โ” ๐—ณ๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐˜๐˜†-๐—ป๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ฒ. how to become a thief

( how to become a thief )


THE YOUNG MONTAGUE FINDS herself beside Dean Thomas and Luna Lovegood. Both of them seem scarred (though, of course, Luna is still off with the dreamy look) and for that reason, Spencer finds herself wanting to comfort them even if it is only by a bit. Dean has been on the run since the start of school and Luna had been forcibly taken from the Hogwarts Express before she could even get to her father's arms. Spencer does not like Luna'd father, but it must have been completely horrid for that to have occurred. It will do them some good to receive a restful break. She grabs one of their hand and points up to the sky that is glimmering down onto the sea with a reflecting tone, the light giving them a spark in their eye while the winds gives them a high breeze of relaxation.

"I like to believe that the skies tells stories," Spencer begins softly, motioning for them to lay down beside her. Luna follows along without a care while Dean hesitantly does it as well. He stares at her firsthand before mimicking her gaze up toward the sky where thankfully the sun is not hitting as bright for them to go immediately blind. The two friends of hers stay quiet as they listen to her speak to them with serenity. "You know how the stars are named after people or objects? We make our own too. You know why?"

Luna ponders for a few seconds before suggesting, "Because of the mist surrounding the world of our magic?" Spencer scrunches up her brows lightly before shruggingโ€” maybe she has a point, but that is not where she is going with it. Dean hums in thought before saying, "Because we tell them?"

"It could be," she tells them both, not denying their statements because what she is thinking is not a fact but pure imagination. "Though, I see it as the fact that we all live under it. Everyone we love and hate see the same skies no matter where we are. I think the universe knows this because it is always glimmering and continuing to be the same while everything around it changes. Some stars die outโ€” others shine even brighter. In this world of death and war, we are not alone."

Luna and Dean stay quiet after her words, staring up at the sky that has yet to see the stars, but they all know are still there. The blonde girl cuddles up closer to Spencer and closes her eyes. Spencer only squeezes her hand in comfort knowing Luna does not have any more to say as she thinks about her father and possibly her friends at Hogwarts. Dean swallows nervously before only tightening his hold on her hand. Spencer does not flinch away and instead continues gazing up.

When you gaze at the sky, you will think of how the universe makes us feel unimportant and little and yet I have come to realize that to me you are the universe that matters.

"As long as we live under the same sky," Spencer murmurs, "hope is not yet lost."

Dean clears his throat to gain her attention. "You think Seamusโ€” and the others at Hogwarts are okay?" He questions, staring at her as if she would know the answer to it despite not having been there herself. Spencer gives him a short smile.

"It is what I truly hope is true," she answers vaguely. And the possibility that they are not is always on her mind because Morgana is at school. There is no denying she has not tortured children or her own friends, but Spencer hopes that they have teamed up with each otherโ€” all of them to the point where houses do not longer matter and instead each of them are looking after another. Doing at least a bit amount of rebellion or signal that they are on it together.

The three of them stay there for what seems like hours until a soft pair of footsteps are heard from behind them. Spencer starts fixing herself up before noticing Ricky heading toward them with a soft smile. She returns it back and ushers herself upwards, leaving the two others to continue gazing up to where she motioned. Ricky stares at them curiously and raises an eyebrow at her wondering what they were doing in the first place.

"They've been through misery," Spencer explains with a solemn look, "I just wanted to make them feel better."

Ricky stares at her in awe and chuckles lightly. "You are one of a kind, Spencer," he praises quietly, holding out his hand for her to hold. She does as he asks and lets him take her away closer to where the water is tapping onto their feet. A small yawn escapes her while she gazes at the sea and listens to its small flaps of waves. Calming and relaxing which surprises her because she has not felt this in a long, long time. Her attention returns to her best friend who takes out two wands reminding her that she does not have any. Though, he keeps them both to himself while appearing in deep thought.

"I don't want to use Mordra's wand," he claims after awhile, gulping as he knows how wicked that woman is. It is the wand that she used to torture Spencer. The one that killed and tortured those mugglesโ€” Estela Gray was killed with that wand. Spencer chins up her head knowing why he does not want it, but also that since he Disarmed her, the wand works best with him.

"It is easier to use, Ricky," Spencer sighs, giving him a small frown. Ricky shakes his head and lifts up another wand. "This Snatcher's one works well too, alright? It is the one I disarmed her with and it just needs time to get used to, but I can handle it. And you can handle Mordra's, especially if you Disarm me."

Spencer furrows her eyebrows. "What?" She questions in confusion, not understanding where he was going with it. Or, maybe it is the fact that she does and does not want to believe it. To be in charge of that wand...? Spencer would rather let herself burn in the crossfire, but she did promise that she wouldn't give up. Internally, she gives a defeated sigh. For Ricky? She would make herself suffer just to make him feel even a little bit better.

Ricky shrugs and hands her the Snatcher's wand. "Disarm me," he orders, lifting Mordra's wand as if he will use it against her. Spencer glances down at the wand on her hand, debating if she should or should not. Truth be told, she does not want Mordra's wand either. It is filled with poison and bitter hatred, but she understands why Ricky does not want it. Not wanting him to suffer with the thought, she raises the wand and softly casts, "Expelliarmus."

She grabs onto Mordra's wand that slips from Ricky's hand and shudders when she feels it connecting to her already. Ricky exhales in relief and grabs the wand she used against him. He brings his arms close to her and kisses her on top of her head. "Thank you," he murmurs, letting his head rest on hers.

"Of course."

Spencer hates how the wand feels light on her hands. She misses her own oneโ€” alder wood with a unicorn hair core, 10 ยพ" and slightly springy flexibility. It fits her right, Spencer thinks. The alder wood isโ€” was happily placed to her making it have incredible loyalty. From what she has read about wands, alder wood is most suited for nonverbal spells which Spencer is quite good at. And then the unicorn core creates a strong bond with the owner and she likes to think it was almost a part of her. Was, at least. She hates the idea that it is most likely now in her aunt's hands.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  She remembers being eleven years old and heading into the shop by herself while her parents went off with Morgana to help her out. Not Spencerโ€” her. Honestly, that is incredibly ridiculous because Spencer was the one entering Hogwarts, not Morgana. She supposed it was alright, however. It only allowed her to be free for some time. Any who, Mordra's wand does not feel good like hers did which is unfortunate. It is older and rougher around the edges unlike hers. Even sitting in the kitchen counter does not allow her to process the fact that she now has to use her aunt's wand. It makes her sick to the stomach and she forces herself to leave it on the counter.

"How are you?" Fleur Delacour sits beside her, placing her delicate hand onto her arm in question. Spencer barely realizes the beautiful woman spoke up until she took notice that the words were spoken in French. Understanding how to speak and hear French (the addition of having a close friend who knows French helps), Spencer smiles warmly and nods.

"Better than I've felt in ages," she answers honestly having no energy to pretend everything is great or that everything is horrid. Fleur grins at the answer and takes out a book with words spelt in French. Spencer takes the book gently and reads the title L 'ร‰tranger written by Albert Camus.

Fleur clears her throat and gently explains, "I 'ave seen 'ow you 'ave come with nothing but yourselves and I figured reading something you 'ave not will help clear your mind." She points to the book. "I know you like reading about philosophical ideas and this one correlates with Camus's philosophy about absurdism. About it implying that moral orders 'ave no rational or natural basis. I read it while you were gone because it reminded me of you."

Spencer widens her eyes in surprise and she lets a smile grow on her face. Fleur read it because it reminded her of me... she sighs lovingly internally realizing how much that truly makes her appreciate her friends even more. Fleur stays quiet and watches as Spencer opens up the book only to notice all of it is French. She squints her eyes a little bit while trying to read the first pageโ€” it takes her some time trying to recall the words, but after awhile she is able to translate it in her own mind.

"Ah," Fleur nods impressively. "It is French, but I know you 'ad practice some of it by yourself as well and I figured this would be of some 'elp."

The young Montague grins. "Thank you, Fleur. I adore it and you," she appreciates, this time leaning in and kissing the girl in the cheek instead of the other way around. Fleur grins at the affection. "So, how are you and Bill?"

Just like that the two girls begin conversing up until Daniel enters the room with Bill by his side. Fleur heads toward her husband and pecks his lips while Daniel sits in the place the Veela sat on. He places his fidgety hands onto the table before his eyes fall upon the wand and his face darkens. Daniel grabs the wand and holds in his breath, his jaw clenching in recognition.

"This is hers," he recalls, his hand clutching onto it to the point where Spencer thinks he might break it. Despite hating it with every inch of her body, she wraps her own hand onto his and gives him a look.

"It is," Spencer agrees quickly. "But it is also now on my hold and with my own wand gone, I'd rather not risk not having one."

Daniel frowns remembering about the situation they were in and he sighs. He stares down at the wand in disgust before handing it back to her. "I suppose... even the darkest objects can receive some light," he murmurs softly.

Spencer raises an eyebrow at his words. "What do you mean?"

"I once told you that you are the best of us, Spencer," Daniel reminds her back to the letter he first gave her in the start of her sixth year. He stares at her right in the eyes and there is a look of adoration. "Even now that is still true and perhaps it is fate or pure luck that you have gained access to this wicked wand, but you are good in every way which can only bring salvation to this object."

She chuckles light-heartedly and rests her head on his shoulder. "Always with the best advice, brother," Spencer jokes and yet tells him honestly. Daniel ruffles her hair playfully before patting her knee as he stands. Fortunately, at the same time, Harry, Ricky, Ron, and Hermione show up by the doorway and calls her over.

Spencer narrows her eyes before following them to the room where Luna, Hermione, and her sleep for the meantime. It is small, but quite comfortable. She notices how Griphook is waiting for them, as Fleur had apparently told them, in the tiniest of the cottage's three bedrooms. She sits in the edge of the bed she has been sleeping on and waits for the goblin to speak.

"I have reached my decision, Harry Potter," the goblin states, and he is sitting cross-legged in a low chair, drumming its arms with his spindly fingers. "Though the goblins of Gringotts will consider it base treachery, I have decided to help youโ€”"

"That's great!" Harry exclaims, relief surging through him. Spencer stares at the goblin suspiciously having heard that he was not finished speaking yet. "Griphook, thank you, we're reallyโ€”"

"โ€” in return," the goblin firmly continues, "for payment."

Slightly taken aback, Harry hesitates. "How much do you want? I've got gold."

"Not gold," Griphook denies. "I have gold." His black eyes glitters; there are no whites to his eyes. "I want the sword. The sword of Godric Gryffindor."

Spencer's half smile disappears from her face and she frowns. She understands why he wants itโ€” it was originally theirs to be spoken of, but they need it to destroy the Horcruxes! Or else how else will they defeat Voldemort, surely, he must understand that? Then again, they cannot tell the goblin the truth (which Spencer does not understand why but this is something Harry stops them from doing).

"You can't have that," he denies. "I'm sorry."

"Then," the goblin mutters softly, "we have a problem."

"The sword's ours โ€”" Ron tries to exclaim, though, those are the wrong words to say as Griphook scoffs and glares at him.

"It is not," the goblin argues.

"We're Gryffindors," Ron starts. Spencer purses her lips knowing she is not a Gryffindor, "and it was the Godric Gryffindor's โ€”"

"And before it was Gryffindor's, whose was it?" demands the goblin, sitting up straight. Spencer and Hermione share a look wondering if the other knew. They do not. Spencer purses her lips and taps onto her chin thoughtfullyโ€” who did it belong to? She has always read that it had been that of wizards but obviously goblin-made.

"No one's," said Ron. "It was made for him, wasn't it?"

"No!" cries the goblin, bristling with anger as he points a long finger at Ron. "Wizarding arrogance again! That sword was Ragnuk the First's, taken from him by Godric Gryffindor! It is a lost treasure, a masterpiece of goblinwork! It belongs with the goblins! The sword is the price of my hire, take it or leave it!" Griphook glares at them.

Harry glances at the other two, then excuses, "We need to discuss this, Griphook, if that's all right. Could you give us a few minutes?"

The goblin nods, looking sour. Spencer places her lips into a thin line and follows Harry downstairs in the empty sitting room. Harry walks to the fireplace, brow furrowed, most likely trying to think what to do. Behind him, Ron tells him, "He's having a laugh. We can't let him have that sword."

"It is true?" Harry asks the two girls. "Was the sword stolen by Gryffindor?"

"I haven't heard of it, but I meanโ€” it would not surprise me, Harry. Wizards do tend to want that superior ground and takes stuff when they want to... no offense to Godric Gryffindor, but..." Spencer trails off, covering her face unsurely. Hermione makes a face of agreement before motioning to her words. "Wizarding history often skates over what the wizards have done to other magical races, but there's no account that I know of that says Gryffindor stole the sword," Hermione continues.

"It'll be one of those goblin stories," Ron rolls his eyes, "about how the wizards are always trying to get one over on them. I suppose we should think ourselves lucky he hasn't asked for one of our wands."

Spencer gives him a sharp look while Hermione defends, "Goblins have got good reason to dislike wizards, Ron. They've been treated brutally in the past."

"Goblins aren't exactly fluffy little bunnies, though, are they?" Ron argues. "They've killed plenty of us. They've fought dirty too."

"But arguing with Griphook about whose race is most underhanded and violent isn't going to make him more likely to help us, is it?" Spencer smiles at Hermione's strict tone and nods appreciatively. There is a pause while they try to think of a way around the problem. Spencer cannot finds any. Not unless they tell the goblin the truth, but any other way guarantees them only lies. Harry looks out of the window at Dobby's grave. She follows his gaze and notices Luna wander around before promptly laying down as they had moments before.

"Okay," Ron starts, and they all turn back to face him, "how's this? We tell Griphook we need the sword until we get inside the vault, and then he can have it. There's a fake in there, isn't there? We switch them, and give him the fake."

"Ron, he'd know the difference better than we would!" Hermione exclaims. "He's the only one who realized there had been a swap!"

"Yeah, but we could scarper before he realizes โ€”" He quails beneath the look Hermione was giving him. Spencer glares at him and smacks his arm to which Ron hisses in pain. "Don't be an ass, Ron. That is why he does not like wizards, you see?"

Hermione nods sharply. "What you said is despicable. Asking for his help and then double-crossing him?"

Ricky scoffs at those words. "I'm sure that will work wonders," he agrees with the girls, arching an eyebrow at the redhead. His ears turn red in embarrassment.

"All right, all right! It was the only thing I could think of! What's your solution, then?" Ron raises his hand up in defense, running his hand through his hair.

Silence falls between them again. Spencer has a feeling Griphook will not accept anything else except the sword. It is the item he has been eyeing ever since they first showed it among everyone else. And apparently it is something extra important to those goblin kind so she assumes that is all he will ask for. Spencer understands that! If it was any other circumstance she would simply give it to him, but they need that sword in order to destroy those damned Horcruxes and they have become such a pain that she so greatly needs it all to be over with.

Her eyes falls upon Harry who closes his eyes for a moment or two. He takes a deep breath before offering, "We'll tell him he can have the sword after he's helped us get into that vault โ€” but we'll be careful to avoid telling him exactly when he can have it."

Ricky narrows his eyes suspiciously. "We don't know how his favors work, man. Wouldn't it be like crossing him?"

Harry points a finger at him. "He will have it. Except he'll have it after we have used it on all the Horcruxes. I'll make sure he gets it then, I'll keep my word, but we need that sword until then."

Spencer and Hermione stare at each other alarmingly. "We don't like it," they admit at the same time. Harry lets out a sigh and nods in agreement, voicing the same words. After a short while, Spencer licks her lips before continuing, "But I suppose it is the only option left, isn't it? We just have to hope it does not take years."

Her voice fades away the small optimism while she shrugs not knowing what else to do. The only one who seems to have full confidence in the plan is Ron who grins widely and stands up to head back inside. Either way, they head in the small bedroom and let Harry make the offer. He carefully phrased the words as to not give any definite time for the handover of the sword. Spencer bites the inside of her cheek not wanting to expose the fact that this is a dirty favorโ€” and she does not like it, but she sees no other way!

Griphook stares only at Harry and then nods. "I have your word, Harry Potter, that you will give me the sword of Gryffindor if I help you?"

"Yes," Harry claims.

"Then shake," the goblin offers, holding out his hand. Harry takes it and shakes his hand to complete the deal. Spencer narrows her eyes toward the two before relaxing when Griphook releases his hold on Harry and claps his hands. "So. We begin!"

The five of them plan their mission to Gringotts in clear detail just the same as they had for the Ministry plan a few months ago. Daniel comes and goes with his job calling him in every other day that has now become some sort of secretive organization while still trying to do some good in the world. Spencer admires the wizard profilers for that reason. They do not respond to the Ministry and primarily deals with seeking justice to victims (usually to catch the killers but with the war it is more to help them deal with what kind of Death Eaters they are dealing with). Some of them have gone to investigate what they are planning, their attitudesโ€” it is all complicated, but they are on Harry's side by the looks of it.

Ollivander is to be leaving tonight, but while at it, Spencer sits with Harry and Ricky on her side while they teach the young girl how to play something called the hand clapping game? She watches Harry and Ricky give her the example and their counts along the game before they allow her to try. Spencer fails the first couple of tries until she begins getting it when Harry offers to do it slower.

"Oh!" Spencer gasps in realization. "And it gets challenging the faster you go, right?" She questions in awe, motioning for Harry to continue playing with her. For that time, all you hear is the sound of clapping before the three of them get tired and they rest amongst the couch. Somehow, the memories of the past seems to be brought up.

"I used to have a crush on you," Ricky admits to Harry, letting a small yawn when they reach a point of being tired of doing nothing.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  Spencer chuckles at the reminder and nods in agreement when Harry widens his eyes in surprise. "I can confirm. You should see his fourth, third, second, and first-year notes. The words 'Harry & Ricky' were written far too many times I'm surprised he didn't write that on the exams we took," she laughs when Ricky smacks her arm.

Harry lets out a snort in amusement and winks at the Ravenclaw boy. "I can't blame you," he responds confidently which causes Ricky to roll his eyes and smile. Harry raises an eyebrow at them curiously before admitting, "I had a small crush on you during our fourth-year... that time during the Yule Ball and afterwards? And a little during fifth-year, but my mind was also focused on Cho and although we hung out more, I noticed you and Theo getting close."

Spencer widens her eyes in surprise and gapes at him. She remembers that one time she had seen Harry become a bit flustered when she mentioned her best friend's name, but she thought it was just her imagination! However, it seems like he truly did feel at least something for him which somehow it is incredibly odd how things could have been if any of the two decided to act on it... can you believe it? Ricky and Harry! Then again, Theodore was still hanging out with them so... Also, it did not pass her that Harry called Theodore 'Theo' since she spent a good amount (usually every day) talking about him. At this point, the two of them are friends despite having minimum conversations (which the same applies to Blaise).

Ricky opens his mouth in complete shock. "You're telling me I actually had a chance before? Bloody hell, Harry... I was obsessed with you since my first-year," Ricky groans, shaking his head in disbelief. Harry lets out a small laugh and nods his head. Ricky continues shaking himself in surprise before glancing at Harry with a soft grin. "It is safe to say that I don't like you like that anymore," Ricky reminds, smiling slightly as he recalls his current boyfriend.

Harry grins. "Oh, yeah. Same," he agrees, placing his arm around Spencer who simply watches this whole conversation with amusement. The three of them stand up when they notice Bill appear with Ollivander by his side.

The wandmaker still looks exceptionally frail, and he clings to Bill's arm as the latter supports him, carrying a large suitcase. "I'm going to miss you, Mr. Ollivander," Luna mentions, approaching the old man. Spencer walks beside Fleur and smiles gently.

"And I you, my dear," Ollivander responds, patting her on the shoulder. "You were an inexpressible comfort to me in that terrible place."

"So, au revoir, Mr. Ollivander," Fleur says her own goodbye, kissing him on both cheeks. "And I wonder whezzer you could oblige me by delivering a package to Bill's Auntie Muriel? I never returned 'er tiara."

"It will be an honor," Ollivander agrees with a little bow, "the very least I can do in return for your generous hospitality."

Fleur draws out a worn velvet case, which she opens to show the wandmaker. The tiara sits glittering and twinkling in the light from the low-hanging lamp. Spencer remembers her wearing the tiara before her attention heads toward the wizard.

"I hope you may receive a lot of rest, Mister Ollivander," Spencer tells the older wizard, shaking his hand lightly. The wandmaker smiles at her warmly.

"And the same goes to you, Miss Montague," he nods in appreciation.

A strong wind gusts against the cottage windows as Bill and Ollivander set off into the night. The rest of them squeezes in around the table; elbow to elbow and with barely enough room to move, they start to eat. The fire crackles and pops in the grate beside them. Fleur, Spencer notices, is merely playing with her food; she glances at the window every few minutes (which she finds absolutely adorable at how worried she is for him); however, Bill returns before they had finished their first course, his long hair tangled by the wind.

"Everything's fine," he tells Fleur. "Ollivander settled in, Mum and Dad say hello. Ginny sends you all her love. Fred and George are driving Muriel up the wall, they're still operating an Owl-Order business out of her back roomโ€” oh, and a reminder that they miss all of you. Also, they mentioned if I could ask if they can name one of their products 'Spencer Defender'?"

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  Spencer immediately shakes her head, a smile formed on her lips by the warmth that appears within her heart. "No," she denies. "That's an awful name! It makes them sound like they created a group of defenders for me!"

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  "I thought we already had that..." Ron trails off confusedly, twisting his head around to look at Ricky, Harry, and even Hermione. Spencer snaps her own toward them, her eyes narrowing in suspicion at the visible guilty smile on her best friend's face.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  Bill chuckles lightly and tells her, "Well, I'm not sure about thatโ€”"

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  "Yeah," Ron interrupts his brother while he nods to himself. "Ricky formed it a while back. I think Blaise was part of it unknowingly until our sixth year when he officially joined... Theo was on it since fifth... we joined fifth-year as well."

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  Spencer gapes at him in confusion. "When did you have time to talk about this? Wait, no... why did all of youโ€” you know what, I don't want to know. And I want it done with," she sighs, giving them a strict glare.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  Ricky scoffs at her words. "Just because you know of it now it doesn't mean it's over," he disagrees. A slight smirk appears on his face. "You can join, I suppose. I'm going to have to talk it over with the rest..."

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  "Ooh! Can we join?" Luna brings up excitedly, pointing toward Dean and herself. Immediately, unlike what he did to Spencer, Ricky nods and heads close to them as if he is going to share a secret with them. Is he taking out a parchment?? Spencer only gives them a deeper look of confusion.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  "As I was saying," Bill catches their attention again. "They told me the product is used for defense. George said he Stupefied Fred, but their product worked up to thirty minutes. Unfortunately, I don't think it'll work on the Killing Curse, but it excuses the name..."

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  Spencer covers her face in embarrassment while Ricky snorts in amusement at the twins' way of being funny. "Tell them to name it Risky Ricky instead because the only thing they've tested on are casual spells and they don't know the risks. It also allows them to tell their customers that they are not sure if it works on all spells," Spencer quickly makes up another name. Ricky gasps in a tone of offended while the rest snicker.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ย  "Understood," Bill agrees, ignoring the disagreements that Ricky is staring. A light smile is present on his (while Fleur is grinning amusinglyโ€” and she may have whispered to Ricky if she could join the 'club') even as he continued, "Any who, it cheered Muriel up to have her tiara back, though. She said she thought we'd stolen it."

"Ah, she eez charmante, your aunt," Fleur acknowledges, waving her wand and causing the dirty plates to rise and form a stack in midair. She catches them and marches out of the room.

"Daddy's made a tiara," pipes up Luna from beside Dean. The two of them have become close for the fact that they had found their ways together. Of course, nothing more than friends between them. Spencer is quite sure Dean is involved with Seamus, but she does not know so she does not assume to ask. "Well, more of a crown, really."

Ah, Spencer recalls back to the Lovegood's place. The recreation of the lost diadem of Ravenclaw.

"Yes, he's trying to re-create the lost diadem of Ravenclaw. He thinks he's identified most of the main elements now. Adding the billywig wings really made a difference โ€”"

There is a bang on the front door which makes Spencer jump in her seat utterly surprised. Everyone's head turned toward the area. Fleur comes running out of the kitchen, looking frightened and with her wand out as if she is ready to fight whoever is trying to come with her bare hands (which Spencer would not be surprised because she knows Fleur kicked the Death Eaters who invaded her wedding); Bill jumps to his feet, his wand pointing at the door. Spencer takes out Mordra's wand and points at the door threateningly while she is sure the other four do the same (seeing as Luna and Dean do not have them). Silently, Griphook slips beneath the table, out of sight.

"Who is it?" Bill calls out in a low tone.

Spencer feels her chest vibrate intensely before pressure is released when she hears a familiar voice respond, "It is I, Remus John Lupin!"

She lets a smile appear in her face not realizing how good it is to hear her former professor who had become a great mentor to her in the amount of times he visited the Burrow. Remus has become a sort of friend in such little time and last time she heard him had been in the radio, but last time she saw him it was back at Grimmauld's Place.

"I am a werewolf, married to Nymphadora Tonks, and you, the Secret-Keeper of Shell Cottage, told me the address and bade me come in an emergency!" Remus gives out the necessary information to make them realize it is actually him and not an imposter. Spencer sighs in relief and places away the wand back onto her pockets.

"Lupin," mutters Bill, and he runs to the door and wrenches it open. Remus falls over the threshold. He is white-faced, wrapped in a traveling cloak, his graying hair windswept. He straightens up, looks around the room, making sure of who is there, then cries aloud, "It's a boy! We've named him Ted, after Dora's father!"

Spencer squeals in surprise and immediately jumps out of her seat to head toward the man. "Remus, Tonks gave birth already?" Spencer practically jumps the older man and stares up at him with wide-eyes. Remus nods excitedly and without a care in the world brings her in for a tight hug which she can barely breath in for a few seconds, but it does not matter because a baby!

"I'm going to cry! Oh, I just know he's going to be splendid," Spencer gushes out, giving her congratulations at the same time. Fleur and Hermione yell out in happiness while Ron stays with his mouth wide open in surprise. Ricky claps his hand and even adds a whistle while he gives his own congratulations toward the werewolf. Harry makes his way through and is immediately brought into a hug by the happy werewolf.

"A boy!" Remus exclaims, being dazed by his own happiness. He holds onto Harry for a longer time before he releases him and shakes his arms. "You'll be godfather?"

Harry widens his eyes in surprise. "M-me?"

Remus nods his head enthusiastically. "You, yes, of course โ€” Dora quite agrees."

"I meanโ€” yeah! B-but why me?" Harry stammers out, his mind still completely buzzed out. Remus stares at him like if he is the one acting insane and not him.

"We wanted Teddy here to have a godfather and our first thought was you right away," Remus tells him like if is obvious. He ruffles Spencer's hair (which she found herself surprised by) before bringing her in for another hug. Spencer laughs awkwardly before turning to Harry as if wondering if the words finally hit him. Fortunately, he is staring at her the same way before he grins. Spencer feels a burst of overwhelmn, astonish, delight, and pure excitement stir through her system of body before Ricky shakes her arms repeatedly.

"Harry's a godfather, Spence!" Ricky exclaims with his eyes almost popping out in disbelief.

Bill hurries to fetch some wine while Fleur tries persuading Remus in to join them for a drink. Dean and Luna head toward Spencer and gives her an amused look because of the surprise expression that stays on her face. She lets herself smile widely and it feels completely unusual, but worth every muscle around her mouth because it is this love that gives her hope for them. Spencer has to fight for those who she cares about and a babyโ€” Remus and Tonks have created something else for them to fight about.

"I can't stay long, I must get back," Remus explains, beaming around at them all: He looks years younger than Spencer has ever seen him even with the gray surrounding his hair. It is a beautiful sight to see. "Thank you, thank you, Bill."

Bill soon fills all of their goblets, they stand and raises them high in a toast. "To Teddy Remus Lupin," Remus announces, "a great wizard in the making!"

Spencer nods in agreement knowing how smart Remus is and how extremely brave and kind Tonks is as well. Surely, Teddy Lupin will grow up to be an excellent kid. That is no question, just pure facts.

"'Oo does 'e look like?" Fleur inquires.

"I think he looks like Dora, but she thinks he is like me. Not much hair. It looked black when he was born, but I swear it's turned ginger in the hour since. Probably be blond by the time I get back. Andromeda says Tonks's hair started changing color the day that she was born." He drains his goblet. "Oh, go on then, just one more," he adds, beaming, as Bill makes to fill it again.

The wind buffets the little cottage and the fire leaps and crackles, and Bill is soon opening another bottle of wine. Remus's news seems to have taken them out of themselves, removed them for a while from their state of siege: Tidings of new life were exhilarating. Only the goblin seems untouched by the suddenly festive atmosphere, and after a while he slunk back to the bedroom he now occupied alone. Spencer ignores his movements and focuses on the people that make her believe she has a family. Daniel is not there having left to do his own work, but she has an idea that he definitely heard about the birth of the child when him and Remus have been extremely close.

"No... no... I really must get back," Remus says at last, declining yet another goblet of wine. He gets to his feet and pulls his traveling cloak back around himself. "Goodbye, goodbye โ€” I'll try and bring some pictures in a few days' time โ€” they'll all be so glad to know that I've seen you โ€”"

He fastens his cloak and makes his farewells, hugging the women and grasping hands with the men, then, still beaming, returns into the wild night. Spencer runs a hand through her face.

"Godfather, Harry!" Bill exclaims as they walk into the kitchen together, helping clear the table. "A real honor! Congratulations!"

Harry smiles in accomplishment. "Thank you, Bill!" He chirps up happily. Spencer and Harry share a look and they both know what it means right away: Teddy Lupin will be greatly taken care of. She might not be in charge of him, but she will make sure he is out of harms way.

She gives a short nod at Bill and Harry before making her way toward Ricky. He hugs her immediately and gives her one last congratulations before exclaiming, "You know that child will be spoiled by you?"

"He will not," Spencer denies, but even as she says those words she thinks they are lies. Spencer does not have much experience with kids seeing as she is the youngest child and she never hung out with anyone that was a kid under eleven years old. However, she has grown to like how innocent they appear and possibly are which makes her believe that maybe she might spoil Teddy Lupinโ€” and you know what? Who gives a damn! Teddy may not be anything to her (in terms of not being relative nor anything legal), but she will make sure to love him all the same.


UNFORTUNATELY, THE BUZZING EXCITEMENT did not last too long and the hunt for Horcruxes has come back to get them moving. While Spencer wants nothing more than to stay at Shell Cottage, she knows it was about time for them to continue hunting the Horcruxes. Spencer no longer bares the pocket watch Dumbledore gave herโ€” for it had last been inside the bag that she always carried around her neck. Except that necklace is now gone from her own grasp and possibly lost, destroyed. Either way, she remembered the last number it showed her and has made some harsh calculations with it. Less than thirty days left (probably left than twenty too but who knows the correct calculations? To answer that, whoever has her necklace has the answer even if they do not know what it means). Less than a month until whatever will happenโ€” will happen. Something deep in her gut made her tell the others and they all just knew that it was time for them to get along with their plan.

She stands beside Ricky and Hermione while all five of them are outside the cottage. They have warned the others that they will be leaving soon, but never specified what time. Spencer gave her own goodbye to all of them, while also letting a note for Daniel to read whenever he heads back to check on them. She had a feeling she would no longer be there and now that is correct. Hermione is holding up a single, long coarse black hair that had been plucked by the sweater Hermione had been wearing at Malfoy Manor. She dips it inside the vial filled with the last Polyjuice Potion they have. Only one person will be able to use itโ€” the rest will have to be undercover.

Spencer offered to do it knowing it deep in her system that if she wants toโ€” if she really wants to, she can use that darkness inside her. That one that proves it to everyone that she is a true Montague. Her manipulation... the practice of being Morgana Montague's sister and Mordra Montague's nieceโ€” channel all of that power into being like her just as the words in her hand says. I must be like Morgana. Though, Hermione debunked the offer and claimed she would do it because she has Bellatrix's wand (and maybe because she saw the disgust and fear in Spencer's face in the thought of doing it).

And here she comes now, a bit taller than Spencer merely by inches, her long black hair rippling down her back. Spencer raises an eyebrow at how odd it is for Hermione to be in Bellatrix's body for her cold eyes remain the same of the dark witch and yet the voice reminds her much of her own friend. Beside her, Ricky flinches and barely looks at Hermione in the eye. She frowns slightly knowing he must be remembering how she tortured the two of them. The fact that has to be in the presence of his torturer's body completely traumatizes him.

"She tastes disgusting," Hermione speaks through Bellatrix's low voice, obvious yuck into the tone. "Okay, Ron, come here so I can do you..."

"Right, but remember, I don't like the beard too long โ€”"

"Oh, for heaven's sake, this isn't about looking handsome โ€”"

"It's not that, it gets in the way! But I liked my nose a bit shorter, try and do it the way you did last time."

Hermione sighs and set to work, muttering under her breath as she transforms various aspects of Ron's appearance. He is to be given a completely fake identity, and they are trusting to the malevolent aura cast by Bellatrix to protect him. Meanwhile, Harry and Griphook are to be concealed under the Invisibility Cloak. Harry attention turns to Spencer and Ricky, glancing them with a puzzled expression.

"And you said you have something planned for the both of you, right?" Harry questions again, his eyes darting from the girl to the boy. "If notโ€” you two can stay here and beโ€”"

Spencer glares at him harshly. "You don't think we're just gonna dip out on you, do you?"

Harry lets out a disappointed sigh. "No, but I don't want you guys to get hurt again," he reveals solemnly.

Ricky rolls his eyes. "Harry, as long as I am a muggleborn wizard, danger will come to me either way. Dean was found, wasn't he? Other Order members have gotten injured. And then Spencer here will never be safe with Morgana and Mordra trying to murder her," Ricky points it out straight ahead, not even bothering to be kind about it. Harry places his lips into a thin line before nodding.

"What is it then?" He refers to what they will do since they do not have Polyjuice Potion anymore and it would be odd if two more accompany Bellatrix Lestrange. Spencer takes out her aunt's wand with a slight smirk.

"Your Invisibility Cloak may be the best, but there are strong Invisibility Charms that exists," Spencer reminds him, causing a slight chuckle to escape Harry's lips. He nods impressively as if he should not have second-guessed her. Ricky glances at her and mouths 'strong?' knowing the charm that helped his parents hide from Death Eaters views long time ago, but not of any more.

Spencer points the wand at herself and waves it around while casting, "Maxima Inuisibilite." She glances at herself and nods appreciatively while noticing the two boys gape at her in surprise. Ricky shakes his head and mumbles to himself that he needs to add 'maxima' in his incantation before doing the same as she did. After the second try, he becomes the same shade of invisible as her and even the current wand he is using has become invisible as well which relaxes her. The other spell only makes them disappear but the wand is not a part of them which makes it visible. In hence, this one just holds itself stronger (of course, the Cloak simply continues to be even more powerful).

"Cool," Harry appreciates before they look up to find Hermione call them over.

"How does he look, Harry?" Hermione questions, pointing toward Ron who is under disguise. Spencer can still tell it is him, but perhaps it is because they know him pretty well. His hair is now long and wavy, he has a thick brown beard and mustache. There are no freckles in his face (which she finds odd because it is what makes Ron more attractive) and he has a broad nose and heavy eyebrows. Hermione tilts her head in confusion and asks, "Uh, where is Spence and Ricky?"

"Here," Spencer calls out calmly, raising an eyebrow in amusement when Hermione and Ron jump in surprise. From beside her, she hears her best friend claim the same thing. It takes a few minutes before they realize what they did.

Harry glances around him. "Shall we go, then?" Spencer takes one last look back at Shell Cottage, a nervousness sensation building up in her insides knowing these next few days, weeks, monthsโ€” they will all be dangerous and tiresome. Some (like what they were about to do) may even lead to their deaths if they are caught. It is dark and silent under the fading stars, but they turn and begin walking toward the point where the Fidelius Charm stops working and where they will be able to Disapparate.

When they pass the gates, Griphook (of course the goblin is going with them) speaks up, "I should climb up now, Harry Potter, I think?"

Harry bends down and the goblin clambers onto his back, his hands linking in front of Harry's throat. Hermione pulls the Invisibility Cloak out of the beaded bag (and unlike Spencer she still has hers which is fortunate) and throws it over them both. Now, four of them were invisible while Hermione is pretending to be Bellatrix and Ron some random wizard.

"Perfect," Hermione mumbles, bending down to check Harry's feet. "I can't see a thing. Let's go."

Spencer, having no clue where her best friend is, clears her throat and calls, "Ricky?" The muggleborn hums lightly before she feels a familiar touch on her hand. Knowing the two of them are holding on to each other, she turns on the spot and concentrates on being in the Leaky Cauldron, the inn that is the entrance to Diagon Alley. They move into the compressing darkness until her feet land perfectly onto the pavement and she looks around, her eyes right on Charing Cross Road.

Muggles bustle past wearing the hangdog expressions of early morning, quite unconscious of the little inn's existence. The bar of the Leaky Cauldron is nearly deserted. A man, the stooped and toothless landlord, is polishing glasses behind the bar counter; a couple of warlocks having a muttered conversation in the far corner glance at Hermione and draws back into the shadows.

"Madam Lestrange," murmurs Tom, and as Hermione passes he inclines his head subserviently. Spencer lets go of Ricky's hand knowing they are simply just going to follow Hermione and Ron inside. All they have to do is be absolutely quiet.

"Good morning," Hermione greets. Spencer makes a slight face knowing well that Bellatrix is not the kind to be polite. She would have probably hexed the man for even glancing at her. The man that greeted her seems to be surprised as well and she briefly hears Harry whisper under his breath, "Too polite. You need to treat people like they're scum."

Correct, Spencer tells herself before staying behind Hermione's (Bellatrix's?) back. Hermione draws out Bellatrix's wand and taps a brick in the nondescript wall in front of them. At once the bricks begin to whirl and spin: A hole appears in the middle of them, which grows wider and wider, finally forming an archway onto the narrow cobbled street that is Diagon Alley. It is quiet, barely time for the shops to open, and there are hardly any shoppers abroad. More shops than ever are boarded up, though several new establishments dedicated to the Dark Arts has been created since her last visit. Harry's face glares down at her from posters plastered over many windows, always captioned with the words undesirable number one. Funnily enough, there are also some that has her own picture on them with a warning saying that she can be dangerousโ€” which Spencer finds herself proud of.

A number of ragged people sit huddled in doorways. She hears a couple of people begging for coins, insisting that they are wizards... all the sayings one would hear outside a place of the streets. As they set off along the street, the beggars glimpsed Hermione. They seem to melt away before her, drawing hoods over their faces and fleeing as fast as they could. Hermione looks after them curiously, until the man with the bloodied bandage came staggering right across her path.

"My children!" he bellows, pointing at her. Spencer widens her eyes in surprise, her hand clutching onto the wand before feeling pity when his voice cracks, high-pitched and sounds distraught as he yells, "Where are my children? What has he done with them? You know, you know!"

"I โ€” I really โ€”" stammers Hermione. The man lunges at her, reaching for her throat: Then, with a bang and a burst of red light he is thrown backward onto the ground, unconscious. Ron stands there, his wand still outstretched and a look of shock visible behind his beard. Faces appear at the windows on either side of the street, while a little knot of prosperous-looking passersby gathers their robes about them and broke into gentle trots, keen to vacate the scene.

As much as she thinks the plan has attracted more people than necessary, perhaps it is not bad for Bellatrix would have cursed the man uncaringly either way. Does she feel bad for him? Yes, but for the supposed 'greater good' (maybe Dumbledore should take notes on this) they will have to do this in order to make sure Voldemort does not take any more children. Merlin, Spencer realizes, they were children...

Before they could move or consult one another, however, they heard a cry from behind them. "Why, Madam Lestrange!"

Spencer twirls around and narrows her eyesโ€” the voice sounded familiar. Like the one that had been trying to catch them during their time at Lovegood's place. She bites back her tongue to force herself not to speak up when the man is close to Hermione. He is tall and thin with bushy gray hair and a long, sharp nose. Spencer takes a step back when he is practically standing right in front of her.

Hermione has drawn herself up to her fullest height and with as voice much contempt as she could muster: "And what do you want?"

Travers stops in his tracks, clearly affronted. Spencer winces slightly and keeps her wand pointed at him just in case. As much as Bellatrix is insane, she has a decent amount of respect for other Death Eaters who are pledged to Voldemort without hesitation. For example, she imagines she rather likes Morgana because she is not in love with Voldemort himself, but has undeniable hunger for power and destruction of muggles. Though, perhaps the fact that Morgana is obsess with Mordra might make her intolerableโ€” Spencer does not know for sure since she is only assuming.

"I merely sought to greet you," Travers mutters coolly, "but if my presence is not welcome..."

"No, no, not at all, Travers," Hermione fixes quickly, trying to cover up her mistake. "How are you?"

"Well, I confess I am surprised to see you out and about, Bellatrix," Travers begins, staring at the woman with narrowed eyes and a complex filled with superiority. Spencer lets her eyes wander up to Hermione noticing the slight interest in her own as she questions why. "Well," Travers coughs, "I heard that the inhabitants of Malfoy Manor were confined to the house, after the... ah... escape."

Spencer widens her eyes in surprise and mentally pats Hermione in the back as she sneers in a magnificent imitation of Bellatrix's manners, "The Dark Lord forgives those who have served him most faithfully in the past. Perhaps your credit is not as good with him as mine is, Travers."

Though the Death Eater looks offended, he also seems less suspicious. He glances down at the man Ron had just Stunned. "How did it offend you?"

The young Montague rolls her eyes at how rude the Death Eater is. Instead of calling the man something humane, he says it as if it nothing but a thing. Spencer arches an eyebrow when Hermione coolly responds, "It does not matter, it will not do so again."

"Some of these wandless can be troublesome," Travers announces. "While they do nothing but beg I have no objection, but one of them actually asked me to plead her case at the Ministry last week. 'I'm a witch, sir, I'm a witch, let me prove it to you!'" he imitates in a squeaky impersonation. "As if I was going to give her my wand โ€” but whose wand," Travers starts curiously, "are you using at the moment, Bellatrix? I heard that your own was โ€”"

"I have my wand here," Hermione interrupts coldly, holding up Bellatrix's wand. "I don't know what rumors you have been listening to, Travers, but you seem sadly misinformed."

Spencer pales. This can work... but if Bellatrix has already announced her own wand as stolenโ€” she takes a close look at Travers's reaction. He appears taken back by the words and something in Spencer's guts tells her it is not ideal for Bellatrix to have her wand. Oh no... she holds in her breath trying to get her mind to help her out. No answers come to mind.

Luckily, Travers turns to Ron and motions to him. "Who is your friend? I do not recognize him."

"This is Dragomir Despard," Hermione introduces what they had come up with; that a fictional foreigner is the safest cover for Ron to assume. "He speaks very little English, but he is in sympathy with the Dark Lord's aims. He has traveled here from Transylvania to see our new regime."

"Indeed? How do you do, Dragomir?" Travers stares at Ron with unsureness, but perhaps not wanting to get on Bellatrix's bad side.

"'Ow you?" Ron coughs, holding out his hand. Travers extends two fingers and shakes Ron's hand as though frightened of dirtying himself. He glances at him suspiciously while asking, "So what brings you and your โ€” ah โ€” sympathetic friend to Diagon Alley this early?"

"I need to visit Gringotts," Hermione replies coldly.

"Alas, I also," Travers nods. "Gold, filthy gold! We cannot live without it, yet I confess I deplore the necessity of consorting with our long-fingered friends. Shall we?" The man gestures Hermione forward.

Hermione has no choice but to fall into step beside him and head along the crooked, cobbled street toward the place where the snowy-white Gringotts stood towering over the other little shops. Ron slopes along beside them, and Spencer follows knowing the other two will as well. A watchful Death Eater is the very last thing they need, and the worst of it is, with Travers marching at what he believes to be Bellatrix's side, there is no means for any of the invisible ones to communicate with Hermione or Ron. All too soon they arrive at the foot of the marble steps leading up to the great bronze doors. As Griphook had already warned them, the liveried goblins who usually flanked the entrance had been replaced by two wizards, both of whom are clutching long thin golden rods.

"Ah, Probity Probes," sighs Travers theatrically, "so crude โ€” but effective!"

And he set off up the steps, nodding left and right to the wizards, who raised the golden rods and passed them up and down his body. The Probes, Spencer remembers, detects spells of concealment and hidden magical objects. She makes a face before pointing her wand at each of the guards and murmurs, "Confundo."

She makes a quick calculation in her mind to figure out where Ricky and Harry are before pushing (what she hopes is them) them inside before any alarm can go off with them. Her spell goes unnoticed by the Death Eater and each of the guards give a little startled jump when the spells hit them affectively.

Hermione's long black hair rippled behind her as she climbed the steps. "One moment, madam," the guards murmur, raising his Probe.

"But you've just done that!" Hermione exclaims whiningly in Bellatrix's commanding, arrogant voice. Travers looks around, eyebrows raised. Spencer smirks to herself knowing her spell worked. He stares down at the thin golden Probe and then at his companion, who agrees in a slightly dazed voice, "Yeah, you've just checked them, Marius."

Hermione sweeps forward, Ron by her side, and the other three (with Griphook on Harry's back) trotting invisibly behind. Two goblins stand before the inner doors, which are made of silver and which carried the poem warning of dire retribution to potential thieves. They stand in the vast marble hall of the bank. The long counter is manned by goblins sitting on high stools, serving the first customers of the day. Hermione, Ron, and Travers heads toward an old goblin who is examining a thick gold coin through an eyeglass. Hermione allows Travers to step ahead of her on the pretext of explaining features of the hall to Ron.

The goblin tosses the coin he is holding aside, said to nobody in particular, "Leprechaun," and then greets Travers, who passes over a tiny golden key, which is examined and given back to him. Hermione steps forward.

"Madam Lestrange!" the goblin greets, evidently startled. "Dear me! How โ€” how may I help you today?"

"I wish to enter my vault," Hermione orders.

The old goblin seems to recoil a little. Spencer narrows her eyes and takes a look around the room... they seem to have a suspicion that no one but them knows. She walks quietly around the goblins before noticing the darkness in Travers eyes. Several other goblins have looked up from their work to stare at Hermione.

"You have... identification?" asks the goblin. Identification? They do not need an identification, only a key at the least, but everyone there knows Bellatrix which meansโ€”

"Identification? I โ€” I have never been asked for identification before!" Hermione hisses.

They know, Spencer realizes sharply. She holds in her breath not knowing what to do. The Confundus Charm will not work as efficient as the Imperius Curse, but Spencer does not find it in her heart to use any of the Unforgivable's. You have to mean it and Spencer knows those are the three spells that she will have the most trouble withโ€” unless they try to kill any of her close friends... then she would not hesitate to do so.

"Your wand will do, madam," the goblin announces. He holds out a slightly trembling hand. Spencer clenches her jawโ€” she will have to use it? It is obvious to her that the goblins and everyone else has the knowledge that Bellatrix no longer has her wand which means... she lifts up her wand, but before any thought of words escape her, the goblin blinks in surprise and takes Bellatrix's wand while exclaiming, "Ah, you have had a new wand made, Madam Lestrange!"

What? Spencer glances around the room in surprise.

"What?" Hermione squeals. "No, that's mineโ€”"

"A new wand?" Travers questions in disbelief, approaching the counter again; still the goblins all around are watching. "But how could you have done, which wandmaker did you use?"

Not even a second later, Travers nods, his eyes cold of emotion as he mutters, "Oh yes, I see. Yes, very handsome. And is it working well? I always think wands require a little breaking in, don't you?"

Spencer widens her eyes in shock and she knew then that someone must have done the Imperius Curse at the goblin and the Death Eater. Her mind gives her an answer: Harry James Potter. She has to admitโ€” her friend is particularly scary when he wants to be. It reminds her back at the Department of Mysteries and his desire to curse Bellatrix... of course, she cannot blame him. She just acknowledges that he truly does have a dark side, but focuses on the good part of him which in her opinion makes him better.

Hermione looks utterly bewildered, but she accepts the bizarre turn of events without comment. The old goblin behind the counter claps his hands and a younger goblin approaches. "I shall need the Clankers," he tells the goblin, who dashes away and returns a moment later with a leather bag that seems to be full of jangling metal, which he handed to his senior. "Good, good! So, if you will follow me, Madam Lestrange," the old goblin motions, hopping down off his stool and vanishing from sight, "I shall take you to your vault."

He appears around the end of the counter, jogging happily toward them, the contents of the leather bag still jingling. Travers is now standing quite still with his mouth hanging wide open. Ron is drawing attention to this odd phenomenon by regarding Travers with confusion.

"Wait โ€” Bogrod!"

Another goblin comes scurrying around the counter. "We have instructions," he says with a bow to Hermione. "Forgive me, Madam, but there have been special orders regarding the vault of Lestrange."

He whispers urgently in Bogrod's ear, but the Imperiused goblin shakes him off. "I am aware of the instructions. Madam Lestrange wishes to visit her vault... Very old family... old clients...This way, please..." Spencer shudders knowing the goblin is pure emotionlessโ€” she hates it. And, still clanking, the goblin hurries toward one of the many doors leading off the hall. Travers is still rooted to the spot looking abnormally vacant, and then he starts to come with them, walking meekly in their wake as they reach the door and pass into the rough stone passageway beyond, which is lit with flaming torches.

"We're in trouble; they suspect," Harry announces once the door slams behind them and he pulls off the Invisibility Cloak. Spencer flicks her wand and she sees herself starting to reappear onto sight. After a few seconds, Ricky begins being visible once more and he points toward the goblin named Bogrod and Travers.

"Whyโ€”?" He starts to question before Harry interrupts, "They're Imperiused."

Ricky gapes at him in surprise before nodding sharply, turning away perhaps slightly in disgust and awe (at how he actually had done it). Harry frowns and admits, "I don't think I did it strongly enough, I don't know..."

"I agree with Harry," Spencer takes the attention off him, "They were all watching us with suspicionโ€” Bellatrix announced to the world that her wand is gone." Perhaps not the world world, but she can bet that the older woman had gone through a breakdown because of their escape.

"What do we do?" Ron asks. "Shall we get out now, while we can?"

"If we can," Hermione nods, looking back toward the door into the main hall, beyond which who knew what was happening.

Spencer bites her lips before shaking her head. "No, no. If we leave, we would have gone through all this trouble for nothing and if there isโ€”"

Ricky cuts her off before she says the next word, "Let's go on then." Spencer gives him a nod in appreciation (she was about to slip up and say Horcrux in front of Griphook, Travers, and Bogrod).

"Good!" Griphook exclaims for the first time (to Spencer at least). "So, we need Bogrod to control the cart; I no longer have the authority. But there will not be room for the wizard."

Harry points his wand at Travers. "Imperio!" Spencer eyes Ricky who flinches at the saying of the Unforgivable Curse before wrapping her hand on his with a comforting nod. The older wizard turns and sets off along the dark track at a smart pace.

"What are you making him do?" Ron questions unsurely.

"Hide," Harry answers as he points his wand at Bogrod, who whistles to summon a little cart that comes trundling along the tracks toward them out of the darkness. Spencer is sure she can hear shouting behind them in the main hall as they all clamber into it, Bogrod in front with Griphook, Spencer, Ricky, Harry, Ron, and Hermione crammed together in the back. She practically sits in Hermione which she would not have a problem with if it were actually Hermione's body and not Bellatrix's.

With a jerk the cart moves off, gathering speed: They hurtle past Travers, who is wriggling into a crack in the wall, then the cart begins twisting and turning through the labyrinthine passages, sloping downward all the time. Spencer cannot hear anything over the rattling of the cart on the tracks: her medium-length hair flies behind her as they swerve between stalactites, flying ever deeper into the earth, but she keeps glancing back. They might as well have left enormous footprints behind them. It had been foolish to have Hermione dress up as Bellatrixโ€” but that was all they needed... wasn't it? It was Bellatrix's vault they had to go through either way so yes it was a mistake because they practically brought Death Eaters into their path, but necessary.

They are deeper than Spencer had ever penetrated within Gringotts; they take a hairpin bend at speed and see ahead of them, with seconds to spare, a waterfall pounding over the track. Spencer hears Griphook shout, "No!" but there is no braking: They zoom through it. Water fills Spencer's eyes and mouth. For those few seconds, she cannot see or breathe. Then, with an awful lurch, the cart flips over and they are all thrown out of it.

"Molliare!" Spencer points the wand immediately and before they can crush against the wall like how the cart had done so, everyone including her are gliding back toward the ground completely weightless. They land painlessly on the rocky passage floor. She sighs in relief and stands up, holding out her hands for Harry and Ricky to get up. It seems that Hermione had done the same for Ron, Griphook, and herself.

"Great thinking," Harry nods in surprise, rubbing off his clothes neatly while taking a look around the area they are in. The three of them turn to Ron and Hermione, but their eyes widen in surprise when they notice that Hermione no longer looks like Bellatrix Lestrange.

Ricky takes a step back. "You look gorgeous, Hermione," he tells the Gryffindor girl with a charming smile. Hermione stares at him in odd. "I was horrified staring at Bellatrix's figure, sorry," he adds in afterwards noticing their confused expressions.

Spencer frowns knowing her friend could barely look at Hermione because he most likely remembered being torturedโ€” how completely horrible. Her attention heads toward Ron who is now redheaded and beardless again. All of them have their enchantment day down which meansโ€”

"The Thief's Downfall!" Griphook claims, clambering to his feet and looking back at the deluge onto the tracks, which, Spencer knows now, had been more than water. "It washes away all enchantment, all magical concealment! They know there are impostors in Gringotts, they have set off defenses against us!"

Hermione checks that she still has the beaded bag, and Harry hurriedly thrusts his own hand under his jacket to make sure he has not lost the Invisibility Cloak. Spencer rubs her eyes for a few seconds before she hears Harry yell out the Imperius Curse once more. Her attention diverts to the side when she hears what sounds like small sounds of shifts coming from the waterfall. Fortunately, she was not the only one to have heard it and Ricky points the wand he is using up onto the waterfall and yells, "Protego!"

Immediately, a strong Shield Charm is produced by her best friend and it breaks the flow of enchanted water as it flew up the passageway. Spencer lets out a strangled laugh as she admits, "You're amazing, Ricky!"

Ricky gives her a short grin. "I try," he jokes lightly before they begin following Griphook into the darkness by where the vaults are. Spencer grasps his hand and stays close to him.

"I don't like this at all," she murmurs quietly. "They know we're here and I've been trying to find a way out, but I think we can only do that with pure destruction."

"Can't we Apparate?" Ricky questions, forgetting all about the waterfall for those seconds. Spencer shakes her head and points back at it.

"We can do spells inside, but we won't be able to get out that way. Not unless we destroy Gringotts itself," she responds back, gazing around the area with a short ting of sadness. There is this idea that architecture has meaning. Buildings are sorted out in a way that makes them themโ€” big or small, wide or thin... each of them are different. This banking system has existed for years and years and if Spencer's guess is correct... they will destroy it once they try to get out. Thankfully, however, magic exists and thus, within time and help it can be rebuilt.

They turn into a corner and Spencer gapes at the scene right in front of her. A gigantic dragon is tethered to the ground in front of them, barring access to four or five of the deepest vaults in the place. The beast's scales has turned pale and flaky during its long incarceration under the ground; its eyes are milkily pink; both rear legs bore heavy cuffs from which chains led to enormous pegs driven deep into the rocky floor. Its great spiked wings, folded close to its body, would have filled the chamber if it spread them, and when it turns its ugly head toward them, it roars with a noise that made the rock tremble, opens its mouth, and spit a jet of fire that sent them running back up the passageway. Spencer pities that poor creatureโ€” it should not be hold against us will under the misery of being some guard dog. Her minds take her to a familiar redhead and she purses her lips knowing Charlie Weasley would be absolutely devastated if he knew that the dragon is not out in the open.

(Look at her own reaction! She finds it completely horrible and while dragons fascinate her, she is nothing like how Charlie is in awe of them).

"It is partially blind," Griphook pants. They had ran away from it before it can burn them into ashes. "But even more savage for that. However, we have the means to control it. It has learned what to expect when the Clankers come. Give them to me."

Ron passes the bag to Griphook, and the goblin pulls out a number of small metal instruments that when shaken makes a loud, ringing noise like miniature hammers on anvils. Griphook hands them out: Bogrod accepts his meekly. "You know what to do," Griphook tells them.

Do they really? Spencer grimaces.

"It will expect pain when it hears the noise: It will retreat, and Bogrod must place his palm upon the door of the vault," Griphook explains vaguely, motioning for them to continue. Spencer forces herself not to glare at the goblin. She is all up for having sympathy for him, but it seems that he does not think the same.

They advance around the corner again, shaking the Clankers, and the noise echoes off the rocky walls, grossly magnified. The dragon lets out another hoarse roar, then retreats. Spencer can see it trembling, and as they draw nearer she notices the scars made by vicious slashes across its face. Oh, poor thing... she frowns at its appearance knowing the dragon must have been taught to fear hot swords when it hears the sound of the Clankers.

"I hate this," Spencer mutters to herself. And it is true because nothing seems to be really going their way. Something always seems to happen every time they have a plan which absolutely sucks because she used to always rely on plans but now she has faced situations where she just has to act first and think about the consequence later.

Harry points his wand at the goblin he Imperiused and the goblin presses his palm to the wood. The door of the vault melted away to reveal a cavelike opening crammed from floor to ceiling with golden coins and goblets, silver armor, the skins of strange creatures โ€” some with long spines, others with drooping wings โ€” potions in jeweled flasks, and a skull still wearing a crown. Her eyes widen in surprise before remembering this is the Lestrange vault and it is no surprise coming from a family filled with that type of insanity. It is not like Spencer's is any better.

"Search, fast!" Harry demands as they all hurry inside the vault. A while back he described to them Hufflepuff's cup to the four of them and Spencer clearly remembers reading about it to gain a good imagination of how it looked like. Before she has time to glance around to look for it, the doors behind begin to seal them inside the vault and then they are plunged into complete darkness.

"No matter, Bogrod will be able to release us!" Griphook shouts as Ron gives a shout of surprise. "Light your wands, can't you? And hurry, we have very little time!"


Harry shines his lit wand around the vault: Its beam fall upon glittering jewels. Spencer gulps with nervousness before taking the first stepโ€” Mordra's wand being raised up to give its own light source as well. Just by one step, Spencer shrieks in surprise and hisses in pain when she tumbles to the ground having tripped on some random metal box and her hands land onto a jeweled goblet. Unfortunately, it is not just any goblet and it multiplies a couple of times while burning her hands as well.

Ricky flicks his wand toward her and the pain slowly starts dissolving by the seconds. Spencer moves closer to him and it is a sign of gratefulness and fear while she makes sure not to touch anything. Unfortunately, Hermione and Ron seem to find themselves in the same situation with Griphook barely warning them, "They have added Gemino and Flagrante Curses! Everything you touch will burn and multiply, but the copies are worthless โ€” and if you continue to handle the treasure, you will eventually be crushed to death by the weight of expanding gold!"

"This would have been nice to know before we entered," Spencer rolls her eyes while lighting the wand again.

"Okay, don't touch anything!" Harry orders desperately. Except Ron has already touched one of the cursed goblets and twenty more explodes while Ron hopped on the spot, part of his shoe burned away by contact with the hot metal.

"Stand still, don't move!" Hermione gasps, clutching at Ron.

Ricky keeps his arm close around Spencer. "Alright, just stay in your place and look around, alright?"

Harry motions to Ricky in agreement. "Remember, the cup's small and gold, it's got a badger engraved on it, two handles โ€”"

It feels like they have been inside for years. Spencer squints her eyes tiredly, her wand moving slowly around to make she does not miss anything. To her, this feels like a puzzle where all the colors are the same but they are just trying to find that specific one with its special pattern and key. She knows that it is there because Harry is wearing this pained look on his eyes that makes her think he is going to throw up at any moment. The only thing that can affect them like that is the damn Horcrux so where is it?

And suddenly, she whips her head toward Harry who points up and yells, "It's there, it's up there!"

The five of them point their wands at it too and then Spencer spots it. There up away from them is a little golden cup that sparkles in a three-way spotlight. This cup had one belonged to Helga Hufflepuff and now has been stolen by the infamous Tom Marvolo Riddle. The only problem? They cannot get the cup unless they want to drown in a pile of gold.

"And how the hell are we going to get up there without touching anything?" Ron asks what they are all wondering. Spencer knows the Summoning Charm would not work because of what Griphook had told them back when they planned this session.

Harry glares at the goblin. "If you want the sword, Griphook, then you'll have to help us more than โ€” wait! Can I touch stuff with the sword? Hermione, give it here!"

Hermione fumbles inside her robes, draws out the beaded bag, rummages for a few seconds, then removes the shining sword. Harry seizes it by its rubied hilt and touches the tip of the blade to a silver flagon nearby, which thankfully do not multiply.

"If I can just poke the sword through a handle โ€” but how am I going to get up there?"

With the Hufflepuff cup being up on the shelf, none of them could reach it no matter how tall they are. The heat from the enchanted metals have increase and they can hear the dragon's roar and the sound of clanking growing louder, alerting them that they have not been surrounded. Spencer knows there is not much time left and so she motions Ron, who is the tallest, to bend down. Confusedly, he listens to her orders without hesitation before she asks if she can get on top of his shoulders. After that, he helps her up into there, leaving more space for the four of them.

"Harry, I'm gonna lift you up, but you have to be prepared, alright?" Spencer orders, one hand holding onto Ron's neck while the other is gripping onto Mordra's wand. Harry nods in acknowledgement while Hermione and Ricky step back. Spencer points her wand at Harry, "Levicorpus."

Harry is hoisted into the air by his ankle and with the enough space given, he does not crash into any of the enchanted metal. The Chosen One holds out Godric's sword with a trembling hand before it finally goes through the handle of the cup. Spencer releases a sigh of relief before Harry twists the wrong way and his right foot kicks some of the metal enchantments toward them. With screams of pain escaping the four wizards and two goblins, Spencer separates herself from Ron's back and is quickly caught by Ricky who does not allow her to get any more burned than she should be. Either way, all the metals surrounding them have replicated and the goblins are struggling to keep themselves up with all the pressure and pain.

"Impervius!" screeches Hermione in an attempt to protect all of them from the metal ground. The pain lessens, but by then they are waist deep. Griphook can no longer be except his long fingers. Fortunately, Harry seizes the goblin's fingers and pulls him up. Spencer winces when the goblin howls in absolute pain. She does not know how it happens, but the sword flies out Harry's hand.

"Get it!" Harry yells, fighting the pain of the hot metal on his skin, as Griphook clambers onto his shoulders again, determined to avoid the swelling mass of red-hot objects. "Where's the sword? It had the cup on it!"

The clanking on the other side of the door is growing deafening โ€” it is too late โ€” Spencer grips into her wand and looks up to the ceiling. Maybe if...


She turns to see Griphook point at the cup and the sword. Before anyone could get it, the goblin lunges and in that moment, Spencer knows whatever the situation is... they will not get that sword back. Griphook seizes the hilt of the sword and swings it high out of Harry's reach. The tiny golden cup, skewered by the handle on the sword's blade, is flung into the air. The goblin still astride him, Harry dives and catches it. Spencer just knows her friend can feel the scalding heat on his flesh when the Hufflepuff cup replicates once more, but even then he holds right into it to not lose its sight. Noticing that the entrance of the vault opened up again, they all find themselves sliding uncontrollably on an expanding avalanche of fiery gold and silver leading them into the outer chamber.

"Bloody hell," Ron curses, "we have the worst luck."

Spencer cannot help but agree silently.

And then it only worsens when her suspicions come true and she notices that Griphook is gone from Harry's shoulders. Somehow, he had sprinted for cover amongst the surrounding goblins, brandishing the sword and crying, "Thieves! Thieves! Help! Thieves!" He vanishes into the midst of the advancing crowd, all of whom are holding daggers and who accepts him without question.

"I hate that goblin," Ricky groans in realization. Spencer nods in agreement before staring at the only way out now. At first, she thought maybe by the ceiling, but they will need to fly out of there. However, it seems that the only way out is through. Harry seems to realize this as well and casts the first spell.

Soon enough, all of them were using the same spell, "Stupefy!" Jets of red light flies into the crowd of goblins, some topple over, others advanced. From the corner of her eye, Spencer can see that several wizard guards have made their way running around the corner. Noticing the glass shield by them, she points her wand straight at it and casts, "Finestra!" The glass shatters almost immediately and some of the wizards are cut with the shards.

The tethered dragon lets out a roar, and a gush of flame flies over the goblins: The wizards flee, doubled-up, back the way they had come, and inspiration, or madness (as Spencer would like to describe it), comes to Harry. Pointing his wand at the thick cuffs chaining the beast to the floor, he yells, "Relashio!"

The cuffs broke open with loud bangs. Spencer lets her mouth drop in surprise before Ricky grasps her hand and forces her to follow Harry's order. Getting rid of the shock, she continues to participate in shooting spells at the advancing goblins while they all sprint toward the blind dragon.

"Harry โ€” Harry โ€” what are you doing?" Hermione cries, doing the same as everyone else with the running and casting.

"Get up, climb up, come onโ€”"

The dragon has not realized that it is free: Harry's foot found the crook of its hind leg and he pulls himself up onto its back. He stretches out an arm for Hermione to hoist herself up. Soon enough, Ron does so as well. Spencer allows for Ricky to head on first, her eyes glancing around toward the advancing goblin before the dragon then becomes aware that it is untethered. It moves to the side, bringing Spencer down in surprise.

"Spencer!" Ricky shouts in worry. Without a second to waste, the Ravenclaw boy had caused some sort of Levitating Charm on her in suspense (and thankfully with her light weight) which pulls her up into the air. He grabs ahold of her hand immediately and brings her right onto his arms that tightened in fear that they will be separated.

With a roar, the dragon rears. Spencer clutches onto the dragon's odd scales as the wings opened and it knocks the goblins aside like nothing but garbage. With one last look at the destruction they have caused, Spencer keeps her eyes fluttering as the dragon soars into the air. She closes it for the amount of time that they scrape against the ceiling as it dived toward the passage opening.

"We'll never get out, it's too big!" Hermione scream:, but the dragon opens its mouth and belches flame again, blasting the tunnel, whose floors and ceiling cracked and crumbled. By sheer force the dragon claws and fights its way through. We are going to die for being idiots, Spencer repeats in her head while her eyes stay shut tight, hating the feeling of the heat and dust.

She can only cling to its back, expecting to be shaken off at any moment; then she hears Hermione yelling, "Defodio!"

Oh, you brilliant woman who I admire with the bottom of my heart, Spencer glances up and points her wand in the same way Hermione is. She is helping the dragon enlarge the passageway, carving out the ceiling as it struggles upward toward the fresher air, away from the shrieking and clanking goblins. Spencer starts copying her moves, blasting the ceiling apart with more gouging spells. It starts to work better when the three boys join in as well. They pass the underground lake, and the great crawling, snarling beast seems to sense freedom and space ahead of it, and behind them the passage is full of the dragon's thrashing, spiked tail, of great lumps of rock, gigantic fractured stalactites, and the clanking of the goblins seems to be growing more muffled, while ahead, the dragon's fire keeps their progress clear โ€”

And then at last, by the combined force of their spells and the dragon's brute strength, they have blasted their way out of the passage into the marble hallway. Goblins and wizards shriek and run for cover, and finally the dragon has room to stretch its wings: Turning its horned head toward the cool outside air it could smell beyond the entrance, it takes off, and with Harry, Hermione, Ron, Spencer, and Ricky still clinging to its back, it forces its way through the metal doors, leaving them buckled and hanging from their hinges, as it staggers into Diagon Alley and launches itself into the sky.

(And despite no longer having Dumbledore's watch with her, something tells Spencer they have now gotten closer to the day it had written).


not me making harry's sexuality not
straight ๐Ÿ˜šโœจ originally, ricky and
harry were gonna be together b4 i
decided that theo deserves appreciation
and i do not regret that at allllll

i've actually changed some stuff since
i began this story... like it's weird that it
could have gone another way...

anyway, we're actually super close now
rip to everyone. next week we begin and
imma leave u in suspense cuz i still Do Not
have the last chapter WRITTEN WHAT IS

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