IT was morning and Lillian woke up early, but stayed in her room. All she could do was think. Now that he was here, it'll be more dangerous for her to be alone. She needed a plan. More like plans to avoid him.

Knock. Knock.

"Who is it?" Lillian asked.

"It's Pepper. Can I enter?" Pepper asked. Lillian started to panic.

"Uh, wait a minute!" She said and grabbed her cloak and put it on and the opened the door. Pepper looked surprised to see her with a cloak on.

"You know, you can take that cloak off if you want" Pepper suggested and Lillian shook her head.

"I don't think I can reveal myself yet." Lillan said.

"You don't have to worry. No secrets comes out from this building" Pepper insisted.

"No, thanks. And besides, if I show myself, Tony would only use it as a blackmail to get me spill everything. And I don't want Spidey and Ned to see myself too" Lillian explained herself.

"Well, you don't have to worry. Spider Man and his friend already left. They have school" Pepper said and Lillian's eyes widened.

'Oh shoot! I forgot about school!' She thought.

"And besides, it's only Tony and I are in this floor. And having a cloak inside house is bad" Pepper said and Lillian sighed.

'Well, since Peter and Ned are now gone, I guess I could...It's also been a while..' Lillian thought.

"Fine, but you nor Tony can speak about this to anyone" Lillian said and Pepper nodded. She was also curious about Lillian's look.

Lillian took off her cloak and Pepper looked at her. She was a bit surprised. It almost like, she was seeing her younger self but with..Tony's.

"You look beautiful" Pepper complimented her and Lillian blushed.

"T-Thanks.." She replied.

"Come on. Tony's cooking our breakfast" Pepper said.

"Tony can cook? Are you sure you're not making a bad choice to let him cook?" Lillian asked and Pepper giggled.

"Don't worry, he can cook..a little" Pepper said.

"I hope I don't get food poisoning.." Lillian muttered.

Soon, Lillian and Pepper arrived at the kitchen where Tony was cooking, well trying to cook.

"Tony! What have you done?!" Pepper asked in panic as they saw that the food that Tony was trying to cook was almost...burnt.

"How in the world did you manage to burn a toast?" Lillian asked as she walked towards them. Tony glared at her.

"It's not burned alright" Tony said and Lillian rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, my bad. Almost burned it" She corrected. Tony was about to say something when he looked at Lillian very carefully. She wasn't wearing her cloack. Tony could see her face now and boy he was shocked to see her. He thought he could see his younger self mixed with Pepper. Just like what Pepper thought before.

"Ok, from this time on, you are not touching anything from the kitchen. You two, go sit while I cook something for breakfast" Pepper said and Lillian sighed.

"Thank God. I almost thought I would die from poisoning" She said and walked to the dinning room.

"What do you mean by that! I'm not that bad!" Tony said as he followed her.

"Yeah and and by judging how you almost burned the toast clearly tells me that you're not bad at cooking" Lillian sarcastically said.

"Why you.." Tony said. He can't believe that he's arguing with a sixteen year old girl!

After some time, Pepper finally got there with some cooked foods.

"Here you go" Pepper said.

"Thanks for saving me" Lillian said and they all started to eat. After eating, they all decided to stay for a little bit.

"So, gonna tell me what that boy meant by you being from another world?" Tony asked and Lillian looked down. Pepper saw that Lillian was not comfortable with his question.

"Tony, I think it's not the right time to a-"

"No, it's alright. I can answer. After all, what's the point of hiding it.." Lillian said and looked at them.

"You see, I am from another world" Lillian answered.

"Told you" Tony whispered to Pepper who glared at him.

"And why did you come here?" He asked.

"In my world..chaos was everywhere. Before, everything was fine. There were superheroes that saves our world. The crime rates were almost down. There was peace." Lillian told with a small smile, but soon vanished.

"But, after my father died, everything went dark" She said.

"Why?" Pepper asked.

"My dad was a superhero. He was the main reason why there was almost any crime or weird aliens trying to take over earth. After he died...many criminals started to take it as a opportunity to continue what they have left. They all caused chaos" Lillian said.

"But what has that to do with that boy? And it seems to me that you two know each other" Tony said.

"He was my best friend. He was a fan of dad and when he found out he died, he changed. He has powers too, but instead of using it for good like he always did, he used it to do something horrible. Worst than any criminals tried to do" Lillian said but stopped and looked down.

"He started to kill" She said and Pepper gasped while Tony just stared at her, with a little shock.

"He thought that if he kills..the pain would go away. I tried to convince him, telling him that killing won't take the pain and that it won't take him anywhere, but he didn't listen. Our close friend tried to talk to him but.." Lillian said and tears almost started to stream down to her face.

"He killed him didn't he.." Tony guessed and Lillian slowly nodded.

"Oh no.." Pepper said.

"He didn't even think twice killing our friend. And the worse part is, he killed him right in front of me." Lillian said.

"After that, I promised to myself that I will do anything to stop him. So I decided to create something. Superpowers" She said and Tony looked at her in shock.

"How?! That's literally illegal! Creating a superpower can have really bad effects!" Tony said.

"My dad was a genius person and I got his intelligent, so creating something like that was not hard. When I finally created it, I tested it on myself and it worked. I finally had super power. I thought that I could beat him, but I couldn't. Because everytime we would face each other, I always remember our past. But then one day, we were fighting each other. I was about to escape from him when he grabbed me and pushed me into a portal" Lillian said.

"And that's how you got here" Tony said and she nodded.

"But if he sent you here. Why would he want you back?" Pepper asked.

"I don't know. Before he pushed me off to that portal and now he wants me back. I can't go back there. I won't" Lillian said.

"Then stay here" Pepper said and Lillian looked at her.

"You could always stay here with us. You'll be safe in here" Pepper said and Lillian shook her head.

"No, no! You got it all wrong! He knows where I am now and if I stay here any longer, he will go after you. I don't want to be the cause of your death!" Lillian said.

"Well tough luck kid, cause I have decided, like literally this moment, that you will stay here with us!" Tony said and Lillian's eyes widened.


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