AT THE LARUSSO HOUSE, the two girls, plus Miguel and Mason, we're trying to get the two dojos together. "I don't know how to say this any plainer. Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do have to work together." Sam tried to explain to the group of teens.
"Even if we wanted to team up, it'd never work. J was in Cobra Kai. Their styles mixed with ours like..." Chris starts, searching for the right metaphor. "Oil and vinegar?" Nate suggests, "No, not salad dressing." The boy shot down. "I would say like the British Bulldogs and the Hart foundation."
Mitch rolled his eyes, "They we're friends, dipshit." He spoke from the other end of the couch. "Not at WrestleMania 3, Penis Breath." Chris corrected. "Okay, you can't call me Penis Breath. Only they can call my Penis Breath." Mitch corrected the boy, gesturing to his other Eagle Fangs. Chris looks at his confused, "Why are you okay with anyone calling you Penis Breath?"
"You know what? Screw this. Come on, let's go." The boy standing up, Bert following as they started to leave. "Hey, pussies!" Demetri called out, causing the two to stop and turn to him. "This is exactly what those assholes at Cobra Kai want. Since you were one of 'em, you're an asshole too. So are you. So was I. Well, at least I wanted to be one. But now Cobra Kai is the worst collection of assholes in the Valley, run by the king of all assholes. So if by merging with Eagle Fang... Weird name, by the way. Can keep us all from getting shit on anymore, then we'd all be assholes not to do it." He finishes, glancing around the room to slightly shocked faces on his outburst. "I'm sorry for all the 'assholes' I usually take pride in my grandiloquence, but... it's an emotional time."
His big speech turned a chord in all of them, Mitch and Bert both going back to sit on the couch, as Sawyer nods to the boy to continue. "Now... where do we start?"
TORY HAD this crazy idea to get back at their two rivaling dojos, since she found out that they were working together. It also just so happens they were all gathered at the LaRusso household.
June was hesitant at first, she thought it was a little harsh, the girl wanted to not continue this. Stop fighting, end it all. This wasn't just over a stupid kiss anymore, it had turned into real hatred. But it couldn't be stopped, and she eventually warmed up to the idea, jumping aboard immediately, Wyatt however, was harder to convince. He thought it was 'out of line' but after some begging and begging from the blonde girl, he finally caved. The next step was to inform the other students, they knew most of them would be down.
The group decided to meet at down the street from the LaRusso's to plan some logistics. A frown appearing on the girls face, noticing Robby wasn't present, Kyler suggested luring them outside and then making a big entrance. "Alright, so we all enter through the back door." June confirmed, most of them nodding, but Kyler didn't agree, "Nah, you, Wyatt, and Tory, should go thought the front door." They looked at him confused, "Why would we do that?" Tory questioned, the boy sighs, "Because, you guys scare them the most. It makes it more dramatic."
June and Tory simply rolling their eyes at him, "It doesn't matter. Just move."
BACK INSIDE, now that the two dojos agreed on work together, it was their turn to figure out logistics. "We're all in agreement that our new combined dojo should train at Miyagi-Do. But deadlocked on a new name, Gi design, Post-Training Snacks, and Sensei Dispute Resolution Protocol." Demetri listed, as the other teens listening intently, "Okay, not good, but still, it's a start."
A cat meow was then heard from just outside, then all looking to the noise, "Aw, I think your cat wants to come in. Here, kitty, kitty." Bert says, going outside to check. The two sisters look at each other confused, "I didn't know you had a cat." Mason questions, looking to the girl next to him. "We don't." Sawyer states, in confusion.
Bert is suddenly thrown through the large window, crashing to the ground, as broken glass scatters the floor. They all stand up, dashing to the boy groaning on the floor. "Bert, what happened?" Miguel questions, the small boy looks up to the group, his glasses were broken and on the ground, as blood was dripping from his face. "No cat." He choked out.
Hawk and Kyler, among others walked through the door, spreading out through the dining room. "It's payback time, Rhea." Kyler teased, using the boys old nickname.
Miguel and Nate, helped Bert up off the ground, as Hawk starting walking to the group, causing them to back up slowly. The front door was then kicked open, causing the defensive teens to whip their heads to face the new people. It was of course, June, Tory and Wyatt. June locks eyes with Sawyer, their contact not breaking as the three walked in.
"Heard you were throwing a party. Sad to hear we weren't invited." June spoke harshly.
"Tory, you don't have to do this." Miguel started, trying to stop his ex.
"It's too late. This ends tonight! No mercy!" The blonde yelled, as all of the teens started to attack eachother.
June ran straight to Sawyer, immediately throwing a punch, which the brunette barely blocked. Sawyer was slowly backing away from the girl, her presence causing the girls chest to rise and fall rapidly.
"You really like running away don't you, LaRusso?" June questioned, following the girl as she stepped through the kitchen, passing by Miguel as he was pinned against the wall taking abrade of punches to the stomach.
One kid tried to attack June, her eyes locked on Sawyer, but sent a kick to his stomach, him stumbling to the floor.
Sawyer ran out to the at home dojo, her breathing heavy and hands shaking. She tries to pull herself together as June is close by.
Somewhere else in the large house, Wyatt was fighting a Miyagi-Do student, before flipping him over his shoulder into the glass coffee table.
His breaths are heavy, a lump in his throat as he glanced around at multiple teenagers laying on floor, groaning in pain. It wasn't supposed to be this way. Not this bad.
It wasn't supposed to be a full on karate rivalry, where you invaded other peoples houses just to fight them. Wyatt had realized he had made mistakes, lots of them. Causing him to almost lose his sister in the process, she was all he had left.
June finally caught up with the brunette, their eyes making contact. Sawyers breath hitches, as the girl continues to walk closer. Once close enough, June sent a kick to the other girls face, her falling to the ground.
"Gotta be honest, LaRusso. Thought you'd put up more of a fight." June says, breathless from fighting earlier. Sawyer stumbles up from the floor, ready to fight the girl even though she really didn't want to.
June turns around to the staffs leaning against the wall, "Guess I'm making my own fun now." She says, turning the staff around in her hand.
She goes to strike the girl, but Sawyer dodges, going to lean on the wall. "You got nowhere to go, LaRusso."
June swings the staff at her, but Sawyer sucks down, as she hit the framed photo of Mr. Miyagi, the glass shattering and it fell to the floor.
Sawyer glances to the now fallen photo, thinking of her fathers words, You're the only one who can get up when your down.
She quickly spins up to stand again, grabbing the other staff to combat the other girl. The two girls circle around each other, eyes not breaking their contact.
Sawyer goes to strike June, the latter blocking her attacks, before sending a kick to her side. The brunette takes a knee on the ground, June a mere foot or two away, the girl jabbing the staff into June's stomach.
The two continued sending different attacks to the other, then both blocking and spinning the staffs around. Sawyer is able to find a weak spot, hitting Junes shoulder, causing the girl to take a knee on the ground.
Sawyer rears her staff back for another hit, June blocking the strike. June is able to stand back up, her staff dropping to the floor. She charges forward, holding onto Sawyers staff, causing the other girl to take a few steps back.
The brunette quickly changes the direction, slamming the girl into the wall. June stares at the girl breathless, weakly putting her fists up. "I'm not afraid of you!" Sawyer spat, glaring daggers at the girl.
"Guys, stop!" Miguel shouts, blood dripping from his nose, as him Hawk, Demetri and Wyatt all rushed into the dojo, blood and bruises mark their faces. "The fights over!" Hawk announces.
"It's not over. At least not for now." June spat, glancing between the group of boys and the girl in front of her.
She left without a word, Wyatt putting a defensive arm around her. "This was a bad idea." June mumbled as they left the house.
"Yeah, but let's just go home, okay." Wyatt told her softly, walking down the street.
AFTER TENDING TO THEIR WOUNDS, Wyatt and June, decided to both go to bed, not feeling the need to check on Hae, even though June felt like something else bad was going to happen soon.
The next morning, while June was still asleep, Wyatt got up to make some breakfast. He yawned, turning on the coffee pot, and started on some food for Hae. Once finished, he brought food and a glass of water in the room, setting it on the side table.
"μ’μ μμΉ¨μ λλ€, ν λ¨Έλ. μΌμ΄λ μκ°, μμΉ¨ μμ¬κ° μ€λΉλμμ΅λλ€." (good morning, grandma. time to wake up, breakfast is ready.) Wyatt spoke softly lightly shaking her, getting nothing in response.
He continued.
Still nothing.
Wyatt gently picked up her hand, before dropping it. Her old hand laying limp on the bed.
Wyatt gasped, "June λλ€! ν λ¨Έλ μΌμ΄λ!" (june help! grandma wake up!) He exclaimed, shaking her again.
The girl stirred awake, but shot up hearing her brothers shouts in the other room. She jumps out of bed, bolting to their grandmothers room.
She walks in, as Wyatt is shaking the old woman, who laid limp on the small bed. "ν λ¨Έλ! λνμΈμ? κΉ¨μ°λ€!" (grandma! what are you doing? wake up!) The boy shouted, tears now streaming down his face, as his voice was slowly breaking.
"ν λ¨Έλ! κΉ¨μ°λ€!" (grandma! wake up!) June exclaimed, dropping to a knee next to the bed. She quickly checked the woman's pulse.
Not a single breath.
"Wyatt." June whispered, tears threatening to fall from her now red eyes, as she turned to face him. "No. no, no!" He shouted, voice breaking, as he crumpled. His head resting on the bed, as he still clenched onto her boney hand.
The two erupt into quiet sobs, as the sun beamed through the small apartment.
THE NEXT FEW days had been quiet at the house, the twins barely saying a word as they both stayed in their rooms.
The next morning, a random letter was slipped under the door.
June walked out of her room, as Wyatt sat on the couch watching TV. The girl groggily stumbled to the kitchen, noticing the white envelope face down in front of the door.
Her brows furrow, going to pick up the paper.
She turned it over, examining the front that had twins names on it. She opens the envelope, pulling out a letter. June starts reading the letter, her breath hitched in her throat upon seeing what it said.
Wyatt notices her sudden shock, "June? What is it?" He asks, walking over to stand next to her.
"Dad's coming home."
i'm sobbing throwing up sorry babes this was emotional
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