of letters she knows in the english alphabets and singing one of the bts songs.

the comments roll down, mentioning how cute it sounds when aera's singing gibberish in her own tiny language, some people even claim for her to take after her brothers and have a great voice that could melt anyone in future. jimin chuckles, glancing at aera and decides to ask what song she's singing.


jungkook laughs loudly, throwing his head back along with the fans who are cracking up though the comments, then there's jimin who nods slowly, smiling at the sister and says, "you mean serendipity?"

"yes," she nods.

"do you know who's song is that?" jungkook asks.

"oppa," aera says, pointing at jimin who nods.

"can you sing one more song for army?" he says.

aera thinks for a while before nodding her head and looks at the phone, "na na na na na 'anynamite woah..."

the brothers laugh at her miserable attempt until jungkook joins her and carries the song forward, "da na na na na na na aye," he sings, making aera stand on the couch beside him, having his arm wrapped around her tiny body as he gestures her to sing.

"light up dynamite!" she cheers, smiling widely
at jungkook who chuckles.

"...'cause i- i- i'm in the stars tonight," he smiles at her and then at the camera, "so watch me bring the fire, set the night alight~ woah"

"shining through the city, with the little funk and soul," jimin sings, joining the siblings and looks at aera who is ready for her turn to sing and jumps in her place, "so i'mma-"

"light it up like dynamite!" aera claps her hands.

"yayy! good job!" jungkook chuckles, hugging aera as she climbs on his lap and giggles playfully. "did army like our performance or not?" he asks, leaning forward to read the comments and laughs when one catches his eyes saying they should make aera the eighth member now.

"ah good idea," he laughs, "will riri join bts?"

"no' bts," she shakes her head.

"ah you don't wanna be a member? we can perform together and sing together then."

"yes," she nods, making the brothers chuckle.

jimin turns to the camera and speaks, "she doesn't know bts. see," he says, showing what aera actually knows and understands. he taps on her shoulder, having her attention and asks, "what do oppas do for to make money?"

"dance, and playing," she says.

"playing because she watches run episodes," jungkook snickers, "ri, do you know bts?"


"what do you think it might be?"


"it's not chickens," jungkook massages his temples as jimin laughs loudly,

"she doesn't even know the members' stage names guys." jimin says.

"yeah, just watch, i'll show you." jungkook grins, "baby, do you-"

"no," aera says, "don't ask so many question. i' tired,"

"ah just one last question, please?"


"yeah," he chuckles, "should we go and meet suga?"


jimin laughs, "she said it, where's suga hyung? are you watching?"

"do you wanna go to suga?"

"no..." aera looks at jungkook with a confused face, not knowing what suga is.

"why not? he misses riri. you can stay with him for a few days."


"okay, then do you wanna got to rm?"

"who's rm?"

"rap monster,"

"no, monster..."

jungkook laughs, looking at his hyung whose phone buzzes, making him laugh, "namjoon hyung is saying stop scaring her or she won't go to him." jimin says.

"okay fine, if not rm then, how about v or jhope?"

"no! i will stay with my oppa," aera huffs and turns to hug jimin, "why koo sending riri away?"

"koo's such a bad boy. we're not sending riri away okay? don't worry." jimin says, patting her back, "v is taetae, rm in joonie oppa, suga is yoongi oppa, and jhope is hobi oppa."

"no, they not my oppa." aera says.

"who's your oppa? will you tell us?"

"koo, chiminie oppa, taetae, and jinnie oppa, and yoo'gi oppa, joonie oppa and hobi oppa!"

"okay, so here we go. suga, rm, v and jhope are not riri's oppas." jungkook snickers, "i know y'all are watching." 

soon enough a comment comes up from a verified account, making jungkook snicker as he nods after reading the comment, "ri, v is coming home."

"no v!" aera stands up, pulling away from jimin and frowns at jungkook, "v is not nice,"

"you won't let v come here?"

"no," she shakes her head and looks at the phone, "vo no coming home! i have gun!"

"my goodness, you'll kill v?" jungkook laughs.

"v is taetae, aera. you won't let taetae in your house?" jimin says.

"taetae can come," aera nods, "no v,"

"this is hilarious!" jungkook snorts laughing from his sister's words. so aera giggles as well, leaning forward and kisses his cheek, making him stop laughing as he pulls her in his lap and scrunches his face.

"ah that's not how koo takes a kiss," he pouts at the four-year-old, "okay riri will show army how to kiss oppa."

aera nods, standing on her knees on jungkook's lap and grins playfully, cupping his cheeks in her small hands and pecks on his lips quickly before breaking into a fit of laughter, "now jiminie oppa," jungkook chuckles, pointing at the eldest brother who leans down, letting aera kiss him too.

"my little baby," jimin cooes, bringing her in his arms and showers her face with smooches, making aera laugh while the armys are going gaga over the lovely interaction they've been blessed to witness.

"who taught her that?" jungkook reads a comment and glances at jimin who shakes his head.

"jungkook, who else?" jimin says, "he really takes full advantage of aera being so young. and he gets scolded for that too. like, just yesterday, he was watching something and aera wanted to play. he made her do a mission of finding his old headphones that he misplaced a long time back."

"what else did i teach her?" jungkook snickers, "well she can give her autograph to me, also she can dance to go-go with us. but the best thing i taught her is... watch me,"

he turns to aera, not saying anything and holds his hands as a gun, pointing at aera who gasps waiting for him to shoot. when his finger presses the trigger, creating a fake firing sound fron his mouth, aera groans, placing her hand on her chest and falls on jimin's lap, acting like she's dying.

jungkook laughs and glances at the camera, "this is the nicest, of course if you don't count the kiss part." aera gets up after a moment, smiling a little and faces jimin, climbing on his lap as she rests her head on his shoulder.

"are you tired?" jimin rubs her back, and aera nods. he checks her temperature and sighs, "guys, i'll end this live here now. it's time for aera's meds, she's feeling a little down now. and i guess we've talked a lot today. i'll try to come live again, wait for me. for now i've to say good bye, please take care of yourself, don't get sick. bye everyone, love you."

"bye army, see you soon, hopefully." jungkook waves at the camera, "ri, say bye baby."

"bye-bye," aera waves, "riri love you,"

jimin smiles, waving one last time before turning it off and stands up, carrying aera in his arms, "let's go and rest for a while." he kisses aera's cheek and strokes her hair.

"koo will come with us," aera mumbles, glancing at jungkook.

"come," jungkook stands up, opening his arms for her but she shakes her head and whines, when they don't understand what she's trying to say. "what? come if you wanna sleep with me."

"oppa..." aera cries, letting jimin know that fever is making her cranky again.

"yes, don't cry honey. kookie will sleep with you, okay?" jimin assures her.

"chimin oppa too,"

"ah okay, no problem. jimin oppa will sleep with riri too." he chuckles, heading upstairs as jungkook follows after them, "where do you wanna sleep?"

"oppa, then riri and then koo," she says.

"alright, let's take the syrup first. so riri can sleep nicely hm?"

aera nods slowly, standing on the bed and removes her pants, throwing it away. then she climbs down and runs to the bathroom, making jungkook laugh. jimin brings her medicines by the time she comes back, holding her underwear in one hand, and the other keeping the fabric of her t-shirt away from her skin is it's suddenly wet near her stomach.

"aish! why do you play with water when you're sick?" jimin sighs before taking a towel and makes her stand on the bed. he removes the wet t-shirt and wipes her body dry.

aera stands still, rubbing her eyes, letting out a cry when a hand tries to tickle her waist. jimin clicks his tongue, telling jungkook to let her be, but the boy doesn't stop and tickles her again. this time aera starts crying for real, kicking the brother once or twice before hugging jimin and mumbling out a complaint against jungkook in between sobs.

"don't do that jungkook," jimin sighs, patting aera's back and makes her stand in front of him as she's still not wearing a t-shirt or pants. but the four-year-old keeps sticking to him, "just a minute, baby. i'm not going anywhere."

jungkook laughs silently, earning a glare from jimin, "stop laughing. i've told you enough times not to bother her. she already throws enough tantrums in taking the medicines, and you keep doing this."

"okay okay, sorry." jungkook says, "hey, aera don't cry or i'm calling the tickle monster right now. he'll eat you if you cry."

aera cries louder, extending her arms out for jimin to carry her, "no tickle monster is coming, baby, don't cry." he assures her, carrying her in his arms. shooting a strict glare at jungkook, he turns around, stroking aera's back and talking to her about various things as he tries to make her believe that tickle monster isn't coming.

"tickle monster no' eating riri..." aera mumbles, rubbing her eyes.

"there's no tickle monster, baby. kookie wants to scare you, but he doesn't know that our aera is a strong girl. she doesn't get scared right?"

before aera could nod and agree to jimin's words, jungkook speaks again, "but tickle monster can eat bad babies those who cry. and riri keeps crying."

aera whines again, breaking into a cry and jimin glares at jungkook, "for the last time jungkook stop telling her your weird stories."

"sorry," jungkook sighs.

"get her clothes here." the elder tells him, earning a nod as jungkook gets up, walking to the dresser drawer and pulls out a set of micky mouse t-shirt and shorts. he hands the clothes to jimin and flops on the bed, ready to sleep.

jimin wipes aera's mouth, giving her some water to drink after the bitter tasting syrup, "good girl," jimin smiles, patting her head, "now let's wear our clothes hm?"

"no," aera shakes her head, "sleep..."

"yeah, we'll sleep. but first we need to get riri dressed or you'll be cold."


"why not?"

"no..." she says, standing up and hugs jimin, making him sigh as he lays down, pulling up the blanket to cover aera nicely. jungkook shifts closer, cuddling both his sister and hyung for aera is laying on top of jimin.

jimin puts aera to sleep and lays her on the bed carefully, beside jungkook before getting up. he smiles on seeing jungkook waking up as a force of habit whenever he sleeps with aera to make sure he's not crushing her little body with his heavy arms and legs. the boy shifts a little, bringing aera between his arms and lazily presses a kiss on top of her head, then closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. jimin chuckles, ruffling the younger's hair, making jungkook smile as well.

"sleep well, you two."


a/n- what is favourite moment of aera and jimin/jungkook till now? out of the 94 chapters, what moment stayed with you the longest? now don't say all, because come on there's always one special moment we love 😌 i wanna know that special moment that makes you smile and think of riri. 🐰🐥

🐰 my personal favourite moment is when jungkook would bite aera's cheek and she would laugh, trying to get away from the tickle monster.

🐥 with jimin my favourite moment is when he would catch aera doing something mischievous but he keeps quiet and smiles fondly. i love it when she squeals excitedly, "oppa!" and jimin would smile at her.

please vote and comment if you liked the chapter. love you, take care 💜


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