๐„๐ŸŽ | A HERO IS BORN 1

"Here's your delivery, Ma'am!" as delivering the last, package of noodles to the noblewoman, who was standing in front of her door, smiling toward the young boy and said,
"You are one fast-delivery yet beautiful youngster. Thank you, young man."

"hehe, You're welcome. I just don't your noodles to be cold so It's best to bring food early." The H/c boy smiled, as the woman felt that she might have a heart attack due to the youngster's gorgeous, sweet and elegant smile.

After saying goodbye to the kind woman, Y/n started to walk feeling exhausted and relieved because That was his last delivery today.
Now he's heading back to the workplace, Pigsy's Noodles. While he's walking; he glazes at his surroundings like buildings, people and more. Even since he and Paimon came into this world, let's just say that everything he and his best small company's first gazed at was unexpectedly extraordinary yet colourful places that gave a vibe of excitement and joy compared to his world. Even though Y/n isn't originally from Teyvat but still he's missed his friends and even wanted to reunite with his dear sister. Honestly, days passed and they were pretty much going use to it.

Y/n sighed as he continued strolling until he arrived in front of Pigsy's noodles, entered in.
"Y/n! You're back!" a high-pitched voice of a child called out and fled towards him followed by a trace of stars.

"Hey, Paimon." H/c boy was delighted to see her too, even since she was the only one who travels with him, company him and also to find his twin too. As the silver-white girl was about to say, but only been interrupted.

"Oh right on time, Y/n! I was just about to tell the legendโ€”" A brunette boy interrupted the poor man, and welcomed his handsome crush...I mean friend.

"Welcome back, Y/n! Mr Tang was about to start talking about the legend of the monkey king!" And Tang gave Mk an annoying face.

This brings Y/n's interest in 'Monking king' including Paimon too. Nevertheless, they never heard about this one other than another story back in their world. I mean they have listened to numerous stories in Liyue like adepti, Geo Archon and more. Generally, both of them don't want to question it so probably it's best to listen, instead of asking.

Y/n sat down (and the pure-white-silver child sitting on his lap) next to Mk (who is screaming in happiness) as Tang cleared his throat and began speaking about the legend.

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"The thing you need to understand about the old legends is that the story is never finished. There may be no pages left to turn, but there is always more to the journey. Rising from the Nether World, the Demon Bull King attacked. No one could stop him. No one could resist.
No one expects...The Legendary Monkey King.

The Monkey King used his magical staff to pick a nearby mountain, he trapped the Demon Bull King forever. With the battle won, the Monkey King vanished never to be seen again. Legend says the staff still lies on top of that mountain. The one thing keeping our world from certain destruction.

And with the Demon Bull King gone...Civilization was to advance into the amazing city we now live in! A city with elegant cultures and gentle people. A city brimming with 5-star cuisine. And all because of the Monkey King."

As Tang finished his novel, Mk jumped on his seat and exclaimed in excitement. "That's so good!" as he tossed his book, some pages from the book fell out and swiftly drifted into the air. Y/n enjoyed it, the same goes for Paimon but probably she prefers some stories from Liyue and maybe food stories.

"Monkey King is so cool, he's strong and handsome!"
Tang chuckled, lightly and Y/n joined as well.

"Oh, Mk. And I thought you knew all the Monkey King's stories."

"Oh, but I do!" Mk held up his book and stood on the counter as a hero posed.

"I've got his whole life documented in this unauthorized auto-biography of Monkey King!" Showing the front cover that has a doodle of Mk and Monkey King.

"Written by your truly," He said as he winked at his crush, making the young boy confused, while Paimon glared at him.
"By the way, how about you two? What do you think?" Tang asked.

"It's a fascinating legend, Tang"

"It's quite interesting, but Paimon prefers stories from our world."

Tang's curiosity pinged by Paimon's words.

"Anyway, It's nice to know someone is taking in all these stories," Tang took one of the various pages that had flown out.
"Pearls of wisdom dripping from my lips." Then he cleared his throat and turned his attention to Mk (while stuffing all the pages back into his book).
"Well, you know the deal. One story, one free bowl of Jajangmien. Hm?" Mk was confused at first and quickly realised what Tang wants.

"Oh right, free noodle! Yep on it!" He picked up the bowl of noodles and was ready to give it to Tang.

'Here we go again' Y/n thought.
'This wouldn't end well.' Paimon thought too.
As both of them figures out bad is going to happen next.

"So, how heavy do you think a mountain is-"

A speed of wooden spoon was thrown and Y/n covered his head even white hair child too, avoiding being hit. It directly hit the bowl (that Mk was holding) making it flip, while noodles were thrown into the air too; Surprisely it bowl landed first followed by the noodles (landed perfectly back in the bowl) beside
Y/n - the owner of Pigsy's Noodles and your boss, Pigsy who looked furious.


"Ah, but Pigsy," as Tang pushed the raging pig (who standing on the top of the counter) away from him slightly. "I was paying with wisdom."

"YEAH? Well, 'WISDOM' don't pay the rent you, freeloader!"

You and Paimon sweatdropped, and don't want to intervene since Pigsy is already in bad mood so instead, you two just read a book together that the Y/n borrowed (from Lisa's library). Still hearing yelling coming from Pigsy.
Honestly, I don't know how long the yelling continued. Felt a light tap on Y/n's shoulder, he returned to reality (as he was too focused on the book) and then looked up to see Pigsy looking at him.

"Kid, I do apologize for all the trouble. Can you go with Mk making sure that punk doesn't get distracted?"

"Oh! No, no. It's alright and sure." Pigsy narrowly smiled and ruffled your H/c hair.

"I'm counting on you, kid."

"What about Paimon? Can Paimon go with him?" She asked Pigsy who looked at her and then shooked his head.

"Sorry kid, but no. It's best for you to stay because you went with them last time and remember what happened." Paimon knew that Pigsy means 'Last time' and was awed in disappointment that she can't come with you, and you ruffled her pure-sliver-snow hair.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Pigsy will give you some noodles." looking at Pigsy who facepalmed, sighed and Y/n turned back at the snowy hair child who lightens up.

"Really?!" As the H/c boy giggled at his partner's reaction.

"Of course! Right Pigsy?"

"Ugh...Fine. But you are the one paying it once you come back!"

"I will!" Then stood up and quickly ran out, as Pigsy and Paimon watched him go.

"Right. Paimon," White-sliver hair looked at Pigsy. "What noodles do you-" The sound of chewing, instantly made the pig and Paimon turn around to see Tang eating the noodles then quickly felt the furious pig giving him a death glare.

Paimon sighed and thought 'Rip Mr Tang.'

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Y/n hopped into the cart while Mk just finished placing the noodle order into a large bag. You can hear the sound of yelling from the inside between Tang and Pigsy as Y/n felt bad for Paimon that she had to listen to all the yelling inside.

Mk got into the driver's seat, noticing you were already sitting down on the passage sit, waiting for Mk.
"Oh, Y/n! You coming too?" Y/n nodded.

Mk's mind screamed in happiness that crush is coming with him.

Mk turned the ignition key making the cart come alive then took out his phone and set up the GPS. And Mk placed on his teal headphones and began to drive. On the way, they delivered a couple of orders.

Seeing Colourful, neon lights softly glow, and bright buildings like an enchanted city as they pass by; Y/n relaxed seeing it however, still missed his friends and his surroundings reminded him of all of the special events. Y/n closed his eyes, the feeling of softy wind blowing, kinda reminding him of Mondstadt.

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Heard the cart stop, meaning that they have arrived at their destination. Y/n reopened his eye and then looked around, giving a confused facial expression. In front of Y/n and Mk were some old construction sites that it's unfinished.

Mk (who still listening to music) already walking towards the rusty elevator. Internally apprehensive about this, you catch up with Mk and enter the elevator as Mk pulled the switch down. The movement of elevator slowly descended downward.

'It's strange that someone ordered here in this construction site.' Y/n thought. Soon they reached the bottom of the site and walked out from the elevator.

Mk felt his hand being grabbed, causing him to turn his head around towards Y/n (who stood aware) while removing his headphone. His face began to turn rose-red but tries to hide it.

"U-Uh..Y/n-" but Y/n shushed him before Mk get to finish his sentence, a woman's voice was heard causing the two to look in front of them.

"It feels like I've waited for an eternity for this moment. Is everything in order?"

"Just making the final adjustments, mother." A response from a boy's voice.

Y/n (who still holding Mk's hand) rushed to a near area to hide, drugging Mk with him as Mk whimpered and blushed at Y/n who's holding his hand. Both then peeked out and looked around before catching up with the sight of something. A mountain that had moss and vines overgrown the surroundings, on top was a tree planted and the soft ray of yellow sunlight glowed as well glimmering at a staff.

"Finally, after all this time, we have the mean to lift Monkey King's Legendary Staff!"

Y/n turned to Mk who was amazed as his eye lit up like a child excited to open their present when the staff is Monkey King's Staff and started climbing on the pipes wanting to get a closer look, followed by Y/n.

"My love will finally be returned. Once we remove the staffโ€”huh?" Noticed one of the bull clones was climbing up the hill while Y/n and Mk reached the top and the end of the pipe; the H/c boy noticed a bird with them but decide to ignore it for now and looked below them.
The Bull Clone tried to remove the staff, yet powerful forces toss the poor Bull Clone away from the staff, losing both its arms in the process. Once the Bull Clone reach the bottom, realising that both of their arms are not there anymore.

"You fool," as the boy stood in front of the Bull Clone. "You think we didn't try that already? It's going to take more than a few robots to lift the Monkey King's staff," Turned away the pitiful Clone. "Only those deemed worthy can wield it," A flash of flames on his hand, quickly summoned a gauntlet. "But I, Redson, have designed this gauntlet to bend it to my will."

Mk gasps, almost falling off, having only been grabbed by Y/n.

Redson stepped up toward the staff, chuckled evilly and grips the staff with the gauntlet. The same powerful wave reappeared again.

He began ripping the staff from the mountain with all his strength and during the process, his red hair outbreak into flames, shouting out as the woman watches and smirking.
Successfully, Redson removed the staff and lifts it in victory.

"Yes! I did it!" as rows of Bull Clones applaud him.

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Nothing appears to happen after pulling out the staff.

"What!? Why isn't anything happening?!" Jumped off the hill and raised a question, "Mother, are you sure this is the right mountain?"

"No, maybe it was that other mountain with a magical staff sealing away my husband!" The raven woman says sarcastically.
Hearing the sound of the ground shaking even the hill initiated to crack. Redson and his Mother looked at each other. A burst of amount energy raised from the mountain made most of the Bull Clones fly away.

"Yes, Father. Rise! RISE! HAHA!" Redson shouted and laughed. Rosed something enormous, and standing before them was the Demon Bull King whose eyes brightly beamed in neon, toxic green. Y/n's and Mk's eyes widened as the bird entered the scene, curious.

"Flesh. Bones. I have returned to the realm of the living."

Mk's arms started trembling causing Y/n to look and panic. The bird hops over twice toward Mk's hand.

"No, shoo! Go away! Y/n help!" Mk whispered shaking his head and trying to shoo it off. It didn't take notice but instead hopped closer causing Mk to shake in fear then the ginger bird pecked Mk's hand several times. Y/n quickly tried to shoo the bad bird away from Mk as he doesn't want his friend to fall in the middle of the situation.

"Oh, Demon Bull King! How I missed you!" As She smiled happily seeing his husband finally free.

"Princess Iron fan, the years have been kind. How did you free me?"

Before Princess Iron Fan could reply to his dear husband's question but only to be beaten by Redson who proudly respond.

"Actually, it was I, father. I moved the staff. I learned how to harness it, to make its power mi-" DBK approached as Redson looked terrorized.
"O-our power." correcting his words.

The flicking of DBK's eye; is normal to toxicity green then widely smirked.

"Excellent." Making Redson smile at his father's praise.

"Now, Together; we, the Demon Bull Family will plunge the world into eternal darkness!" exclaimed Redson with his family behind him even the Bull Clones.

While Y/n still trying to shoo the bird, still griping on the pipe; The bird stared at Mk and then finally peaked twice hard causing Mk to fall while the bird watch the poor boy fall.

"Mk!" Y/n shouted, watching his friend fall.

Redson heard screaming above him and looked up to see Mk screaming for his life and then landing directly on Redson.
Mk shook it off before his heart dropped or his soul left his body as the entire Demon Bull Family including the Clones glared down at him.

Mk nervously asked, "Haha...someone order some noodles?"

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From above, Y/n watched from the distance, wondering how to get Mk out of the situation. He turned to the ginger bird who looked at him too then frowned.

"You are one evil ginger bird, huh?" giving the bird an annoyed glare before looking back at the scene with anger expression yet an edgy one for Mk's safety.

"A little eavesdropper has fallen into our midst. It seems a waste to crush something so insignificant as my first act as ruler of this new world, but so be it." As DBK was about to stomp Mk was rapidly trembling in dread and then closed his eyes.

Unexpected arrival had fallen, interrupting the scene as everyone in the room, stopped. For Mk, he still has his eyes closed, slowly open and sees someone standing in front of him but couldn't see who due to the light smoke but kinda a see a movement of something. Possibly a weapon. Soon the mist disappeared.

Mk was stunned yet amazed, even relieved that enchanting and handsome Y/n was in front of him, looking very serious and holding a sword in his hand causing Mk to go super red and bubbling hearts around him.

As for Redson's point of view, seeing this good-looking person fall in front of all of them. Their elegant E/c eyes gave them a death glare while in a fighting position. Their H/c hair flowed to the side softly before stopping. He felt his heart beating fast than normal and planted his hand where his heart is.

'What's this feeling?' Redson questioned himself then shooked his head, trying to remove this unusual feeling before anyone see it except Princess Iron Fan got a glimpse of it before turning her head.

"Another little eavesdropped, huh?" Still, DBK was going to crush them.

"Wait, Father." The redhead boy stepped in.

"What is this?"

Redson pushes his father's foot away and cleared his throat.
"Waste not your energy on those peasants," as he pointed at Mk and (count help blushing when) pointing at Y/n. "Please, allow me to show you how Powerful I've become in your absence!"

DBK gazed down at him (noticing a dust of red-rose blush appearing on Redson).
"As you wish.."

Y/n backups slowly (still holding his sword) even Mk tried to use this chance to get away, only to be stopped when Redson addressed them. He felt that being stared at by someone made him uncomfortable. Princess Iron Fan stared at the boy, then Redson and back to Y/n again before turning into a smirk covering it with her hand.

"ARE YOU TWO EVEN LISTENING, I, REDSON, WILL NOT BE DISRESPECTED! YOU'RE HISTORY!" Redson exclaimed furiously, bursting into flames then used the gauntlet that lit into burning flames to transmit a punch toward Y/n who was prepared to get hit.
Panicked Mk grabbed the Monkey King's Staff, stood up quickly, pushed his crush behind him and brought it out to shield both of them.

Redson leapt out in surprise that his punch was deflected by the staff. "No way!"

"How could you possibly wield Monkey King's Staff?!"
Mk looked at the staff in astonishment (yet proud of himself that he protected Y/n) as Y/n was in shock and amazed.

Angryily Redson exclaimed.
"Ah! I don't know what's going on here, but I'm about to end it! That staff is mine!" as he and his Bull Clones even DBK behind him tried to get the staff.

"I'M SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY BREAK!" as Mk swung the staff forming a bright-golden yellow ring, striking his enemies. Y/n was surprised by the amount of damage that Mk created.

'That kinda reminds me of Klee's explosion...' Getting deja vu by the explosion.

"Uh..that was way more explosive than I expected."
Princess Iron Fan stepped forward, and stabbed the ground with her giant faun, glaring at Mk as he jolted in panic more than before while Y/n (who was behind Mk) moved forward beside Mk.

"Stay backโ€”I don't know how I'm doing this!" Mk warned her.

"That Staff doesn't belong to you, little boy. Hand it over including that boy too." She requested in a venomous voice, as Y/n looked confused but still have a serious face.

Mk quickly held Y/n by the wrist tightly beside him, protectively then shoved the staff in his staff. Meanwhile, Redson began to feel Jealous of Mk holding the boy even though he doesn't understand why he feels jealous of it.

"Mmmmmm...no?" Y/n looked at him like 'dude, wtf' until the staff stabbed itself into the floor as Mk and Y/n looked at each other before being launched into the air, hearing you and Mk screaming.

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"Ugh! He can't escape with that Staff!"

"Centuries trapped in oblivion," DBK raised in anger "Plotting my revenge and all of it thwarted by a Little thiefs!? I WILL TEAR THE FLESH FROM THEIR BONES!" Bellowing in raged.

"Father, allow me! I won't fail you a second time!"

"See that you don't," as DBK's eyes glowed green again. "my patience it's end."

"Of course, Father." Redson entered his bull-like truck and then raced off.

As DBK and Princess Iron Fan watched their son drive off; DBK turned and looked at his wife.
"What's in your mind, Dear?"

Princess Iron Fan respond to his husband, smirking.
"I can sense a powerful aura in that boy. A strong aura. As well, it seems that our useless son has a crush on that H/c mortal."

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"Alright, Noodle boy and Braided boy, hand it over!" Redson couldn't help seeing Y/n's magnificence of braided hair blow by the wind. He wonders what will look like if it's down. Shook his head, and straight focused what the main objective. Getting the staff from those Peasants.

"Go! Go! Go! He's right behind!" Y/n cried out, looking behind them and seeing Redson's vehicle coming closer.
Mk opened the large bag and took one of the orders.
"I'm sorry valued customer. You won't be getting your noodles." being dramatic and then throwing the noodles towards the bull-like truck's window.

'That didn't even do anything!' Y/n thought.
That only outrages Redson even more.
"Fine, have it your way!"

"You're really scary!"
Unexpectedly, the staff reacted again, shattering the cart's window and again, launching them into the air before landing several buildings. Y/n hugged Mk tightly as Mk blushed.

"Would you get down here so I can Kill both of you!?"



The cart accidentally broke the top of a lady's house, as poor lady who looked traumatized. Y/n and Mk apologize loudly as drove rapidly, busting out through the front door.

Mk chuckled, after getting away from that crazy red hair boy.
"I think we lost him!" Y/n slightly smiled yet shaking.

"Y-yaโ€”I have been worse than that." Y/n whispered the last sentence.

"Y/n, did you say something?"


Things became worse, that the cart broke down. Brilliant.
"Oh come on! Come on! Come on, old girl! You got this! Oh, don't do this to me!" as Mk tried to get it functioning again.
"Oh man, Pisgy's gonna kill me!"

Hearing the Sound of an engine roaring towards us. Fu*k.
Y/n shrieked.
"Mk, we genuinely need to go right now!" Y/n grabbed Mk's hand and sprinted, taking someone's hoverboard on the way, and hopping on it. The person (that they took) shouted at them.
"Sorry, sir! I may need to borrow this! Thanks, bye!" Y/n shouted, apologising.

Y/n and Mk continually dodged things that were in the way.
Passing through a tight space; unfortunately, Redson was trapped in it, angrily.

Mk snickered "See ya!" as he hugged Y/n, who sighed in relief from this childish chase, and didn't notice the sign that says 'under construction'

B*tch, you are wrong.
Shockingly, Redson manages to catch up with them in a race car.

"God damnit!" Y/n is frustrated and tired of being chased.

"Come on, where'd get that?!" Shocked Mk, wondering how Redson obtain a race car.

"What?! You think I'd drive anything that doesn't at least have one complex transformation?"

Redson pushed to the limit to murder them by crushing his vehicle but only ended up, with Y/n and Mk on top of his car as they sighed in relief until noticing a warning 'road closed' and then screamed in terror.ย 

'I should have brought my glider!'ย  Y/n thought.

They fell off the road.

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Until the speed of the lightning green dragon effect appeared then quickly disappeared, a person on a neon green and pure white motorbike snatched Y/n and Mk, zooming past Redson who looked 'WTF'.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" as making his way down creating a massive crash sound.

The familiar person safely landed Y/n and Mk, well actually Mk fell off before landing. Y/n quickly go off from the motorbiker and ran toward to check if he was alright; he turned towards the person who stood up as light like green pixel-like removed the gear, took out their dragon-design phone for a selfie, the one and only best girl, Mei.

"Nailed it!"

"MEI!" Mei looked at Y/n and Mk, and smiled.
Y/n helped Mk up to his feet then Mei put her arm around Y/n and Mk.

"That was an intense game of tag. You guys looked like you were having so much, I wanted to join in too!"

"A-Actuallyโ€”we almost died back there.."

"But you didn't! So let's celebrate with a round of...monkey mech!" as she pointed at the monkey mech arcade with her highest score.
"You should invite your new edgy friend, too."
Y/n and Mk awkwardly stood there until Mk spoke.

"Yeah..He was trying to kill us.."
Y/n nodded with Mk.

"Well in that case," Mei pulled out her dragon phone, with a red, massive dot displayed on the screen. "Where does he live?"

"Mk! Where are you, you punk?!" As outraged Pigsy fully stormed towards Mk who was shivering in fear from the wrath of Pigsy including Y/n.

"You mind telling me, Why some bozo left a zero-star review on Pigsy's Noodles?!" Showing the review of Pigsy's noodles that it has zero-star.

"Oh. Uhh, yea, so, uh. Here's what I think happened with thatโ€”"

"Woah, Zero stars! Congrats! That'd better than nothing, right?" Then she giggled. Y/n sweet-dropped.

"That's not how it's works, Mei!"

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Mk verified that the legend is real including Y/n (who already explain to Paimon which she believe every word the traveler said) however, Tang conversed, pointing his chopsticks toward Mk.
"Ugh. Boys, relax. You're getting spittle in my soup. Besides, you're both delusional; it's just a story."

"Delusional, huh?" Mk pulled out Monkey King's Staff, and it glistened with recognition.
"Would you call this delusional?" however, the glistening dies out as everyone went to silent.

"Wow, Mk. You found a stick!"

"Eh?! no no, Mei it's not a stick. It's-" Y/n was cut off by Mk.
"It's Monkey King's Staff! Even Y/n saw it too!" but that only made the others break into laughter (except for Paimon).

Mk started to become frustrated and shouted that he can prove it making the others stop laughing, yet still chuckled.

"Oh, yeah? How?" as all eyes were on Mk who tried to figure out then unexpectedly the staff extended, passing through Pigsy and Y/n even Paimon who moved out of the way then in front of Tang and Mei who's both sided the table, and snapped the table. Gradually moving back.

Tang's face changed into...um..unexpected facial expression (?) started mumbling until he shouted in excitement.

"MONKEY KING'S STAFF! I knew it all along! The legendary weapon that only he could wield to seal away the evil!"

But he stopped being too enthusiastic, still holding Mk's arm (that Mk still holding the Staff)
"Wait a minute. Why do you have it?"

"Alright I'll bite." Pigsy slides into the scene. "If the Staff is here, then where is the demon punk now?"

"He's at the shore store."

"WHAT?!" As they gathered around Mei who was hugging Y/n while on her phone plus Paimon hovered over them.

"This is better not be another of your puppy videos, Mei."
Mei chuckled.
"There's always time for a puppy video, plus I need to show these to our majestic Y/n!" Scrolling her phone.
Y/n looked at Mei, curiously.

"Take it more seriously!" Paimon shouted.

"Anyway, but no. Look what just started trending. #DemonBullKing."

Words: 4711

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