Friends || 14
a very special update because i don't want my lovely friend and supporter to feel lonely on her birthday! happy 18 gurl ❤️✨ PoornimaSingh935 lots of love from gracy and all her readers <333
"koo..." jungkook hums at the soft voice of his sister, glancing at her while jimin and taehyung are busy arguing about who's going to win. aera watches them for a while, sighing softly, she makes her way to jungkook, putting his laptop aside and sits on his lap, hugging him tightly.
"what's up?" he strokes her back gently, pressing a kiss on the side of her head for he can feel she's upset about something, "did you have a bad dream?" the sister shakes her head, resting it on his bare shoulder as he wasn't wearing his t-shirt claiming that he'd just go to sleep after watching one last episode of his ever-pending series.
"can't go back to sleep?" he asks then and aera shakes her head again, "what made my riri upset then?"
"let's go to my room," she mumbles in the crook of jungkook's neck, never loosening the hug she has jungkook in, "you go with me, koo,"
"you wanna sleep with me?" jungkook chuckles.
"mm-hmm," aera nods lightly, waiting for him to get up and head to her room or his, like this so she won't have to walk.
"alright," he pats her back, closing the laptop and stands up, his one arm placed under aera securely and the other resting on her back, "hyung, i'm going to sleep now,"
"sure, good night," jimin smiles at him and aera, "what's wrong princess? are you okay?"
"yeah," she nods, turning her face towards jungkook and closes her eyes, "let's go, koo,"
"hey, what happened honey?" the boys frown in confusion as jungkook asks, rubbing her side slowly, "you can tell us if there's anything bothering you?"
"let's go first, please,"
"i— okay fine," jungkook sighs, giving an assuring look to the elders. jimin nods in response, gesturing him to go upstairs and see if aera tells him anything.
jungkook walks out of the room, going to the kitchen first and settles aera down on the counter top, pouring a glass of water for her and stands in front of her, "drink this," aera takes a small sip, shaking her head then and reaches out for jungkook again, "what's gotten riri so upset today hm? are you hurting somewhere?"
"no," she mumbles, "i'm lonely..."
"oh? why's that? isn't oppa here with riri?"
"yes, but— i don't know. koo, i wan' a friend," she pouts, rubbing her eyes with back of her hand and sniffles softly. jungkook frowns at the words, not really understanding the meaning behind them yet, though his first genuine response is to hug aera.
"you want friends?" he asks to confirm and the girl nods, "uh okay, but don't you already have friends? i mean, we all know it, everyone is riri's friend,"
"nooo!" aera whines, breaking into a sob. her hand curls into a fist, gripping onto jungkook's thumb as he was holding her hand earlier. the brother doesn't mind her nails digging in his palm and stays still, letting aera hide closer in his embrace while she cries in need for something— maybe warmth.
"it's okay, kiddo," jungkook sigh softly, placing his free hand on aera's lower back, rubbing slow circles, hoping to provide to some comfort to his little girl, "we're all right, hm? stop crying," he smiles softly, leaning near her face and kisses her forehead.
"e'ryone is bad... i don't like anyone..." aera grumbles, burying her face in jungkook's chest, who strokes her hair gently, humming at her words.
"did anyone say something?"
aera shakes her head lightly, rubbing her nose as she calms down a bit. she slips off from the counter, taking the glass that jungkook gave her earlier and sips some water from it. "i'm sorry," she mumbles after wiping her lips, fiddling with her hands.
jungkook observes the sister with worried eyes, bringing her close and gives her hug, "do you wanna talk, baby?"
"do you wanna listen to me?" aera looks up at his face, lips automatically moulding into a pout and tears brimming in her eyes when she catches jungkook smiling at her, nodding his head to answer her question.
"always, sweetheart," he whispers in a tender, leaning down to kiss her cheek and leave a few ticklish smooches around, before hoisting her up in his arms.
aera rubs the tears off from her glancing at her brother's face and smiles softly, "you're the best, koo. i love you so much," she kisses his cheek, "i don't wanna live without you ever. you're my favourite person in this world,"
"wow, that's what i wanted to hear," he grins, nuzzling his nose against aera's, heading upstairs to his room, "you're my favourite too, and y'know what?"
"i think riri has a piece of my heart with her,"
"no," aera looks at him, "that's silly,"
"why silly? it's true," jungkook chuckles.
"no, it's not. we can die if our heart is in pieces. i've read about it,"
"so like— i have my heart with me?" jungkook plays along and aera nods, pointing at his chest as he opens the door of his room and goes inside, kicking it later to shut it back.
"yes, it's in here,"
"no, i'll tell you where oppa's heart is," he says, sitting on the bed with aera on his lap and pokes her cheek with his index finger, "here," his lips stretch into a smile. then he moves his hand down to her chest and points where her heart is located, "here," aera giggles, squirming with laughter already as jungkook tickles her stomach next and then her waist, "and a little bit here too,"
"your heart broke into pieces," aera jokes, sitting up right as she places her arms around his shoulders.
"yeah, that's because riri was crying. it hurts my heart to see riri upset,"
"i'm sorry," aera says, hugging jungkook quickly, making him stumble back a little, but holds himself steady with his elbow situated on the bed to support his weight and aera hugging him.
"it's alright," he pats her back, sitting properly against the headboard then adjusts the young girl on his lap, "so, now do you wanna talk about it?"
aera nods slowly, staring down in the space between them. she sighs and lays down quietly, resting her head on jungkook's chest, taking a breath before starting, "i don't have any friend— any real friend. everyone talks to me and says that i'm nice. but... but they don't hangout with me. they all have their best friends an-and they wanna be with them all the time. it's not— uhm i think i'm just there... i mean to say that," she nibbles on her lip, playing with the rings in jungkook's fingers, unable to explain what she really wants to say.
though aera tries forcing her brain to form the right words, it doesn't work and after some point it annoys her. she looks up at jungkook's face, desperation visible in her eyes while her brother's gaze is calm and understanding, yet concerned. "take your time," he assures, stroking her back in a slow rhythm, making aera sigh, keeping her head against his chest again.
"uhm it's like y'know, when we're in class and there's this one kid, who's good with everyone, plays with everyone, helps everyone, talks to everyone and thinks that they're all friends. but then we— that kid, i mean— they look around one day, and the people have their own friends. their own besties to hangout with. they share things with each other, tell each other jokes, listen to each other's favourite songs, and they might even hug each other when they're sad... but that kid doesn't have that... they just— they just see everyone and think like— oh i wish i had a best friend too, or a friend at least, y'know?"
jungkook gives a subtle nod, his hand resting still on aera's back, being too absorbed in the words that left her mouth. she probably didn't have an idea of how much they weigh, but jungkook could feel his heart sinking in their depth, especially since it was his little sister trying to explain him what's wrong.
"koo, are you listening?" he gulps down the lump in his throat, carrying on with stroking aera's back like before, which encourages her to go further, "hm, and then they're upset because they don't have that— friends. they don't have friends. i was uhm... i was upset too, because everyone has their friends, in school, in the park, and even at home. you and all the oppas are each other's friends. jiminie and tae oppa are best friends. you and danny oppa are best friends.
"there's a girl in my class, alissa. she's nice and cute. she sat with me this week and we had fun in the recess, dance class and all y'know? so, i thought we were going to sit together today too. but there's another girl, stacy, and she's ailssa's best friend. she was on leave this week, that's why alissa was lonely and sat with me. so today i was sitting alone. jay and hyunbin always sit in front of me, and jay asked me why i wasn't sitting with alissa today. hyunbin was laughing and he said that maybe alissa didn't need me anymore because her best friend was back. and that day in math class too, i was sitting with sungmin. he's nice... but he's also not nice,"
"why?" jungkook asks and aera looks up at him.
"because when i was trying to help him and mr park saw us. i was scolded because he thought i was talking, and sungmin didn't say anything. he was just watching mr park scolding me, and when mr park asked him if i was distrubing him, he nodded. later he said he was scared and he's sorry for not helping me. i was upset, but i said it's okay, just don't do it again," aera shrugs lightly and jungkook frowns.
"why is he nice then?"
"because someone told him that riri always gets in trouble and he shouldn't sit with me. but he still sat with me that day..."
"ri," jungkook breathes out, closing his eyes as he hugs aera tightly and presses a long kiss on the side of her head, "my child, why didn't you tell us anything earlier?"
"i forgot, koo," aera stares at him, "i wasn't upset or wanted to complain before this. i thought i'm nice and they're all my friends, and that it's okay. but now i feel like i'm not important. i'm just... i'm just there. nobody won't even know if one day riri's not there anymore... no one is my friend, koo. i think of everyone as my friend, but that's not true, and that makes me a little sad, koo. that's why i was crying with you. i like your hug and you smell so nice. i wanted to go to you..."
"i love you more than anyone ever can. they don't deserve you, angel," jungkook murmers against aera's hair, kissing her again and strokes her back, "you're my little princess, ri, always remember that hm?"
"i know, that's why i went to you,"
"you did a good job," he hums softly, "we didn't have this conversation yet, and i guess it's time now. so listen to me very carefully okay?"
aera pouts at him, resting her head on his shoulder once she's shifted a little upwards, "are you going to say that i should be good and wait? i don't wanna know that, koo. i already am waiting and it's tiring now because i don't even who my best friend is or when they'll come,"
"i wasn't going to say that," jungkook chuckles lightly, kissing over the fabric on aera's shoulder and lays down, bringing her on his side, "you don't have to wait for anyone, kiddo. these people in your class and others who don't treat you right aren't the ones who you should be friends with at all. tell me, would you like being friends with someone who doesn't consider you as their friend?"
"no," aera shakes her head.
"exactly, so when you know someone doesn't want to be friends, why would you go after them? isn't that silly?"
"yeah, that's silly," aera nods, frowning as she thinks upon it and finds it true.
"it's nice of you that you still think they're good and help them when they need. but don't blame yourself not having a real friend. those who'll see your worth will definitely come along and stay by your side through the toughest times. these fake friends are not good, princess. being alone is much better than being in the company of wrong people. imagine, even if alissa or jay or sungmin pretended to be friends with you, but deep down they're just using you. isn't it better that you stay without friends than having such toxic friends?"
"yes," aera nods, "you're right. thank god they're not my friends. i don't want bad friends,"
"exactly," jungkook ruffles her hair and leans down to kiss her forehead, "do you know how i used to be alone in high school too? even in elementary school, i didn't have much friends. it was just me,"
"really? but you're so popular and everyone likes you,"
"they didn't always like me," he chuckles, "in elementary, i was like any other normal introverted kid, who wouldn't talk to anyone and just wait for the last bell to ring. then in high school the freshman year wasn't that great either, and i started hating school. i got into the first fight of my life because some seniors were bullying me. luckily jiminie was there— he was a senior too. he fought those guys for me when he came to know that i was being bullied. we didn't tell mom and dad anything and just kept it a secret.
"after that jiminie and mark hyung started making me sit with them during lunch. then in the sophomore year, a transfer student came in my class— daniel. he sat with an annoying boy on his first day which he still hates. i saved him from that annoying boy and got him to sit behind me. we started talking after that and just clicked. he's the closest friend i have now," jungkook smiles, noticing aera's fascinated gaze on him as though what he was telling was really admirable for her.
"so you see, my little cupcake, it's never late to have good people come into your life," he chuckles, bumping his forehead with aera's, "imagine if i kept sulking since elementary school and started being mean to everyone. i wouldn't even get danny as my friend, right?"
"right, good thing that you were nice," aera giggles, "i'm gonna be nice too, so that when my best friend comes, they won't think i'm bad,"
"yes, good job," jungkook laughs lightly, sitting up to pull up the covers and drapes it over aera. the door of the room opens right then, revealing jimin, who comes in once jungkook lets him know that they're still awake.
"is she okay?" jimin nods towards aera, which she hears and peeks her head out of the blanket with a smile, making the eldest chuckles, "hey, are you doing okay now?" he asks, sitting on the bed, his hand stroking aera's hair gently.
"yes, koo has magic," aera giggles, glancing at jungkook, getting a wink and a mischievous grin in return.
"i bet he does," jimin smiles fondly. he leans down to kiss aera's forehead and cups her face, "oppa loves you, little one,"
"i love you too," aera whispers, opening her arms quickly and jimin chuckles, hugging her tightly, "oppa?" she pulls away after a moment, staring at the brother's face directly and waits for a response.
"do you think i'm a good girl?"
"yes, of course. my riri is the nicest kid,"
"thank you, you're the nicest oppa too," aera grins at him, sitting up and pushes the covers away, "oppa, let's have a sleepover with everyone. we'll sleep together— me, jungkookie, you, taetae, jinnie oppa, joonie oppa, hobi oppa and appa. it'll be soooo fun!"
"uh right now?"
"yes," aera nods vigorously, getting up on her knees only to shift more towards jimin and cling onto him from the back. jimin smiles, placing his hand behind him, on aera's back and stands up, carrying her on the piggyback ride.
"alright, let's get all the knights ready for princess riri's royal night stay hm?" jimin says dramatically, making aera laugh.
"but you know i'm the prince," jungkook grins at them, following the two out of his room.
"no, koo, you be the tickle monster! me and the knights will fight you,"
"oh? yeah, that's cool too," jungkook nods mischievously, "i'm gonna take over this kingdom. no one can defeat the tickle monster!" he laughs out in an evil manner and aera jumps down from jimin's back, running to get her nerf gun before jungkook: the tickle monster starts to destroy her land.
"what's going on?" taehyung arches up a brow.
"help me, tae oppa! we have to defeat him!" aera says, pointing her gun at jungkook.
"oh, yes of course! there's no way this monster's gonna win," taehyung smirks at jungkook, grabbing another one of the nerf guns— the biggest one of all, which jungkook got for himself— and aims it at jungkook, shooting right away, only to hear a groan from the boy.
jungkook grabs a shield lying in the corner of the room by the time the rest of the boys join the game. jungkook protects himself with the shield that looks like the one captain america has, as aera liked this when she first saw it in the mall.
jungkook catches her soon, lifting her off the floor, but ends up on the couch as the hyungs hold him too, making both aera and jungkook laugh loudly between tickles from the elders. aera squirms to get away, laughing as she hides under jungkook's arm, using him to save herself from the bunch of ticklish hands. jungkook on the other hand just laughs, unable to tell the hyungs to stop even.
jimin smiles with the elders, seeing jungkook and aera finally calming down as they catch their breaths. the boy shakes his head, lying on the couch, breathing heavily, still laughing a little while aera crawls to his side, trying to tickle him more.
"she's fine," taehyung smiles, placing his hand on jimin's shoulder.
"yeah," jimin nods, smiling fondly at the little sister and the brother, "kook definitely has some magic on her,"
"he sure does," jin chuckles, nodding towards the younger siblings, making jimin amd taehyung chuckle on seeing aera sitting up, trying to wrestle jungkook, but stops when jungkook whispers something in her ear. she nods and gives him a hug, even kissing him when points his finger at his right cheek.
"who's your favourite?" jungkook grins, holding aera on his lap as she squeals excitedly, hugging him tightly.
"yes, good job," jungkook smirks at the hyungs.
"what did you tell her?"
"we're going out tomorrow! me and koo with danny oppa, jackson oppa and minhyuk oppa!"
"it's gonna be fun isn't it?" jungkook chuckles at her.
"yeah, funnn! i'm so happy today!"
"that's it, you should be happy," the brother smiles, nuzzling his nose against aera's.
"thanks koo, i love you"
"love you more, sweetheart,"
a/n- it's a very special update for PoornimaSingh935 as it's her 18th Birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GURLLLL!!!🥳🥳🥳❤️❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨i wrote this chapter a few days ago and i was going to upload it right away but then i came to abt your birthday and i felt like you need this chapter as much as i do (and many others like us who don't have the real friends that they deserve) so i waited until today because i honestly want you to know everything that jungkook told riri 💜✨
everyone please wish my friend happy birthday, let's make her smile today? please? 💜💜💜
as i promised i'm here to make your day a little more happy. i told me that you don't have any friends to celebrate your birthday with, so here we are bestie! many many happy returns of the day from me and all my readers. we love yoy and wish you the happiest birthday! 🎂 please don't think that you're alone, because you're not. smile more, have all your favourite foods, give yourself a tight hug from us and tell yourself happy 18! you're finally a legal, i'm sure you waited for this 🥳✊ i'm waiting for my 18th too, it's just natural lmao. so anyway, have fun and never forget that there's person on wattpad called gracy and she loves you! we're besties okay? ❤️✨
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