๐๐๐ slumber party massacre
Chapter nine,
slumber party massacre
SHE HAD FELT RELIEF as this was something that she's never really experienced before in her eighteen years of living, the only thing she experienced was fear.
Perhaps, the only relief she felt had been when her brother was pronounced dead, but it immediately went back towards fear when her mother ended up dead, she only had herself to blame.
The three always reminded her, it always made her feel like shit. Also, guilt for rambling to her mom about the truth.
Throwing cold water in her face, she had attempted to let a smile appear on her face, but it would quickly go into a frown, she couldn't help, but remember herself as a fucking little girl, defenseless and it was hurting her because the mirror had a little girl version of herself, a five year old little girl in her princess pajamas, messy hair and confused.
ย ย She felt disgusting.
ย ย So, disgusting.
ย ย The sound of someone who was softly knocking on the bathroom door snapped her out of her own thoughts, she easily spoken to whoever it was, she had assumed that it was her boyfriend since he's really the only one who checks up on her, "I'll be out in a second, let me just freshen up." She had exhaled her breath, as she noticed that her cheeks were flushed, as she attempted to make it seem that she wasn't crying.
ย ย She had unlocked the bathroom door, and noticed it was Mindy, a soft smile on her face before she spoke softly, "Oh. . . I'm sorry, I was hogging up the bathroom for quite a while now. I didn't really mean to, you should've told me that you were waiting here, Mindy. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." She had apologized, rambling to her.
ย ย She had somehow had a habit of fucking rambling, and apologizing to those around her. Despite when she wasn't wrong in the position, and it was them in the wrong. But, Richie had always told her that people only like good girls who apologize even when they are right, so she had developed this habit of apologizing.
ย ย Mindy had pressed her lips into a thin line, and sighed, "No. I'm sorry, Naomi. I shouldn't of ever taken my anger out at you. . ." She had swallowed her saliva, fidgeting with her fingers as she had a conversation with her brother who made her realize that she wasn't being really nice, "Shouldn't of said those things back there in the bench. That was completely wrong on my own end." She had retorted.
ย ย Naomi wasn't really used to all of this, apology's where always hard, "It's fine, Mindy. You're valid to feel that way. . ." She shrugged her shoulders, "If anyone has to apologize it's me for yelling at you, that was inappropriate of me to do." She frowned.
Mindy furrowed her eyebrows, "You had every reason to be mad at me, Naomi. I don't blame you for being upset." She had placed her hand on her shoulder, and noticed how easily Naomi had flinched at the contact, it was always weird.
She easily noticed all the signs of the girl from the months of knowing her. As all these signs are easily displayed on common things, things that she didn't know which one that she was enduring.
Naomi had easily nodded her own head, and slowly changing the entire conversation before it can escalate to something else, and casually speaking, "So. . . are we friends now?" She had really wanted Mindy to be her friend, Mindy quickly nodded her head, "Friends." The red-head girl squealed in excitement.
Naomi felt happy, "I'm going to let you use the bathroom, and I'm going to help Chad just continue making the pasta," She smiled before walking past her, and had slowly entered the kitchen, a gasp escaped her lips, "Chad! You haven't even started boiling the water." His eyes had widened.
He was too busy standing beside the stove, and changing his phone wallpaper to a picture of his girlfriend from today, as she had whip cream mustache on the top of her lips, and her face red like a tomato from laughing.
All while they both had easily heard Tara snickering, "Told you to boil the water." He reminded the boy.
He had narrowed his eyes at his friend since he was ignoring her these thirty minutes to boil the water, he was just too busy fixing his phone wallpaper, and then he turned his eyes towards his girlfriend, eying her innocently, and pulling her closer to him, "You're so fucking beautiful, especially with whip cream on your lips." He teased her.
She felt her blushing, "Flirtation won't get you anywhere, so start boiling the water, so we can all eat." She pinched his face cheek.
He had let out an exaggerated huff, "Fine," Though a mischievous smile began to appear on his lips, especially when he had noticed that Sam and Mindy were entering the kitchen, he began to speak, "I've given us a nickname, well with the help of Naomi." Her eyes widened at the exposure.
ย ย She attempted to deny, "Liar."
ย ย He raised his eyebrow, "Nope. I'm not lying, she totally helped, Naomi just doesn't want you all to know that she's a nerd." He had teased his girlfriend.
ย ย She narrowed her eyes at him in simple amusement, "Well, I'm glad to not be part of this nickname." She teased him back, all while the friend group watched in amusement.
ย ย Sam chuckled, "I'm now nervous of this nickname." She smiled at the two who were by the stove.
ย ย Naomi shook her head, "This is the part where I join Anika. . ." She kissed her boyfriend on the lips before he called out, "You can never escape me, Naomi." He teased her.
ย ย She smiled shaking her head, approaching her friend in the living room. Both girls were just giggling, and making plans to hangout the following weekend, ditching the twins to have a coffee date. Though, their own laughter began to slowly vanish when they caught a glimpse of the television.
Anika yelling out, "Guys! What the hell!"
Everyone had began to appear towards the living room, Chad had quickly stood behind his girlfriend and slowly placing his hand on her shoulder, as she had flinched before easing up to his touch touch, she had easily placed her own hand over his.
Naomi felt that feeling, again.
"We're hearing sources from the inside Homicide devision that prime suspect is none other than Samantha Carpenter. Survivor of the Woodsboro killings in 2022 โ Seen here is Sam attacking a woman on the street last night. In the wait of the Woodsboro tragedy last year, rumors sprout up here online that Carpenter was actually responsible for the killings, blaming her crimes on her boyfriend, Richie Kirsch and Amber Freeโ"
ย ย Naomi flinched โ She had flinched after hearing that fucking name that will always haunt her, and the fact that Quinn had actually succeeded in having the world against Sam.
ย ย A figure appeared beside her, "You have evidence that your brother assaulted you. . ." Roman reminded the girl, she kept everything and that consisted of clothes to have even go, and having a professional confirm that she isn't a liar, "You can fucking blast his ass on social media, and your family." He gritted his teeth.
ย ย She remained in a daze, she was distancing herself from her own self โ Eyes were staring blankly at the wall, that she couldn't even seem to hear those who were around her speaking to her, or attempt to get her attention, "Naomi?" She heard from a distance, but for some reason she couldn't respond.
ย ย It was as if she was here, but also wasn't, though again she heard someone calling out her name, "Naomi?"
ย ย She had somehow snapped out of her head, "What's going on?" She had instantly began to glance around in pure panic, she didn't know what she missed.
Chad was easily bent down to her level, as he noticed that his sister and Tara were heading to comfort their friend, but Naomi is his number one priority, "You spaced out, again. . ." He had gently smiled before drowning, "Are you okay? Naomi, please be honest?" He intertwined his hand with her.
Her mouth was getting hot, lying thickly to him, again, "I'm fine, Chad. You should go and check up on Sam. . ." She had offered him a smile that hid nothing but pain, "I'm going to just chill here next to, Ani." She had offered her friend a genuine smile.
ย ย Anika given her a genuine smile, but she couldn't help, but worry for her friend. Naomi was to always be seen to space out, flinching amongst other things. It genuinely worried her.
ย ย Chad had nodded his head, as he wasn't buying her statement, as he had placed a soft kiss on her forehead, standing up and walking towards the dining table, and sitting beside his sister, though his eyes would always roam back towards his girlfriend.
ย ย Naomi quickly glanced at her friend who had a book in her hand, "Hey, Ani. Please, don't tell him anything, but. . ." Her voice was soft and also gentle when speaking to her in a complete hushed tone to her, "Is it completely wrong to somehow be happy that my assaulter is dead? But, he was family, but now I'm stuck with all these nightmares." A tear had trickled down her eye.
Anika who had reassured her, she was so comforting, "You're valid to feel happy for his death, Naomi. . ." She had then exhaled her own breath at the second statement on what her friend said, "Which family member did this to you? Again, you don't have to say anything until you're ready." She reminded the girl.
It had simply remained complete silent, so Anika Kayoko had taken that as her friend not ready to reveal anything, but her voice was so quiet that if she wasn't paying attention then she wouldn't of ever heard anything, and her eyes widened.
Naomi's voice cracked, "My brother. . ."
Before Anika can even speak, everyone's phones were simply vibrating like crazy, that had instantly made everyone run towards the middle of the living room, Chad had found his way towards his girlfriend, securely keeping a grip on her arm for safety precautions, and also away from the danger.
She knew what was coming. Not completely.
Silence was simply surfacing all around the room, as their hearts were thumping, echoing in their ear, all while Mindy muttered out one word, "Run." It was then that Quinn's body was thrown out of the room, and her body dropping onto Anika.
Ghostface appeared in their view, all with their eyes simply widened in panic. Everyone was in fear.
Chad had tugged his girlfriend with him, and leading her out of the small apartment, as both had not not realized that Tara was right behind them, all were ultimately leaving for safety not really knowing that one of them would simply end up dead tonight.
It was a slumber party massacre.
๐๐ฎ๐ญ๐ก๐จ๐ซ๐ฌ ๐ง๐จ๐ญ๐, hope you liked
chapter nine.
Naomi finally telling
someone, but Anika dying
knowing the truth. ๐ป
Naomi is genuinely smart,
I can't wait for her to pull of
what she's going to do.
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