06. Accepting Being Ladybug. . .
━ chap 6. accepting being ladybug !
She was pulled out of her deep thought when Alya twirled her body around to face hers, and grinned widely as she pointed to something behind her, them now arriving at the entrance of the fun place, "Look who's here with Nino in the carnival."
The air was knocked out (Y/N)'s lungs, feeling an overwhelming amount of butterflies fluttering around in her stomach, as she glanced up to make eye contact with a familiar pair of green eyes, that were already staring at her.
A small yelp of startlement escaped her seeing his eyes on her from afar, and slides to hide herself behind Alya, who was chuckling knowingly through a sly smile, "Girl, he's still literally looking at you, and I think he wants to talk to you."
(Y/N)'s head peeked over her friends shoulder a little to see if this was true, and squealed when she indeed did spot Adrien staring, while waving at her from his spot beside Nino, "Is he still waving hello?" She whispered out from behind Alya's back again, not daring to look back up.
"Yes, so let's go before he stops." Alya commented firmly with a teasing smirk, while she waved back at the two males a bit in front of them, and grabbed her best friends forearm behind her, "C'mon (N/N)."
Rapid protests left the (H/C) haired girls lips feeling her arm getting tugged along, and squeaked as she tripped to catch up with Alya. Her free hand was holding onto her bag strap for dear life, and let Alya drag her over towards the other duo talking in front of some fair stands.
"Hey, Nino!" Alya greets happily when they arrived in front of them, and the girls came to a slower stop as Nino shuddered in alarm seeing Alya, his crush.
(Y/N) stumbled up beside Alya when she was pulled up forcefully, and stood up straight more nervous as her gaze made eye contact with Adrien's soft green ones, once again already looking at her.
"Uh, hey! 'Sup, Alya?" Nino stuttered for a greeting back, his legs growing wobbly from behind Adrien a little bit, and moved up beside him once he had his voice back, "You look, uh..."
He moved his attention towards the other two, who were still staring at each other in a trance completely ignoring what was happening, "(Y/N), right? We met!" He gives the flustered girl a welcoming grin, and places a hand on Adrien's shoulder, "This is my friend Adrien."
She felt her ears heat up in embarrassment, fiddling with her lucky bracelet, and turns her head to the side still feeling Adrien's gaze on her, "We've actually already met..." She admitted sheepishly, while peeking up at Adrien's warmly smiling expression.
Both Alya and Nino looked between the duo who were somewhat flustered, mischievous smirks crossing their features, as Nino raised his brows at them, "Oh, I see!" He points a finger in between them teasingly, "You two have a little secret."
Hearing his sudden statement at them the duo break out of their dreamy trance on each other, and (Y/N) goes to stumbled out a jumble out protest, ears heating up more, "Wait, what? Noo! It's not what you think-"
God, I wish Mari was here to save me!
"Yeah, no, it's not what you're thinking." Adrien also tries to defend them, speaking through a embarrassed smile as his cheeks flush in a red colour, while giving his growing crush a small look.
Unbeknownst to this small group gathered inside the colourful fair, Tom was dressed in a pink afro wig on top of his head, as he hid in a bunch of balloons, and peeked through them when he heard the conversation with his daughter.
"That got awkward fast." Alya inputed in a knowing tone, as her eyes behind her glasses shoot (Y/N) a teasing look spotting her flustered self, and suddenly got an idea, "Hey! Who wants o go on the roller coaster? Nino, you in?"
She nudged his arm to gain his attention, making him spluttered out inaudible words, and pointed to himself in surprise, "M-me? With you? Uh..." He trailed off, and shrugged with a calm head nod, "Absolutely. Let's do it."
"(Y/N), Adrien, you coming?" Alya looked back between the duo breaking out of their staring, and moved their gazes onto her, before they watched nervously when she pulled Nino along with her, leaving them all alone.
The Dupain-cheng girl secretly cursed Lyla out in her mind, knowing damn well what she was trying to pull here with them, as she chuckles nervously at Adrien stuttering, "You really don't have to, I-I mean not with me at least-"
"No, no I really do!" He was quick to interrupt her words with a frantic, soft tone, green eyes wide showing guilt as he took a small step forward, his figure towering over her the slightest, "It's just, I really should go before my dad-"
Her mouth parted in shock dumbly, and began to admire how he was currently standing in front of her. His hand wearing his watch had one of his thumbs resting in his pants pockets, while the other was raised to just gently graze her bare forearm, and his fluffy blonde hair fell over his forehead.
Oh my goodness... he's a dream.. HE'S SO HANDSOME!
"That's alright! I've gotta go as well-" She snapped out of her crazy thoughts when his finger actually touched her skin, and frantically nodded her head through an embarrassed grin, "help my dad at the boulangerie!"
Adrien's face brightened up in both shock and excitement at his words, as he bent his head a little to her level, "Your dad has a bakery?" He breathed out, and pulled his hand back down to his side, "That's so cool!"
(Y/N)'s grin got wider across her lips at the compliment, and brushed her bangs across her forehead shyly, "Yeah, waking up to the smell of fresh croissants every morning." She placed the side of her hand next to her mouth, and talked in a lowered tone giggling, "I always end up eating them though, which leaves my parents confused to who took them."
A boyish giggle also left his lips at her concession, and it made the both of them now enter a fit of laughter between each other, as his smile was slightly strained now, "Your dad sounds awesome!"
They still didn't notice Tom fully peeking out from in between the balloons he had, as he sighed happily hearing their comments about him, and felt even more so when (Y/N) added on lovingly, "He's the best."
"I have some leftover macarons you can try-" She went to pull off her bag around her shoulders, for her to only drop the heavy object onto the floor, making her gasped in embarrassment. She didn't even want to look up at Adrien's reaction, but didn't regret it when she saw his soft expression, no judgement or teasing seen.
Gulping down her nerves at that (Y/N) bent down with him already doing so, and they both began to pick up her books to place back in her bag, as she avoided his gaze with a heavily pounding heart.
Adrien paused passing the books over, and gasped softly seeing her open drawing pad on the floor, as he cradled the book in between his hands, "Wow!" He whispered in awe, and stood up to look over her unique food design drawings, "These are really good."
She held her blue bag to her chest shyly, and hid the bottom of her face in the material, ears heating up hearing his genuine compliment as she stood, "T-thanks."
He was still looking at her drawings with a impressed, and curious glint in his eyes, slowly flipping through the pink pages, as Tom behind them creeped closer to glance at it as well. This then made the teens finally notice him there, causing the duo to flinch back surprised.
"Pa?" (Y/N) spoke in a shocked question seeing him there, and blinked rapidly as her eyebrows slanted upwards, while her arm brushed up against Adrien's beside her.
Tom let go of the balloons around him to reveal himself more, pink wing bouncing when he moved around, and held up a red candy on a stick to them, "Who wants a Love Apple?"
"That's your dad?" Adrien asked his growing crush with wide, hyper eyes and points his thumb to motion at Tom, who was grinning from ear to ear looking between them.
She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, and slipped her bag back around her shoulders, swinging back and forth on her kneels in her spot, as she nervously answered him, "Y-yeah, but I can explain-"
"Don't tell your mother, or your sister, please!" Tom was quick to plead to his daughter, as he had his knuckles placed under his chin in emphasis to her, still holding the candy apple.
Her mouth parted to acknowledgment his words, but soon was cut off when Adrien's phone began to ring, breaking their little conversation up, "Sorry, my dad's calling." Adrien excused himself with a smile at her, and turned to walk off a little away from them, talking to his father.
As Adrien went away for a few seconds on the phone, she sent her father a small narrowed eye look, huffing a little bit upset that he arrived when things were getting good, though would never blame her father for it though. Tom smiled sheepishly seeing his daughters scolding face, and laughed nervously.
Not even a few seconds later Adrien came walking back over to the duo, masking his sad expression with a soft one when his eyes landed on (Y/N)'s figure, and hesitated to leave her right now, "I-, uh, really have to get home."
She slanted up straight hearing his smooth voice back, and gripped the bag strap tighter when his hand slightly squeezed over hers, in a somewhat apologetic way, "Uh huh, no worries-"
He gave her one last longing look hidden beneath his facade, and sent her a charming smile before waving as he ran away towards another direction of the fair, most likely going to find the car his father sent out for him.
Her (E/C) eyes stayed on his figure until he was out of sight, and then snapped her head towards Tom, "Dad! That was so embarrassing!" She half whined out, while pressing a hand underneath her bangs over her forehead, groaning tiredly now.
"You're embarrassed..." His face dropped hearing his daughters words, shoulders falling down, and a sad noise left his lips as this wasn't his intentions at all, "by me?"
She shook her head quickly at his sudden change of mood, herself now feeling guilty seeing how upset she just made her father, "No, Pa! I could never be embarrassed by you," A long sigh escaped her, as she smiles a little up at him, "I'm just embarrassed you saw me talking with a guy."
Tom's expression brightens up at her correction, a giant grin appearing over his once pouting lips, and went to say something, but (Y/N) was already walking away with a cheeky wave goodbye, "I'll see you at home, Pa!"
Standing outside of the entrance to school fair, Magician and Mime the akumatised villains by Hawkmoth, were ready to draw the newly superhero's out, by creating chaos inside the lively carnival.
They began to walk through the entrance without a care in the world, and it made the male in the ticket booth snap awake seeing them entering, "Hey! You think you don't need to pay for your tickets or what?"
Mime just lifted up one of his gloved hands, and flicked his wrist down that made the metal door fall down, squishing the tellers fingers as he screamed in pain.
Once they were done there with that little issue, the duo split up into two different ways inside of the fair, and went to start causing a mess for one reason only. Mime was leaning his back against the side of a stall, as he smoked something and puffed out the air when he exhaled.
His eyes were focused on a father with his daughter at the game stall across from him, as he flicks the smoke away into thin air, and raised an arm up that had an invisible gun placed in it, loaded to be shot.
Before the little girl could make a aim with the small bow and arrow on the cardboard ducks, another gunshot went off from behind them, and it destroyed the duck she was going to shot at. The employee's eyes went wide seeing this, and flinched in his spot surprised.
"It's...." Magician was walking in between the stalls on the pathway with everyone else, and outstretched her arms out in a dramatic way, while tipping her top hat, "showtime!"
Raising her black and whit wand up high, she aimed a yellow spark of her power at one of the stalls, grunting and giggling when it stopped working from her electricity. The crowd now started to panic, and scream seeing this, as the civilians began to flee from the area.
She turned around to aim her wand at something else, and made yellow spark appear in the palm of her suited hand, "Hands fly!" She zapped the metal tanks of the toy fish, and they soon came to life when her power touched them.
They shot up towards a male trying to run away, all biting onto his skin which had him yelling out, and toppling over onto the ground, trying to get them off.
Magician cackled watching the chaos unfold, and sent a wave of her power towards the haunted house ride, causing a thunder peal to appear under the rain cloud up top of the ride. The doors to the haunted house slammed open, and people screamed as ghouls stomped on out of it.
Somewhere near the back of the fair currently just away from all the mess, (Y/N) was slumping around with her phone in hand, and sighed sadly to herself, grumbling, "Today could not get any worse.."
Back with where the villains were still attacking everyone, the same teller from before was running away yelling as he was getting chased by balloon dogs. He tried to push them off when they jumped on him, barking and growling like real animals.
Mime was eating the left over food he had gotten, and causally threw a lit up grenade into the POPCORN stand when he past it. And a few seconds later a large blast was sent off into the air, making a giant piece of on fire popcorn to land on the ground, and almost had hit someone.
Magician twirls around her wand in between her fingers, smirking evilly as she thought of an idea that would draw out the super duo, "This should get their attention."
She aimed her weapon at the horse carousel that was on, and had many people currently ridding it, as she zaps it with her power. The speed then started to accelerate in an alarming speed, causing the people to yell out in fear.
The horses came to life because of the power Magician gave them, and they make a whinnying sound, as they began to move around like a pogo stick. The civilians stuck on the horses cling to the poles for deal life, hoping someone will come to save the day.
Mime picks up an invisible explosion box with was TNT, and places it onto the floor with a thud, as he pulls back the lever for it upwards. A second later a massive explosion went off behind where (Y/N) was, which sent the girl flying forward into the air shouting.
He had another lit up explosive in his white gloved hand, as he throws it up high into the air towards the ferris wheel, and made the ride break off its ledges with another fire explosion.
The crowd scream more in panic seeing this, everyone running away or trying to flee in many different directions, as some bumped into (Y/N) trying to get up from the harsh ground.
She groaned with a wince feeling the soreness in her head already, as she placed the back of her head against her forehead, and looked wide eyed around at the scared civilians. The girl herself was terrified also, and it wasn't just from what was currency happening around her.
I can't let this happen... not when I can do something. I won't....
Everything seemed to fall deaf for her ears to hear, as her focus was on her rapid breathing, and placed her palms on either side of her head, trying to block out the chaos occurring that she knew she could easily stop.
Her thoughts were forming rapidly through her mind right now, about the what if's and how someone with life threatening anxiety couldn't help anyone in need. She gripped the sides of her head more, and took a deep breath to calm herself down.
I won't be afraid... not anymore.
(Y/N) wasn't going to let her self doubt get the best of her anymore, wasn't about to allow more villains to destroy the place she loved and lived in, and no matter how much she wanted to run away and hide, she knew what needed to be done in order to save Paris.
So with a sudden overwhelming sense of courage and determination swelling inside her hear, her eyes flew open to land on her bag beside her, and quicky snatched it up as she ran through the fleeing crowd to the back of stand away from praying eyes.
There were bound to be issues and bad situations she was going to face becoming Ladybug, knew there was a heavy burden to carry if she does finally expect she was chosen to become a hero. But yet, despite her trembling body, she knew this was her purpose from the very beginning, to become something greater.
Taking another deep breath to steady her racing heart beat, she pulls out the jewellery box from inside of her bag, holding it in her palm as she gently opened the box.
A familiar burst of light shot out of it that she was prepared for, lighting up the area she was in as well as her features, and slowly picked up the two red glowing ear rings to place them on her ears.
When the aura died down around her, she dropped her hands from her ears to see a pinky red mist intertwined in one colour forming in the air, that soon materialised into another small familiar figure, Tikki.
The Kwami had a proud look in her eyes seeing (Y/N)'s determined self now in front, and gave the girl a serious expression as she flew up more to her, "Are you ready, (Y/N)?" Her tone was strong, and held a calm sense to it.
At the sudden question from the wiser one, she bit down on her bottom lip nervously as the sounds behind them were blocked out again. She held out her open palms for Tikki to land onto, as the creature does so, and (Y/N) gazed down at her with a conflicted face whispering, "What if I fail?"
Tikki hummed a little in acknowledgment as she flew up out of the girls hands now, and stopped just a few meters away from her face, while Tikki declared, "You must face your own fear to protect the people you love."
(Y/N)'s slumped head shot up hearing this coming from her, knowing very well that Tikki was right as always. She took a few deep breathes to calm herself once more, scrunching her knuckles up as she felt the familiar material of her lucky bracelet on her wrist.
She could do this, she knew she could. And if it this meant protecting the innocent and everyone she loved, then the girl would gladly take on the role of Ladybug, without a second thought.
"Tikki!" Her voice came out in a powerful bellow, now filled with confidence and determination to become what she always was meant to be. The Kwami smiles proudly once last time till she was pulled into the earrings, creating another wave of pinky red aura that beamed out of (Y/N)'s figure, as the back of her hand flicks up against her left ear, "SPOTS ON!"
A magical glow appeared that materialised around her eyes first into her familiar red mask, that travelled down into her hair to make the hair tie stick out like a red ladybug wing, and moved over around her body in a warm embrace, changing the girl into Ladybug's superhero suit.
Her familiar yo-yo appeared on her waist around the black string, as the swirly lines glow in a bright colour, and the yo-yo trills to life. She grabbed onto the yo-yo feeling it, (E/C) eyes flying opening to grin proud at herself, and swings around her yo-yo to aim it at a beam of another stand across the path.
The yo-yo tugs her forward into a gracefully swing through the air out of her hiding place, and Ladybug lands against the ground, where everyone seemed to had disappeared all ready.
Her sharped gaze underneath her mask, looked around the area with high alert, and suddenly heard an infant wailing behind her. She span around with a gasp seeing a 'baby' wrapped up in a blue blanket, trapped in the middle of a bunch of growling balloon dogs.
Just as the balloon dogs were going to pouch on the crying baby, Ladybug's yo-yo had slammed the blue one away, while she span around her weapon fast in her hand, hitting the rest away easily grunting, "Keep your dirty paws off him, dogs!"
The balloons all popped when the yo-yo had hit into them, as she placed the weapon back around her waist, and skidded briefly on her knees to grab a hold of the baby, "Don't worry, I got you! You're ok." She half cooed while cradling the baby, breathing heavily as she looked around on edge.
Ladybug thought she was carrying a baby in her arms tightly, but as soon as the crying turned into an evil cackle, her eyes went wide spotting how it was a balloon monster, smirking wickedly.
She was quick to chuck it away from her with a loud gasp, and jumped a few feet backwards to keep some space between them, coming to a stop when her suited feet skidded into the rough ground.
The balloon monster continued to cackle as a familiar yellow lighting bolt struck it, and it made the balloon start to expand, inflating up into an even bigger monster that was a giant compared to Ladybug, who was in utter shock.
Magician was up in the air on a platform of her power right beside the monster head, as she also cackled like a crazy person, and raised her arms out wide in declaration, "Surrender your Miraculous now!"
"Oh, yeah? Or what little miss sunshine?" Ladybug exclaimed back in a challenging tone, her body turned sideways into a defensive position, and had her knuckles scrunched up, all while glaring up at Magician.
Magician gritted her teeth at the heroes teasing words, and smirked with venom down at the girl, as she raised her hands in a squishing motion, "I'll squish you like a bug!"
Ladybug panicked a little bit in alarm when the balloon monsters leg was incoming on her, and was preparing to do something to stop it, until the familiar voice of Cat Noir yelled out loudly tautly, "Did you need me?"
She raised her arms up above her head when purple invaded her vision, but soon glanced up a little with a happy gasp seeing who was in front of her. Cat Noir was kneeled down where she was, his staff stopping the balloon from crushing her, as he grinned charmingly in greeting.
When the balloon was pushing down on his pole with too much force, Cat Noir quickly grabbed a hold of his partners forearm as they both shout startled, getting thrown back out from underneath the material.
They skidded along the ground by their boots, and suited feet a few meters back, as Ladybug landed against his back with a thump, his hand still holding on her arm, and yelped realising what had just happened.
She scrambled out of his hold quickly with a embarrassed noise, and glanced back at his goofily grinning figure, who was resting his chin on his staff casually, watching her closely, "Oh, hey Kitty. You again?"
He flipped around his baton coolly in between his fingers, before slipping it back into his belt behind him, "A dream come true, princess!" He announced through a charming smirk, and a wink thrown at her, as his arms outstretched a little.
A deadpanning expression takes over her features hearing this, shaking her head unpressed as she slapped her forehead gently at his attempted flirting with her. Though, she wouldn't lie... it was kinda working on her.
"Time to make you disappear!" Magician's voice was back again from the side Ladybug was on, making the duo span out of their moment to see both villains now back to attack them, getting their weapons out to aim.
Magician had pulled out her many cards in between her fingers, while Mime made an invisible gun appear that cocked onto where the hero duo stood in the middle, just waiting for them to make a move.
"Let me guess." Cat Noir began to talk as he went back to back with Ladybug, hands on his hips before he lifted them up into a fighting stance, "Silent but deadly?"
"That's it! All bets are off!" Magician threw her power invested cards towards the super duo forcefully, and at the same time Mime shot off a bullet from his gun, both things going to hit the two in the middle.
Hastily acting seeing all this happening. Cat Noir span around Ladybug by the waist who yelped feeling his touch, and they then grabbed each others forearms tightly in between with both hands. He swinged her up high into the air, as she used his thigh to push herself up more, and grunted when she was now up above.
One of her knees was bent up to her waist, as one of her arms was outstretched to her side, and reached with her opposite hand to grab onto the yo-yo around her waist. She span herself around into the air, and pulled back her yo-yo with a yell as she manged to hit away all the cards coming at Cat Noir, who destroyed the bullet at the same time in his palm.
Ladybug dropped down beside him a little bit in front, as her yo-yo was attached to one of her fingers as it trills, and had her fists up in a fighting position. However she soon gasped realising what had happened, and turned towards a grinning Cat Noir in awe, "D-did you just..?"
He looked down at his closed clawed hand as he opened up his fist, and also gasped excitedly seeing how the bullet faded away into nothing now, "Whoa!" He moved his head back up to stare at her, eyes wide like her ones, "Our powers!"
"Stronger." They both speak in sync with each other in glee, as they raised their hands to land a bump against each others knuckles, just as his glowing ring got brighter when they touched, "Together!"
The duo turn their backs together in a fighting stance, arms raised ready to take on the villains but found none of them around anymore, which confused them a lot, but was soon answered when Magician appeared above them.
She cackles loudly up in the air on her magic platform, and raised her wand up that had electrical lighting on the end of it, "Your last ride's gonna be a blast!" She bellows in a declare, as she aimed the shot at the rollercoaster below her.
The ride began to now travel faster then it should actually be, causing the passengers to shriek in panic feeling the sudden pick of speed, and hold on for dear life, as the metal sparks a little underneath.
"Bounce these fools!" Magician ordered the monster she created, as it shouts inaudible words while cackling and shoves its balloon stomach into the ferris wheel, sending it flying through the streets rapidly.
"The coaster!" Ladybug exclaimed in worry knowing her friends were on that, as she stood up more straight beside Cat Noir, who was already running towards the issue they had to fix.
"The wheel! Let's roll, princess!" He yelled back to his partner, grabbing onto her forearm to pull her up with him as they both now begin to run through the empty carnival.
( ᴬᵁᵀᴴᴼᴿˢ ᴺᴼᵀᴱ )
ok so im defiantly planning a mlb tv show fic after this guys like i can't stop thinking about my idea i have so yes i am going ahead with it WHHAAHAA👹👹👹( i may be making marinette a male in it also idk though and he might be a love interest )
expect normal ish updates now cause my internet is backkk and workinnggg so i will be able to write more now slayyyy unless shit gets messed up again LMAOAO 😭
i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter though and don't be silent readers otherwise i'll send hawkmoth after your ass smiling his creepy grin ABHAHHA JK MWHA <3
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