𝟎𝟎𝟖 ⸺ threshing

October first is always Threshing.
     No matter what day it is, October first is Threshing. The day when the first-year cadets of the Riders Quadrant enter the forested valley to bond with a dragon. Or pray that they will survive. Perhaps both.
     "And remember, if a dragon has already selected you, they will be communicating with you,'' Professor Kaori speaks, his intense gaze wandering over us. ''So, pay attention to your surroundings but also your feelings. If it tells you to leave, then you should trust that feeling and leave.''
     ''Which one are you going for?'' Nymeria questions after Professor Kaori is finished talking. I glance aside and my mind immediately thinks of Sgaeyl. Her golden eyes are engraved into my brain. Whenever I closed my eyes, I could see her eyes. I don't know if that was a sign, during Presentation, or just a judgment moment.
     ''Honestly, I have no idea,'' I admit. ''I feel like there is a connection between me and Sgaeyl... That or she will scorch me to ash without hesitation.'' My gaze wanders to a certain squad leader. His eyes find mine and he sends me a wink. While I feel a heat creeping up my neck, I look away. I meet Nymeria's eyes who has arched an eyebrow.
     ''What was that about?'' she questions. I furrow my eyebrows and shrug.
     ''Can't I look at my boyfriend?'' I question, causing her to shake her head.
     ''He didn't send you just a look, it was a flirtatious look,'' she reasons. ''As if he wants to take you here and now.'' My mouth slightly hangs open at her sudden comment.
     ''Nymeria Sheffield,'' I hiss and hit her shoulder. Nymeria chuckles.
     ''As if he is a bad fucker,'' she continues. I can't with this girl. I scoff and shake my head. I remember the feeling of his cock filling me up. That was one fucking night to remember.
     ''He is not, no,'' I say and think of the moment when Nymeria found out.

Every step I took, I felt what Garrick had done to me the night before. I walked up to my table where Nymeria was already seated. She took a look at me and I could see in her eyes that she was onto something.
     ''You've had sex,'' she hissed before I could even set down my tray. My mouth opened due to surprise. How does she even know?
     ''So, you did,'' she screeched. I watched her with disbelief before I glanced at the rest of the table. My heart managed to skip a beat before sinking to the bottom of my body. Xaden is seated at this table as well and he most likely heard what Nymeria said.
     ''Yes, I did,'' I confessed. Nymeria giggled like a small girl.
     ''Was he good?'' Nymeria questioned.
     ''Who was good?'' Xaden's voice joined the conversation. I felt my cheeks flushing with a bright red color as my heartbeat accelerated.
     ''Garrick being a good squad leader,'' I lied in a small voice, wanting to evaporate into thin air. I didn't dare to look him in the eyes. Not wanting to see the disappointment in his eyes. If it were disappointment and nothing worse.
     ''Okay.'' That was his only response but it sounded as if he were hissing through his teeth, controlling his emotions.

''However, we were talking about which dragon I had my eyes on,'' I finally say. Nymeria shrugs as she replies: ''That was before I saw that gaze between the two of you, I mean get a room.'' I roll my eyes and glance over my shoulder. My eyes lock with Xaden's eyes for a brief moment before he looks away. He hasn't talked to me much ever since, however, he did keep on sparring and studying with me.
     ''Anyways, if you want to get back on the subject Sgaeyl... She didn't scorch you during Presentation so that is a promising start,'' Nymeria continues. Point taken.
     ''That is true and—''
     "You are most likely to be incinerated if you go in groups,'' Professor Kaori argues. ''The scribes have run the statistics, meaning you'll be better off on your own.'' It is common sense that if you are alone, it is better to approach a dragon or is it not common sense?
     "What if we aren't bonded by the time of, you know, dinner?" one of the first-years questions. I watch Professor Kaori stare at the cadet with a troubled expression.
     "There is a problem if you are not chosen by nightfall. You'll be brought out by a Professor or senior leadership," he speaks and checks his pocket watch. The pocket he used during the Gauntlet practices, sending us one by one into the obstacle parkour.
     "Remember to spread and use every inch of the valley to your advantage. It is time which means they should be here at any minute. Good luck," he smiles. With one last gaze over the crowd, he leaves.
     A nervous knot tightens in my stomach. It is time. Either, I will leave this forest as a rider or ... Never mind. I feel a pair of eyes fixed on me and I turn to look who it is. I meet the onyx eyes with flecks of gold. He sends me an encouraging nod as if he still cares for me even though he is still mad. Why would he be mad at me for dating his cousin?
     "Good luck, Vervain." I avert my gaze from Xaden only to meet Mira Sorrengail's gaze. I am quite surprised by her sudden appearance.
     "Thanks," I smile.
     "Perhaps if you're at it, don't die," she mentions before leaving, not waiting for my reaction. A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth.
     "That was rare," Nymeria mentions before wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "Be safe," she says.
     "You too," I say, pulling away from her.
"Be safe, Aelin," Dorian smiles and pulls me in a hug as well. I smile and pat his back. "You will bond this year, Dorian. I just know it." He pulls away and he has this big smile on his face. I glance over my shoulder when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look into Xaden's eyes. His eyes have this determined look as he remains silent. I lay my hand on his and send him a nod. Let's fucking do this.

I take a look at the sun and it looks like it's around midday. Anyway, it has been a couple of hours since the dragons entered the valley. You couldn't have missed that since the earth shook as if it were an earthquake.
     I have encountered several dragons, except a blue navy Daggertail. I stray around the field when suddenly a green Daggertail appears in the corner of my eyes. I make the mistake of looking it in the eyes. Golden eyes are fixed on me as my feelings tell me to move away. I bow my head as I slowly step away.
     For the past hours, I have seen dragons launch into the air with, now, a rider on their back. What I have also seen is plumes of smoke and I strongly desire not to end up like that.
     No sign of the Blue Daggertail, the Black Morningstartail, Nymeria, or Xaden. Perhaps Nymeria and Xaden already bonded or ... No, they are alive. I know it, I feel it. I then wonder if Sgaeyl and the black dragon are even present in this field. I mean, a black Morningstartail would draw attention, knowing the size of it.

I take a look at the sun and it has moved further to the West. I have crossed every color dragon and none of them has spoken to me or given me a hint of connection. I hope Nymeria has bonded.
     The knot in my stomach tightens. A terrifying thought creeps into my mind: What if I don't bond? What if I'm destined to never become a rider? My eyes shift to the rider with a green dragon behind her. My eyes meet those of Mira Sorrengail. I squint my eyes to see her finger pointing upwards. I glance over my shoulder and don't hesitate to climb into the tree. Thank you, Mira.
     Once at the top, I see enough unbonded cadets to ease that nerving feeling in my stomach. As I'm gazing over the field, I feel a wind coming from my right. I shift my gaze and I see a dragon flying right toward me. As it comes closer, I see hints of blue. It's Sgaeyl and a sprinkle of hope erupts in my chest. I make my way down the tree when I suddenly hear a voice.
     "I have been waiting for you, Celebrian." The voice echoes through my head as I fail to reach the branch... And I fall down the tree and land with a thud on the ground. I groan, squinting my eyes shut for a moment. I move my muscles and joints, concluding that they are still intact. I rise to my feet and check my surroundings. I'm sure I heard a voice inside of my head.
     "You are most right." That voice echoes through my head and it starts to freak me out. Wait, I didn't say a word out loud.
"If you want to be a rider, you better get used to it," it huffs. Fucking hell, a dragon is communicating with me and it reads my mind? Only, which dragon? The voice inside my head remains silent, causing me to roll my eyes. Fine, I'll go search for you.
"Good, because you will need to put up a fight." I frown while I scan the field. I will need to put up a fight, I repeat in my head.
     "That's what I just said." I roll my eyes and lay my hand on the hilt of my sword. I know that is what you said, I'm only looking for the fight.
     "Hurry up, they are coming." I glance around before my eyes fix on a group of three, approaching Sgaeyl. She is mighty enough to scorch them to ash, why need me?
     "Just go," the dragon huffs in annoyance. Okay. I increase my walking pace. The three cadets halt in their movement as their eyes turn to me. I try to walk as casually as possible and halt between them and Sgaeyl.
     "Move out of the way," one of them snarls. I simply look at them as I feel a huff of steam hitting my back.
     "And why would I do that? Besides, teaming up on a dragon is not that fair you know," I say. My hand lies on the hilt of my sword as I feel a rush of adrenaline flowing through my veins.
     "Step aside and let us have that dragon," he grits through his teeth, unsheathing his daggers. I roll my eyes, "She has a name, halfwit. Her name is Sgaeyl." The dragon behind me roars, as if agreeing with me.
"Whatever," he growls in annoyance. "Step aside and I'll let you live."
"Take them down, Celebrian." I unsheathe my sword, giving him my answer.
     "If you want her, come and claim her."
     The middle one nods to both his companions who spread to the sides. I swing my sword, patiently waiting for one to charge. The two cadets charge from the sides as the middle one is simply walking up to me. I parry the first attack of a dagger from the person to my right as I kick his feet away. Just in time to parry the attack of one to my left.
I reach for my dagger strapped to my thigh and I jab it into his thigh. "That will keep you down for a moment," I breathe before turning to the cadet to my right. His eyes scream out fear but I don't care.
"Please, no," he begs. I narrow my eyes at him, readying my sword.
"You are not worthy to bond a dragon," I grit through my teeth before I plunge my sword into his chest. I watch him die before I retrieve my sword from his lifeless form.
"I have made a just choice." I ignore its voice before turning to the cadet on my left. However, he cowers away and stumbles away. I turn to the cadet in front of me, swinging the sword in my hand.
"I will get that dragon," he grunts, lifting his daggers.
"Step aside!" I take a lunge to the side, which is just in time to escape the flames of a fire-breathing dragon. I feel the warmth of the fire and not a second later, it is gone. I watched Sgaeyl scorch that cadet to ash. She saved me... As if Sgaeyl could hear me, she turned her head to me.
"I thought you were smarter than this," she scolds. I stare into her golden eyes as I finally realize that Sgaeyl has chosen me. "Holy shit." Sgaeyl rises to her full height and opens her wings.

"Get on my back, rider," she demands. I sheath my sword and run up to her. I take a breath before launching myself onto Sgaeyl. Once I'm sitting on her back, I hold on to her scales as she launches herself in the air. I peek over the edge to see the giant, black Morningstartail spreading his wings before taking off into the air. Sgaeyl holds for a moment for the black dragon to fly next to her. I curiously glance at the rider on his back and it is not a surprise actually. I lock eyes with Xaden who sends me an enormous smile.
"This is Tairneanach," Xaden yells. "But Tairn is easier." I laugh, grateful for Xaden being a rider as well. I hope with all my heart that Nymeria has bonded.
"We did it, Xaden," I shout. He does not know how much this means to me. The four of us fly to the training fields. There are hundreds of people gathered along the edges of the mountains, wanting to see the new riders enter with their dragons. At the bottom, there are two lines of dragons facing each other. Sgaeyl and I will be standing there as well in just a few minutes.
     "That is right, Celebrian." A roar of celebration goes up among the dragons, every head swinging our way even though it is because of Tairn.
     "You can read my mind?" I question. I watch Sgaeyl bob her head, answering it a yes.
     "You'll never be alone, Celebrian," Sgaeyl snickers before landing on the training field. Sgaeyl allows me to dismount before I land on my feet like a cat. Tairn has landed in front of us and my eyes search for Xaden.
     "Aelin!" I hear my voice and I hear Xaden but I cannot see him. "He is dismounting." I shift my gaze to Sgaeyl and send her a smile and nod. Sgaeyl bows her head as well before I look at Tairn again. I see Xaden and he sees me. Relief washes over my face as I head toward him. He runs up to me and I jump into his arms.
     "We did it," he whispers. I hide my face in the crook of his neck. Several tears roll down my cheeks.
     "They better be tears of joy, Celebrian," Sgaeyl hisses. Xaden puts me to my feet and I glance over my shoulder. Don't worry, they are. Riorson and I made it through Threshing and I bonded a beautiful and powerful dragon. A huff of steam hits my face of approval.

Dusk falls. The crowd is illuminated by a series of lights and those lights illuminate the dais. It is where I need to record the name of my dragon and officially state my bond with her. My gaze shifts to a woman in full military finery, with medals and all: General Lilith Sorrengail. And besides her sits General Melgren, the commanding general of all Navarrian forces. A shiver runs down my spine at the sight of him.
     I approach the roll-keeper with Xaden by my side. It seems as if he isn't mad at me anyone, or I'm delusional. The roll-keeper is set at the base of the dais, recording bonded pairs. The rider ahead finishes and moves away. The roll-keeper looks in my direction, gesturing me to come to him.
     "Aelin Vervain," I say, watching her write my name before her eyes meet mine again.
     "And the name of your dragon who chose you?"
     "Sgaeyl." I step aside to make way for Xaden, only for Professor Kaori to jump off the six-foot platform and he gaping at Tairn. His eyes are sweeping over the massive, black dragon while memorizing every single detail. 
     "Is that really—" Commandant Panchek starts, but General Sorrengail cuts him off. He and a dozen other uniformed officers are gaping at the dragon.
     "Don't say it," she hisses, her eyes are on Tairn and not on Xaden. "Not until he does."
     "Xaden Riorson," I hear Xaden say, writing his name down in the Book of Riders.
      "Please tell me the name of the dragon that chose you."
      "Tairneanach," Xaden speaks, glancing over his shoulder and he sends me a wink. The corner of my mouth curves into a wicked smile, waiting for him to return to our dragons.

I stand in front of my dragon... My dragon. Sgaeyl is my dragon. A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth at the thought of Sgaeyl being my dragon. I was too busy to admire Sgaeyl that I had not heard a word of General Sorrengail's speech.
     "Riders, step forward," General Sorrengail announces at last. I looked left and right before doing as told and I took a step forward.
     "Add two more," Sgaeyl instructs and I take two more steps.
     "Dragons," she calls out. "It is as always our honor... Now, we celebrate!" Celebrate? How do we need to— Heat blasts my back and I curse in pain. It feels like my back is on fucking fire. Fuck.
     "You'll like it," Sgaeyl promises. "It's unique." The burning feeling fades into a dull sting as I try to glance over my shoulder. I notice something on my shoulder with the color navy blue.
     "What will I like?" I question, curious about what has happened to me.
     "Aelin!" Garrick's voice calls over the field. His eyes fall on Tairn and his mouth falls open. I watch his eyes shift to his cousin and Garrick walks up to Xaden. I watch them talk and they seem to be on good terms. Not short after, he jogs up to me and gazes at Sgaeyl.
     "Can I lift your shirt?" he questions. I nod. He carefully lifts my shirt and the cool October air cools my heated back. "I need to lower your trousers because it continues, princess," he whispers. I nod, allowing him to as if he hasn't seen all of me already.
     "Holy shit," he breathes. "You must see this." I glance over my shoulder. "How?"
     "Tell the boy to move," Sgaeyl demands.
     "Sgaeyl tells you to move," I say. I get a hold of my shirt as Garrick steps out of the way. I blink and suddenly my vision isn't mine. I see my back as if I'm looking from ... Sgaeyl's ... perspective. I'm watching my back through Sgaeyl's eyes?
     "Correct, Celebrian." My back has a navy-blue relic of a dragon that sweeps from both my shoulders down to my waist. The fact that it is navy blue like Sgaeyl.
     "It's beautiful, Sgaeyl," I whisper. I blink and my vision is mine again. I glance over my shoulder to meet her eyes. A wave of pride floods through my chest as I am now her rider.
     Sgaeyl's rider.

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