thirty four

chapter thirty four
"sex me right now!"


LYNN PEELED OPEN HER heavy eyelids even against all of her will to just return back to her light slumber — she wasn't sure how much wolfsbane she was dosed with, or what kind, but this was much different compared to when Lydia had dosed their drinks at her birthday party.

Her breathing was rapid, however at the same time it seemed as if she wasn't getting enough oxygen into her lungs like she needed. Lynn had returned to resting her back against the wall when she felt as if her feet could no longer carry her, figuring rest would be the only way she'd find the strength to find a way out.

Although, there was a sudden strength that shifted through her bones when she recognized the voice that rang out throughout the darkness.

"Derek?" Lynn mumbled out like a faint whisper, and she placed a palm on the cold flooring for support as she pushed herself up, even though her bones were screaming for her to stop.

Lynn shifted through the shadows while her hands never left the wall she was tracing for support, and she furrowed her blue eyes as they landed on more light that had even been in the bank vault — realizing there was now a wide, damaged hole in one of the stone sides of the vault.

"Evelynn?" Derek called out, his worried eyes had then switched in relief when he recognized the outline of Lynn's curves, but was once again replaced with concern when he realized her pain, her weakness.

"See, I knew you guys couldn't go a day without me," Lynn faintly grinned while letting out a dry chuckle.

     Lynn's smirk had then shifted more so into a smile when her eyes landed on Derek's body — and she wasn't sure she had ever been so happy to see him before. A part of her was inspired to just leap forward into the tightest of hugs and just take a moment to feel his touch on hers.

Suddenly, interrupting the two werewolves staring deeply at each other, the door to the bank vault was swung open.

      The light almost hurt Lynn's eyes at her, and she winced a bit and raised her forearm to shield her eyes. A sigh escaped her lips as her head started to ring ever so slightly, and she raised her hand to press it against her temple.

      But Lynn was snapped out of her distracted gaze as roars echoed throughout the small, stone covered walls. She glanced forward just in time for Cora to dart towards Derek and Scott, and unfortunately, it seemed as if Boyd's yellow eyes had targeted herself.

      "Shit," Lynn grumbled as she backed a foot or so away, gulping some anxiety bubbling in the back of her throat. "Boyd, it's me. Boyd!"

      Lynn let a shaky breath out as her back now collided with the silver lined back locks. However, no matter how much pleading she let out, she was cornered by a rabid dog.

      She mustered up the loudest growl she could manage, and extended her claws even though barely had the energy to do so.

      "Boyd, don't," Lynn breathed out, a very soft expression covering her face as she saw the way that Boyd truly didn't want to hurt her — but he couldn't control himself.


      Both Lynn and Boyd jerked their heads in the direction of the shouting, and Lynn was pleasantly relieved to see that it was Derek — calling out to distract the boy to tear him away from the weakened Lynn, although she would never admit it.

      Lynn rapidly raced forward to take Boyd off guard, slamming his rough body into the cold ground. She jabbed her right shoulder into the flooring, hissing out in pain as she could quite literally hear the popping of her bone.

      But it was nothing compared to Boyd, who seemingly recovered from the attack within a second as she dug his claws into Lynn's side, and she whimpered as she felt her already weakened state depleted.

      She fell to her back as she wrapped a hand around her abdomen, her werewolf blue eyes fading into her regular ones.

      "Evelynn!" Derek cried out, and anyone could quite literally hear the emotion laced in his voice. "Boyd, hey, come and get me!"

      Boyd yanked his claws finally from Lynn's body, the blood escaping even quicker than before as her body fell limp. He darted over towards Derek, but the man was more concerned about Lynn than anything else.


      Although Lynn did have the energy to glance over, she knew she recognized the voice — Allison. There was some sort of relief flooding Lynn's brain, but it was starting to get fuzzy. Whether it was the wolfsbane or the lack of blood — perhaps both of them together.

      There was a minute of arguing between her werewolf friends — but she no longer heard the growls and hisses of Boyd and Cora, and she wondered where they went. But she had her eyes closed, too tired to force them back open.

      Suddenly, there was an arm wrapped around Lynn's neck to lift her up from the ground and rather onto a lap. Cracking open her eyes just the slightest, she then recognized who it was, Derek.

      "Hey, you're alright," Derek murmured out while he gently traced his fingertip over her cheek, tucking a single strand of her brunette strands behind her ear. "Evelynn? Darling?"

      "Hey, wet dog," Lynn chuckled softly, although it had barely even come out more than a whisper. "I'm tired."

      "We're going to get you to Deaton, okay? We just need to you stay awake a little longer," Derek breathed out, and Lynn felt a tingle in her skin as his breath bounced off her cheek.

      "Can't I just nap," Lynn pleaded dramatically, sighing a bit. "Just a cat nap, I promise, I'm not dying."

      Derek didn't respond as he wrapped a solid strong arm under both of Lynn's legs and lifted the girl ever so easily from the ground. She rested her head against his chest, and she was reminded of how badly she enjoyed laying with the man as the two accidentally cuddled all those months ago.

      Bridal style, Derek carried the girl all the way out of the bank vault and to Deaton.


      "I. AM. FINE."

      Lynn annoyingly popped her jaw off to the side as she glanced at the two boys on both sides of her. Scott to the right, and Stiles to the left, personally — it felt as if the two were even closer to her than ever before.

      Ever since three days ago on the full moon where Lynn was trapped in the bank vault with Cora, Derek's younger sister who had apparently not died in the family fire, and then Boyd. The night was faintly remembered, to be honest, most of it was fuzzy and slurred together. She just strictly recalled the butterflies swarming her stomach as Derek carried her all the way to Deaton's.

      Even against his will to stay by Lynn's side until he knew she was one hundred percent safe, Derek was forced to leave Lynn alone with Deaton to find Cora and Boyd before they seriously hurt, or even killed someone.

      The two rabid werewolves were still alive by sun up on the full moon, no thanks to Lynn because Deaton said she would benched for a few days until she was back to her regular self with no wolfsbane poisoning or deep werewolf scars.

      "I don't understand why you guys are stressing out so badly," Lynn grumbled as she adjusted the backpack annoyingly itching her shoulders. "Isaac supposedly hears some random woman's voice saying I'm going to be dead by the full moon, but surprise, I'm not dead, yet you guys are still freaking out."

      Stiles gave his best friend a deadpanned glare, which she only seemed to grit back at him. Scott wasn't so sarcastic or blunt, but Lynn could still smell the concern leaking from him.

      The puppy trio pulled to a halt as Scott swung open the door to the boys locker room with Lynn and Stiles close on his tail. And why exactly Lynn was following them into the boys locker room, you ask? Because Coach stated that anyone on the lacrosse team needed to have a mandatory meeting there, and even when Lynn tried to explain she isn't a boy and this most likely had to go against school policy, Coach insisted if no one else knew, it wouldn't be a problem.

      "Just because the full moons over doesn't mean they won't try to kill you," Stiles spoke quickly, and Lynn was thankful for him speaking up through the awkward silence of her gaining almost every single boys attention, best trying to just ignore it, she slipped through the crowd and headed towards her lacrosse locker. "Again."

      "Exactly," Scott chimed in, cracking open his own locker. "And we don't even know who the woman supposedly is."

      "Okay, but seriously, guys, what're you going to do? Create a whole schedule so that there is always someone to babysit me every hour of every day until the next full moon?" Lynn smugly smirked while letting out an amused snort, but that smile almost instantly faded as she saw Stiles and Scott exchange a look, and then Stiles tried to subtly stuff something back into his locker. "Stiles, hey, what the hell did you just stuff — HEY!"

      Lynn jabbed her elbow into Stiles' stomach as she shoved him away from his own locker, and she peeled the piece of paper he previously had in his hand but had tried to hide away. As she opened the folded paper, she gasped as she switched from the scribbled paper towards her two best friends as they tried to avoid her stare, and then back at the paper.

      "Is this a whole schedule so that there is always someone to babysit me every hour of every day until the next full moon!?"

      "No," Stiles shook his head in disbelief, and then as Lynn impatiently tilted her head off to the side, he cleared his throat. "Uh, it's more like, you know, just a rough draft..."

      "Oh, you have got to be kidding me," Lynn scoffed, throwing the paper in the two's direction, where Stiles dramatically launched forward so he could catch it before it fell to the ground. "Now, neither of you two idiots are going to follow me to the bathroom as I change or else I will rip both of your throats out, with my teeth."

      The boys seemed to understand just how real Lynn's threat was, so they reluctantly let the girl exit to the bathroom stall so she could properly change without the gawking eyes of the observant boys.

      It only took a few minutes for Lynn to change into a pair of black high-waisted leggings with a matching sports bra — she cracked open the bathroom stall with her foot as she carried her pile of clothes under an armpit, and was trying to multitask at the same time by pulling her long brunette strands into a ponytail.

      Lynn froze as it she noticed the way each and every boy was staring at her, and she decided to flash them a tight, yet somewhat flirty, smile as she pushed past a few shirtless boys towards her friends. The conversation had now shifted towards the missing boy from the animal clinic last night, and how Stiles was curious if the boy was a virgin.

      "No, I don't know if he was a virgin!" Argued Scott just as Lynn finished walking up to the two boys, stuffing her school clothing into her locker. "And why are you talking like he's already dead? He's just missing."

     "Missing and presumed dead because he's probably a virgin, Scott," Stiles dramatically exclaimed, and Lynn perked her eyebrows up amusingly as she glanced over in Scott's direction, who only rolled his eyes. "And you guys know who else is a virgin? Me! I'm a virgin, okay? And you know what that means? It means that my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life! Okay, I need to have sex, like, right now. Someone needs to have sex with me, like, today, like, someone needs to sex me right now!"

      The entire sexual rant from Stiles seemed to have put Lynn in a spiral, where her cheeks were burning red from how badly she was trying to keep in her laughs and snorts — but she was miserably failing.

      "Alright, I'll do it."

      The puppy trio all slightly scoffed when just as soon as Stiles slammed his locker door shut, Danny had been behind it the entire time. He had a familiar amusing smirk covering his face, and Lynn couldn't help but love the boy for teasing Stiles even further.

      "Come to my place at nine, plan to stay the night," Danny explained, and Stiles stood there with a dumbfounded expression, and Lynn was starting to wonder if he was seriously taking Danny's offer under consideration. "I like to cuddle."

      "Oh, that was so sweet. Are you kidding?" Stiles almost gasped, and Lynn snorted out behind the brunette boy, but after earning a glare, she quickly rose a hand to cover her mouth.

      "Yes, I'm kidding," the boy narrowed his eyes at Stiles, and he only simply adjusted his shirt as he starting walking off towards his own locker.

      "Okay, you know, you don't toy with a guy's emotions like that, Danny!" Stiles managed to get out before the boy was too far gone, and he only chuckled a bit under his breath. "It's not attractive, alright?"

      Lynn finished pulling her strands of knotted hair back into a ponytail just in time to see Isaac enter through the door into the locker room, she narrowly avoided his glance as she pressed her back against her now closed locker.

      Stiles had explained to Lynn what had happened between Isaac and Derek those few days ago when she was missing — how they got at each others throats because of her. She hadn't talked to either of the two boys ever since she found out, feeling somewhat awkward knowing that she was starting to cause arguments between an alpha and his beta.

      "What's wrong — oh," Stiles stated with an open jaw, and Lynn flashed him an annoyed glare as he made it quite obvious they were all staring at him. "I wonder how hard life is when everyone is madly in love with you and you have your choice of the litter, get the reference?"

      "And to think I was going to offer to take care of your V-card, Stiles Stilinski," Lynn sarcastically frowned, patting Stiles shoulder with a quite obviously fake smile. Scott laughed beside the two, and Stiles slightly straightened out his face.

      "She's joking, right? Wait, Evelynn, I apologize for it all! COME BACK!"

a/n: hey :-) i've been writing so much lately just because i'm SO excited to write motel california!! (also yes, we did skip s3ep3 because it's boring i said what i said)

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