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To say that the whole night had been a roller coaster of emotions, would be an understatement. Many of the tomb vampires that they let out, got back to town for their revenge on the founding families, not succeeding and ending up getting killed themselves in the cellar of Elena's father's old office. Alice and Damon Salvatore were the only survivors that got taken down there, thank to their brother, Stefan.

Alice Salvatore had gotten a text from her friend Elena to meet her at the Gilbert house, asking if she could come over since something had happened to Jeremy. But when she arrived at the house, John was getting taken away on a stretcher in the ambulance and the officer outside wouldn't let her enter the house until Elena told him that it was okay from the top of the stairs.

"What happened?" Alice asked Elena as she followed Elena upstairs into her brother's room as Elena handed her the now empty bottles of pills that were originally for her, but were now empty since Jeremy almost took them all.

"He said that Anna gave him her blood and then he took these pills and now I mean he looks fine but then again so do you. So, I just I don't know." Elena explained to her as Alice threw the bottle on the bed next to Jeremy and crouched down before him, taking Jeremy's face in her hands so that she could examine his eyes to see if anything strange was going on.

"I'm fine, okay? I feel exactly the same?" Jeremy said, frustrated, trying to get Alice to loose her grip on his face."Should I call a paramedic up here? What should I do?" Elena asked her with worries. She was already full of adrenaline with what happened to John and everything else this evening.

"No, he's fine." Alice said as she looked at Jeremy's eyes but saw nothing wrong with them before standing back up. Elena let out a breath of relief. She didn't even want to imagine what could've happened if these pills had worked and her little brother would've been a vampire.

"You mean I'm not a vampire? Damn it!" Jeremy cursing at himself. He was annoyed that his attempt at becoming a vampire had miserably failed.

"Don't say that Jeremy! Jeremy, why would you want that?" Elena asked him, shocked. She had had no idea that he wanted to become a vampire. But once you were one and didn't want to be one anymore, it would already be to late. She just didn't want to lose another person in her life.

"Did you hear about Anna, what happened to her tonight? She's dead." Jeremy said, standing up and Elena could see that it was really hurting him.

"Jeremy, Jeremy. Come here, sit down." Alice said, grabbing him by both his arms, but not enough to hurt him, and pushed him back on his bed. Once again that evening she grabbed his face, knowing he would look at her then without looking away because what she was gonna say was important. "I am very sorry about Anna. I really am. But it's very important that you listen to me right now. With every passing moment, Anna's blood is leaving your system. If you try to kill yourself right now, you could really die."

Jeremy did look away.

"Hey." Alice spoke in a gently tone and no matter how much he didn't want to, Jeremy looked back at her. "I know you are hurting right now, but if you turn into a vampire, you're gonna be stuck feeling that pain for always." Even if he turned it off, the pain when he turned it back on would be more overwhelming than any kind of emotions. "Do you understand me, Jeremy?"

"Yeah, I understand." The teenage boy answered eventually and both of the girls let out a sigh of relief now. Alice got back up on her feet, standing next to Elena.

"What about the pills that he took?" Elena asked her, looking at the bottle next to her brother.

"He didn't take enough to die so Anna's blood actually healed him of that." Alice explained to her as her brother came walking in with a policeman.

"Miss Gilbert?" The policeman asked her, wanting her attention for God knows what.

"I'll be right there." Elena told him and the man left after he nodded at her as Stefan walked over to hug Elena and Alice turned back to Jeremy, giving him a small, showing him that he could count on her support no matter when.

"No, you need to be at the hospital." Alice said to her friend and her brother, looking back at their direction after the couple was done with hugging.

"But-" Elena tried but Alice cut her off. "No, I'll stay here with Jeremy and you go to the hospital with Stefan."

"No, I don't need a babysitter." Jeremy said, even more annoyed. He just wanted to be alone.

"Yes, you do." Elena said. Did he really think she was gonna leave him alone after what he just did?

"Please tell Caroline if she is awake, I'll be coming to visit her later." Alice called after them as the couple started to leave for the hospital.

"We will." Stefan said back, Alice hearing it because of her vampire hearing.

"Thanks, Stefan."

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Jeremy was asleep in his bed almost an hour alter. Alice was pacing beside his bed, still watching out for the teenager when she heard the front door open and close. Thinking that it was probably Elena with her brother or Jenna coming home, she went quickly ran downstairs.

But when she came downstairs, it was only Elena. Or so she thought.

"Hey! How was Caroline?" Alice asked the Gilbert as quickly as she stood by her side. She wanted to visit Caroline but someone had to keep an eye on Jeremy. She could probably just sneak in without anyone noticing.

"Not good." Katherine said, embracing the other vampire, who quickly hugged her back. "Just what I needed." Katherine pulled away from her, but leaned back in as she tried to kiss her.

That of course gave her away as Alice realized it was Katherine, grabbed her by the back of her neck and threw her over the couch to the ground on the other side of the Gilbert's living room. "Katherine."

Katherine got back up without any need for help. "At least I fooled one of you."

Alice rushed over to her and pushed her up against the wall, her hand around Katherine's throat. "Feel better?" Katherine asked her, giving her a look but Alice rushed over and pushed her against another wall as someone began to open the front door, with which Alice got distracted. Katherine took that as an opportunity to grab her arm and bend it behind her back before throwing Alice down on the floor. Katherine smiled at her before rushing out of the Gilbert house in a hurry so that the three outside wouldn't see her.

Elena and her two brother entered as Alice stood up, quickly cracking her arm to fix what Katherine had messed up.

"Alice? What happened?" Stefan and Elena asked her immediately with worry while Damon already knew what was going on.

"Katherine happened." Damon answered for his little sister as she just nodded before walking in to the kitchen, the others following right behind her.

"Did she say what she wanted?" Damon asked her as Alice sat down by the table while her two brothers kept standing up.

"No." Alice answered.

"Woman certainly knows how to make an entrance." Damon said as Stefan started pacing even more than he normally does.

"She said she fooled one of us, at least. Which one of you two was it?" Alice asked them and Stefan immediately looked at Damon since he was sure he had had no weird interactions with Katherine this evening.

"She pretended to be Elena too when I showed up earlier tonight." Damon said, explaining not to much as his two siblings nodded while Elena entered the kitchen.

"I told Jeremy, I can't lie to him anymore." Elena said to them, sitting down on a chair next to Alice.

"Are you alright?" Stefan made his way towards her.

"No, I'm not alright. I thought that with all the tomb vampires gone things would get better." Elena said to them. All of the tomb vampires were dead and now Katherine had to show up.

"I know. We all did." Stefan told her.

"Katherine was in this house, that means she's been invited in, what are we gonna do?" Elena asked the three siblings.

"Move." Alice and Damon suggested at the same time.

"Very helpful, thank you." Elena said with sarcasm.

"Katherine wants you dead. There's zero you can do about it. You would be dead." Damon said.

And Alice continued. "But you're not. So clearly she has other plans."

"Right and we need to find out what those other plans are and not provoke her in the process." Stefan said, mainly looking at Damon since he knew Alice wouldn't do anything stupid when it came to the person who's fault it was that they were all vampires. "What happened tonight when you thought she was Elena?" Stefan decided to ask and Alice turned around to Damon with curiosity.

"To risk another frown line encroaching on a very crowded forehead. We kissed."

Alice quickly turned back around to the couple.

"And you thought it was me?" Elena asked him, feeling extremely surprised.

"What do you mean you kissed?" Stefan asked his brother and it was clear that he was started to get angry.

"Well, you know, when two lips pucker and they go." Damon puckered his lips and made kissing noises. Stefan rushed at him with his vampire speed but Damon did the same thing, making the brothers just switch places with each other.

"Don't be obvious, Stefan." Damon said to his little brother. Stefan started to walk towards Damon again but Elena got up and put her hand in front of Stefan so that he would stop walking.

"He kissed Katherine, not me." Elena looked behind her, at Damon. "I wouldn't do that."

"We don't have time for this guys." Alice said, interrupting the three. "John must know something. There has to be a reason why Katherine tried to kill him."

"She's Katherine, Ali. She loves to play games and you're fooling yourself if you think you're going to find out what she's been up to before she wants you to know." Damon said.

"No, actually Alice's right, John could know something through Isobel." Stefan said before turning towards his girlfriend. "Your mother, she was in touch with Katherine so maybe we can go to the hospital and get him to talk."

"I've got a better idea." Damon said to them, catching all of their attention, thinking that he was gonna say something that could actually help them.

"What's that?" Alice asked him.

"I'm just gonna ignore the bitch. See you."

"Is that smart?" Elena asked him.

"If Katherine thinks she's been ignored it will lure her out, she'll make a move." Damon explained. And he simply just didn't even want to look at that her.

"Yeah? And then what?" Stefan asked.

"Stake her, rip her head off, something poetic. We'll see." Damon offered all kinds of choices to kill her before leaving the house.

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Alice apparently went to the hospital after her brother Damon last night, but the girl just hadn't noticed that her friend's condition had bettered, cause the girl was fast asleep when she came in.

That was different today. As Alice came walking in the room, Bonnie and Matt were already there. "Jersey Shore's on." Was the first thing Caroline said to Alice when she saw her and the Salvatore let out a breath of relief to see her friend doing better again.

Alice quickly went over to embrace her friend a little bit too hard.

"Careful, still a little sore."

"Sorry." Alice apologized, knowing that it was probably her vampire strength showing.

"Its okay but they say I'm healing really quick." Caroline told her.

"My turn." Matt said from the other side of Caroline's bed before kissing her while Alice hugged Bonnie who started to cry from joy.

"Oh, isn't he cute?" Caroline asked the two other girls, but she hand't noticed Bonnie crying.

"Why are you crying?" Caroline, immediately asked her.

"I'm just happy you're okay." Bonnie said as Alice hugged her even more close from the side as Caroline grabbed her hand.

"Oh, I love you guys!" Caroline said.

"We love you." Alice said before the three girls embraced each other, this time being more careful for Caroline.

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"Katherine." Alice greeted, standing by the door of the room Katherine and Bonnie are in. Katherine was holding Bonnie to the wall by her neck, making Bonnie open the door to catch attention with her witch powers. Even if she hadn't heard the fighting, Alice would've definitely seen the door fly open and she wasn't the only one.

"Alice." Katherine greeted, smiling at the Salvatore girl.

"Leave her alone."

"Okay." Katherine said, releasing Bonnie from her grip as she left the room, tracing Alice's side with her fingers as she did so. Alice looked at Bonnie with a questioning look and when the Bennett nodded yes, Alice knew she was alright and that she could go after Katherine out into the main room of the Lockwood mansion.

"What are you doing here?" Alice asked her.

Katherine grabbed a drink off a tray as they passed a waitress. "After the way you treated me last night, I thought that a public place would be less violent."

"You're taking this a little far, don't you think? Elena could walk in at any moment." Alice said to her. People were definitely going to ask question if they suddenly saw two Elenas at the same time.

"Mmm, but that's part of the fun, Alice." Katherine replied, picking up a cherry from another tray on the table they stood by. "Damon's here, somewhere. I've been avoiding him." She said before putting the cherry in her mouth, but when she saw Matt walking towards them, she took it back out.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Matt. I heard that Caroline is doing much better. Her recovery was practically miraculous, you must be so relieved." Katherine said, playing her role.

"I am. Thanks Elena." He said, thanking her before leaving again and Alice gave him a smile as went.

"Ugh! His eyes are so blue!" Katherine spoke, passing Alice again, talking about Matt.

"You need to leave now." Alice said to her but Katherine didn't seem to want too.

"You're hurting my feelings, Alice. Damon was much happier to see me, then again he thought I was your brother's girlfriend so..."

"Katherine, I'm not doing this with you." Alice said, rolling her eyes at the vampire in front of her, who was still looking down at the table with all the food.

"Walk with me?"

"Just tell me what you're doing here." Alice demanded of her, she just wanted to get on with her day.

"Maybe I missed you. Is that an acceptable reason?" Katherine said, finally turning back around so she was face to face with Alice.

"What game are you playing?" Alice question her, knowing if it was even true, there was definitely going to be another reason as well.

"Why, you want to play with me?" Katherine asked, stepping closer to her but Alice didn't break eye contact.

"I don't know. How can I play if I don't know the rules?" She asked.

"No rules, Alice. Don't you remember? No rules." Katherine replied, smirking as she repeated her words from so many years ago.Β  She looked once more at Alice, before walking towards the exit if the room, stopping by the door to look back at Alice, to see if she was following.
Feeling Katherine's eyes on her, she turned around to see the Pierce held out her hand for her.

With a sigh, Alice walked towards her, Katherine smiled as she turned around, thinking that Alice was coming over to grab her hand, still holding out her left hand for the girl to hold, but Alice walked right past her, ignoring Katherine's request to hold hands with her. Katherine dropped her hand before following the Salvatore girl.

The walk to outside was quiet, unlike Alice had suspected. She had thought that the older vampire would be here, talking her ears off. At least that was until Katherine broke the silence.

"The Lockwoods have a lot more land than they used to. The possessions from all the tomb vampires built them quite a fortune." Katherine said.

"Yeah, why did you want them dead? You're the one who turned most of them." Alice asked her. Not all of the vampires in the tomb were bad back then.

"There's nothing more annoying than a vengeful vampire, Alice. Just ask John Gilbert."

"You haven't changed at all, have you?" Alice asked her as she stopped walking and so did Katherine.

"But you have. You're stronger. Meaner. Sexy." Katherine said as she looked back at her. Alice had definitely changed a lot but vampirism stood good on her, it really did. She was no longer that innocent girl that she met in 1864 that was about to get married to George Lockwood because her father had arranged a marriage for them. But her being so innocent and kind was probably the thing that made her Katherine's favourite out of the three siblings.

"Don't flirt with me Katherine. I'm not my brother. I haven't spent one hundred and forty five years obsessed with you." Alice told her.

"Yeah, based on your choice of women, I'd say otherwise. Although I'll admit it did bother me that you fell in love with other people." Katherine admitted, walking around the girl.

"I was never in love with you, Katherine." Alice said, also turning around. "You compelled me. So none of my feelings were real."

"Believe what you want, Alice, but I know the truth and deep down, so do you." Katherine said, walking closer and taking a grip on Alice's daylight necklace that Katherine had made Emily made for her all these years back.

"The truth? Well the truth is, you're the same lying, selfish, manipulative bitch that you've always been. So, whatever it is that brought you here, why don't you just get on with it and leave town? Because if you don't, I will hunt you down and I will rip your heart out." Alice spoke to her in anger. She couldn't help but feel every time she got angry at the vampire over the past hundred and forty five years come up now that she stood finally face to face with the person who ruined her and her brother's lives.

"You wanna know why I'm here, Alice?" Katherine asked and it was clear that Alice's words had hurt her. "I came back for you."

But it didn't mean anything to Alice.

"Well the problem, Katherine, is that I hate you."

Suddenly Katherine used her vampire speed to take an iron stem from the ground and stab Alice in the stomach with it, making Alice's head fall on her shoulder from pain. "You hate me, huh? That sounds like the beginning of a love story, Alice, not the end of one." Katherine removed the iron stem and fled from the Lockwood grounds.

A few minutes later, Alice had stood up and had decided to leave. She couldn't possibly walk back in there without the town finding out she was a vampire and to be honest she wasn't really in the mood either.

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Welcome to my new book: Power Over Me! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter!

Words: 3280

Published: July 4, 2024

Republished: SUNDAY FEBRUARY 9, 2025

Thank you for reading and be sure to comment and vote. They are a big help for motivation.


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