𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐒𝐱

"OH, SHIT!" KIE EXCLAIMED AS THEY DROVE DOWN THE ROAD IN THE TWINKIE. The vehicle had been left at the church in all of the Pope confusion and panic, and they were now glad because they would have had to walk home without it. Once they reached the truck that was still crashed on the side of the road, they groaned when they saw the police cars surrounding it. "They found the truck."

"All right, just relax. Just relax," John B told them when they started freaking out. They just needed to act as naturally as they could. Bree rolled her eyes. How was it that every time that they were pulled over by the cops, they were actually guilty of whatever they were being pulled over for?

Shoupe smiled sarcastically as he approached the open window and glanced around at all of the teenagers in the vehicle. "Well, lookee here."

"Good evening, Officer," the Routledge boy greeted.

"Sheriff," the man corrected him cockily, and the Callaway girl had to fight the urge to scoff. "Speed kills, huh? I pulled the tags, and I know whose truck that is." He looked in the back where the Carrera girl was slouching in an attempt to hide behind the front seat. "Hey! Kie, you drop your weed pen back there?"

She sighed and sat up, looking over at him. "Found it."

"Sheriff, I just wanna say that this is all my fault. She had nothing to do with this. I take 100% responsibility," Pope confessed, trying to keep Kie out of trouble, but it was inevitable. She was already dead for just stealing the car. There was no way her parents wouldn't care about it being crashed and totalled on her watch.

"Nothing to do with it? Uh-huh. You wanna try that again? Your parents reported the truck missing four hours ago, and the keys were missing from the house. I'm taking you home," Shoupe told them, but when nobody moved or said anything, he offered an alternative solution. "Or I can pull you all in for leaving the scene of an accident."

Kie finally just put her hands up in surrender and agreed, "Okay."

"Good. Plumb." He called over his deputy, and she appeared on the other side of the car to take the raven-haired girl away.

"Yeah. I gotta deal," the Carrera girl said as Plumb opened the door for her so that she could climb out and into the police car. "Hit me up later and make sure I'm still alive."

Shoupe nodded, opening the car door for her as she glanced one more time at the completely wrecked car on the side of the road. "Come on. Let's get you home."

"He's got the truck," JJ exclaimed once they reached the Cameron house to see that Rafe was the one that had the truck with the cross.

John B shushed them quickly as they ran to the wall so that they could peek over it and see what was happening. "Stay low, stay low, stay low."

"How much do you wanna bet Rafe has the cross inside that truck right now?" Pope questioned as they crouched by the wall and watched the Cameron boy climb out, close the door behind him, and go inside the house.

Sarah sighed as she started walking away, preparing to go around and steal the truck. "There's only one way to find out"

"Hey, hey. Wait,"the Routledge boy called, jogging after her, and the two had a conversation about who knows what. The other three were at the wall, and they were far enough away that they could not hear a thing the two were whispering, but they really did not have time for the chitchat. The conversation ended with a kiss, causing all of their eyes to widen in shock then roll in annoyance. God, why did they have to be so cute?

"Hey! Do you want me to perform your vows while you're at it?" Pope questioned as Sarah left and John B came back to them, standing next to the brunette girl. "Christ, could you take any longer?"

JJ raised his eyebrows at his best friend with a smile. "Did you say 'be safe'?"

"I did say 'be safe,'" the brunette boy responded, rolling his eyes at the reference to their previous adventure to the house of that old lady that tried to kill them with her gun and awful aim. -

As Bree watched her friend climb into the truck and then back out, she questioned, "What's she doing?" The blonde girl then stood in the yard and started mouthing stuff to them, but none of them could hear or make out what she was trying to tell them.

"Come back," John B whispered to her, and they all waved her over. She then mouthed something else before turning around and walking toward the house.

"No. No," Pope protested, raising his voice a little bit in an attempt to make her hear him without making too much noise. "Don't go inside!"

The Maybank boy whipped around to face his best friend with groan, making sure that he did not tell her to go into the house. "You said don't go in the house!"

"I told her!" the Routledge boy insisted.

"Do the birdcall!" Pope ordered the brunette boy, and John B wasted no time in making a noise that sounded nothing like a bird in any way, shape, or form. "What? That's not what a bird sounds like. It's not β€” It's a whistle."

Bree furrowed her eyebrows at him. "That could not sound any more unlike a bird."

"Was that a dying chicken?" the blonde boy added.

John B sighed before hoisting himself onto the wall with the other Pogues following him quickly. "I'm going over."

"Uh, excuse me. Can I help ya?" a voice called from behind them, and they whipped around to see an old man in a golf cart staring at them with raised eyebrows. Bree gasped when she heard a gun cock and saw him pull out a huge gun and point it at them. "I got double-aught bucks in this thing, so, uh, I can't miss." He gestured with the gun for them to climb off the wall, and they all hopped off with their hands up. "All right there, buddy, off the wall. That's it. Yeah."

"Sir, it's not what it seems," the blonde boy assured him as they all got on their knees, keeping their hands up so that the man could see them.

"You kids are on the wrong side of the island," the man pointed out, and Bree fought the urge to scoff because it wasn't like there was a freaking barrier. It wasn't like it was illegal for a Pogue to be on the Cut. This man was just mad because the dirty Pogues were an eyesore for him and his little golf cart ride. "I think I'm gonna call the police."

JJ tried to convince him otherwise, shaking his head and standing up slowly. Bree was about to grab his hand and pull him back down when the man moved the gun to point at her. The Maybank boy;s eyes widened, and he responded swiftly, "You don't have to do that, sir."

"I'll decide for myself what I need to do," the man replied bitterly.

"Sir, can I just talk to you for a minute? Just to explain," JJ questioned, and his friends were about to protest, but he shushed them. "No, I got this. Sir, I know you think we're just some derelict kids from the Cut, but we weren't that to Mr. Cameron. We were his yard workers, sir. We were just waiting for our yard associate β€” To...Tommy β€” Tommy to get back from planting a row of flowers for Mr. Cameron's memorial."

"Keep talking," the man ordered, still pointing the gun at him.

So, JJ did what JJ did best. He rambled on about absolutely nothing for a couple of minutes, and by the end of it, the old man had lowered his gun and was listening intently. The Maybank boy finished, "...the Knight of the Rhododendron lives on...in here." He gestured to his heart. "That's why we planted those flowers. You smell that, right?"

"What is that, night-blooming jasmine?" the old man questioned after sniffing the air.

"No, that's more like, um... like, uh..." the blonde boy stuttered out, glancing to his friends for help, and he just shrugged. Sir, that's, um... natural Viagra. That's what it is."

The man seemed very intrigued by that as Pope and Bree gasped softly. "Really?"

"One sniff and bam! It's hammer time! You know what I'm saying?" the Maybank boy jabbered on, yelling as his friends grabbed him and pulled him away from the man before he could make himself look like an absolutely insane person. It was a little too late for that, though.

Pope interrupted his friend, and turned to the man, lying as he informed him smoothly, "Our associate Tommy should be here any minute."

"We'll be quiet, all right?" Bree jumped in, assuring the man because the guys were confusing him. Any more of them talking, and he would be back to pointing the gun at them. "And we'll finish up here. I'm sorry to bother you."

"See that you do," he answered with a nod before making his way back to his golf cart. "I gotta get some of those flowers."

"Have a good night, sir," the Heyward boy told him, and they all waved as he continued down the road in his golf cart.

JJ waited for him to be out of sight before whipping back to the house. "Let's go!"

"Get down! Get down!" John B ordered Pope once Rafe came out and the Heyward boy tried to run at him. They were in the yard now, hiding behind some bushes. Bree was shaking her leg nervously because Sarah hadn't come out yet, and Rafe clearly had the keys.

Pope pointed out to his friends, even though it was very obvious to them, "That's Rafe."

"Get down!" JJ yelled as the Routledge boy and the Callaway girl grabbed his shoulders to hold him back because he was still a little excited from the shot that Ricky gave him, and if they weren't there, he would probably go running straight toward the Cameron boy and try to beat him up. "No, wait! Not yet!"

"Then what do we do? What's the plan?" the brunette boy questioned, but Pope did not seem to be listening to them as he and JJ argued.

The blonde boy answered after a second of brainstorming, "Well, he might have the gun, so, uh, what's in our favor? The element of surprise, that's what's in our favor right now."

"What can we surprise him with?" John B asked, rolling his eyes at his best friend. However, if you thought about it, Rafe was no match for all four of them. They could just run in and jump him and then steal the keys and drive off. Bree cursed herself for thinking about that because it was an awful idea. JJ was starting to rub off on her.

She turned around to face the Heyward boy because she was the closest to him when he muttered, "He's got my cross."

"What?" she asked him as the other boys kept fighting behind her. Her eyes widened when he took off sprinting across the lawn and toward the truck that Rafe was already in. "Pope!"

Her yelling caused John B and JJ to whip around and see what was happening. They started whisper-yelling so that Rafe couldn't hear them, but it was too late. He had already disappeared behind the truck. The Cameron boy pulled out of the driveway, and once he had left, there was no sign of Pope.

"Dude, they got Sarah," JJ murmured to them, causing their heads to turn back to the house to where Rose and Wheezie were hauling a half-awake Sarah across the back patio and toward Rose's car.

Bree and John B furrowed their eyebrows in concern as they watched what was happening, and the Routledge boy quizzed angrily, "What'd they do?"

"Hey!" John B yelled as they went sprinting toward the moving car. Their footsteps pounded on the concrete as they tried to win Wheezie over. "Slow the car! Sarah!"

"Hey, Wheezie! Unlock the door!" JJ shouted to her, and she said something to Rose with a scared and confused expression.

The Callaway girl rapped hard on the glass of the back seat that Sarah was asleep in as she panted out, "Come on, Sarah. Wake up! Please wake up!"

"I'm sorry," Wheezie mouthed to them, shaking her head.

Bree and the Maybank boy started to fall behind, and John B tripped over himself and did a roll onto the grass and fell on his back. The car drove off without them, and JJ and the brunette girl ran over to their friend. The blonde boy helped him to his feet. "Come on! Let's get to the Twinkie, man. Come on!"

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