"Eh, very tight!"
Let's just say that everyone in the truck is getting smushed while Pigsy is trying to drive.Β
'This is the worse.' Y/n thought getting squashed between Tang and Mk, having his face of annoyance, glimpsing at his partner, Paimon who was getting extremely squished, you can barely see her since she's smallish yet her rose-golden crown can be noticed.
"Pigsy, watch where you're going!" As Tang looked at him with a slightly panicked face, Pigsy continued swerving through everything.
"You're gonna kill us!"
Mk moved into the scene by squeezing himself through Tang and Y/n, having his book in front of him and responded.
"Yeah, we gotta get to Flower Fruit Mountain without getting smooshed in a car crash." swiftly flipped the pages until he landed on the right page and planted the pages beside Pigsy's face who still focusing the driving.
"All we need to do is drive through an entire ocean. Simple!"
"Wouldn't that take a while to get across the entire ocean...?" Y/n questioned. Mk looked at him and was about to answer when Mei interrupted.
"Guys! Demon Bull King has onto downtown. He's destroying the cheese tea stalls!" Pointing her phone as showing them on screen, which Y/n and Paimon can't see it.
'I'm just going to take a nap..' as Y/n slowly drifted to sleep.
"All the more reason to get this staff back to Monkey King. Flower Fruit Mountain. It's the only place, he could be, right Mr Tang?"
As Tang pushed his glasses up which became an intense anime scene, Mk looked at him with sparkles in his eyes of amazement Mei was just asleep as Tang replied.
"Indeed. However, Flower Fruit Mountain is hidden away, deep in dangerous and unknown territory..."
"So I guess we better turn back!" he chuckled nervously while Mk and Mei looked with shock.
"That's helpful.." Paimon muffled, still being squashed.
"WHAT!?" That woke up Y/n looked at the trios with a 'WTF' face as they looked at Y/n and gave an apology face. Y/n sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Shut it, you big baby!" Pigsy pushed Tang to the side, giving a sided-eye. "I know a guy that can take us there." So it became a very serious scene as Pigsy continued describing someone. "The most dangerous, deadly, raged-filled warrior I've ever known." As he started to pick up the speed of the truck as everyone inside hit the truck's window. Y/n and Paimon felt startled by Pigsy's description of this person.
Soon, they arrived at their destination and Pigsy's quiet yet deadly voice responded with one word.
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
Heard a butcher knife being thrown into the table, and everyone was quivering in nervousness.
Paimon hid behind Y/n, quivering yet peaked out a bit.
"P-Paimon's scared of this guy..." she whispered.
"That's a lot to take in." He approach them, and the white-sliver hair pixies yelped in fear.
"H-he heard me!" as she quickly went back to her hiding spot.
"You know what I do to people who disrupt the peace?" As they hovered over them, Mk and Mei clutched to Y/n with an aura of dread - Y/n also has the same feeling of fear.Β
Then an adorable, cat-theme tea set appeared on Sandy's hands.
"Serve them tea!"
Soon, all of the fear and anxiety disappeared into thin air as Sandy generously offered them some tea which Mei, Mk and Pigsy didn't want, Paimon (who came out of her hiding spot) declined kindly to Sandy while playing with some cats. Y/n and Tang accepted Sandy's offer.
Pigsy looked deadpanned as Tang slid in, making Pigsy give him a side-eyed.
"Certain Noodle shop owners could learn a lot from your hospitality, Sandy." As Sandy poured Y/n some warm, lovely tea.
"Oh, you're right piggy, this guy is dangerous. He'll kill us with cuteness!" Mei (who also entered the scene) happily replied, placing a brownish-orange cat on top of Pigsy, who looked very annoyed and growled.
Y/n looked at them, and chuckled before looking down at his steam, warm tea, with a gloomy expression. Everyone in the room didn't notices as they were too busy having their conversation.
'This brings back so many memories...' He thinks of the time when having a nice tea with Zhongli while listening to the Storys, performed by the Storyteller.
However, Y/n didn't notice a kitty jumped onto the couch and then started to nuzzle him making a lovable purring sound, causing him to snap from his thoughts and looked at the kitty and then smiled softly. He took a slip before placing it down on the table and started to pet the sweet, lovable cat.
'This place also kinda reminded me so much of Cat's Tail.' Y/n thought, remembering his time in Mondstadt, visiting Cat's Tail and most (or some) cats will always come and nuzzle him.
Paimon continued playing with cats (yet some tried to bite her floating crown or cape) and noticed Y/n's expression, causing her to look edgy as she flowed over towards him.
"Traveler...are you alright?" Y/n looked at Paimon.
"Yeah. I'm just thinking..but you don't need to worry about me." But that didn't stop Paimon to stop asking because she knew that something bothering him.
"Well, your face looks sad so what's bothering you? Paimon can try and help you." Y/n looked down and sighed.
"It's just...things reminded me back in our world, you know?" Paimon understands what the Traveler infers, as Y/n further continued yet questioned making Paimon uneasy. "What if we don't return to our world? What if there's no portal or way out that will transport us back? What if we're stuck in this world? What if I can't reunite with myβ" Y/n started to shake up, rapidly until a pair of small, baby hands were on his cheek, causing him to stop.
"There will be a way to return to our world. Our journey's not over yet, we have a long journey ahead of us and Paimon promised that I'll help you to reunite your twin even though she's on the side of the Abyss but you show her what you're made of. Paimon will also be here for you until the end! "
Y/n slowly hugged Paimon.
"Thank you...Paimon." with a smile.
After that wholesome moment, Y/n and Paimon break up they're hugged, Paimon smiled and she made the Traveler feel better, Paimon went over to Sandy and asked him if she can have some tea.
Y/n looked at Paimon with a smile until the sweet smile fell.
Y/n sighed and turned his head, noticing that Mei is on her knees in front of the blue giant (also Pigsy on the ground curled up into a ball).
"Oh, Mr Sandy sir. We could really use your help. We've gotta get to Flower Fruit Mountain!" as she begged with those puppy gazes, even Mk joined in doing the same as Mei.
"Please, the fate of the world is at stake" in a child's voice pleading to Sandy.
Without hesitation, "Okay!"
Y/n (and Paimon) looked at Sandy, surprised that he answered without hesitation.
Sandy happily replied, "Anything for Pigsy. I can get you there, but it ain't a pleasant trip." Mk and Mei leapt around in excitement and enchanting 'yes'.
"All right, let's get moving but I'm telling you now, old friend," as Sandy looked down at Pigsy (who have arms crossed, giving him an annoyed face).
"If things get hairy, I've changed." showing his calm, sweet face. "I don't go around picking fights no more." Pigsy just sighed.
"Mo initiate the launch sequence!" As Mo meowed in agreement.
"Launch sequence?" Mei wondered then looked at Mk who also looked at Mei.Β Mo meowed, went into the front of the control room, and then press the red button with a cat symbol, causing a ring sound.
Everyone was confused at first before they'll jump up, hearing something move from the outside.
It seems that this place has some boosts like a submarine have.
"Onwards the flower fruit mountain!" as the boat-building beamed with brilliant speed and drove away, the way to the Flower Fruit Mountain. However, a bull clone was spying on them and turned back to the shadow.
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
"WHAT?!" As Redson blazed into inferno flames, furiously, death-glaring at the poor bull clone (who's frightened).
"Oh." Soon the feeling of a gust of wind bloomed behind him, as Redson stopped yet still infuriated at the terrified bull clone.Β "So your plan didn't go according to plan, hm?" As a tornado quickly dies out, standing in front of Redson was his mother, Princess Iron Fan who slowly landed, elegantly.
"Oh don't worry, my sweet useless boy." As She flew towards her son and summoned a miniature tornado underneath Redson, bringing him closer to her, then grabbing his face.
"Mother will get the staff." Before her expression changed. "I'm not about to let anyone stop us." Letting go of her son's face even pushing him, harshly.
"Not this time." before disappearing with the wind, leaving Redson. However, he continued to wonder why's he acting this - when he first saw and laid his eyes on that braided peasant, his heart thumped. Redson couldn't stop thinking of that braided peasant, his hair, his eyes- then he realised as the dust rose across his face appeared then he broke into raging flames, in frustration while the bull robot stand there, looking at him, confused.
'That stupid peasant has done something to me! I will kill him if I see him again!'Β he thought, angrily.
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
Y/n looked over the oceans with Paimon, as both of them were in enjoying themselves, watching the beautiful blue sea while the others doing their own business.
Tang sitting on the couch with Pigsy who's napping. Mei probably watching or scrolling through her phone, not paying attention to her surrounding and Mk was just doing some fighting poses with the staff while making some speech, acting like he was the Monkey King.
However, Mk and Mei secretly looked at Y/n and madly blushed since Y/n have tied his H/c hair into a ponytail yet stings of hair flowed softly and gently following the rhythm of the wind, making Y/n ten times gorgeous. Mk and Mei could die in peace right now by Y/n's beauty.
Y/n notices a unique butterfly flying towards them, as they raised his hand; the butterfly (notices it and) lies down on Y/n's hand and looked at him. Y/n examined the butterfly closely. He has seen many beautiful butterflies during his journey yet this one is different. A very interesting design on their wings and colour scheme. Paimon also looked at it too.
"Paimon never saw this type of butterfly before." Paimon looked very, very closely towards the butterfly. Y/n chuckled.
"Well, you and I have found a discovery of this type of butterfly."
"Oh yeah, we did! However, Paimon doesn't like the wing's design - it looks like a creepy face.."
"You're right, it does look like a face; but still, it's a beautiful and magnificent butterfly. Butterflies have very extraordinary design wings, it doesn't matter if their wings aren't beautiful, there will always be gorgeous creatures." After finishing his speech, he could swear that the little butterfly blushed or something.
"Traveler...you are acting like Albedo now, explaining things, examining something..that's kinda creepy to Paimon," Paimon admitted when she listen to Y/n's explanation about butterflies.
"Do I?" Y/n looked at Paimon in Confusion, tilting his head to the side.
"You got influenced by him! Albedo must have something when we did his stupid experiment or investigations you!"
"Eh?! He didn't even do anything to me during his experiment, I just learn about them!"
"Paimon doesn't believe you!" both of them didn't notices that the butterfly flee away from the conversation until the sound of a wall cracked, stopping their conversation and they turned towards what happened.
The staff extended once again, almost hitting Mei who looked happy (not even frightened) and a chuck of the wall was broken by the staff then slowly further cracked it in a straight line, creating a thud sound. Y/n and Paimon slightly panicked yet relived that Mei is okay however questioned why she was still smiling and calm not even recognising that she nearly gets hit by the staff.
"Woo! That was awesome!" as she leapt in amazement.
"Ahh! Sorry, Mei!" Mk grabbed the staff and tried to lift it until the staff weirdly moved quickly and then directly hit Mk on the head. Y/n and Paimon watched and sweet-dropped as Mk groaned in pain.
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
"Welcome to the Flaming Mountains, gang!" Sandy introduced the land as everyone looked in front of them.
"A volcanic ring surrounds the mountain making it virtually impassable." Y/n scrutinized the area, as he feels on edgy seeing so many volcanoes, as it was impossible to get through if one of the volcanoes erupted.
"Is this the only...p-pathway to get over to Flower Fruit Mountain, Mr Sandy?" Paimon asked as she shivered in fear while glancing at the area which Sandy nodded to Paimon's question. Y/n looked at Paimon who decide to stay however feeling guilty about not being with you, but you said it's alright, I will come back.
"Promise." He smiled, head-patting her.
"That's as close as the boat can get." everyone (minus Tang, Sandy and Paimon) got off the boat.
"Just...be careful."
Soon they continue ambling through the dangerous, lava volcano realm; Pigsy was talking in frustration about the others who stayed in the boat, almost being cooked alive that the floor in front of him blasted into lava flame as Pigsy screeched, having his face in a screamed expression including Y/n too.
"Careful, Piggy. Yhee!" Pigsy started to growl and mumble as Mei continued also questioning too plus holding hands with Y/n as she tried to cool herself. Mk did notices this and huffed in jealousy.
"You too, Y/n! I don't want your beautiful H/c hair to burn, hehe!" before putting her arm around Y/n who nervously smiled.
"Anyway, you gotta wonder why Monkey King decided to live here of all places." Before she gasps include Pigsy and Y/n gasping too.
"You know, when Monkey King had to get through the flaming mountains," ignoring the alert from Mei, Pigsy and Y/n who yelled at him to get his attention and warned him, but Mk wasn't looking at them and continued ignoring as he further clarifies about how Monkey King gets pass the Volcano.
"He actually used Princess Iron Fan's Fan to blowγΌ" as he turned towards the others until A laughed behind him, making him stop talking and turned around, fright as the shadow of a familiar person hovered over him.
"Well, well, well." reddish-grey smoke covered the person, as two bright, amber-yellow lighted; smoke faded into the smoky sky.
"Aren't you a little Monkey King Fanboy?" Princess Iron Fan grinned heavily, having her Fan ready to fight. Suddenly, the lava flame roared from the ground behind her as she used her Fan to collect some sources from the lava fire, which then transform into a fireball and she wracked it hard, directly toward them.Β As the flaming ball comes at such high speed as they fully went into panicked mode trying to dodge the attack before the attacks strike. Y/n did several backflips and landed perfectly in front of Mk and Mei who looked dizzy then he summoned his dull sword and position his combat, ready to battle Princess Iron Fan. Pigsy ran towards them and asked if they were alright.
Princess Iron Fan snickered.
"I'll be taking that Staff now...including that H/c boy too." causing an alert to Mk and Mei as they quickly stood up in front of Y/n, protecting him while in their fighting position.
"Firstly, this belongs to the Monkey King. Secondly, Y/n isn't sort of item too. There's no way, I'm letting you take the Staff and Y/n!"
Y/n looked at them, before turning into a soft smile and looked back at their enemy with a serious, fighting expression.Β
"Oh, you're just a little noodle boy playing at being a hero...Sorry to disappoint." before her beautiful face turned into an incensed expression.
"Playtime is over."
Y/n and Mk ran and leapt toward her, while yelling a battle cry, ignoring Pigsy's scream before hitting her, she summoned the gauntlet (that Redson used to lift the Staff) and used one finger to stop the attack of the staff also using her fan to block Y/n's attack too, releasing a tremendous wave of power. Y/n and Mk looked horrified. Before Princess Iron Fan grabbed the staff, she turned to Y/n (who still have a horrified face).
"It's a shame...you and I would get along if you were my son's fiancee...you would be the perfect member of the future Demon Bull Family..." she whispered. As she grabbed the staff and turned to look at Mk before turning into a wicked smirk and then enormous energy throws Mk and Y/n away, hearing their screams from the distance as the ground shattered due to the amount of energy.
"No! MK! Y/N!" Mei screamed, seeing her friend and her crush gone which she tried to follow but only be held by Pigsy.
"Mei! We've got to go!" As he carried struggled Mei. He looked over his shoulder.
"Sorry, kids.." both of them fled from the area.
Princess Iron Fan laughed as she finally succeeded in getting the staff yet feels disappointed that she didn't get the person that she wanted.
"At last! The full power of my beloved will be leashed!" As she disappears from the scene.
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
The silence was in the sky, as the sound of thunder rumbled, as soft ashes flowed in the wind, and smoky-cloud drifted away slowly. Everyone in the boat became gloomy. Even since Pigsy and Mei came back, the others questioned where Mk and Y/n, Pigsy and Mei stood there in silence. Pigsy turned his head around, doesn't want to answer it Mei walked off yet crying.
Paimon's eyes widened.
"No..no..no. No. no..no..NO! You're lying! You're lying, right?! " No one answered.
"P-please...tell me that you're lying..."
Again, no response from the others.
Paimon felt her dark navy-blue eyes full of pure tears as one, by one fell. She's crying. She should have gone with him. But she decides to stay instead. Why? Why she didn't go with the Traveler?
Paimon felt she's abandoned him. She was supposed his guide, travelling partner...she failed to be one. She screamed while shedding tears.
"He can't be gone. He can't..." Pigsy denied, who couldn't accept that Mk and Y/n are gone - soon he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Pigsy."
"There was nothing we could do..." Tang mumbled.
Pigsy including Paimon shouted at Tang (even harshly gripping Tang's reddish scarf) that he and she could have done something to Tang who looked at Pigsy and Paimon with sorrowful eyes. Tang speaks yet still has sorrowful eyes. Pigsy wiped his tears away as Sandy planted his hand on Pigsy's shoulder, Paimon sat on top of Sandy's shoulder, yet feeling guilt in her heart.
"Someone has to fight..." Everyone minus Tang turned their head around towards Mei.
"Mei?" Mei sobbed a little bit before wiping her pure tears away from her face and then slowly turning her body around as she continues speaking.
"That Demon Bully is going to..." Then a green struck down as a flash of a Jade dragon appeared quickly and disappeared as Mei smiled.
"Pay." Green flashes of thunder rumbled behind.
'She's really scary...' Paimon thought.
Sandy then pulled everyone together with his muscular arms and happily responded.
"Then What are we waiting for?"
"Let's go stop some bad guys!"
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
Y/n gasped in shock; his eyes wide-opened, and then he sits up before his E/c eyes meet a monkey's eyes in front of him. Slowly, several monkeys appeared around him as Y/n looked at the other monkeys before returning his eyes to the monkey (in front of him). Monkey looked in curiosity and then slowly approaches him and sat on his lap (still looking at him), Y/n started to pet them which the monkey feel comfortable. Soon another monkey came over and started playing with his H/c hair. Y/n notices this and chuckled.
"Y/n!" an outcry from the distance as it moved fast; the monkeys heard it which made them flee. Y/n stood up quickly and turned seeing Mk running towards you.
"Y/n!" as he leapt and tackled Y/n into the solid ground.
Mk hugged tightly as Y/n just give him a head pat. Soon Mk started asking many questions if they were okay etc. Y/n respond 'I'm fine'. Y/n looked around the area with, a questionable face.
"Mk..Where are we?"
"We're in Flower Fruit Mountain, Y/n!"
ββββ β β¦ β ββββ
Soon Both of them climbed up the tallest mountain and reached the top. Y/n doesn't look exhausted as he reached the top and waited for Mk, who finally made it yet sweating at the same time - unexpectedly, a monkey jumped on his head and then ran away. Y/n covered his mouth and giggled a little.
In front of them, was a dreamy, beautiful baby-blue waterfall with soft light blue-white smoke at the bottom. Mini stones in random spots (as many monkeys were looking at the waterfall, curiosity) in the clear sea-blue water. This area could be perfect for taking a photo with karma.
Mk and Y/n hopped on top of each undersized stone until they reach the waterfall in front of them. Both of them were amazed at the gorgeous waterfall. Mk then looked at the waterfall, and he planted his hand on the sea-blue water which then a yellow-gold ring with stranger marks around it, appeared making a chime sound. Mk yelps and moved back including Y/n too.
The waterfall glowed yellow-gold and then quickly split into two, making a massive blow in front of Mk and Y/n who looked shocked by this.
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
Mk and Y/n entered the inside of the waterfall.
'I can't believe that Monkey King hid his area, inside a waterfall.' Y/n thought.
"Hello?" Mk yelled as they continued moving forward but nothing.
As they continue further in, they were stopped and gasped, looking up at the stone wall had contained some faded drawings, vines wrapped around the destroyed pillars.
"Hey, that's the Monkey King!" Mk pointed out and Y/n turned where Mk was pointing at.
'So that's what the Monkey King looks like.' Y/n thought while looking at the faded drawing of Monkey King.
Y/n also looked at the other faded drawing and he notice that these two people looked similar to Pigsy and Sandy.
'Sun Wukong'
The drawing of the Monkey King's eyes flickered before quickly dying out. Y/n didn't witness it as for Mk's notice, Mk whimpered as he rubbed his eyes in pain and revealed them.
"WhatβWhat's happening?!" as he looked around the whole room was filled with the glow of golden-yellow and small yellow particles (that look like fireflies) scattered around.
Y/n looked at Mk (who was panicking).
"AhβWhat's wrong with my eyes?!" Y/n looked concerned about Mk who was whimpering until Y/n look up again at the wall but this time, it was fully clear to see drawings on the stone, rough wall. Y/n looked stunned.
Soon, both of them started to see many visions of Monkey King's life which Mk started to explain when each vision appeared one by one. Y/n looked amazed by all of these visions until he caught someone from the other side, watching them, with a smile.
"Hm? What's upβ Huh?" As Mk turned his head and saw what's Y/n looking at. There stood the one and only, Monkey King in front of them with a smirk on his face before he turned around and ran away.
"Monkey King?β Hey! Wait up!" as Mk ran in the direction where the Monkey King went.
"Mk! Waitβ" Mk is already taken off.
Y/n sighed and facepalmed,
"This idiot..." he whispers and then went after Mk.
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
Monkey King stopped running, hopping around and stood there, turned his body around, and still had the smirk on his face.
"Monkey King! It's reallyβ" Mk grabbed Monkey King's arm but slowly vanished into smoke including the golden highlight disappearing with it. Everything went back to normal.
Soon, Y/n arrived at the scene. He sees Mk grunt as he kicked the stone (near him), having his hand clenched tightly, in anger. Y/n slowly approach him.
"Ugh. What was I thinking?" then falls back and sits down, arms crossed. Y/n was beside him (standing up) and looking at him with a worried expression.
"For a moment there, I thought..." Mk dropped his head and sighed.
"Mr Tang was right, I really am delusional." Until Mk felt a hand on his shoulder; he raised his head and turned his head. Y/n's hand was on his shoulder (while crouching) and Y/n looked at him with a pure, sweet smile at Mk.
"You aren't delusional, Mk. You and I witness everything back there, there are real. Everything isn't staged or hologram, you know."
Mk smiled at Y/n (while softly blushing) until a familiar butterfly arrived and landed on Mk's arm, making Mk and Y/n look at the little insect.
'That's the same butterfly from before' Y/n thought.
Mk and Y/n hopped out of their sit and shouted in fear, mainly Mk which the butterfly just fell off.
'To be honest, I shouldn't be surprised at all.' Y/n thought, looking at the butterfly who just spoke in a squeaking voice.
"Yes, yes, It's is I, The Monkeyβ" The butterfly was cut off when Mk stepped on the poor butterfly who groaned in pain.
Y/n looked at Mk with a 'WTF' face.
"Is it dead?"
"Mk, you literally just murder a butterfly."
Suddenly, the butterfly softly lighted and twisted its small body into an egg-stone shape and then ripped open, and quickly spins and twisted while jumping into the air and transforming into an eagle whose wings are wide open, then again transformed into a wild Tiger, and again transformed into a bear who roared before transforming again but this time, there was stood the one and only, The Monkey King who's having arms crossed and giving the same smudged smirk on his face.
"MoβMonkey King?!" Mk spoked and stuttered while being shocked that in front of him was the Monkey King, himself.Β Y/n looked at Monkey King and question what he did he just witness however, Y/n felt that Monkey King's eyes are looking at him.
"Yeah. The one and only." As he still has that smirked smile then place his hands on his wrist and turned his head to the side and continued speaking, "So, Where's my Staff?" Monkey King turned back to Mk and Y/n and his smudged face was broken.
Y/n gives Mk a side-eye and sweet-dropped, catching a glimpse of Mk fully tearing up while standing there. Mk quickly bowed his head on the ground making Y/n and Monkey King surprised.
"I'm so sorry! I tried to bring it to you," and Mk looked up at his idol, full of tears. Y/n tried to calm down Mk as he place his hand on Mk's shoulder.
"Mk, Calmβ" Y/n was cut off as Mk continued sobbing yet speaking, "But Princess Iron Fan came and took it! She's got this glove andβ"
Monkey King kneed down to Mk while goofy smiling,
"I know, I know. Look. I'm gonna come clean." and stood up, still having that goofy smile.
"Um, I've been kinda watching both of you."
"What?" Mk respond and Y/n stood their being frozen in the spot until they gasped, as they remembered that they encounter several animals, insect example: the ginger bird back in the construction area watching over them, and a butterfly who watched Mk acting as The Monkey King even Y/n compliments with the same butterfly. Mk remembered a ladybug watching him sleep.
Embarrassed, Y/n covered his reddened face becauseΒ he had just complimented the butterfly that revealed it was The Monkey King. Monkey King glimpsed at Y/n and slightly chuckled due to Y/n's embarrassment. Y/n shooked his embarrassed face away.
"I can't believe I just said that..." Y/n whispered and sighed.
Mk was extremely confused then realized and quickly replied, "Wait, what? That was you!?"
Monkey King turned his back while standing up using his orange-ginger tail as a stand while scratching his back with a piece of the bamboo stick until he broke into laughter.
"Ha! The look on your face!" Then pointed the bamboo at Mk.
"You're perfect!"
"Perfect for what?" Mk questioned. Monkey King stopped scratching his back and dramatically became serious.
"To be...My Successor!" Mk looked dumbfounded until he started to poke the Monkey King whose face was like this (T_T) and Y/n who sweet-dropped.
"Uhh, are you sure you're the Monkey King?" Mk continued fiddling with Monkey King's outfit, "You been cooped up in here way too long." Mk further fiddled with Monkey King.
"I think you're brain went mushed up."
"Mk, please stop..." Y/n replied until Mk was wrapped by Monkey King's tail making Mk stop.
"Listen, Kid." He places Mk down on the ground and started to throw random things, "You fought demons. And you didn't die. And you made it here." And turned around, having a bag of peach chips in his hands then opened.
"Not just anyone can lift my Staff." He grabbed one of the chips and ate it.
Mk started to ask about DBK as Y/n have his arms crossed with a concerned face. He watch Monkey King approach Mk and explained making Mk slightly smile which Monkey King had his arms crossed with a smirked smile.
"The Staff was taken from you. Take it back." Mk widely smile and respond as Y/n looked at him.
"All right!" With that, Mk took off; Y/n was about to follow Mk until he felt that his wrist is being wrapped something fluffy then pulled back. Y/n looked concerned and then turned his head around to Monkey King who also looked at him.
"Uh...Monkey King?" Y/n asked however, Monkey King didn't respond but continued glancing at Y/n, admiring Y/n's beauty; he couldn't stop gazing at Y/n and soon rose colour blush slowly rose up. Y/n felt that the Monkey King's tail started to be tightened around his wrist.
"W-Would you mind letting me go? Your tail is kinda hurting my wrist." That made Monkey King stopped gazing, returning to him back to reality.
"Huh? O-Oh right. S-Sorry, Peaches." Monkey King blushed in embarrassment and he slowly removed his tail from Y/n's wrist; Y/n thanked him and hears Mk shouting for his name which Y/n leaves as Monkey King stood in place.
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
Monkey King watched you leave and then sighed, before placing his hand on his red face and muffling while screaming. His tail rapidly swings to the left and right and his heart beats fast like a race car.
'He's too beautiful at closes up!' He screamed inside his thoughts, and slowly removed his hands from his red face.
"I can't believe that I embarrassed myself in front of an attractive, cute person..." before turning into a serious expression.
"However, I felt a powerful aura around him...but he's a mortal, not a demon since he doesn't show any features of demon, but this power is different than other powers that several demon has. Princess Iron Fan also sense this power around him too." Monkey King sighed, changed his serious phrase into a happy expression.
"But still, no one has that kind of gorgeous beauty other than them. He's beautiful, handsome. Oh! His hair in a ponytail makes him ten times more attractive even those enchanting E/c eyes are like starsβ" As he continues babbling about your appearance before he stopped and realized something that he never felt before, he knows many mortals feel this when they met someone; he blushed softly and place his hand on his armour, feeling his heart continue racing like an electrical spark passing through multiple lights. Is he in love with you?
"Oh Peaches, I'm definitely in love." his orange-ginger tail formed into a heart shape.
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
Explosion destroys numerous buildings, and people flee away from the Bull Clones who are destroying multiple things. Paimon looked around with an apprehensive expression.
"The city...is getting destroyed." Paimon spoke and turn her attention to the others who made a dramatic entrance. Paimon facepalmed just seeing them performing an epic intro.
'Tang holding those bowls of noodles-How it didn't fall from his hand while he was in mid-air?! Did those just appear or what?!' Paimon questions while looking at Mr Tang. Abruptly, hot flames flowed on the side before disappearing, revealing Redson who was kneeling yet grinning evilly.
"So, you wanna be heroes, huh?" And he stands up, having his creation in his hand while widely smiling wickedly.
"Let me show you, what happens to heroes." His eyes radiate yellow-orange energy before releasing a tremendous power of a blaze. Pigsy (who shows no fear) stomped angrily, approaching Redson, having his most wrath face. They made Pogsy incredibly pissed. Paimon was angry too like Pigsy yet startled at the same time.
"Paimon should give him an ugly name! Red-Candle idiot!"
"Ugh! I've had it up to here with these Demon Punksβ" As he rolled his sleeve up, he was cut off when Mei's arm was in front of him which made him shocked yet confuse at first and turned his head to Mei who was infuriated.
"I'll handle this one." Mei approaches the flames that roared and then she release a hologram-energy Jade Dragon behind, still having her angry face before it quickly disappeared, instead a vehicle appeared, and Mei looked up in surprise.
"Mk? Y/n?"
Mk screamed while Y/n stayed calm while holding Mk (who blushed, feeling Y/n's soft hands on him) as the vehicle flowed extremely fast towards Redson who stopped releasing his power and whimpered since the vehicle is coming toward him and directly hit him in the face (ouch.)
The vehicle crashed into the ground which was now into pieces. Mk groaned in pain and then deeply sighed while Y/n felt that his soul left his body but stood up yet feeling dizzy and in pain due to the crash.
"Ugh...That's one hella ride." Y/n groaned and rubbed his head, turned to the others who gasped while having water tears in their eyes even Paimon too.
"Kids!" Pigsy shouted while crying.
"Y/N!!" Paimon shrieked and wailed in happiness and directly flowed towards Y/n and then cried in their chest while tightly gripping their shirt.
"Don't do that to Paimon!! Paimon's scared that you wouldn't come back!! Don't leave Paimon alone!!"
Y/n softly smiled and embraced Paimon, trying to calm her down until he was pulled in by Mei who was also crying and hugging Mk too.
"Mk! Y/n!! Oh, my goodness!" Mei rubbed her face to Mk's then Y/n's.
It's more likely Mei rubbing her face onto Y/n's face more than Mk. "We saw you both blast into the fire." she removed her water tears away and looked at both of them (Y/n still holding Paimon even gently ruffed her sliver, pure white hair). Y/n smiled at Mei before peeking out and seeing Tang poking Redson (who was knocked out) just checking if Redson is alive or dead.
Mei questioned Mk and Y/n about Monkey King, "Wait, Monkey King; did you find him?" Mk lit up and he replied,
"Yeah. We did!" having one arm around Y/n's shoulder. Pigsy, Sandy and Tand climbed up the broken vehicle and Pigsy grinned, looking at Mk and Y/n.
"So, where is he?"
"He said it's up to me. To us."
"Well, that's anti-climactic." A rumble shook the whole land as everyone turned their heads around and sees that Demon Bull King hovering over the city and demolishing structures, buildings etc.
Paimon cried out, "How are we going to fight that!?" Y/n let go of Paimon as Mk clashed his hand together and spoke,
"We believe in ourselves. You clean the streets." Mk jumped out of the vehicle as Y/n summoned his dull sword.Β
"I'll stop the Demon Bull King. Somehow." Y/n looked at Mk, with a concerned face.
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
"The little thief returns." The Demon Bull King eyed as Mk (who has a determined expression) drives on the motorbike. The Demon Bull King pointed his blaster's arm and fired at him; Mk grunted and dodge all the Demon Bull King's attacks until he reached the end of the bridge and directly went up going towards The Demon Bull King.
Y/n commenced slashing numerous Bull clones and dodging their attacks until one of the Bull Clones came behind him and was about to knock Y/n down but only be interrupted by a kick from Mei.
"Not going to let you, Clones lay a finger on my Marshmallow!" Mei stands behind Y/n, smirking as Y/n looked over his shoulder, slightly smirking.
"Since when did you start calling me Marshmallow?" Y/n asked having smirk on his face as he continued to slice more Bull Clones while moving incredibly faster speed.
"That's just appeared in my head, hehe! That will be your nickname." Mei giggled slightly and continued attacking the Bull Clones; turned around to Y/n who was striking his enemies down in fast paste which made Mei awed.
From Mei's point of view, she watches you fight elegantly yet in a badass way. She continued watching you as she grabbed the Bull Clone's neck and throws him away; Mei squeaked in happiness, feeling her heart beating like drums. Your H/c hair was blown by the wind due to your incredible speed. She wishes she had time to take a photo of you, fighting those Bull Clones in a badass way.
'Y/n is so badass! I want to see more Y/n being badass in fights' Mei thought while smiling widely and softly blushing as she continue attacking more and more Bull Clones.
A tremendous roar echoed throughout the whole area, and multiple stones from the ground were thrown in a random direction; Pigsy, Sandy, Tang, Mei and Y/n (who being protective as Paimon was behind them) saw this until Sandy ran towards his friends and the covers them, prevent them getting hurt as stone landly directly on them, making a thudding sound.
A devil's evil laughter echoed that the Demon Bull King created.
"Now this world is truly mine!" And he walks away from the destruction of the building and moves on to the other of the city.
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
Y/n and others watched Mk destroying The Demon Bull King, however, the battle wasn't over yet as Mk was fully punched and groaned in pain, and the Demon Bull King recovered his strength.
"You thought you could stand against me?" As he slowly gets up. Y/n ran and started jumping onto the broken buildings and structures to get the best view, leaving the others behind who shouted your name. As you arrived on top of the building and watched.
"Mk..." Y/n whispered in worry and turned their attention to the Demon Bull King with an angry face.
"I am The Demon Bull King!" he shouted in bitterness and approached Mk who still groaned, his eyes looked up to the right and see Y/n on top of the damaged structure.
'What's Y/n doing here?!'Β Mk thought as he watch you run towards the boss, jumping building etc. The Demon Bull King notice you and then smirked cruelly.
"You Fool!" Y/n saw The Demon Bull King was about to punch the building that Y/n was in so he decided to jump off the building high up in the air and was about to strike directly towards the enemy with his dull sword in hand but only to be grabbed harshly which Y/n didn't react in time.
"You are foolish Mortal! Do you think you can strike me with your pathetic sword!"
He whispered towards to Y/n.
"After all, My dear wife seems to have an interest in you including myself, I can feel that incredible power radiating around you. And she's right; you will be the perfect member for the future of the Demon Bull King family."
Y/n looked confused yet in pain due to the grasp.
Before He turned away from Y/n and laughed evilly as Y/n grunted in pain and tried to break free from the Demon Bull King's grasp.
"Y/N!" Mk screamed in terror including Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, Mei and Paimon who also screamed from the distance.
The Demon Bull King laughed loudly.
"You might have that old fool's Staff, but you are not the Monkey King." having Y/n in his grasp. Mk stood up, still having a determined face.
"You're right. I'm the Monkie Kid!" Mk spin the Staff first then fully impaled the staff on the ground which create a glow yellow-orange underneath him. Y/n watched in amazement at Mk.
"Unbelievable.." Y/n spoke until he felt that the Demon Bull King let go of Y/n which Y/n thinks that the Demon Bull King is preparing for what Mk was going to do.
Quickly, Y/n leaves and meets with others who looked extremely apprehensive including Mei and Paimon who first ran towards you and hugged in relief that you are safe.
βββββββ β¦ βββββββ
The Demon Bull King grunted as the armour that his son, Redson created was shattered.
"I-Impossible." The daylight roared brightly in the cloudy, grey sky and in front of him was the Monkey Mech who have arms crossed.
"Nothing is impossible if you just believe in yourself. Make no mistake." Mk respond.
"You just got Mk-O'd!" As Mk started to control the mech into a hero pose showing the victory that he claimed. Y/n arrived, carrying Unconscious Redson (who's already been patched up by Y/n) in his arms. Mk smirked and then control the mech again as he was about to grab the Demon Bull King. However, a gust of wind started to form a humongous tornado acting as a barrier around The Demon Bull King which the mech moves back away from the tornado.
"We know when we've been bested."
Princess Iron Fan slowly comes out from her own tornado, having golden-yellow eyes.
"But this won't be the last you see of us, Noodle boy including you." She looked down at Y/n (who's still carrying unconscious Redson) with her luminous golden-yellow eyes making Y/n feel uneasy. A small tornado appeared underneath of Redson and pulled him away from Y/n (who looked surprised) towards to Princess Iron Fan. She looked at Y/n for a last time and turned back to the Monkey Mech and made a wicked laugh before disappearing, creating a sandstorm blinding everyone. Soon the sandstorm dies out.
"What? No! No fair!" Mk started to complain until he hears Mei calling his name which Mk opened the middle door of the Monkey Mech and looked down to see Mei hugging Y/n while waving at him. Paimon was on top of Y/n's head, resting.
"You totally kicked DBK's butt!" Mei yelled, happily and continued speaking, "Without us, this city'd be toast!" Y/n looked around the area and then sweatdropped.
'I think we just made a huge hole in the middle...and mostly some buildings are completely destroyed...' Y/n thought.
"The city is already half destroyed!!" Paimon shouted.
Y/n sighed and then looked at Mk, smiled.
"You did an outstanding fight, Mk. You really show The Demon Bull King who's boss!" Mk blushed at your comment and hugged Y/n as Mei slightly felt a bit jealous.
"Thanks! But don't do that though, Y/n..."
Y/n head patted Mk's head.
Soon, they are pulled into a hug by Sandy.
"You did it, little man." Sandy proudly replied as Mk was struggling to breathe.
"You're basically the new Monkey King now."
Tang chuckled and respond, "Monkie Kid, didn't you say?"
"Ohh! You did good, kid. You did real good!" Pigsy being a proud father to Mk and he turned to you.
"Don't do that reckless move again, kid."
Paimon gently hit Y/n's head; Y/n made a sheepish smile as he rubbed his head where Paimon hit him.
"But, uh, what now?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
"Yeah. Bust up more bad guys!"
"Or we go eat some noodles?" Everyone agrees with Tang's choices, soon Mk and Mei started to enchant the word 'noodles' including Paimon which Y/n knows that Paimon is craving food. Y/n has one hand on his hips while smiling at them then he turned to the Monkey Mech and sees The Monkey King watching them, he notices you which he winked at you and you just smiled at him softly which made the Monkey King blush due to your smile and cuteness. Monkey King transforms into a bird and fly away as you watch him leave.
Y/n turned around,looked at the sun in the sky and smiled.
'I wonder what the journey holds for us.'
γβοΈο½£ Apologies for not updating, I have been doing exams. However I will try my best to update, so please don't rush me. Overall, I want to say thank you for 6.4K reads! I'm surprised and shocked that this book blowed up really fast. Again, Thank you!
Words: 7816
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