Chapter 28) Trusting Instincts

It was a struggle to get some sleep after being awake for almost twenty-four hours. My instincts began to come into play as I jumped out from my bed and kept sensing that something wasn't right. I stepped out of the master bedroom and seen my wife and son sitting peacefully on the couch. I walked around the house with suspicion and immediately upon seeing me, Ashley stood up and walked towards me with concern.
"Ro, are you okay? You should be resting."
"Something isn't right here, Ash." I sighed, "I keep having this gut-feeling that you, Duke and Loto may need to stay with my parents for the night."
"Are you sure? We have to discuss what we're going to do for Loto's schooling. He's growing up fast, you know?"
I nodded, "I know."
Something deep inside of me was telling me to get Ashley, Loto and Duke out of harm's way. I didn't understand why my body was jittery, my heart began pounding more than usual. I helped pack their suitcases, Duke's food and everything else before escorting them into my car.
"Daddy, are you okay?"
"Yes, son." I cleared my throat, "Daddy's fine."
"Ro, you've been a lately."
"No, not really." I replied, "Something in my mind keeps telling me to take you guys to my mother's because of him."
"You're joking. You and I both know that he's being monitored with every movement he makes, Ro. There's no way that he would find a way to escape prison."
"You sure about that? If I recall, he's escaped prison twice and I think he's out again. During SmackDown, something wasn't sitting right with me. I took all my frustrations out on Jey on live television because of him making a match for me. This whole gut-feeling has taken its toll on me and I just want you guys to stay with my mother and father until things get situated, alright?"
"Alright, Ro." Ashley said, "Maybe your gut-feeling is right after all."
"Probably. I won't know for sure until I call the prison that they've taken him to."
Half an hour later, I pulled into my parents' driveway and brought my whole family to them. 
"Hey son, what's going on?" My father asked.
"I've been having a bad feeling about something and I just need my family to stay with you guys for awhile. Is that okay?"
"We don't mind at all! But who's this little puppy?" My mother asked.
"Duke. He's our guard dog that I recently adopted because Rollins broke in not too long ago and vandalized our entire home. I don't think it would be safe for our dog to be inside of our home until I'm for certain that everything will be taken care of."
"I understand, son."
My mother and father pulled me into a hug, "We love you."
"I love you guys too. Please, protect my wife, my dog and my children."
"Children?" Both of my parents said in sync, shocked. 
My parents looked down to seeing Ashley's stomach. I realized that her pregnancy bump was beginning to show more recently and the thought of becoming a father of two still brought a smile on my face. 
"You guys didn't tell us that you were having another baby on the way." My father said. 
"We were eventually going to tell you guys, but things have been getting in the way and it's been difficult." I replied.
"It's okay, son. Take care of yourself and let us know if you need anything."
"I will, see you guys later."
I hugged my parents for the last time and walked towards my pregnant wife and gave her and my son a hug before leaving to take care of some business.

Driving back to my house, I picked up my phone and called the prison that was keeping Rollins. 
"Hello, I just needed to ask a question."
"What's your question, sir?" An officer said over the phone.
"Do you guys happen to still have Mr. Seth Rollins in your facility?"
"Unfortunately, no. We've been on the search for him for a couple of days. He somehow found a way and broke out of our prison. We have tons of police officers searching for his whereabouts."
"Shit, thanks for telling me."
I hung up the phone and drove around Pensacola for hours. I refused to rest until I felt like it was safe for me to bring my family back home. I'm glad that I was able to listen to my instincts before something drastic were to happen. 
Before I could make it back to my house, I realized that the outside garbage bin was knocked over, my dogs home was destroyed and I walked into the house after unlocking the doors to seeing spray paint on the walls that said, "I'm still here!" With a smiley face underneath. 
"Motherfucker!" I shouted.
I walked across the house with anger written all over my face. Pictures of me and my family were knocked over and glass was shattered all over the floor. I looked behind me and then I realized that mine and Ashley's bedroom looked as if a tornado had ran through it. Blankets were all over the floor, clothes were scattered across the bed and even Ashley's birth control medicine was spilled all over the floor.
"Rollins! Get your ass out here right now and fight me!"
All I could do was walk around my home and he was nowhere to be found. Nothing was stolen, just completely vandalized. I searched everywhere in my house for him. The living room, the bathrooms, outside, all the bedrooms; even the movie room. He vanished. 
"So help me, Rollins. I'm going to kill you the moment I see your face again." I said to myself. 
While making another trip around my city, he wasn't anywhere to be found. I called the police and explained that he broke into my house and vandalized everything. They were going to be taking an investigation for a day until I could bring my family back home. 
Arriving back to my parents' home, I was greeted by everyone all at once. 
All I could do was remain silent.
"Son, what's wrong?"
"Yeah, Ro. I hope our home is safe."
I shook my head with my eyes staring at my feet.
"Wait..." Ashley paused, "What happened?"
"He happened." 
"You mean to tell me that he did it again?"
"Yes, he vandalized our home once again. Knocked down our pictures together, ruined our bedroom and even spilled your medicine on the ground."
"Did you call the police?"
"Yes and they're going to be investigating our home from now until tomorrow evening."
"Oh my gosh." Ashley said, running upstairs into my childhood bedroom and closing the door.
"Mom, dad? I'll be back. Watch Loto." 
I made my way upstairs and went into my old bedroom, seeing my wife sitting at the corner with her face being hidden with her knees. 
"It's not fair!" She cried.
"Baby." I sat down next to her and brought her close to me. "I'm gonna find a way to end this once and for all."
"But how? He keeps coming back; over and over again."
"Look, I'm going to see if they'll transfer him overseas to another prison so he can't bother us anymore."
"Please..." Ashley begged. 
It took awhile to convince my wife to come back downstairs with us. Seeing her go though this and being pregnant at the same time is taking a huge toll on her. I was going to need to take action and get Rollins sent overseas to a different prison. I just couldn't handle seeing my pregnant wife having a nervous breakdown over this to where I was worried that because of him, that she could have a miscarriage due to the constant stress and that's one of the things I feared the most.
It was time to take more, extreme measures to protect my family. 

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