𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 πˆπ—.


"Phone AND phone charger?"


"Underwear? Not the granny ones, the thongs."

"Yes--wait what?"

"Everyone has cute thongs they bring whenever they go somewhere, you don't want to shake some ass with your pantie lines showing."

I was mortified by Sydni's choice of words over the three way skype call early the next morning. Since we have a three hour time difference, I got up around six in the morning to double check my bag and suitcase, make sure I had all my important papers and of course to say bye to everyone. I was glad those two were night owls because I was losing my mind.

"I am so excited for you, you are starting a brand new life in a new place. Granted it's still in the same city, but just imagine the band has some hidden secret that you find out about." Tiana jokingly said, but that thought was always in the back of my mind.

What was that band really hiding? Why did the lead singer always go missing during certain concerts? Why did they hate the public light? What made them hate the president so bad all of their songs were based on corruption? Not only was I becoming a stylist, I was also becoming an interviewer for my own well-being.

"Imagine you fall in love with Hobie and have cute babies who turn out to be–"

"Okay, that's enough." I stop them mid-giggling, laughing behind my hand as I grab my phone off of the vanity and sit cross-legged on the bed for another few minutes. "I am not sure how my schedule will be, but I will try to keep you two updated on everything and send pictures, not that it will be any different than what I was already doing." I ignore the pit in my stomach about this decision once more. Deja told me I had the chance to decline the offer and stay being her intern, I just needed to come up with my answer in... ten minutes. If she didn't hear from me, I was going to go through it. If I texted her and told her that I declined, I had to come in at nine to help with another design.

I hear a honk outside the building and move to my feet to peer outside, down below is Vanity, Eliana and Monique all in their pajamas looking up at my window as they wave at me to come down. Saying one last goodbye to Tiana and Sydni, I quickly grab all of my things that I would be needing and head out the door and down the steps.

By the time I get down there, Eliana meets me halfway and takes my bags into her hands to move me along. All three of them give me a big hug, my arms are engulfing their bodies. I didn't know them long enough, and I am only moving not too far away; I knew seeing them would be harder now.

"Stay safe okay?" Vanity whispers into the hold.

"Always. I'll just be with the band on the opposite side of town. I will try to keep in touch with you all, especially since Moni made that group chat and is already sending 'I miss you' texts." I teased, looking down at her before shutting my eyes to take in the warmth of the three.

I smiled one last time and pulled back, my suitcases were already in the back of the taxi. This was it, I was really starting a big girl job that would actually pay me well. The door already propped open as well, I slid into the back seat and waved as the door was shut. Placing a hand on the window to be dramatic, I pretend to weep with my fists balled and moving in a weeping motion to wipe away the 'tears' that fell.

The ride to the apartment was peaceful, quiet. He took a different route and explained that Karl wanted me there without any traffic and any hiccups so I wasn't behind schedule. Although we had another four hours until I was to meet them officially, I was told to be at the apartment in case they wanted a surprise visit earlier.

I didn't get further instructions from that point but I guess when I settle in and meet the two new girls I'll have a better understanding, but for now, I'll just situate myself in front of someone who knows Karl and ask them where to go.

What felt like a mile walk from the taxi, past the front desk lady and up to my penthouse apartment, I finally managed to settle in with a loud sigh. There was a care package waiting for me at the foot of the door and I felt a smile grow on my lips, it was from my family. There were little welcoming candies, some toiletries I would be needing and a few gift cards to stores I loved to shop around.

Pushing it inside gently with the tip of my foot, I almost let out a small gasp at the interior design of the penthouse. I knew Karl had a lot of money, but to spend it on me or to allow me to stay in one of his housing areas was almost too generous. There had to be a catch, there had to be something that he was going to do to let me down.

An upbeat melody traveled through the apartment that caused my head to whip around to find the source. The speaker was perched on a window sill inside of the living room with the song "What Once Was" playing loudly. The living room furniture was sitting on marble flooring that was waxed perfectly. The couch was a dark grey, it connected to the end of one another to be able to break off and make it bigger if needed. A fire place across from it and the windows wrapped around, the city never looked more beautiful from this angle. Many plants were lined around the walls almost perfectly, like they belonged there and didn't need to be touched. I knew someone was here because the leaves were dripping still with water as if someone watered them not too long ago.

The crinkling of grocery bags had me moving into the kitchen to see one girl with dark, black hair sitting on the counter looking through the bags with her back facing me. She was tall, I knew because when she straightened herself out her spine almost grew three inches and she sat with confidence, her dark skin was covered in sleeves of tattoos and her acrylic nails tapped on her seating place. Next to her was another girl who was facing me sideways while leaning over the pot that was boiling on the stove. She was much shorter but had an alluring aura that gravitated me towards her to make myself known. She popped her head up, a smile on her lips.

"You must be (Y/N), I'm Ciera and that's Ares." Ciera pointed between the two girls. Ares, who was stretching out her neck, dipped her head backwards to look at me before turning herself around to give a real wave. I was almost stunned by how gorgeous the two girls were. Ciera had long hair, it fell to her lower back and had tattoos all around her arms and hands. Ares was different when it came to tattoos. Everytime she moved a body part there was yet another tattoo that was not visible to the eye unless you knew her. Dragon tattoos were scattered all over her body, both hands covered in tattoos and both girls had matching tongue and nose piercings like they were twins.

"Uh.. yeah. Sorry, am I in the wrong place?" It was a stupid question at the moment, I knew I wasn't since Ciera obviously knew who I was, but I didn't feel like I belonged there at that moment.

Fruits, veggies, meats and all sorts of snacks were visible in the bags from the grocery store the two girls went to get prior to me arriving. I knew that because the receipt was laying at the foot of the door and they must've not realized.

My feet creaked against the flooring in the kitchen, walking in on alert in case another person was living here that I didn't know about.

"Yes, we are your new assistance. I handle the finance and Ares handles the planning and scheduling." Ciera explained as she continued to stir whatever it was she was making on the stove. "We are a bit behind schedule already, but it's completely fine. It isn't our fault this time, it's the band. They were supposed to be here half an hour ago and when you came in, they would be here already to sort of kill two birds with one stone."

The thought of coming in and everyone already being there made my stomach clench on the inside, like an intervention for something I didn't know about.

"Do you have your contracts filled out?" Ares chimes in out of nowhere, hopping off the counter and I was right, she was tall. At least six feet. She had a pretty smile and it matched the smiley piercing she had.

"Uh... yes!" I turn and rush to my backpack to pull out the contracts that I had looked over and signed the ones that needed to be signed. Once I was back in front of Ares, she took the papers and nodded with that thoughtful smile on her face before we both jumped out of surprise from Ciera slamming down the spoon on the pan with her phone unlocked and open.

"Good and bad news," Ciera makes herself even more known before turning around with the spoon dripping sauce on to the floor. "Bad news, Hobie isn't going to be here tonight due to some personal reasons that apparently don't make the importance of our job. That means the food we cooked will be stored away until tomorrow."

"And the good news?"

"The ones who actually show up will be coming up soon, which means less introduction tomorrow and more time to get going around the city for interviews and performances."

A small breeze cascades me as we were suddenly standing under the AC. Within the apartment I could tell that it had been rented out before. I could barely take in the sight before noticing Ares and Ciera were starting to packaging up the food.

"Karl already let you know that you will be staying here, we have a spare key just to let you know since this is the middle point between the band and everywhere else." Ares explained while closing one set of the curtains.

"Why are there a lot of other rooms here?" I ask while looking at the upper levels of the place.

"A lot of work happens here, a lot of the members love to bring groupies back and a lot of them need places to sleep during the winter time. Especially when their heat breaks, they are a low maintenance band but we need them alive." She reminds me with a point, making me nod in acknowledgement that it made sense for the members to have a place to rest.

It's crazy to see behind the scenes when it comes to managing a band, the little things that matter that you don't see. You often think it is common sense to have rooms available for the members to sleep, touring manager, financing consultants, but to see it face to face made me feel like I uncovered a great mystery.

"So, if they are a low maintenance band, why do they need me to help them pick out their clothes? I saw them in concert and did a little bit of research on them, if anything this is the last thing they need."

"It isn't that they need one, it's that Karl is demanding they have one." Ciera states as she shoves a few tupperware of food into the already packed fridge as she starts unloading the remaining bit of groceries into the fridge.


"Who knows, maybe another popular band will want you to be their designer after this is up."

I shrug lightly, smiling down at the floor before the doorbell rings. That was my cue to excuse myself to the restroom to check over my outfit. It wasn't that I was nervous to meet them, but I was meeting them as their stylist, not as a fan. If they saw me dress horrible, imagine the thoughts they would think and how they could trust me to ensure they looked good on stage. Standing in front of the mirror, I brush a few strands of my hair behind my ear whilst dabbing my face with some water to cool myself off from the sudden warmth I felt. I could hear their voices and instantly got sick to my stomach, it was no longer standing behind a rope watching them perform, I was going to be face to face with them.

It felt like I was staring at myself for over an hour until a knock broke me out of my trance. I headed out with my head kept down until the sound of voices rose little by little and there I stood in the kitchen with none other than Spider Band.


"(Y/N) these are the wonderful individuals of the century, the shit disturbers and I can not forget, the rudest band of all. Or shall I say they are also referred to as Spider Band. This is Rico, Opium, OZzy and the most recent addition, Crass." Ares introduced as my stomach fell to my feet and I was suddenly standing in the same room with a powerful aura known as my new employers.

Three men and one female lounge against the countertops of the kitchen, all locking eyes on me. The kitchen wasn't smoking, I know because I watched Ciera turn off the stove and remove any food she was cooking prior to all of this, but it felt like a blur and my eyes were clouding with smoke from anxiety.

"And did your lovely leader explain why he couldn't be here tonight?" Ciera immediately said, crossing her arms one over the other with her hip propped out.

"Come on ma', where is he ever?" The shorter guy by the name of Crass leaning on the ledge of the counter said, a lollipop between his lips while it lightly clanked against his braces.

"We need a GPS on him." Ciera scoffs, turning to me. "Anyway, this is (Y/N) your new stylist that was appointed by Karl with no questions asked. She will be joining us for however long it seems fit and doing so you have to wear whatever it is she picks out." She says as I stood awkwardly at the front of the kitchen door.

I wave hesitantly and softly smile because I didn't know what to say or who to look at. They all looked me up and down, they all had different styles to them and it wasn't at all hard to tell who was who. Rico stood out the most to me. Her blue hair with exaggerated eyeliner, long blue nails and multiple necklaces hung around her neck with line work tattoo wrapping around her biceps. She was gorgeous, drop dead gorgeous and I was jealous. I remember how captivating she was on stage, but up close and personal she was even more captivating. She also smelled like vanilla.

"You look young." The spiked blonde hair man said, Ozzy.

"I'm of age if that is what you want to know." I state with another smile, I'm pretty sure I am the youngest one here by at least a year or two.

"Hmm." He said while looking me up and down again. I didn't know whether to feel uncomfortable or flattered he was taking a long time to really check me out. But it felt like my appearance was being tested and I knew I should've worn a more popping outfit.

"Well good luck." This time it's Opium who speaks, a subtle smirk. He hops on the counter while pulling out what seems to be a blunt from one of the cabinets and I had to screw my jaw from dropping at how I didn't smell it.

"Why?" I asked politely.

"Well, let's just say Hobie isn't too fond of consistent work. It isn't his thing." He gave me an underlying smirk, taking a puff of the blunt while doing so.

I froze while my hands got immensely sweaty really quick. He was right, Hobie did have a problem with consistency and I didn't even bother to think of that when accepting this. Opium, Crass, Rico and Ozzy all seemed up to the idea of having someone pick out their outfits for them, but that was because they were far too lazy to do so and often wore the same outfit three days in a row for concerts. On the other hand, Hobie was the only one who dressed differently but the same at the same time. Make sense?

"Stop stressing her out." Ares defends. "If we lose her then Karl will have all our assess and might I add, winter is coming up and you remember what happened last time you pissed him off."

Opium laughs under his breath, shaking his head.

"Hey don't blame us, that's all Hobie and you know it." He defends meeting his brown eyes with me for a second before looking at Ares.

"Maybe having a pretty girl this time will be better. He might actually start canceling on whatever he does every single night and let us perform as a full band and not as a band without a lead singer." Rico spoke like I wasn't in the room, I couldn't help but feel my cheeks heat up at the compliment and wonder if Hobie ever told them about our recent time.

Opium immediately noticed my reaction, curling his lips into a small smile.

"Look Ri, you are stressing the poor girl out already and we don't even have anything planned until tomorrow night." He nudged Rioc in defense but also kept the grin on his face. "Don't worry ma', I'll make sure to keep Hobie on a tight leash for you so he stays put." He replied teasingly.


Ozzy and Crass before laughing under their breath, the two almost moved in sync as Ozzy took a quick puff of the blunt Opium passed around. Crass hasn't said much minus his question, but his voice was so soft I barely got to hear his full accent.

"Don't listen to any of them, they're just trying to break you in before you end up stuck with them for the rest of your life." Ciera warned as I nodded. "Sooner or later you'll just learn to block out their voices but also know exactly what they want." She shrugs, I nervously laughed while holding my hands together in front of me and rocking on my heels.

"Well... it's nice to meet you all." I smile and wave my hands again slightly in a gesture.

"Our pleasure lovely." Ozzy smiles with the blunt between his lips, leaning back against the cabinet shelves with his hands resting behind his head. He seemed like the cocky one of the bunch, but he had this charm to him.

"Stop flirting with her, please for the love of everything." Crass sat up straight and shoved him with a laugh.

"Go to hell, it's called being polite." Opium shakes his head but also is smiling. Rico doesn't say much, just laughing every now and then.

"That's your cue." Ares motions for them to leave with her hands sweeping at their feet.

They waste no time getting out of there, taking their time to lock eyes with me one last time before the door slam shuts and I finally feel like I could breathe the minute it was three people again. I don't know if it was the smoke from the blunt or my nerves that were choking me out during that entire exchange.

"Have fun with them." Ciera chuckles while packing up her bag.

"What is next on the agenda now?" I asked.

"Getting some sleep. We have a long, busy day tomorrow and I hate being behind schedule. Bring some of your design ideas you pitched with Deja for the members and use them for their interviews. Try to bring two pairs for each of them, one for the interview and then for their concert."

I nodded to myself while mentally taking every note I could so I wouldn't forget anything she just said. "Okay..."

Once Ares and Ciera said their goodbyes and left for the evening, I decided now would be the best time to go and get some snacks. Walking down the outside steps, I sometimes forget we are in New York City. A very busy atmosphere to perfectly represent what was going on in my erratic mind. It's only been less than a few weeks and less than a few hours of this new job, and I'm already exhausted just from the thought of it. People were walking in all different directions, dressing in nothing less but work formal. You could hear the echo of women's designer heels as they strutted down the sidewalks with wealth on their bodies.

The inspiration that flooded my mind was intoxicating, but I had one goal in mind and that was to find the convenient store I saw not too far away from the apartment. I could barely take in the new surroundings and architecture before my headphones were placed in my ears and I was walking alongside everyone. I was embarrassed whenever a taller, skinner woman walked past me with their Gucci bags and custom made clothing, I could hear the bottom of my sneakers squeak even louder on the cement ground. I knew no one was paying much attention to me, but I still felt like I didn't belong.

I got to the entrance of the store, in and out faster to get back home and by now the sky was a beautiful orange as the sun was setting. With a slushie in my hand and a few snacks in my bags, I moved down the sidewalk back home. I was only in jeans and a cropped sweater that went just above my belly button, but long enough to cover my under boob. I definitely looked like a sore thumb.

I fixed my hair even though I was going right to my room for the remainder of the day.

I could see the outline of the top of the boat where the members lived and the amount of questions I had in my head were running wild. Why a boat? Why not an apartment? Why not the apartment I am in? Maybe I am missing something that is right in front of my face, maybe they liked it more, but it never made any sense to me and I probably will never understand.

Because I was startled by a few kids laughing loudly on the grass that was just above the water, I hurried my walk with my head down and take a sharp left without even knowing if that was the right direction to the front of the building or the back.

Fate told me it was the wrong direction because when turning my body right with my head looking in the opposite direction behind me, I came crashing into a tall body that immediately flew me back off my feet. I yelped before hands jetted out and gripped my forearms to stop me from fully falling backwards on my ass, keeping me up right on my feet with a strong grip.

I slammed into the hard chest, heart raced over hundred and felt the slushie drop right in between us.

I took in a sharp inhale, holding onto the thick forearms that belong to the hands holding mine back. Right in front of my eyes was a guitar pick necklace dancing in the center of a hard chest.

I prayed and prayed it wasn't who I thought it was, looking up to face my savior, my throat hitched as my prayers weren't answered.

Dark brown eyes, soft lips and sharp cheekbones. Those features would be more irresistible if they weren't belonging to someone who blew me off half the time we talked, adding onto the fact that someone was glaring down at me.

Hobie Brown.

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