Step Siblings || 04
"i can't believe dad actually did this." jungkook sighs deeply, resting against the backrest while scrolling mindlessly through his instagram feed which had nothing more than pictures and videos of people from his school.
"it's fine," the elder brother shrugs, "it's his life. i'm actually happy he found someone to spend the rest of his life with. loneliness wouldn't bother him at least."
"yeah but why did he have to make it so dramatic like wedding and all?! and he didn't even wait for us! no, how great is this woman for real that he couldn't bear waiting for his sons to arrive?"
"stop making him look like the bad person. you wouldn't attend the wedding even if you were in seoul. he wanted to wait for us, i was the one who told him to carry on." jimin sighs deeply, shaking his head as he leans back and closes his eyes, hoping for some sleep before they land in korea.
jungkook glances at him, not saying anything as he knew for himself he wouldn't want to be a part of his father's wedding when he is already in his late teens. and knowing the kind of history the father has had with relationships, jungkook didn't want to witness another failure. so even when the elder brother received a call from their dad informing them about his new date and the bond getting so strong that the couple even decided to get married as soon as possible, jungkook wasn't that fazed.
jimin had told him about the news and he had rolled his eyes, saying it was his and his brother's age to go around girls and try out what works and what not, instead of their forties-father experimenting his love life. however his support wasn't any less and jimin knew this. he said nothing and kept it secret when he saw the younger brother sending a bouquet of flowers and an expensive champaign for the couple to celebrate their big day.
that was just about the wedding, real attack for the brothers was when the news of having a new sibling was brought up. jungkook didn't like the idea at all and had told jimin very clearly that he is the only younger brother the latter can have. jimin had sighed and rolled his eyes and the overdramatic response from the boy and tried to reason him like a five-year-old that it was okay and he would still be his little brother no matter who joins the family.
but jungkook wasn't convinced, he knew how jimin loves interacting with people and goes absolutely crazy when the people are kids. and jaehyun had told them the new sibling is a kid.
"hyung," jungkook shakes the elder brother who hums in response letting the boy know that he's listening, "how old is that kid again?"
"i don't know, i forgot to ask." jimin says, "we could've arranged some gifts. it's not nice to welcome someone new into the family empty handed."
"see? you're already thinking of getting gifts for that kid!" jungkook whisper yells, leaning over the armrest between their seats to avoid disturbing other passengers nearby. "do you remember when was the last time you bought me anything?"
"you have a credit card, jungkook. stop acting like a child." jimin hisses.
"geez! that's not what i'm saying. i am your brother no-"
"yeah i know, can you stop now?" the brother sighs amd faces the younger, "kook, i'm not going to replace you just because someone new is coming in the family. i know this is probably coming from namjoon hyung's story of being neglected after tae was born. but trust me he was just kidding to tease you and tae, because you both are the youngest. i wasn't neglected at all when you were born even though dad was a single father. so no, i won't forget you, i'll remember i have a brother eighteen years old, jeon jungkook who is silly and acts like a kid sometimes to get attention. you can relax and breathe all you want, alright?"
jungkook's cheeks flare in red, staring at his hyung with a flushed expression on being so openly pointed out as a jealous man-child. he clears his throat, blinking a couple of times before looking away, not uttering a single word for the rest of the flight which to some extent made jimin relax and have a good nap.
the only time jungkook overcame his embarrassment and spoke was to wake his hyung up, telling him that they're about to land. jimin had smiled at him, asking if he slept or not and for some reason jungkook couldn't bring himself to tell the elder that he was too busy pondering over his life, introspecting if he was actually being jealous over his brother because of some kid they haven't even met yet. no way.
like many years till now, jungkook still walks behind jimin, staying nearby like a puppy to his hyung in the crowd. after checking out in the airport and located their dad's driver who had come to pick them up, they could finally breathe in ease away from the cramped crowd.
"hyung," jungkook calls at last and jimin hums for him continue, "i'm not jealous..."
the elder looks at him, breaking into a fit of laughter as he ruffles the boy's hair, finding it absolutely adorable for jungkook to be so close to his hyung that even the thought of sharing him with another sibling was making the boy uneasy.
"i'm serious, hyung. i'm not jealous...!" the boy emphasizes.
"yeah, of course." jimin shakes his head, "you're so worried over me and the new sibling. but have you thought what to do if you happen to like him or her more?"
"that is different, i'll still have just one hyung, and that is you. you're the one who'll be having two younger siblings."
"you're thinking too much, buddy." jimin sighs, glancing back on the front as the locality passing by changes and the driver finally pulls in front of the mansion the boys call home.
the two smile softly, staring at the lavish exterior with a huge garden and a crystal water fountain in the front to welcome anyone with an amazing view of the sunlight striking right on the second and third dip of the fountain, creating a mini artificial rainbow.
"it's still the same," jimin smiles softly, "i missed this so much."
"yeah, me too." jungkook nods, breathing deeply as he gathers his eyes back and follows the elder up the wide staircase, entering the foyer which is balanced between royalty and modernization. the dark wooden stairs along with the glass railing uncurls gorgeously with symmetry from either sides, joining together at upper level and leaving space for a huge open window downstairs.
"dad! we-" jungkook stops in the middle, hearing a pair of footsteps, not heavy ones of an adult, instead these are much lighter and sound squeaky. the boys exchange glances staring at the top of the staircase, hoping to see the owner of the noise.
"mamma!" a high pitched voice calls, almost giving the brothers a heart attack as their eyes locate a tiny body, much tinier than what they expected, running down the stairs. however the kid stops halfway on the steps and stares at the two boys who return a much confused version of her gaze.
"you not my mamma..." the little girl says, taking slow steps to the bottom and leans on to the rail, "who are you?"
"uh i'm jimin," jimin clears his throat and then points at his brother, "and this is jungkook."
"uh yeah something like that... but who are you?"
"i'm riri," the girl smiles, showing her little teeth between the thin, tinted lips which makes the boys wonder if it's the natural color or her mother applied a lip gloss.
"hey, we're ba- oh! jimin, jungkook, my boys!" jaehyun smiles widely, hugging the two as soon as he enters the place, making them smile. "how are you both? and how long has it been since you arrived? did i make you wait long?"
"no no, dad it's fine. we just came. and we're good, really missed home though." jimin smiles, making the father chuckle.
"anyways, meet eunmi, my wife and your mom now." he smiles, gesturing his hand towards the lady near him who smiles at the boys. jimin and jungkook bow to her politely, returning the smiles as she pulls them up and takes a moment to study their faces.
"my goodness, when jaehyun said his sons are handsome, i wasn't expecting this handsome." she says, making the boys smile shyly, "it's so great to finally meet you both. i've heard a lot of stories about you two."
"i hope they're not the embarrassing ones." jungkook says, glancing at his father making them laugh. his attention then shifts to the little girl who is now standing between jaehyun and eunmi, raising her arms up for either of them to carry her. "who is... this?" he manages to ask, nodding towards the child and notices the smile that lightens up jaehyun's face as he picks her up and glances at her.
"she's aera, eunmi's daughter and your-"
"sister..." jimin breaks into a smile, stepping forward as he takes a proper look at the girl, mesmerized by how beautiful she looked. her cheeks still having a bit of the baby fat from her young days, her eyes are round and shimmering in mischief behind the dark brown pupils. she's dressed into a short cotton romper with elastics on either of the thighs making the fabric lift up in an adorable way and one on her tummy, while thin straps hold the upper part of the romper on her milky shoulders. she's no less than an angel herself.
"what's your name? riri?" jimin asks, snapping out of the admiration bubble and holds out his hand for her. the girl doesn't give much thought and smiles at him, shaking his hand with her much smaller one.
"riri and aera," she says, "and i'm four years old."
"four..." jimin nods, chuckling in amusement, "adorable, do you wanna know how old i am?"
"ten?" she guesses, tilting her head at an angle as her eyes stare at him with hopefulness.
"wow, that was almost close. i'm twenty-two by the way," he laughs, "you're so beautiful, aera. i don't wanna look away."
the parents chuckle at jimin's words as they make the little girl squeal playfully and turn her head away, hiding her face in jaehyun's shoulder.
"my goodness, i think i'm gonna die right now." jimin chuckles, turning to the couple and jungkook, "she's so cute."
"i know right?" jungkook smiles, "i don't think i've personally ever met a four-year-old before this, especially such an adorable one."
"gosh! you two are more adorable." eunmi laughs, patting their cheeks, "she's your sister now, i hope you all get along well. she always wanted to have an elder brother."
"of course," jungkook grins, "now she has two elder brothers. dad, can i carry her?"
"sure," jaehyun smiles and jungkook steps near him, extending his arms for aera to come to him. but the girl shakes her head, happy to play from afar with the strangers. "go honey, he's jungkookie oppa. he's riri's big brother."
"my big brother?" she looks at him and eunmi who nods as well.
"yes, my baby has two big brothers now. you wanted a big brother right? now you have jungkook oppa and jimin oppa, go and play with them."
"mm," aera nods, now leaning ahead and jungkook grins widely, carrying the little girl in his arms securely as it was still the first time he was holding a child. "you my big brother?"
"yes, and you can call me... uh kookie?"
"alright, that's even better." he chuckles, "what should i call you?"
"mamma call me baby, and daddy call me pwincess." aera says.
"ah that's great," jimin says, "oppa needs to come up with more nicknames hm?"
"yeah," the little says, wiggling in jungkook's arms, making him smile as he makes her stand down on her feet. she looks at jimin and jungkook and take their hands, "le's go, riri will take oppa to yo' room, okay?"
the brothers chuckle nodding as they follow her upstairs with amused expression, internally squealing at the little girl being so excited to be friends with them which also made them realise how she must've been feeling lonely all this while as the parents don't have that much time to play with her.
"this side," jungkook chuckles, turning her to left side from from the first level hallway. aera glances at him and giggles going that way, not knowing which room belongs to the brothers.
"this is mine," jimin says, stopping by the second door.
"oppa's room is near mine!" aera gasps, pointing at the door right in front of jimin's. "where is koo's room?" she asks next, glancing at the other boy who smiles and nods towards the door next to hers.
"wow, we have room together." aera smiles widely, "will you play with me?"
"sure," jimin smiles, carrying her in his arms and asks, "but not right now, oppa's tired from the flight."
"oppa can take rest. riri will wait." aera smiles at him and wiggles in his arms to get down. jimin places her on her feet, smiling curiously as she grabs jungkook's hand and pulls him out of the room with her, "koo go and rest. we- we will play later."
jimin laughs at her, patting her head as she waves at him before running downstairs, calling for her mother and telling her that oppas are resting and they'll play with riri later. jungkook glances at his brother, walking over to him and leans by the wall, sighing as he smiles, thinking of the little girl.
"i didn't know this was the new sibling," he chuckles.
"see? and you were jealous." jimin laughs, "but really, such an adorable kid."
the younger hums, "and so extroverted, if i were her age i wouldn't just go to two stranger dudes much older than me."
"but on second thoughts, it's actually good. i mean we won't have to work hard to get along with her. she's already happy to have us as her big brothers."
"same! even i'm happy to have a baby sister who is actually a baby." jungkook snickers, "where's dad? i gotta give him a hug for this. this relationship of him is my favourite!" the elder laughs at his words, patting his shoulder before heading to their respective rooms.
two days later
"i don't know if she'll be able to live without me or not," eunmi sighs softly, glancing at her sleeping daughter as she strokes her hair gently and presses her lips on her forehead, "my baby, mamma's gonna miss you a lot." she whispers in a soft voice before standing up and glances at her husband who is smiling and pulls her in a hug.
"you're adorable," jayhyun chuckles, "she's gonna be fine. my jimin can handle pretty much everything, he'll take care of her."
"yeah, don't worry. just go and enjoy your time." jimin smiles at the elders, "i wanna see really good pictures of you both."
jungkook hums, not paying much attention as he walks down the stairs and raises his hand up for his father, waving goodbye and sends a smile to eunmi, making his way to the kitchen from where he comes in a moment with a can of coke and raises his hand in the air again before walking upstairs.
"this boy is shameless," jayhyun sighs, massaging his temples.
jimin smiles nervously glancing at his brother's bare back as he's whistling casually, swaying and jamming to the music playing in his ear pods as he's heading up the stairs. "he's a little... i don't know how to cover this up, i'm sorry mom."
eunmi chuckles, shaking her head, "it's fine, jimin. let him do what he's comfortable with. i heard he's a bit of introverted."
"he literally walked down half naked, how is he introverted? jimin what is this?" jayhyun shakes his head.
"i... don't know, honestly. anyways, don't mind him, you should get going or you'll be late for your flight."
"yeah, take care." the father nods, giving a brief hug to jimin before taking the bags and leaves the house. jimin smiles at them, waving at the couple who are now heading to amsterdam for their honeymoon, which again, jimin was happy for, but jungkook didn't show much reaction about it. but he did pull jayhyun to the side of the kitchen when he announced it's going to be two months long.
"two freaking months?!" jungkook had whisper yelled in disbelief, gaping at the father with eyes expanding as much as they can. and jayhyun had smiled bitterly at him, ignoring the reaction and focused of jimin's much positive and brighter one in which he had hugged him and said he was happy that his dad found someone to be happy with.
jimin sighs, going back to the living room and takes a seat on the couch, beside the sleeping little girl who was playing earlier with her stuffed animals and made jimin play with her too, giving him the role of a prince because she believed that's what a prince looks like. jimin couldn't help but melt at the child's words, calling him a prince and herself a princess.
"hyung!" jungkook's voice calls and jimin glances at the stairs, seeing him coming down the stairs. his voice startles aera awake, making her look around with a pout, which jimin notices and brings her in his lap.
"hey, riri's up. did you have a good nap?" he smiles at aera, patting her back and she nods her head.
"hyung- oh hey, aera," jungkook flops on the couch beside the elder.
"hi," aera replies to him, yawning a little and rubs her eyes. "mumma..."
"mamma's out right now, you can tell oppa if you need something hm?" jimin says.
"no, mamma..." she pouts with tears pooling her eyes now as looks around the room, not finding her mother which only makes her cry more.
"hey, don't cry baby." jimin stands up, patting her back and walks to the kitchen with jungkook following behind them. "do you wanna eat something?" the girl nods, rubbing her eyes with her tiny fist and rests her head on jimin's shoulder as she points at the fridge.
"let's see if there's something for our princess," he smiles, opening the fridge and glances at the girl's face, "what does riri like to eat?"
"ice-cweam," aera says, leaning forward as jimin lets her open the freezer and watches her pulling out a tub of chocolate sundae. she holds it, against her stomach and struggles to close the door of the freezer, then winces at how cold the box is.
"oppa cold," she mumbles as her hands hurt, "ouch..." jimin chuckles, taking the ice cream tub from her and places it on the counter before closing the freezer.
he turns around, making her sit on the counter too and smiles. however the smile isn't for long on his lips, and is replaced by a annoyed scowl when aera whines, pointing at jungkook who had started digging in for his part of the ice cream, "jungkook give it back to her," he orders, earning a glance from the younger boy, freezing with his motions and looks at the little girl almost crying for her ice cream.
"can we share?" jungkook asks aera, "i eat just a little bit."
"...only little bit," aera sniffs, crawling towards him and keeps the tub in front of her as she's sitting cross-legged, facing jungkook who grins and nods in response ready with his spoon.
"don't eat it all," jimin sighs, "we don't want her crying okay?"
"yeah, don't worry." jungkook gives a thumbs up and continues taking big spoonfuls of ice cream while aera being much younger, eats slowly and almost one-fifth of what jungkook eats at once. "wow, riri y'know sharing anything with my hyungs is so hard. but with you it's the easiest thing that we could do." he snickers, feeling proud for tricking a child which makes jimin roll his eyes and smack the boy's head.
aera laughs at the action, letting go of the ice cream and watches the two bickering as jungkook retorts that he's not being unfair, in fact he's helping aera finish the ice cream without catching a cold when jimin tells him to stop behaving like a brat and let the kid have her ice cream.
they halt with their silly fight, hearing aera cheering for them, standing on the counter and clapping her hands as she's jumping. the boys break into a smile, knowing that she's having fun and maybe these two months won't feel that long. right when jungkook is about to return to eating the ice cream, their eyes catch an accident and body springs into action, seeing aera slipping from the counter.
"god, are you okay?" jimin asks, sighing deeply as jungkook looks down, holding aera in his arms, smiling for she's giggling as if she knew her oppas won't let her fall and get hurt. "aish! okay, here's a rule, no standing on the counter or table or any other place from where you might fall okay?"
"but koo can catch riri," she giggles, poking jungkook's cheek making him chuckle nodding his head.
"still, he cannot always be there to save you."
"no, i'll always be there for riri," jungkook declares, "you do whatever you want and play all you want, oppa will make sure riri's okay."
"yes!" aera cheers, pecking his lips. "riri's oppa is the best!"
"yeah, now let's eat our ice cream." he says, patting her back as he makes her sit on the counter again and hands her the ice cream. "hyung, coffee?"
"you're making?" jimin asks and jungkook nods with a smile, "sure, don't make too sweet."
"as you wish hyung-nim! but my coffee costs fifty bucks."
"i don't want it,"
"oh yes do," the younger declares, "please make cash payment. i don't except online transactions."
"you..." jimin shakes his head, searching through his pockets and finds a crumbled old bill of hundred, "i don't have change,"
"we don't mind hundred either," jungkook grins, taking the hundred dollar bill and shoves it in his pocket, before whistling casually as he starts making the coffee.
"when will you grow up?" jimin sighs, sitting near aera while his eyes watch his brother, singing one of his favourite songs to aera and making her dance with him. jimin finds himself smiling nonetheless, shaking his head at the youngers' funny salsa as jungkook is carrying aera, holding her one hand while moving around the kitchen in a dramatic way.
a/n- hello, how are you? this chapter has been pending for so long, like i don't even remember when i started writing this. today i saw it again and decided to complete it. how's it?
i have a lot of incomplete chapters in the drafts and not a single one that's complete *sigh* :')
many of you have started your books and often come up to tell me that i'm your inspiration, it really feels great. i did work hard to get this far and when you guys tell me that you live my writing, it helps you heal and how you've started writing too. it really makes my day. i wish you all the best of luck. please don't ever give up, maybe you don't have many readers right now, but trust me it gets better. when i started with "i promise" i literally used to post for zero views. for i think the first 20-30 chapters i had no one, then some people came, voted, commented and stayed till the end which is the sweetest thing they could do. by the end of the book even i had grown attached to the readers and even to book, characters and everything. that's how we started this book, and look where we are now :) it's all a great journey and we have to go farther. so don't stop and just keep working! fighting! drop a '💜' if you agree with me ;)
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