Big Brother || 03

jungkook: 11 yo
jimin: 18yo

<there's little riri to steal your heart and little kookie to steal your heart again, and then the best big brother jimin to take care of your heart>

<please do comment! spam me idc 😓 don't be  silent reader>


"jungkook-ah?" eunmi calls, knocking on the door of her son's room gently, "listen to me once. i'm just asking you to join us for dinner, sweetheart. you don't have to talk anyone if you don't want to. i'll be really happy if you and aera would be there with me... you know mamma loves you a lot right?"

"no! you just love that new man!" jungkook huffs from inside, making the mother sigh softly, looking down at her feet as it does break her heart a little on knowing that her only son thinks she doesn't love him anymore.

"i love you, kook," she hushes out, "please open the door for me. i promise we can talk it out,"

"you'll leave me and riri," jungkook's voice comes as a scared one and eunmi frowns at that, staring at the door with confusion knitting her brows together, "please don't leave us... daddy already left us, not you now,"

"i won't leave you, honey. who said that to you?" she speaks instantly, touching the door as tears fill her eyes and she sniffs softly, "open the door, please. you're my little prince aren't you? you can always talk to mamma about anything. that's how we solve misunderstandings, baby,"

after a moment of silence, the door clicks open slowly and eunmi meets an upset jungkook standing in front of her with his head hanging low. she sighs deeply, hugging his shorter frame and kisses his head, "my child, are you okay?"

"yeah..." he mumbles, wrapping his arms around eunmi's waist and buries his head in the fabric of her shirt, sniffing softly as he breaks into a sob, "don't leave me mom... i want you and riri with me always."

"i'm right here with you, kook. i'm not leaving my little boy alone," she assures him with a soft smile, although tears blur her eyes too when she peeks at her son's crying face, "please don't cry hm? mamma's gonna stay with both of her kids and she loves them more than anyone else in the world,"

"more than that new uncle?"

"yes," she says, kissing jungkook's forehead and wipes his tears, "why did you think i was going to leave you?"

"my friend said that girls go away when they get married... and you said you're getting married to that man," jungkook pouts, "don't marry him, mamma... you can marry me if you want,"

eunmi chuckles lightly, bumping her forehead against her son's and pinches his cheek, "i'm not leaving you even when i get married," she agrees, hugging him tightly.

"really? you won't go away?" jungkook looks up at her and she shakes her head, making him smile. "thanks! i love you!"

"i love you more, my baby,"

"i'm a big boy, but okay," jungkook nods dismissively, making the mother laugh as she ruffles his hair and sits on the bed, pulling the boy to sit on her lap and wraps her arms around his waist, "now, will go with me to meet jayhyun?"

"okay," jungkook nods, "i'll go because you like him, and i like you,"

"thank you so much," eunmi smiles at him, "my jungkookie is the best,"

"yeah, and i'm always taking care of you like dad did,"

"of course," she kisses his cheek, "jungkookie's the man of this house,"

"yeah, but you're so strong. i still fall down from the bed sometimes. that's not manly,"

"that's okay, sometimes men fall from the bed too," eunmi says and jungkook laughs, "anyway, you're gonna meet two more men tonight. jaehyun has a son, he's older than you,"

"oh? how old?"

"he's eighteen,"

"wow... that's big..." jungkook mumbles for he had had no experience with high schoolers in his life till date as all of his friends and even her mom told him to stay away from older kids as they could possibly mean trouble. he had seen it for himself too, those high school students gathering in the park sometimes or by the bus stop near his school where they would bully others and smoke.

he gulps, nodding slowly as he imagines a similar guy to be jaehyun's son who would beat him to death and probably hurt his baby sister too. although his distorted thoughts are interrupted soon enough when a high pitched voice fills in his ears and eunmi lets go of him to stand up and see what's bothering the little girl of the house.

jungkook follows his mother out of the room, gasping when he sees aera driving her car near the stairs. eunmi rushes to the toddler, carrying her up and pushes the car back, "my goodness, aera what were you doing?"

"down," aera points down at the stairs and jungkook sighs, shaking his head in disappointment.

"no riri, you have to walk when you go down the stairs okay? you'll fall and die if you go in the car," he says, making eunmi sigh at the kind of explanations he uses for his three-year-old sister.

"we don't drive the car near the stairs, baby. you could fall and get hurt,"

"no, mamma i' goin' down. my- my elly dere in the couch," aera says.

"elly's in my room," jungkook says, holding out his hand for her, "let's go get you elly and then we'll go to the park okay?"

"yes!" the toddler chirps happily, getting down from her mother's arms and takes jungkook's hand, following him to his room.

"don't go without eating. i'll keep your snacks on the counter," eunmi says, walking downstairs.

"okayyy!" the two sing-song together.


"-and mamma said she'll get married," jungkook says, glancing at aera for a reaction, which she gives instantly with a gasp, staring at him with her big doe eyes, "yeah, but she also said that she loves us more."

"i wuv you— mamma too!"

"yeah, i love her too," jungkook nods, swinging his legs slowly and holds aera's hands securely over the metal chain as he wants to swing higher now, but remembers their mother's words of not swinging aera that high as she might fall and get hurt. so he decides to ask for her consent first, "ri, do you wanna swing higher?" aera nods with a wide smile, wrapping her tiny legs around his waist and shifts closer to his body as she's sitting on his lap, facing him, the safest way they thought she could swing with him, which also earned a few chuckles and 'aw's from the elders present in the park.

"okay let's go!" jungkook chimes, kicking his legs against the ground and pushes himself back, swinging forth much higher this time.

"yayy!" aera cheers excitedly, making jungkook giggle as he swings his legs again, reaching so high that it feels like they would touch the sky. aera gasps, staring at him with wide eyes, her expression fluctuating from happy to a scared one now.

jungkook doesn't notice and continues with his enjoyment, loving the way the air would brush his hair back when he comes forward and the butterflies dancing in his stomach, pulling out a giggle from his tinted lips every now and then.

"koo stop..." aera whimpers in contrast with his joy, getting a frown from him. though it pains him to stop the fun, but for his sister, he slows down eventually, coming to a pace slow enough that he can leave his hand and situate his feet on the ground.

"what happened riri? are you scared?" he asks, hugging her warmly and kisses her head. the toddler nods, clutching on his t-shirt, making him smile softly, "aw, it's okay. you're small that's why it scares you. don't worry, koo is here. you can hug me when you feel scared okay?"

"okay," aera mumbles, hugging him tightly right then and buries her face in the crook of his neck, "you so stwong koo, i wuv you,"

"i love you too," jungkook chuckles, holding the metal chain with one hand and keeping one on his sister's back as he starts swinging slowly again. "do you know you're getting heavier every day. i get tired when i carry you sometimes,"

"i' sowwy,"

"no no, i'm not complaining," jungkook shakes his head quickly, "you're getting heavy means you're growing up well. you should eat more and grow up more so then you'll be strong,"

"mm-hmm," aera nods, understanding everything he said and looks determined to eat a lot of food and become as strong as her brother at once.

"hey, would you get off from the swing?" another voice interrupts the siblings, getting glances from both of them and jungkook frowns, recognising them as the bad high-schoolers.

jungkook glances back over his shoulder, seeing if there's any other kid they might be talking to, "yes you, red t-shirt." the older guy says again, "get off the swing."

"no," aera shakes her head, pouting at jungkook who shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head as well.

"i said get off,"

"my sister wants to swing here," jungkook says and points at the other empty swings across the slides, "you all can go there if you want,"

"your sister? no, listen here kid, if i tell you give that place to us, means you give that place to us,"

"why? you can go somewhere else. there are more swings," jungkook says and aera laughs at the boys, making them shoot her a glare, which jungkook notices and frowns at them, "hey, please don't bother us. go away,"

"you two, stop messing with me and get lost," the guy says, stopping the swing as he grabs the chain from up, bringing the swing to an abrupt halt, "get off," he glares at the kids.

aera looks scared, glancing between the older guy and her brother with a pout. jungkook pats her back slowly and slips her down his lap, before getting off himself. but the guy smirks, letting go of the swing without a warning and laughs, when aera falls down with jungkook on top of her, making her cry out loudly. the brother stands up quickly, wincing as his palms sting with pain and tears burn his eyes. though he says nothing and focuses on helping up his sister first.

"don't cry, it's okay," he whispers to aera, rubbing his own eyes to get rid of the tears and holds her hand, "let's go from here. they're all bad guys,"

"what did you say?" the guy hisses, stepping near jungkook with his friends, making the boy move back, holding aera's hand tightly in his. "look at us and say it again,"

"nothing..." jungkook mumbles, "let us go..."

"aw look who's scared," one of the older guys mock at him, pushing him by his shoulder, which makes aera cry louder as she hugs jungkook tightly and they all laugh watching the kids.

"what the fuck do you think you're doing?" another voice intervenes and jungkook finds a blurry figure standing in front of him and his sister. he rubs his eyes to clear his vision, stepping back with his sister and carries her up in his arms.

"let's go from here. don't cry," he whispers in her ear, using the opportunity to run away as the elder people seem busy fighting. the new guy who just showed up looks much stronger than the previous bullies for he won over them with just one high kick, making the guy who made jungkook and aera fall down, land on his butt.

jungkook gulps in fear, not wanting to interact with this person who just scared a group of four guys alone. he must be a bigger bully than those previous ones. once, they're out of the park gate, jungkook breathes in relief, putting his sister on her feet and holds her hand, speed walking towards their house.

"koo wait..." aera runs on her tiny feet to catch up with jungkook, holding his hand tightly and rubs her eyes.

"just keep walking," he says, "we gotta go home,"

"i' so scared koo... they's so bad people," aera pouts.

"yeah, i've never met such bad people in my life," jungkook nods as well, "but- but don't worry. we're okay... we're okay,"


"wha—" jimin frowns, looking around the swings where the two kids were a few moments ago, not finding them there now, "wow great... not even a thanks huh?" he mutters to himself, shaking his head and picks up his bag, whistling casually as he heads back his way home.

the twenty minutes walk doesn't feel that long today as his mind remains busy thinking about his father's new relationship. jaehyun said he has been dating this woman for almost five months and jimin was surprised indeed that he couldn't even tell something was going on. but he did notice how his father looked more happy and lively whenever he came home from work. jimin just assumed he was having a good run in his business, though last week he finally came to know that it was actually a lady bringing that smile on his father's face.

he felt happy knowing about it, for ever since his mother's death, he had only seen jaehyun alone. never in a relationship because the father said that if he has to fulfil his duties as a parent to jimin, educate him, make him a strong man, see him achieving his dreams first. between all this if he started dating, his attention would be divided between a woman (that will not be his first wife) and his son. so he did try his best to keep away from ladies, until eunmi walked into his office that day.

jimin still finds it funny how his father was mad about the woman barging in like she owns the place and threatening jaehyun that she will sue him if he doesn't fix his employee's disrespectful attitude. five of them were fired the next day and eunmi finally left jaehyun's throat, but managed to get a big part of his attention.

the meeting was horrendous according to jaehyun.

jimin chuckles lightly, shaking his head as he makes a mental note to ask miss eunmi about the first meeting with his father and get to know her side too. with the funny thoughts going on, jimin finds himself already at the porch of their mansion, sighing when he sees the driver freaking out and bowing in urgency, getting a look from him, "don't forget to show up tomorrow," he sighs, motioning his hand for the driver to leave who apologizes abruptly before walking away.

"i'm home," he announces, throwing himself on the couch as soon as he's in the living room and takes a deep breath, "water—"

"yes master jimin," the maid says, already standing by the couch with a glass of water for him and some dry snacks, "mr jeon is in his room,"

jimin hums faintly, putting another cookie in his mouth, "these are nice, mrs seong," he smiles up at the woman, "do serve these when we have the guests over today. dad said there are kids coming. they'll like it wouldn't they?"

"certainly, sir,"

"c'mon, mrs seong not sir or master okay? just jimin. you're older than my dad, please don't call me all that," jimin sighs, standing up and ruffles his hair, "i'm gonna get ready now,"

"sure," the maid bows her head slightly and jimin shakes his head, smiling at her as he jumps over the railing of the stairs and jogs three steps at once, "dad! your girlfriend is here!"

"no, she called me and said they're leaving now," jaehyun replies, making jimin laugh.

"then who's at the door? stop grabbing all the women dad!"

"yah! just go and get ready!"

"i'm gone!" jimin snorts, walking to his room and puts his bag aside, sighing deeply as he straight away heads to his closet, standing there for fifteen minutes with his hands on his hips and brows scrunched up in frustration. "i reall need to go for some shopping..."

he cracks his neck, pulling a pair of black slacks and a grey jumper with it, hoping his father won't force him into anything formal, considering his excitement is on the nineth cloud. jimin heads to the bathroom then, taking a fresh shower to make sure he's not stinking of sweat from his long day in school and then the soccer match with his friends.

in the next twenty minutes, he's sitting on the bed, looking as ready as ever with his hair dried as well, when he hears his father calling for him. glancing at the time in his phone, he realises it must be miss eunmi and her kids. raking a hand through his hair, jimin puts his phone for charging and heads downstairs with a smile.

"hello," he bows to the beautiful lady, standing by his father, smiling at him, "i'm jimin, it's nice to meet you uh miss eunmi," he hesitates as a tint of shyness brushes up his cheeks, making eunmi chuckle.

"anything is fine, whatever you wanna call me," she says and holds out her hand, "but thanks for not using some old words. i'm still pretty young y'know?"

jimin laughs lightly, shaking her hand and glances at his father, then back at eunmi, "i can tell, no wonder my dad is head over heels for you,"

"are you flirting with my soon-to-be-wife?" jaehyun squints at his son, making both jimin and eunmi laugh.

"no but, seriously jimin, it's so great to finally meet you. i was sick of just hearing stories of you," eunmi says.

"he talked about me?"

"a lot! he wouldn't shut up even when we were on a date,"

"geez! dad you're so embarrassing," jimin mutters to his father, who smacks his head in response.

"moving on," jaehyun says, gesturing his hand towards the young kids with eunmi, "jimin, meet jungkook and aera, eunmi's children, and kids, this is jimin, my son."

"say hello to jiminie," eunmi says, patting aera's head who now averts her curious gaze from the luxurious living room to jimin as he quickly crouches in front of her, holding out his hand.

"hi aera, i'm jimin," he speaks softly, chuckling when the toddler doesn't say anything and takes a step back near her mother. "she's so cute, how old is she?"

"three," eunmi says, glancing at jungkook and eyes to greet the elder boy, making jungkook gulp as he seems to be lost in different thoughts, staring at jimin with fearful eyes.

jimin frowns as well, pointing at him with an unsure gaze, "you're the one from the park aren't you? and your sister too... right," he nods slowly, glancing at aera and then back at jungkook, "are you guys okay? i couldn't check up on you both, you just disappeared."

"what?" the parents exchange glances between the boys and jungkook gulps, shaking his head slowly as he looks at his mom.

"i don't know what he's saying..."

"wow, okay?" jimin shrugs, "well, it must be someone else then,"

"what are you talking about?" jaehyun asks.

"nothing just, i saw a boy around his age in the  park being bullied. he had a little girl with him too, so i thought it was them. but i guess i'm wrong," jimin says, watching jungkook in the corner of his eyes as tye boy wipes his sweaty palms on his denim pants, wincing lightly at the rough contact with the skin. "anyway, let's have a seat. tell me about your first meeting with dad miss eunmi," jimin beams at jungkook's mother, not wanting to bother the already scared boy more.

"ah that was a disaster," eunmi laughs, sitting on the couch with jaehyun while jimin takes a seat across them, and jungkook and aera sit on the couch next to their mother.

a few minutes pass and aera starts getting comfortable here as jimin often finds her slipping down from the couch, walking to the coffee table or gathering cushions from all the couches and putting them near her brother, or reaching for the artificial plants and plucking out a flower, giving it to jungkook to put it in her hair.

jungkook however, still seems uncomfortable as he keeps trying to make his toddler sister sit with him whenever she tries get away. they both keep whispering to each other and talking in their own little world. jimin smiles softly at the sight, feeling at calm just by watching the kids he's supposedly met for the first time. they're so pure and serene.

"mamma," aera slips down from the couch again, tugging on her mother's dress while clutching on her tiny skirt as well, "peepee..."

"ah uh," eunmi turns to jaehyun who chuckles, almost nodding for the maid to take the child to the bathroom but his eyes land on jimin first, getting an assuring nod from him as he stands up, making the father smile.

"jimin will take you to the bathroom," he says, patting the baby's head.

"yeah that would be nice," eunmi nods, "jungkook go with them. you can talk to hyung and get to know each other yeah?"

"i— okay, yeah," jungkook agrees, nibbling on his lip when it hits him that he shouldn't let his sister go alone with jimin who is a bully. so he joins them as well, holding aera's hand and follows the elder boy out of the room.

"so, jungkook," jimin starts, taking a deep breath as he glances at the boy, restraining himself from asking anything about him on seeing the boy flinching, "hey, easy there buddy. are you all right?"

"i'm okay," jungkook mumbles, "where's the bathroom?"

"uh yeah, this way," jimin gestures his hand to the end of the hallway, opening the door and stands outside while jungkook follows aera in.

"tell me when you're done okay?" he hears jungkook's voice, speaking to the toddler who laughs for some reason, followed by jungkook giggling softly too.

"done!" aera chirps, loud enough to make jimin laugh lightly at how cute she is.

they come out in a minute and jimin stands straight, smiling at the little girl, "do you wanna  go play?" he says, not expecting aera to react that fast but is glad when she actually nods vigorously, holding out her hand for him. "great, let's go then. and we have a lot of videogames too, i heard jungkook likes them," he says, peeking a glance at the boy who looks nervous.

"maybe you can see them and decide if you play or not?" jimin smiles, leading them to the gaming room which instantly earns him a gasp from jungkook. "like it?"

"yeah..." the boy whispers, "wow..."

"what do you wanna play?" jimin asks, taking out some cars, remote control toys, and controllers putting them in front of the kids to choose.

"uhm..." jungkook looks tempted by the toys and controllers and the large t.v. screen in the room, struggling to get himself together and remind himself that jimin is not a good guy.

"you're indeed the one form the park," jimin says, "why did you lie?"

jungkook looks up, his eyes widening with fear as he shifts back, "i'm sorry..."

"hey, relax i'm just asking," jimin sitting on the couch and pats the space beside him, "i don't know what you're being scared of, but i can assure you that everything is fine. i'm not gonna hurt you buddy,"

"you- you fought those people..."

"yeah, because they were bothering you," jimin nods, leaning forward and smiles, "wouldn't you help someone if you were in my place?"

jungkook nods slowly, tilting his head as he stares at jimin with his round, doe eyes, "i thought you're a bad guy too..."

"i'm not," jimin chuckles, "sorry if i scared you though,"

"you're strong," jungkook says.

"so are you," jimin shrugs and the younger shakes his head, "why not?"

"i can't fight,"

"you don't have to fight to be strong," jimin tells the boy, making him sit near him and glances at his sister, "you didn't leave your little sister when those guys were going to hurt you. and even now you were scared of me, but still you came alone with me for your sister. you're strong jungkook, you just didn't see it,"

the eleven-year-old seems interested in talking now as he sits facing jimin and smiles, "sorry for being rude to you, i didn't mean it,"

"it's fine," jimin says, "now anyway, are you okay? i mean you fell down in the park so...?"

"yeah, just hurt a little, but it's okay," jungkook says, showing his tiny palms to jimin who winces softly on seeing the little scratches.

"let's put something on that, it must be hurting you,"

"no no, i'm okay. i didn't tell mom about it, she gets worried really quick,"

"because she loves you a lot,"

"yeah," jungkook nods, getting jimin's point and stands up, "i'll tell her when we get home. let's play your videogame now,"

"sure," jimin says, turning to aera who's already busy with a controller, frowning as she can't seem to operate it. "jungkook-ah, let's help aera out right now. we can play the videogames later? you can come here whenever you want, take my number okay?"

"i don't have a phone,"

"ah right, you're just ten—" jimin hisses.

"eleven," jungkook corrects, making jimin laugh and he huffs, "what? i'm eleven years old!"

"yeah okay, big guy," jimin snickers.


a few weeks later: the wedding day

"hey there, look who's dressed up today," jimin gasps, crouching down as he holds aera's hand, "my goodness our riri looks like an angel,"

"hi hyungie!" jungkook beams, running in jimin's direction.

jimin stands up, carrying aera in his arms and hugs the young boy with one arm, patting his head, "hey buddy, where were you?" he ruffles jungkook's hair as the boy pulls away, looking up at him.

"i was in the toilet," he scrunches up his face, making jimin laugh as they both sit down and jimin places aera on his lap.

"oh okay, well you guys look great," the elder says, "who got you ready?"

"i did it myself," jungkook says proudly, "i just couldn't do my bow tie and riri's hair, so mom did that,"

"aw you're so cute," jimin chuckles at them, then glances at aera as she turns to sit facing him, not even bothered about the fact that her sandals are ruining his suit. "alright, riri's started her job of making a mess huh? last time you covering me with chocolate, then you tried to burry me with the pillows and now you're messing up my suit,"

aera giggles at him, kicking his stomach lightly and laughs when he pretends to get hurt. "chiminie oppa you so pwetty," she says, cupping his face in her tiny palms and pecks his lips softly.

"then why's riri kicking me?"

"no, i' no' kicking you. i said— i said riri wuv you," aera says, turning to jungkook and gestures her hand for him to come near. "koo say i wuv you— riri wuv you chiminie oppa..."

"she's saying she really loves you," jungkook tells jimin.

"aw thank you sweetheart, i love you more," jimin kisses her cheek, hugging her tightly.

a cheer steals their attention and the three turn to the stage where eunmi and jaehyun are standing, smiling as they lean closer for the kiss. jungkook makes a grossed out face, cringing in his seat, "yuck! that's gross!"

"yuck!" aera repeats after him, making jimin laugh.

"why is it gross? kissing is fine, we kiss people to show our love to them,"

"not like that," jungkook shakes his head, not liking the scene of his mother kissing a man in front of him and everyone.

"that's how couples are," jimin says.

"did you kiss someone too?"

"uh well... yes. yeah i did,"

"ew! why??? i don't understand old people. y'all are gross!" jungkook makes a puking face.

"i'm not old, but yeah it can be gross at times," jimin snickers.

"nooo, chiminie oppa wuv me— riri. i' the baby!" aera whines, hugging jimin tightly with her tiny arms wrapped around his neck.

"okay sorry, i love riri. happy?"

"an— and say i' the baby,"

"yes riri's the only baby oppa likes," jimin chuckles, standing up now as it's getting late and the parents are busy with their friends and guests. "dad, i'm taking the kids home. you guys enjoy," he says, getting a smile from the parents.

"thank you buddy," jaehyun says, "take care, and call us if there's anything,"

"yeah, don't worry." jimin smiles, giving one last hug to his father and his newly wed step-mother, "you guys look great together. especially you mom, you look gorgeous,"

"aw thank you sweetie," eunmi pats jimin's cheek lightly, before turning to jungkook, "don't bother your hyung okay? be a good boy and take care of aera too—"

"yep! don't worry," jungkook beams, hugging jimin's waist, grinning up at him.

"don't stay up late, you have school tomorrow. and jimin," she looks at the eldest one, "feel free to call me if they annoy you,"

"relax mom, enjoy your wedding tonight. leave the kids to me, i'm a great babysitter." jimin grins, taking jungkook's hand while carrying aera with one arm, "say bye," he tells aera who waves instantly and so does jungkook.

"now say have a happy married life,"

"hav— happy puppy— my wife...?" aera looks at him and jungkook shakes his head.

"have a happy married life," he says, "repeat after me, have,"

"have," aera nods.







"no, say married,"

"no' married, my mamma,"

"yeah, but say married," jungkook hisses.

"it's okay, we get it," jaehyun laughs at the failed attempt and waves at them, "go now, bye,"

"bye-bye daddy," aera smiles at jaehyun, who gasps, turning to eunmi who nods with a smile.

jaehyun breaks into a smile, his eyes holding tears as he opens his arms for the toddler, so jimin lets her run towards him. the father picks her up, kissing her forehead and glances at his wife, "i love you guys so much. thank you for this. you're forever gonna be my queen, darling and aera our little princess. i'll make sure to treat both of my girls the best that they deserve,"

"and me?" jungkook pops behind eunmi, staring up at jaehyun, "and hyungie?"

"you both are my aces, my champs," he smiles, patting the boys head and leans down to kiss the top of his head too, "thank you for accepting me jungkook. you're the strongest little man i've ever met. you took care of your mom and sister so well, i'm proud of you. and i'm sure your dad must be proud of you too,"

"you're my dad too now," jungkook mumbles, hugging jaehyun's waist and rubs his eyes, "i like this family, thanks for loving us and our mom. i even got a hyungie now, i told all my friends and they were so jealous because my big brother is the strongest and the coolest and he loves me and riri so much. thank you,"

the parents exchange glances with jimin, who looks a bit emotional too, hearing the kid's words and smiles through glassy eyes, rubbing his back gently, making jungkook pull away from jaehyun and hug jimin instead, "please be our big brother forever and ever and ever, we love you— me and riri, i mean. she's small so i'm saying it from her side too, we love you jiminie hyung,"

"i- thanks... i love you," jimin whispers too, looking down as he doesn't have his hands free to rub away the tears from his eyes which eunmi notices and smiles softly, wiping the line tear on his cheek and gestures him to smile. "thank you for this, we all just got the family we needed,"

"right, i'm so happy," eunmi nods, watching jaehyun smile as he's talking to aera about how her dress looks so pretty on her, and jungkook now tugging on jimin's hand— a gesture for him to take them home.

"bye dad, bye mom, have a good night. we'll leave now," jimin says, carrying aera again and smiles, walking out of the venue with the kids, both talking to him about where they'll sleep later. jimin chuckles, listening to them claiming to sleep with him no matter what, until a few minutes later it turns into a fight.

"hey listen here, neither of you will sleep in my room if you fight," jimin declares, making the two shut up, but aera speaks up after a moment, mumbling something in tiny, "yes baby?" he sighs, glancing back at her.

"i' s'eep wid you..."

"me too..." jungkook mumbles, "please...?"


jimin smiles softly, staring straight ahead, driving in the direction of their new home where they will all live together like a family now, "we'll see. but no fighting,"


a/n- idk what to say i'm just vent put here. things just get so hard sometimes. i was feeling really down these past few weeks and still. the mood swings are getting worse yk, i mean sometime i'll be all happy and talkative, and other times i completely shut down. also i noticed how i get frustrated really quickly and over small things these days. it's getting bad idk what to do, there's no motivation for anything. seriously it sucks.

that day i was laying with on the bd and my sister was there too, she said something and like asked my why i wasn't speaking much that day (i'm usually very talkative) and i was like idk it hurts somewhere. she thought it was a joke and started saying that i was getting a heart attack (i don't blame her for this, she's young and stupid) but for real, i didn't where kr what but this emotional baggage hurts physically at times. i felt i couldn't breathe at times, especially at night when my anxeity is at peak.

seeing the members crying that day on the festa dinner, i couldn't stop crying too. i can't see them sad, but something about jimin particularly makes me sad. like if he's crying i'm gonna cry too that's 200% sure. it's weird how i never met him and still feel such a strong bond with him that even peple around me can't make. never.


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