𝟎𝟎𝟐 ⸺ hot squad leader
''Xavier Nott, Mattheo Abbott.'' Those are some of the names that Captain Fitzgibbons is reading from the death roll. On both sides stand two scribes as we stand in formation, listening to the fallen people. We stand in the courtyard, squinting into the sun.
I look down at my black tunic. There is a single, silver four-pointed star on my collarbone, the mark of a first-year, and the Fourth Wing patch on my shoulder. My eyes shift from my shoulder to my newest friend. Nymeria Sheffield, whom I officially met yesterday night.
I sat on my bed in the barrack on the first floor. I met the gaze of a woman who happened to be in my squad because I recognized her face. I extended my hand, accidentally showing my rebellion relice. I had watched her eyes shift to my hand before locking with mine. She accepted my hand and therefore, I noticed that same rebellion relic.
''I'm Aelin Vervain,'' I introduced. ''Nymeria Sheffield,'' she had introduced with a smile.
The memory disappears from my vision and then I notice Nymeria is looking at me. I send her a small smile before averting my gaze to Captain Fitzgibbons. He keeps on calling names but I lost count.
''Andromeda Newton,'' he reads and closes the scroll. ''We commend their souls to Malek.'' Malek, the God of Death. I watch the scroll leave with the scribes, who leave the dais. I suppose that is it. The Captain reads the names and that is it. No last moment of silence. Garrick turns to our squad, his eyes meeting mine for a brief moment before glancing around.
"Hopefully you have broken your fast because the next chance to eat is at lunch," Garrick says. "You have received your schedule yesterday. Stick together because I would be relieved to see you all alive this afternoon in the sparring gym." Sparring is only twice a week and it is kind of exciting, you know earning or losing weapons.
"And if we are not?" Luca, I think, asks. He is trying to be a smart-ass or something, however, I could only roll my eyes.
"Then I won't be bothered to learn your name because it will be read off the scroll tomorrow," Garrick replies, arching his eyebrow. He turns to a first-year in our squad, Dorian I believe.
"I will get them there," he replies. I cast my eyes upon him and cannot help but feel sympathy. He is one of the repeats, meaning he didn't bond during Threshing. Most of the second-years walk away, except a few including Garrick.
"You have about twenty minutes," he speaks. "Fourth floor, second room on the left. Don't be late and get your shit together." Dorian doesn't wait for a reply and heads off.
"That must be difficult," Nymeria says. I shift my gaze to her, only to see her eyes fixed on something. "Yes," I say slowly before glancing over my shoulder. I meet Garrick's eyes and I swiftly shift my gaze back to Nymeria.
"He cannot get his eyes off you, can he?" Nymeria questions with amusement. I tilt my head, pretending to be oblivious. "Hmm?" Nymeria gestures with her head toward Garrick, causing me to glance over my shoulder once again. And again, I meet his gaze. He hasn't looked away. He flashes me a smile, which I return before averting my gaze.
"He can't get his eyes off you, I tell you," she states. I chuckle but freeze once I hear another voice joining the conversation.
"Who cannot get his eyes off you?" My heartbeat manages to skip a beat. My muscles tense and a heat creeps up my neck. Fuck. I remain silent, however, Nymeria spills the beans.
"Hot squad leader," Nymeria grins and nudges her head in the direction of Garrick. Do I want to look at Xaden? No, not at all. I hear him scoff before I feel an arm gripping my waist. He pulls me away from them and walks away, leaving both Nymeria and Garrick stunned behind. What the fuck?
"Xaden, what-"
"Vervain," he snarls, cutting me off. I glance aside only to see that same tensed jaw. Is he really fucking jealous?
"What is your problem?" I huff. He stops walking, however, his grip around my waist doesn't leave. He turns to me as his eyes meet mine. I fail to read any emotion in his eyes.
"You shouldn't be getting laid with a second-year or higher," he grits through his teeth. "Because people will talk about how you slept your way in." His argument is annoyingly strong. My mind is clouded with anger, not able to think straight.
"How is that any of your business? With whom am I supposed to sleep then? You?" I rant. His face is dangerously close to mine and I am almost sure he can hear my heart beating in my throat. Something flickers in his onyx eyes but I fail to see what it is.
"It is not any of my business," he replies in a calmer tone. "I care for you and I'm looking out for you. Besides, I am a gentleman." I suck a breath, ready to risk it all on day one. Who cares?
"What if I said I wanted you." There I said it. My heartbeat thunders in my chest, ready to pump out of me. Once again, something flickers in his onyx eyes but I cannot tell what.
"That would be unwise, Aelin," he whispers. A shiver runs down my spine once my name rolls off his tongue. I watch his eyes flicker to my lips and back to my eyes. I saw that, Riorson.
''As if you wouldn't want me, Xaden,'' I speak in a whispering tone. My fingers wrap around his hand that is around my waist and remove his grip. I break loose from his grip and walk away, hoping I will meet Nymeria on the way.
''No, I would not. I hold high resp...'' I hear his words fade. I cannot deny that I am curious about the rest of his sentence. I hold high respect, I finish his sentence knowing he would have said that. As someone who has a crush, this situation is difficult and it hurts. It is just a common and stupid crush. I exhale through my nose and lift my chin.
''Okay, fuck you then.''
''What was that all about?'' Nymeria questions with a tilted head. She sinks into the seat next to me as I reach for my temples.
''He is a close friend,'' I sigh and decide to drop the bomb. ''And the friend I have a crush on, something you may never tell anyone!'' Nymeria huffs a chuckle and lays a hand on my shoulder.
''He is handsome indeed,'' Nymeria agrees and somehow, a jealous feeling stirs within me. ''But what was his reasoning?'' I push away those jealous feelings since they are ridiculous.
''He said he cared for me and how I shouldn't sleep with someone who is a second year, gesturing to Garrick,'' I sighed.
"One, Garrick is the hot squad leader meaning he is handsome and two, how is it any of his business with whom you sleep?" Her eyebrows furrow, drawing a disgusted face. It amuses me as a chuckle ripples from my throat.
"I then kind of said with whom I should sleep and then suggested him. As a serious question but wrapped in humor and sarcasm," I add. Her expression fades and she clasps her hand to her mouth in shock.
"I know," I say and roll my eyes. "It is the most ridiculous thing to say however he said he was a gentleman." I impersonate a gentleman with a little exaggeration. Nymeria snorts before she laughs.
"If you have had a crush on someone since childhood, you've learned to live with it by now," I continue. I rest my chin on the palms of my hands and look in Nymeria's direction. She seems to think of something to say.
"Then you should forget Xaden, and that is difficult I know, but then you should go for Garrick," she reasons. Forget Xaden and go for Garrick.
"Garrick is handsome," I mention. She nods approvingly. "And he has taken interest in you, it is fucking obvious," she says. I think of it and perhaps I did gain his attention.
"But how on earth could forget Xaden? He is in the same squad as me," I say, closing my eyes for a second.
"Once your attention is on Garrick, your attention on Xaden will fade," Nymeria reasons and she has a point. But how could she ever forget Xaden? I don't think I can. She leans closer to me and whispers: "Seduce him." My eyes shift to Nymeria but then I glance over my shoulder since she must be looking at someone. My eyes land on Garrick and a moment later, his eyes lock with mine. I hesitantly raise my hand and wave him a humbling hand. I watch the corner of his mouth curve into a smile. My eyes flicker to the person next to him, Xaden.
"You are right," I decide, turning to Nymeria. The corners of her mouth curve into a devious smirk.
"Women's logical thinking," Nymeria snickers and holds up her hand. I give her a high-five, chuckling as well.
"Men would think of this as an odd way of making someone jealous," I chuckle. Nymeria playfully raises her eyebrow, chuckling as she leans closer to me just because.
"Alright, welcome ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to your first Battle Brief," Professor Devera greets. I notice the bright purple Flame Section patch on her shoulder. My eyes roam around the lecture hall, a circular room that fits like almost every cadet. Except for the third-years, they are forced to stand however it fits lots of cadets.
"Back in the day, riders have seldom been summoned into service before graduation," Professor Devera continues. She paces in front of a twenty-foot-high map of the Continent. "And if they were needed, they were always third-years. Always. However, I expect you to graduate with the knowledge you will need." I notice several patches en medals on her uniform.
"You will need to understand politics, the strategies and you will need knowledge about recent and current battles. If you fail to do so, you don't have any business on the back of a dragon." She arches her eyebrow as her eyes roam over us as students.
"Just to add a little pressure," Nymeria whispers sarcastically. I snort softly, covering my mouth with my hand.
"This will be the only class you attend every day. Besides answering to me, you will answer to Professor Markham, and he, too, deserves your uttermost respect," she continues, gesturing to the scribe. I watch the man move forward to stand next to her.
"The duty of the scribes is not only to master the past but also to record the present," he says. Professor Devera moves to the map and flicks her hand.
"First topic, the Eastern Wing endured an attack near the village of Chakir," she speaks. "Now, most of the time information is redacted for security purposes however I can tell you that the wards fell." The lights Professor Devera expanded on the map now focus on the border of Braevick.
"The drift entered Navarrian territory and channeled sometime around midnight," Professor Devera speaks and her eyes roam over her students. A chill sets in my spine since dragons aren't the only animals who can channel. Gryphons from Poromiel are also able to.
"Forty civilians were killed before the Eastern Wing could even arrive but the dragons and riders managed to repel," she continues. "Based on this, what questions would you ask?" I study the map. The Esben Mountain Range is the highest along the eastern border with Braevick. The gryphons don't tolerate altitude nearly as well as dragons, probably because they're half-lion, half-eagle.
"Come on, first-years," Professor Devera demands. "It is most important that you are ready for beyond the borders."
"How many did the wing suffer?"
"One dead rider and one injured dragon. Why?" Professor Devera questions the first year.
"So that we know how many reinforcements they need," he answers, causing Professor Devera to nod. Her eyes roam over to our wing.
"What altitude was the village at?" I question. She arches her eyebrows before she turns to Markham.
"A little less than ten thousand feet," he answers. "Why do you ask?" I feel and see eyes turning to me, causing me to become self-conscious. I swallow while I feel a heat creeping up my neck.
"It seems too high up for a planned attack with gryphons," I answer. "Because gryphons aren't as strong there besides their ability to channel is low. I mean, it is no logical place to attack." I take a look at the map.
"Keep going, you are on the right track," Professor Devera compliments. Wait...
"Didn't you say it took them an hour? Because they were already on their way," I say without thinking that straight on. I hear muffled chuckles.
"That makes no sense," one of the first years laughs. "General Melgren knows the outcome of a battle before it happens."
"Why do you think that, cadet Vervain?" Professor Devera questions. I feel my cheeks getting hot as I take a breath.
"Since there is no way they could have gotten there within an hour unless they were already on their way," I reason. She nods and questions: "Why would they be on their way already?" There is this glance in her eyes, telling me I'm on the right track. It honestly boosts my confidence.
"They knew the wards were breaking."
"That is absolutely—" "She is right," Professor Devera interrupts. The muffled chuckling fades and silence falls over the room.
"Dragons can sense faltering wards and it is why the wing flew. If they didn't, the destruction of the village would have been far worse," she explains. "Second- and third-years, take over." The attention is drawn away from me as I let out a sigh of relief. I sit back in my chair, now noticing how fast my heart is beating.
"Good job," Nymeria whispers.
"Aelin!" I glance over my shoulder to see Garrick approaching me and Nymeria.
"See you," Nymeria says and walks away. "Wait!" I hiss but she has gone already. Great. Garrick jogs up to me until he is walking beside me.
"Hey," I smile.
"That was one awesome deduction you did there," Garrick compliments. I flash him a small smile, waving away his comment.
"It was nothing," I say. "I bet another first-year could have done it too." He scoffs a chuckle, shaking his head.
"It was impressive for a first-year and the very first one to actually impress Professor Devera," he chuckles. I roll my eyes, giving in to his comments.
"You are an impressive woman," he continues, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He is nervous. My eyes shifted to his hands in his pockets before looking ahead. "I've always thought it when you and I were just little kids." What is he implying?
"You are flattering me, Garrick," I smile humbly.
"I am glad you are," he smiles. "If your hand is still available then I will be honoured to take a chance on you." A heat creeps up my neck. This hasn't come from just yesterday, because he has been talking about childhood... ... ... Wait what?
"Wow," I manage to get out, flabbergasted at this point. "I... I don't know what to say, Garrick." He reaches for my hand and he is holding my hand. He is holding my hand. I watch him bring my hand up to his mouth and place a kiss on my knuckles. He presses his lips on my knuckles.
"You do not need to answer right away," he reassures, caressing my hand with his thumb. I haven't noticed that we have stopped walking. "You can get back to me," he adds before gesturing me to walk. My eyes shift to Garrick who is looking ahead. I don't know what to do.
"Is something bothering you?" he questions, noticing my silence. I meet his eyes and I feel a heat creep up my neck. "Is it what people might think? Is it Xaden?" I feel busted and I am sure he sees it in my eyes.
"Xaden talked to me, well he dragged me away," I say, causing him to nod.
"I have noticed that," he chuckles. "Well, he has always been fond of you." Don't say that. I send him a faint smile, pushing away my feelings for him.
"And he said it is everything but smart to sleep with a higher year," I reason. "And... I just don't know." I can feel the desperation in my own eyes and it is honestly pathetic.
"Why should that hold you from dating a guy like me?" he questions and his question is genuine. I don't know why it holds me back. It is Xaden's voice that spooks through my head. You shouldn't be getting laid with a second year or higher. Because people will talk about how you slept your way in.
"I don't know," I repeat, realizing why I should listen to Xaden. We reach the doors to the sparring gym. "I guess it shouldn't." He opens the door for me.
"So, do you know your answer?" he questions with a tone of hope. He is adorable. The corners of my mouth curve into a smile.
"I do," I smile. "And I accept." I see the corners of his mouth curl into this huge smile.
"Amazing," he smiles. I send him another smile before reuniting with Nymeria who is smirking at me.
"You two look far too smug, what is it?" she smirks. Professor Emetterio starts his class as I move closer to Nymeria.
"He asked me on a date," I whisper and she squeals loudly.
"Cadet Sheffield!" Professor Emetterio calls out. "Sorry!" Nymeria replies before turning to me. I have this smile on my face because she is called out.
"He did what now?" Nymeria whispers.
"Later," I whisper.
"You—" Professor Emetterio points at me. Oh, let's go. I step forward. "And you." I follow his finger and it points at... Garrick. Great. I walk onto the mat and watch him stand before me. He stands ready and winks at me. I roll my eyes, readying myself as well.
Garrick is obviously taller than me, meaning I will be faster than him. He charges at me and I dodge his punch I throw a punch on his jaw. Garrick's hands move to his jaw before focusing on me again. I charge at him and I jump to use his arm as a bar. I swing and twist to kick him in the back of his knee. He falls to his knees and my foot presses down his back. He groans as I get a hold of his hands.
"Do you yield?" I question. He chuckles. He fucking chuckles as if it were nothing.
"You've got to do better than that," he chuckles and he hurls me off him. I land on my back and Garrick is simply on top of me.
"Let me go," I grit. He tilts his head and looks at me in an amused way.
"Then yield," he smirks. "Princess." I clench my jaw, refusing to yield but whatever I try... It is useless.
"She yields." Professor Emetterio's voice booms. Garrick gets off me and offers me his hand. I accept his hand and he hauls me onto my feet with force that I clash into him.
"And for the record, I am not your princess," I grit through my teeth, frustrated that I didn't beat him.
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