Time out || 06

Aera sighed, staring at Jungkook who instantly averted his gaze as he felt the girl's eyes on him. He cleared his throat, shifting on his place uncomfortably for the the last three minutes. His mind was trying its best to not make him think about his sister and focus on the video playing on his phone.

He heard her sigh again and forced his eyes up from his lap where he was holding his phone, Aera's lips moulded into a pout that seemed too familiar to him. The boy shook his head, finally deciding to turn around to avoid looking at her for two more minutes.

The siblings heard a beeping sound, finally releasing a breath they both have been holding in unknowingly all this while. Jungkook sat facing Aera again and glanced towards the stairs, having an internal battle if he should confront her before his hyung. Aera too stared up at the stairs waiting for Jimin to show up, so she can get up from the punishment corner.

"Did the timer go off?" She heard Jimin's voice as he walked down.

Aera nodded, "Can I go now?"

"Seems like you didn't learn your lesson yet?" He said and turned to Jungkook, "I really hope you didn't interfere."

"I didn't." The younger said, "She was sitting there by herself."

"Good" Jimin nodded before focusing back on the girl, "Sit back" he said, making Aera sigh and sit on the small chair again.

"Do you know what you did wrong?"

"I threw the food and lied to Oppa." Aera answered.

"Correct, do you think you needed the time out?"

Aera nodded slowly, staring at her lap as she felt guilty of her actions now, "sorry oppa. I'll behave nicely."

"That's like a good girl, Riri." He praised, patting her head.

Aera looked at him, quickly jumping up from the punishment chair in the corner of the living room. Even though it was cute with yellow and light green colors and a picture of a baby giraffe smiling on it, the chair still managed to get hate from the girl. The 'time out' label on it had made Aera despise it more than anything in the house.

Jungkook grinned, standing up as well after a torturous five-minute period of just sitting in front of Aera while she looked at him with hopeful eyes to tell her that her time out is over. But he couldn't dare to do that. Jimin and the others had realized how Jungkook sometimes helped the kid by changing the settings on the timer and making the time shorter for her.

This time he was made to only sit and make sure that Aera didn't do anything funny while having her punishment was going on, and this was hard.

"That chair is so scary" Jungkook said, remembering his own childhood.

"Yeah, I don't like that chair." Aera said, nodding her head as she sat with her brother galring at the stupid baby giraffe staring back at her.

Jimin shook his head and headed to the kitchen, where the rest of the boys were waiting while watching the small drama.

"How did it go?" Namjoon asked.

"They hate the chair" Jimin said laughing a little.

"You can't blame them though," Taehyung voiced, "Every child hates the time out spot. I've even heard Aera saying that she doesn't like giraffes now."

The boys laughed real hard at that, "Kids amaze me." Yoongi said shaking his head.

"What's with Jungkook?" Jin joked, "Is he still haunted by the time out chair?"

Jimin laughed, shrugging his shoulders, "Probably, mom had a similar thing for me and him. You won't believe me but the worst thing we could tell him back then was to sit on that chair."

"Wow" Taehyung laughed, "that's why he favors Aera during time outs."

Jimin shrugged glancing back at his siblings, "I feel like they're planning something."

"Jungkook better not put some ridiculous idea in her head." Yoongi sighed.

"No, its about the chair I think..." Hoseok snorted, tapping the table with his hand.

"Oh god!" Jin laughed loudly, hitting Namjoon who was standing immediately next to him.

The boys could possibly expect a murder plan for the time-out chair from the two youngests of the house as the two of them seemed pretty occupied with some serious discussion.

Meanwhile Jungkook was having a hard time convincing Aera that not all giraffes are bad.

"But this one is!" Aera stated, glaring at the chair.

"Yeah, okay fine. You win, this giraffe is bad." He sighed.

"Can we throw that chair away? everyone makes me sit on it, I don't like it." She mumbled, hugging Jungkook the whole time as she sat on his lap. He patted her back, understanding her concern and thought of something.

"We can't throw it away, but you can probably try to behave like a good girl."

"I do that," she said, "But oppa finds a mistake every time."

"Uh throwing food is not what good girls do Riri."

"I'm sorry..." She said, "will you help me stay away from trouble?" She lifted her head from his shoulder with a sudden boost of energy with her idea. Her eyes sparkled with hopefulness while Jungkook thought it could be a great way of making Aera believe that her big brother is the best boy and does everything perfectly. For that pride of his, he felt himself saying yes.

"Thanks Koo" Aera chirped happily and pecked his lips.

"You're welcome princess" he grinned.


"Alright take care!" Yoongi said, stepping out of the house with Jin and Jimin. Aera waved at them before turning her head to Jungkook who was already on his way towards the couch.

"Jungkook-ah" she heard Namjoon's voice, "do you think you can put out the trash later? I'm already running late."

"Yeah sure" Jungkook nodded immersed in his phone as what Aera saw. The older boy smiled, showing off his dimples as he walked over to the side of the room picking his keys up from the grey console table. He bent in front of Aera, showing his cheek earning a quick kiss from her.

"Bye Oppa" Aera said smiling as she saw him rushing out of the door on hearing the honking sound, for Hoseok was waiting for him for the last fifteen minutes so that they can head out and not be late for their meeting while the rest had already left.

"Oppa" Aera called, sitting in front of Jungkook as she observed him playing on his phone.


"Let's go and play" she said.

"I'm already playing a pretty hard game. You can go and play." He replied. Aera frowned, standing up and headed to the basement.

She stomped back to Jungkook holding a soccer ball, a badminton racket and a baseball bat. She placed them on the coffee table near Jungkook and shook his arm.

"Let's play"

"We cannot play with those inside the house, baby." He said.

"In the backyard?" Aera asked, earning a sigh from the boy.

"Look, I'm not going anywhere right now. You can go and play alone if you want."

"How can I play soccer alone?" She mumbled, waiting for her brother. But seeing him not even bothering to look at her, she pouted and took the ball and other things with her.

She ran upstairs to her room. Keeping the sports items on the floor, she rushed towards the closet, pulling out a lose t-shirt and shorts. Her hands dug into the drawers, fishing in for her socks and then grabbed the shoes. She tied the laces and fixed her hair roughly, taking a final look at herself in the mirror, making sure she was ready to go and have a blast while playing (alone).

Taking the soccer ball in the hands, Aera jogged downstairs and glanced at the boy laying on the couch still boring his eyes into his phone. What's so important in there?

"I'm going to the park" Aera informed, getting an okay sign from Jungkook as he lifted his hand in the air.

A Few Hours Later

Letting out a lazy yawn, Jeon Jungkook finally sat up, keeping his phone away as the battery was almost about to die now. He stretched his body and stood up, walking forward to plug his phone in the nearest charger available.

"Aera?" He called, "Are you hungry? I'm going to make noodles."

On hearing no response, he called her again. But it was quiet. Jungkook glanced towards the stairs, sighing as he jogged upstairs to check her room, just to find it empty as well.

"Aera? Where are you?" He asked, opening the bathroom door and then the closet door.

"C'mon Riri, let's not play right now. I'm hungry."

With each minute passing Jungkook felt less hungrie than before. He had searched the whole place but couldn't locate his sister. He was now sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen, staring at his cup noodles while straining his brain to remember anything the girl might've said earlier.

He checked the time and stood up, knowing that he has to find her and bring her back before his hyungs come home, technically having about an hour to do all the work as Jimin and others come home by 7, or 7:30 if there's traffic.

The boy nodded to himself determined to get his plan into action and marched towards the front door, regretting his idea immediately as he opened the door.

"What?! It had rain now?" He groaned, running back inside to find his raincoat and took the umbrella from the stand, nodding firmly all over again.

"Aera?" Jungkook heard himself shouting in the streets of their neighbourhood, hoping that she would listen and run towards him, giving a quick hug. He had never felt so sorry for not playing with her. Maybe she wouldn't have been lost if he listened to her and been a good brother?

"Princess where are you?" He sighed deeply, looking around with tears brimming in his eyes as he couldn't find his sister. "I'll play with you from now, I promise. Just- Just come back..."

Before giving up, Jungkook decided to have one last look around the park. His attention perked up on hearing some laughing noises from the shed nearby. Running in that direction, his eyes landed on a few kids playing with small puppies, and to his relief, Aera was there.

"Aera" He called running towards the girl and dropping on his knees as he hugged her tightly. "God! I was looking for you everywhere, why didn't you tell me before leaving the house?"

"I told you" Aera said, "and you did this" she made an okay sign, showing it to her brother who was now left speechless.

"Uh...anyways, why didn't you come home when it started raining? Look at you, all drenched in water and mud, do you wanna get sick?" He scolded.

"My clothes would've been wet even if I ran home, so I thought I can just play here." She grinned, "puppies are so cute"

Jungkook sighed and chuckled, "but we have to go now. If Jiminie gets home before us, we'll be in trouble."

Aera gasped and stood up quickly, waving at her friends quickly and saying goodbye to them. Jungkook gave her the smaller, blue colored umbrella and started walking home.

"I forgot my ball in the park!" Aera exclaimed, stopping on her track, "I'll get it quickly okay?"

"No need to go all the way to the park in the rain just for a ball." Jungkook said.

"You'll get a new one?"

"Yep, then we'll play together." He smiled, patting her head. Aera nodded, giggling as she hugged his waist while looking up at his face.

"Don't hug me, your clothes are dirty." Jungkook said playfully trying to push her away. Aera laughed and started chasing him, laughing as Jungkook ran away from her.

Right in front of house, Jungkook's feet came to a halt, suddenly remembering about being home before 7. But it was too late now, Aera grabbed his hand hugging him, as she still wasn't aware that the game is over now. She glanced up at her brother's distorted expression and tugged on his sleeve.

"What happened?"

Jungkook looked down and placed his hands on the girl's shoulders, making her stand in front of him.

"Listen to me very carefully okay?" He said, earning a nod from Aera. "Good. So the hyungs are here, they'll probably ask where we were. You don't have to say anything just agree to whatever I say. Is that clear?"

"Okay" Aera nodded again, "Are you going to lie oppa?"

"You don't have to worry about that, just do as I say." He said and held her hand, "Let's go in now, you must be cold."

Now that Jungkook mentioned it, it was definitely cold. Aera hadn't realized it yet, but her body kept shivering whenever a cold wind blew. Even Jungkook could hear her teeth chattering due to the coldness.

"Welcome back" they heard Jimin's voice.

Aera looked at Jungkook, gulping thickly under their brother's hard gaze. Jungkook laughed nervously and headed inside after putting the umbrella and the raincoat away. Meanwhile the six year-old just stood at the front door looking lost and confused as she couldn't decide if she should go in with the messy state of hers.

"Koo" she called softly, pointing at herself. Jungkook glanced at her shivering, small body and then at his brother for permission.

"Take off your shoes and straight away head to the bathroom." Jimin ordered, "And Jungkook, you are going to clean the mess she's about the create."

Jungkook looked down, nodding quietly as Aera walked inside towards the stairs, leaving muddy and watery imprints of the fun time she had out in rain.

"We'll talk about the rest later, get changed and come down." The older said before following their sister to her room to help her.


"Yeah" he heard a soft mumble and saw her standing in front of the closet with her hands on her hips, a pout on her lips and a frown between her beows, probably confused about what she'll be wearing after taking a shower, regardless of her shivering state.

"Aish! Why are you standing here? You'll catch a cold." He said, taking her hand and dragging her in the bathroom. "Take these off and put them in the laundry basket."

Aera nodded and did as he said before looking at him again, "are you mad at me oppa?"

"No, just take a warm shower quickly." He said, "and make sure you wash yourself properly. Because if you don't I won't hesitate bathing you again."

"okay" Aera mumbled and stood under the shower turning the warm water on as she took the shampoo and her body wash, showing it to Jimin who was standing at the door to make sure she wasn't skipping anything and taking a bath properly.

Jimin slowly stepped back, closing the door when Aera wasn't looking at him and grabbed a towel for her.


"What? Are you done?" He asked.

"Yes" She said, peeking her head out as she grinned at him, making Jimin sigh and step forward, wrapping the towel around her body.

"Why did you go out in the rain?" He asked, while drying her hair as Aera started wearing her clothes quickly to avoid getting cold.

She looked at him opening her mouth to answer him but stopped, letting out small sneezes twice and rubbed her nose, "no I was-" she tried to speak, but sneezed again.

"You'll get sick like this, baby." Jimin sighed and grabbed some warm clothes for the six year-old. Aera sneezed again and looked at him, stopping for a while as she though another sneeze was coming.

"Put this on" The brother said, giving her a warm hoodie and leggings. Aera nodded slowly and wore her clothes before sitting on the bed feeling exhausted. Jimin shook his head, as he sat next to her.

"Come down, Jungkook must be waiting." He said, Aera hummed, nodding her head remembering the little plan Jungkook told her. They headed downstairs and saw Jungkook already sitting on the couch across Yoongi who had a serious expression.

"What time did you come back home?" Aera heard Yoongi asking.

"Uh just... when did you come back?" Jungkook asked carefully, fiddling with his fingers. "I didn't have my watch, it was- it was raining so..."

Yoongi glanced at Jimin who sat next to him now, "It was about 10 minutes left to be eight, when you came back." Jimin said looking at Jungkook, "Do you think its fine for you to wander around while it's raining at night? Especially with Aera?"

"No, we just went to the park, she wanted to play... And then I was like okay, sure. We were in the park when it started raining." Jungkook said, glancing at the little girl standing near Jimin.

"And you had a raincoat for yourself and not for your sister? Interesting. Oh and you didn't even know it would be raining when you left right? Even more interesting." Yoongi said with an amused expression, nodding his head at youngest male.

Now Jungkook looked down, trying to think of something else to come up with. He glanced at his sister who had just let out a small sneeze.

"I'm sorry hyung, I told her that we should go home but she didn't listen. Her friends were there too..." He spoke.

Aera looked at him a with a frown as she knew that never happened. While Jungkook was staring at Aera while subtly nodding his head as a gesture for her to agree with him. She sighed and looked down nodding her head as well.

"See?" Jungkook said, "why would she lie?"

Yoongi glared at Jungkook as the boy stood up, "Did we tell you to leave?"

Jungkook didn't say anything, just glanced at his hyungs, "Did we?" Yoongi repeated.


"Then sit down."

The boy obeyed, staring at his feet as he sat down. He looked up again only when he heard Aera sneeze. Jimin told her to sit as well and now it was probably her turn to get interrogated. Jungkook sighed deeply, mentally praying for the girl to remember what he told her.

"He took you to the park?" Jimin asked. Aera heard the question and turned her head towards Jungkook waiting for a response so she would know what to say. Jungkook noticed his brother's gaze at him at the same time which made it hard for him to do anything. He cleared his throat glancing back at Aera with a nervous smile.

"....no? yes?" Aera said, trying her best to study Jungkook's expression. He sighed in relief and closed his eyes nodding subtly. "Yeah, Kookie took me to the park. We played soccer there. It was fun right Koo?"

"Yeah, we should go and play soccer more often." Jungkook laughed a little, rubbing the back of his neck as he mouthed 'good job' to Aera.

"Yeah?" Yoongi said, "Aera come here."

Jungkook watched their movements carefully as Yoongi made Aera stand in front of them, her back facing Jungkook so she couldn't see him, making him gulp.

"Now, tell us what happened?" Jimin asked softly, "exactly what happened."

Aera was about to turn back again, but stopped as she felt Jimin's hand making her look at him, "Did he take you to the park?"

There was a moment of heavy silence, Jungkook stared at the three with nervous eyes which soon shut tightly on seeing Aera shaking her head as a no. Jimin glanced at Jungkook and nodded, focusing back on their sister.

"Why?" Yoongi asked.

"...he didn't wanted to go. I told Koo to play with me but he was playing on his phone. So I went to the park alone."

"You know you should come back before it gets dark right, why didn't you come home then?"

"I was... I was playing with puppies and I forgot the time, then it started raining. I thought it's better to stay there and play some more, because my clothes were already wet from the rain and even if I ran home it wasn't of much use. So yeah..."

The two boys sighed looking at her, "That's not reasonable. If its raining, the very first thing you should do is try to get home, especially when its getting dark."

Aera nodded and looked down, before fixing her gaze back at Jimin, "I'm sorry oppa..."

"Where was Jungkook then?" Yoongi frowned glancing at the boy who probably died three times till now.

"He said he was finding me everywhere, I don't know..."

"Why? You didn't tell him before going?"

"I did," "no she didn't!"

Aera looked at Jungkook with a frown, "I told you! You were busy using your phone then!"

"You weren't supposed to say this" he muttered, "No look, there's some misunderstanding I guess-"

"You were busy with your phone and didn't realize when your sister walked out of the house, am I right?" Yoongi said.

"No I-"

"Yes or No?"


Jimin sighed deeply and turned to Aera, "Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"...I- because," she gulped, glancing at Jungkook who was staring down with a defeated expression, "because Kookie said I have to agree with him. So I did that..."

They heard Jungkook sigh, maybe he died once again.

"Alright," Jimin nodded amusedly, "I see how this is going Jungkook."

"I'm sorry hyung"

"Of course, you're sorry." Yoongi said, "What else could you be right now?"

"...I didn't mean to, hyung"

"Blaming your careless actions on your little sister and teaching her to lie seems fine to you? You're saying you didn't mean to do it but still did it? That's weird."

Jimin nodded showing that he agreed with what Yoongi said just now, "This is so not done Jungkook. She actually sees you as her role model and super-kook, what do you think you're doing that image of yours in her eyes?" He said softly.

Before Jungkook said anything he heard Aera saying something, "We're sorry oppa, don't be mad at Kookie. He was worried when he found me near the park."

Jimin smiled softly, glancing at his hands that Aera was holding now, "So we should let him go just like that without a punishment?"

Aera thought about it and slowly shook her head, "Time out?"

Jimin and Yoongi chuckled lightly looking at Jungkook who was staring at their sister with a subtle frown displaying out his confusion.

"Great, fifteen minutes for Jungkook and 10 minutes for Aera, is that okay?" Yoongi asked earning an intense pout from the girl.

"why ten minutes for me?"

"You have to think that on your own while you're sitting there." He said, pointing at the small punishment chair.

"Go now" Jimin said. Aera sighed with a heavy heart, taking small steps towards the time out corner and sat down staring at her lap as she began thinking of her mistake.

"You have to go as well Jungkook" Yoongi reminded holding his laughter.

"Are you serious? I'm almost seventeen hyung" He sighed.

"But your sister is not. It was more of your mistake, still she's taking her part of the punishment right? Go and accompany her. You can do the cleaning after that."

Jungkook nodded and stood up, mumbling a sorry to his hyungs as he walked up to Aera and sat on the floor beside her chair. She looked at him, sending a small smile that made the boy smile as well.

"I'm sorry Riri, I shouldn't have ignored you earlier." He said, "and also, please remember that lying is bad, don't do that."

Aera nodded and leaned over the armrest of her chair to kiss her brother's cheek, although a sudden eruption of voice made her flinch and pull back.

"That's your punishment going on, not a picnic." Jimin said, "Jungkook turn this side."

Jungkook did as his brother said and turned his body to the side so that his back was facing his sister. The two sat quietly, hoping for the timer to go off real quick and they could end this torture. Soon Aera was done with her punishment and looked around for Jimin to come and ask her what she did wrong so she could get up from this chair quickly.

"Is it done?" Jimin asked earning a nod from the girl, "Do you know what you did now?"

"I didn't come back home on time and playing in the rain, and I was lying to Oppa." She said.

"Yes, I hope you won't repeat this kind of behavior in future?"

Aera nodded and flashed one of her most appealing smiles. Jimin smiled back and patted her head as he said "Good girl" and gestured for her to get up. She glanced at Jungkook who was still stuck in his time out and sat down again, this time on the floor in front of Jungkook.

"Your time out is over, you can go." Jimin reminded.

Aera shook her head and pointed at Jungkook, "He will feel lonely if I go."

"Fine" Jimin shrugged walking off to the other boys and saw them laughing silently at the youngests' behavior.

"These two are adorable" Hoseok cooed.

"Jungkook looks embarrassed" Taehyung laughed.

"He's guilty" Jimin corrected, chuckling a bit. "There's no other punishment needed for Jungkook, just Aera can do the work with her innocent and playful behavior to make him realize what he was doing was wrong."

"Right, and she doesn't even know it." Namjoon said, making the others laugh.

They heard the timer go off and looked back at the two, "Jungkook-ah" Yoongi called him. The boy stood up and walked over to his hyungs with Aera lingering behind him.

"Will you list out what you did wrong?"

Jungkook nodded, "I didn't take care of Aera, and I lost her because of that. Then I told her to support me with my lies. I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

The elders nodded and chuckled seeing Aera giggling as she enjoyed watching Jungkook listing out his mistakes and making a difference, for it's always her who keeps listing out mistakes to the elders after a time-out.

"Good boy?" Aera said looking at Jimin who laughed a little and nodded, as he knew what she was trying to say.

"Good boy, Jungkook." he praised the younger brother like he did to Aera every time after her time out.


A/N- helloooo! 😄😄😄

I was thinking if I should do the chapters of this book according to Aera's age or keep it the way it is? Please tell me what you think, I'll do as the majority says (because I literally have zero problem with either ways, just somebody said it'll be better if I do in a sequence of age.) So please let me know 🙂

I hope you liked the chapter. Please vote if you did, and take care!❤️


Word count : 4.5K

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